path: root/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics')
15 files changed, 1948 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/cairo/cairo_1.14.6.bbappend b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/cairo/cairo_1.14.6.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa555a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/cairo/cairo_1.14.6.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+require include/gles-control.inc
+PACKAGECONFIG_pn-cairo_append = "${@' egl glesv2' if '${USE_GLES_WAYLAND}' == '1' else ''}"
+PACKAGECONFIG_pn-cairo_append += "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'directfb', 'directfb', '', d)}"
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/libpng/libpng_%.bbappend b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/libpng/libpng_%.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..252fec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/libpng/libpng_%.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# ...use neon acceleration
+EXTRA_OECONF_append_aarch64 = " --enable-arm-neon=on"
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/opencv/opencv-samples_2.4.bb b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/opencv/opencv-samples_2.4.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d862fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/opencv/opencv-samples_2.4.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+SUMMARY = "Opencv : The Open Computer Vision Library"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/"
+SECTION = "libs"
+DEPENDS = "opencv"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://include/opencv2/opencv.hpp;endline=41;md5=6d690d8488a6fca7a2c192932466bb14 \
+SRCREV = "6fae07ba8867b8fd2c53344a774aab669afa7c5e"
+SRC_URI = "git://github.com/Itseez/opencv.git;branch=2.4 \
+ "
+PV = "2.4.3+git${SRCPV}"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+do_install() {
+ cd samples/c
+ install -d ${D}/${bindir}
+ install -d ${D}/${datadir}/opencv/samples
+ cp * ${D}/${datadir}/opencv/samples || true
+ for i in *.c; do
+ echo "compiling $i"
+ ${CXX} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -ggdb `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -o `basename $i .c` $i `pkg-config --libs opencv` || true
+ install -m 0755 `basename $i .c` ${D}/${bindir} || true
+ rm ${D}/${datadir}/opencv/samples/`basename $i .c` || true
+ done
+ for i in *.cpp; do
+ echo "compiling $i"
+ ${CXX} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -ggdb `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -o `basename $i .cpp` $i `pkg-config --libs opencv` || true
+ install -m 0755 `basename $i .cpp` ${D}/${bindir} || true
+ rm ${D}/${datadir}/opencv/samples/`basename $i .cpp` || true
+ done
+FILES_${PN}-dev += "${datadir}/opencv/samples/*.c* ${datadir}/opencv/samples/*.vcp* ${datadir}/opencv/samples/build*"
+FILES_${PN} += "${bindir} ${datadir}/opencv"
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/opencv/opencv/opencv-fix-pkgconfig-generation.patch b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/opencv/opencv/opencv-fix-pkgconfig-generation.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d352778
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/opencv/opencv/opencv-fix-pkgconfig-generation.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+Fix pkg-config generation
+Replace absolute library path with library name spec and library search
+path option.
+The fix has been provided by Ray Rashif (code.opencv.org/issues/1925)
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+diff -Nbaur OpenCV-2.4.3.orig/cmake/OpenCVGenPkgconfig.cmake OpenCV-2.4.3/cmake/OpenCVGenPkgconfig.cmake
+--- OpenCV-2.4.3.orig/cmake/OpenCVGenPkgconfig.cmake 2012-11-04 08:40:14.243505926 +0000
++++ OpenCV-2.4.3/cmake/OpenCVGenPkgconfig.cmake 2012-11-04 08:40:42.286649120 +0000
+@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ set(prefix "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}")
+ set(exec_prefix "\${prefix}")
+-set(libdir "") #TODO: need link paths for OpenCV_EXTRA_COMPONENTS
++set(libdir "\${prefix}/${OPENCV_LIB_INSTALL_PATH}")
+ set(includedir "\${prefix}/${OPENCV_INCLUDE_INSTALL_PATH}")
+@@ -36,10 +36,11 @@
+ ocv_list_reverse(OpenCV_EXTRA_COMPONENTS)
+ #build the list of components
+-set(OpenCV_LIB_COMPONENTS_ "")
++set(OpenCV_LIB_COMPONENTS_ "-L\${libdir}")
+ foreach(CVLib ${OpenCV_LIB_COMPONENTS})
+ get_target_property(libpath ${CVLib} LOCATION_${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE})
+ get_filename_component(libname "${libpath}" NAME)
++ get_filename_component(lname "${libpath}" NAME_WE)
+ set(libname "${libname}.${OPENCV_VERSION}")
+@@ -52,7 +53,8 @@
+ set(installDir "${OPENCV_LIB_INSTALL_PATH}")
+ endif()
+- set(OpenCV_LIB_COMPONENTS_ "${OpenCV_LIB_COMPONENTS_} \${exec_prefix}/${installDir}/${libname}")
++ string(REPLACE "libopencv" "-lopencv" lname "${lname}")
++ set(OpenCV_LIB_COMPONENTS_ "${OpenCV_LIB_COMPONENTS_} ${lname}")
+ endforeach()
+ # add extra dependencies required for OpenCV
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/opencv/opencv_2.4.bb b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/opencv/opencv_2.4.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4239f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/opencv/opencv_2.4.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+SUMMARY = "Opencv : The Open Computer Vision Library"
+HOMEPAGE = "http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/"
+SECTION = "libs"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://include/opencv2/opencv.hpp;endline=41;md5=6d690d8488a6fca7a2c192932466bb14"
+DEPENDS = "python-numpy libtool swig swig-native python bzip2 zlib glib-2.0"
+SRC_URI = "git://github.com/Itseez/opencv.git;branch=2.4 "
+SRCREV = "707d10f11526afee1e1a35ec7fdaa8b05f7e1656"
+PV = "2.4.11+git${SRCPV}"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+# Do an out-of-tree build
+ ${@bb.utils.contains("TARGET_CC_ARCH", "-msse3", "-DENABLE_SSE=1 -DENABLE_SSE2=1 -DENABLE_SSE3=1 -DENABLE_SSSE3=1", "", d)} \
+ ${@base_conditional("libdir", "/usr/lib64", "-DLIB_SUFFIX=64 -DPYTHON_PACKAGES_PATH:PATH=lib64/python2.7/site-packages", "", d)} \
+ ${@base_conditional("libdir", "/usr/lib32", "-DLIB_SUFFIX=32 -DPYTHON_PACKAGES_PATH:PATH=lib32/python2.7/site-packages", "", d)} \
+PACKAGECONFIG ??= "eigen jpeg png tiff v4l libv4l gstreamer opengl neon ${@bb.utils.contains( 'DISTRO_FEATURES', 'qt5', 'qt5','', d)}"
+PACKAGECONFIG[gstreamer] = "-DWITH_GSTREAMER=ON,-DWITH_GSTREAMER=OFF,gstreamer1.0 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good,"
+inherit distutils-base pkgconfig cmake ${@bb.utils.contains( 'DISTRO_FEATURES', 'qt5', 'cmake_qt5','', d)}
+export BUILD_SYS
+export HOST_SYS
+TARGET_CC_ARCH += "-I${S}/include "
+PACKAGES += "${PN}-apps python-opencv"
+python populate_packages_prepend () {
+ cv_libdir = d.expand('${libdir}')
+ cv_libdir_dbg = d.expand('${libdir}/.debug')
+ do_split_packages(d, cv_libdir, '^lib(.*)\.so$', 'lib%s-dev', 'OpenCV %s development package', extra_depends='${PN}-dev', allow_links=True)
+ do_split_packages(d, cv_libdir, '^lib(.*)\.la$', 'lib%s-dev', 'OpenCV %s development package', extra_depends='${PN}-dev')
+ do_split_packages(d, cv_libdir, '^lib(.*)\.a$', 'lib%s-dev', 'OpenCV %s development package', extra_depends='${PN}-dev')
+ do_split_packages(d, cv_libdir, '^lib(.*)\.so\.*', 'lib%s', 'OpenCV %s library', extra_depends='', allow_links=True)
+ pn = d.getVar('PN', 1)
+ metapkg = pn + '-dev'
+ d.setVar('ALLOW_EMPTY_' + metapkg, "1")
+ blacklist = [ metapkg ]
+ metapkg_rdepends = [ ]
+ packages = d.getVar('PACKAGES', 1).split()
+ for pkg in packages[1:]:
+ if not pkg in blacklist and not pkg in metapkg_rdepends and pkg.endswith('-dev'):
+ metapkg_rdepends.append(pkg)
+ d.setVar('RRECOMMENDS_' + metapkg, ' '.join(metapkg_rdepends))
+PACKAGES_DYNAMIC += "^libopencv-.*"
+FILES_${PN} = ""
+FILES_${PN}-apps = "${bindir}/* ${datadir}/OpenCV"
+FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libdir}/.debug"
+FILES_${PN}-dev = "${includedir} ${libdir}/pkgconfig"
+FILES_${PN}-doc = "${datadir}/OpenCV/doc"
+ALLOW_EMPTY_${PN} = "1"
+INSANE_SKIP_python-opencv = "True"
+SUMMARY_python-opencv = "Python bindings to opencv"
+FILES_python-opencv = "${PYTHON_SITEPACKAGES_DIR}/*"
+RDEPENDS_python-opencv = "python-core python-numpy"
+do_install_append() {
+ cp ${S}/include/opencv/*.h ${D}${includedir}/opencv/
+ sed -i '/blobtrack/d' ${D}${includedir}/opencv/cvaux.h
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0001-Allow-to-boot-without-input-device.patch b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0001-Allow-to-boot-without-input-device.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff7dd0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0001-Allow-to-boot-without-input-device.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+From d04c556bc8eac439cc87c7cdf9b4446d4a9cecaa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Grigory Kletsko <grigory.kletsko@cogentembedded.com>
+Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2017 03:06:27 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH] Allow to boot without input device
+ src/libinput-seat.c | 1 -
+ 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/libinput-seat.c b/src/libinput-seat.c
+index c9f9ed2..20fcaa6 100644
+--- a/src/libinput-seat.c
++++ b/src/libinput-seat.c
+@@ -258,7 +258,6 @@ udev_input_enable(struct udev_input *input)
+ "\t- seats misconfigured "
+ "(Weston backend option 'seat', "
+ "udev device property ID_SEAT)\n");
+- return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0002-Share-toytoolkit-lib.patch b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0002-Share-toytoolkit-lib.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58e5b2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0002-Share-toytoolkit-lib.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1394 @@
+From 32bb2f9f31945fda4d3a530c7e48632f3249d3a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Grigory Kletsko <grigory.kletsko@cogentembedded.com>
+Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2017 23:51:22 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Share toytoolkit lib
+ Makefile.am | 35 +++
+ clients/toytoolkit.h | 650 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ clients/window.h | 621 ------------------------------------------------
+ configure.ac | 2 +-
+ 4 files changed, 686 insertions(+), 622 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 clients/toytoolkit.h
+diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
+index 98cd683..530b868 100644
+--- a/Makefile.am
++++ b/Makefile.am
+@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ libexec_PROGRAMS =
+ moduledir = $(libdir)/weston
+ module_LTLIBRARIES =
+ noinst_LTLIBRARIES =
+ AM_DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = --disable-setuid-install
+@@ -100,6 +101,7 @@ weston_SOURCES = \
+ shared/matrix.h \
+ shared/timespec-util.h \
+ shared/zalloc.h \
++ clients/toytoolkit.h \
+ shared/platform.h \
+ src/weston-egl-ext.h
+@@ -212,6 +214,7 @@ dist_wayland_session_DATA = src/weston.desktop
+ westonincludedir = $(includedir)/weston
+ westoninclude_HEADERS = \
++ clients/toytoolkit.h \
+ src/version.h \
+ src/compositor.h \
+ src/compositor-drm.h \
+@@ -603,6 +606,7 @@ noinst_LTLIBRARIES += libtoytoolkit.la
+ libtoytoolkit_la_SOURCES = \
+ clients/window.c \
+ clients/window.h \
++ clients/toytoolkit.h \
+ shared/helpers.h
+ nodist_libtoytoolkit_la_SOURCES = \
+@@ -624,6 +628,37 @@ libtoytoolkit_la_LIBADD = \
+ libshared-cairo.la $(CLOCK_GETTIME_LIBS) -lm
++lib_LTLIBRARIES += libweston-toytoolkit.la
++libweston_toytoolkit_la_SOURCES = \
++ clients/window.c \
++ clients/window.h \
++ clients/toytoolkit.h \
++ protocol/text-cursor-position-protocol.c \
++ protocol/text-cursor-position-client-protocol.h \
++ protocol/scaler-protocol.c \
++ protocol/scaler-client-protocol.h \
++ protocol/xdg-shell-unstable-v5-protocol.c \
++ protocol/xdg-shell-unstable-v5-client-protocol.h \
++ \
++ \
++ protocol/ivi-application-protocol.c \
++ protocol/ivi-application-client-protocol.h
++BUILT_SOURCES += $(libweston_toytoolkit_la_SOURCES)
++libweston_toytoolkit_la_CFLAGS = \
++ $(GCC_CFLAGS) -pthread -fvisibility=default
++libweston_toytoolkit_la_LIBADD = \
++ libshared-cairo.la -lrt -lm
++libweston_toytoolkit_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 1:0:1
+ weston_flower_SOURCES = clients/flower.c
+ weston_flower_LDADD = libtoytoolkit.la
+ weston_flower_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CLIENT_CFLAGS)
+diff --git a/clients/toytoolkit.h b/clients/toytoolkit.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..f75b671
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/clients/toytoolkit.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
++ * Copyright © 2008 Kristian Høgsberg
++ *
++ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
++ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
++ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
++ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
++ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
++ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
++ *
++ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
++ * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
++ * Software.
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef _TOYTOOLKIT_H_
++#define _TOYTOOLKIT_H_
++#include <xkbcommon/xkbcommon.h>
++#include <wayland-client.h>
++#include <cairo.h>
++struct window;
++struct widget;
++struct display;
++struct input;
++struct output;
++struct task {
++ void (*run)(struct task *task, uint32_t events);
++ struct wl_list link;
++struct rectangle {
++ int32_t x;
++ int32_t y;
++ int32_t width;
++ int32_t height;
++struct display *
++display_create(int *argc, char *argv[]);
++display_destroy(struct display *display);
++display_set_user_data(struct display *display, void *data);
++void *
++display_get_user_data(struct display *display);
++struct wl_display *
++display_get_display(struct display *display);
++display_has_subcompositor(struct display *display);
++cairo_device_t *
++display_get_cairo_device(struct display *display);
++struct wl_compositor *
++display_get_compositor(struct display *display);
++struct output *
++display_get_output(struct display *display);
++display_get_serial(struct display *display);
++typedef void (*display_global_handler_t)(struct display *display,
++ uint32_t name,
++ const char *interface,
++ uint32_t version, void *data);
++display_set_global_handler(struct display *display,
++ display_global_handler_t handler);
++display_set_global_handler_remove(struct display *display,
++ display_global_handler_t remove_handler);
++void *
++display_bind(struct display *display, uint32_t name,
++ const struct wl_interface *interface, uint32_t version);
++typedef void (*display_output_handler_t)(struct output *output, void *data);
++ * The output configure handler is called, when a new output is connected
++ * and we know its current mode, or when the current mode changes.
++ * Test and set the output user data in your handler to know, if the
++ * output is new. Note: 'data' in the configure handler is the display
++ * user data.
++ */
++display_set_output_configure_handler(struct display *display,
++ display_output_handler_t handler);
++struct wl_data_source *
++display_create_data_source(struct display *display);
++display_get_egl_display(struct display *d);
++display_get_argb_egl_config(struct display *d);
++display_acquire_window_surface(struct display *display,
++ struct window *window,
++ EGLContext ctx);
++display_release_window_surface(struct display *display,
++ struct window *window);
++#define SURFACE_OPAQUE 0x01
++#define SURFACE_SHM 0x02
++#define SURFACE_HINT_RESIZE 0x10
++#define SURFACE_HINT_RGB565 0x100
++cairo_surface_t *
++display_create_surface(struct display *display,
++ struct wl_surface *surface,
++ struct rectangle *rectangle,
++ uint32_t flags);
++struct wl_buffer *
++display_get_buffer_for_surface(struct display *display,
++ cairo_surface_t *surface);
++struct wl_cursor_image *
++display_get_pointer_image(struct display *display, int pointer);
++display_defer(struct display *display, struct task *task);
++display_watch_fd(struct display *display,
++ int fd, uint32_t events, struct task *task);
++display_unwatch_fd(struct display *display, int fd);
++display_run(struct display *d);
++display_exit(struct display *d);
++display_get_data_device_manager_version(struct display *d);
++enum cursor_type {
++typedef void (*window_key_handler_t)(struct window *window, struct input *input,
++ uint32_t time, uint32_t key, uint32_t unicode,
++ enum wl_keyboard_key_state state, void *data);
++typedef void (*window_keyboard_focus_handler_t)(struct window *window,
++ struct input *device, void *data);
++typedef void (*window_data_handler_t)(struct window *window,
++ struct input *input,
++ float x, float y,
++ const char **types,
++ void *data);
++typedef void (*window_drop_handler_t)(struct window *window,
++ struct input *input,
++ int32_t x, int32_t y, void *data);
++typedef void (*window_close_handler_t)(void *data);
++typedef void (*window_fullscreen_handler_t)(struct window *window, void *data);
++typedef void (*window_output_handler_t)(struct window *window, struct output *output,
++ int enter, void *data);
++typedef void (*window_state_changed_handler_t)(struct window *window,
++ void *data);
++typedef void (*widget_resize_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
++ int32_t width, int32_t height,
++ void *data);
++typedef void (*widget_redraw_handler_t)(struct widget *widget, void *data);
++typedef int (*widget_enter_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
++ struct input *input,
++ float x, float y, void *data);
++typedef void (*widget_leave_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
++ struct input *input, void *data);
++typedef int (*widget_motion_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
++ struct input *input, uint32_t time,
++ float x, float y, void *data);
++typedef void (*widget_button_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
++ struct input *input, uint32_t time,
++ uint32_t button,
++ enum wl_pointer_button_state state,
++ void *data);
++typedef void (*widget_touch_down_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
++ struct input *input,
++ uint32_t serial,
++ uint32_t time,
++ int32_t id,
++ float x,
++ float y,
++ void *data);
++typedef void (*widget_touch_up_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
++ struct input *input,
++ uint32_t serial,
++ uint32_t time,
++ int32_t id,
++ void *data);
++typedef void (*widget_touch_motion_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
++ struct input *input,
++ uint32_t time,
++ int32_t id,
++ float x,
++ float y,
++ void *data);
++typedef void (*widget_touch_frame_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
++ struct input *input, void *data);
++typedef void (*widget_touch_cancel_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
++ struct input *input, void *data);
++typedef void (*widget_axis_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
++ struct input *input, uint32_t time,
++ uint32_t axis,
++ wl_fixed_t value,
++ void *data);
++typedef void (*widget_pointer_frame_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
++ struct input *input,
++ void *data);
++typedef void (*widget_axis_source_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
++ struct input *input,
++ uint32_t source,
++ void *data);
++typedef void (*widget_axis_stop_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
++ struct input *input,
++ uint32_t time,
++ uint32_t axis,
++ void *data);
++typedef void (*widget_axis_discrete_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
++ struct input *input,
++ uint32_t axis,
++ int32_t discrete,
++ void *data);
++struct window *
++window_create(struct display *display);
++struct window *
++window_create_custom(struct display *display);
++window_set_parent(struct window *window, struct window *parent_window);
++struct window *
++window_get_parent(struct window *window);
++window_has_focus(struct window *window);
++typedef void (*menu_func_t)(void *data, struct input *input, int index);
++struct window *
++window_create_menu(struct display *display,
++ struct input *input, uint32_t time,
++ menu_func_t func, const char **entries, int count,
++ void *user_data);
++window_show_menu(struct display *display,
++ struct input *input, uint32_t time, struct window *parent,
++ int32_t x, int32_t y,
++ menu_func_t func, const char **entries, int count);
++window_show_frame_menu(struct window *window,
++ struct input *input, uint32_t time);
++window_get_buffer_transform(struct window *window);
++window_set_buffer_transform(struct window *window,
++ enum wl_output_transform transform);
++window_get_buffer_scale(struct window *window);
++window_set_buffer_scale(struct window *window,
++ int32_t scale);
++window_get_output_scale(struct window *window);
++window_destroy(struct window *window);
++struct widget *
++window_add_widget(struct window *window, void *data);
++enum subsurface_mode {
++struct widget *
++window_add_subsurface(struct window *window, void *data,
++ enum subsurface_mode default_mode);
++typedef void (*data_func_t)(void *data, size_t len,
++ int32_t x, int32_t y, void *user_data);
++struct display *
++window_get_display(struct window *window);
++window_move(struct window *window, struct input *input, uint32_t time);
++window_get_allocation(struct window *window, struct rectangle *allocation);
++window_schedule_redraw(struct window *window);
++window_schedule_resize(struct window *window, int width, int height);
++cairo_surface_t *
++window_get_surface(struct window *window);
++struct wl_surface *
++window_get_wl_surface(struct window *window);
++struct wl_subsurface *
++widget_get_wl_subsurface(struct widget *widget);
++enum window_buffer_type {
++display_surface_damage(struct display *display, cairo_surface_t *cairo_surface,
++ int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height);
++window_set_buffer_type(struct window *window, enum window_buffer_type type);
++enum window_buffer_type
++window_get_buffer_type(struct window *window);
++window_is_fullscreen(struct window *window);
++window_set_fullscreen(struct window *window, int fullscreen);
++window_is_maximized(struct window *window);
++window_set_maximized(struct window *window, int maximized);
++window_is_resizing(struct window *window);
++window_set_minimized(struct window *window);
++window_set_user_data(struct window *window, void *data);
++void *
++window_get_user_data(struct window *window);
++window_set_key_handler(struct window *window,
++ window_key_handler_t handler);
++window_set_keyboard_focus_handler(struct window *window,
++ window_keyboard_focus_handler_t handler);
++window_set_data_handler(struct window *window,
++ window_data_handler_t handler);
++window_set_drop_handler(struct window *window,
++ window_drop_handler_t handler);
++window_set_close_handler(struct window *window,
++ window_close_handler_t handler);
++window_set_fullscreen_handler(struct window *window,
++ window_fullscreen_handler_t handler);
++window_set_output_handler(struct window *window,
++ window_output_handler_t handler);
++window_set_state_changed_handler(struct window *window,
++ window_state_changed_handler_t handler);
++window_set_title(struct window *window, const char *title);
++const char *
++window_get_title(struct window *window);
++window_set_text_cursor_position(struct window *window, int32_t x, int32_t y);
++enum preferred_format {
++window_set_preferred_format(struct window *window,
++ enum preferred_format format);
++widget_set_tooltip(struct widget *parent, char *entry, float x, float y);
++widget_destroy_tooltip(struct widget *parent);
++struct widget *
++widget_add_widget(struct widget *parent, void *data);
++widget_destroy(struct widget *widget);
++widget_set_default_cursor(struct widget *widget, int cursor);
++widget_get_allocation(struct widget *widget, struct rectangle *allocation);
++widget_set_allocation(struct widget *widget,
++ int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height);
++widget_set_size(struct widget *widget, int32_t width, int32_t height);
++widget_set_transparent(struct widget *widget, int transparent);
++widget_schedule_resize(struct widget *widget, int32_t width, int32_t height);
++void *
++widget_get_user_data(struct widget *widget);
++cairo_t *
++widget_cairo_create(struct widget *widget);
++struct wl_surface *
++widget_get_wl_surface(struct widget *widget);
++widget_get_last_time(struct widget *widget);
++widget_input_region_add(struct widget *widget, const struct rectangle *rect);
++widget_set_redraw_handler(struct widget *widget,
++ widget_redraw_handler_t handler);
++widget_set_resize_handler(struct widget *widget,
++ widget_resize_handler_t handler);
++widget_set_enter_handler(struct widget *widget,
++ widget_enter_handler_t handler);
++widget_set_leave_handler(struct widget *widget,
++ widget_leave_handler_t handler);
++widget_set_motion_handler(struct widget *widget,
++ widget_motion_handler_t handler);
++widget_set_button_handler(struct widget *widget,
++ widget_button_handler_t handler);
++widget_set_touch_down_handler(struct widget *widget,
++ widget_touch_down_handler_t handler);
++widget_set_touch_up_handler(struct widget *widget,
++ widget_touch_up_handler_t handler);
++widget_set_touch_motion_handler(struct widget *widget,
++ widget_touch_motion_handler_t handler);
++widget_set_touch_frame_handler(struct widget *widget,
++ widget_touch_frame_handler_t handler);
++widget_set_touch_cancel_handler(struct widget *widget,
++ widget_touch_cancel_handler_t handler);
++widget_set_axis_handler(struct widget *widget,
++ widget_axis_handler_t handler);
++widget_set_pointer_frame_handler(struct widget *widget,
++ widget_pointer_frame_handler_t handler);
++widget_set_axis_handlers(struct widget *widget,
++ widget_axis_handler_t axis_handler,
++ widget_axis_source_handler_t axis_source_handler,
++ widget_axis_stop_handler_t axis_stop_handler,
++ widget_axis_discrete_handler_t axis_discrete_handler);
++widget_schedule_redraw(struct widget *widget);
++widget_set_use_cairo(struct widget *widget, int use_cairo);
++struct widget *
++window_frame_create(struct window *window, void *data);
++window_frame_set_child_size(struct widget *widget, int child_width,
++ int child_height);
++input_set_pointer_image(struct input *input, int pointer);
++input_get_position(struct input *input, int32_t *x, int32_t *y);
++input_get_touch(struct input *input, int32_t id, float *x, float *y);
++#define MOD_SHIFT_MASK 0x01
++#define MOD_ALT_MASK 0x02
++#define MOD_CONTROL_MASK 0x04
++input_get_modifiers(struct input *input);
++touch_grab(struct input *input, int32_t touch_id);
++touch_ungrab(struct input *input);
++input_grab(struct input *input, struct widget *widget, uint32_t button);
++input_ungrab(struct input *input);
++struct widget *
++input_get_focus_widget(struct input *input);
++struct display *
++input_get_display(struct input *input);
++struct wl_seat *
++input_get_seat(struct input *input);
++struct wl_data_device *
++input_get_data_device(struct input *input);
++input_set_selection(struct input *input,
++ struct wl_data_source *source, uint32_t time);
++input_accept(struct input *input, const char *type);
++input_receive_drag_data(struct input *input, const char *mime_type,
++ data_func_t func, void *user_data);
++input_receive_drag_data_to_fd(struct input *input,
++ const char *mime_type, int fd);
++input_receive_selection_data(struct input *input, const char *mime_type,
++ data_func_t func, void *data);
++input_receive_selection_data_to_fd(struct input *input,
++ const char *mime_type, int fd);
++output_set_user_data(struct output *output, void *data);
++void *
++output_get_user_data(struct output *output);
++output_set_destroy_handler(struct output *output,
++ display_output_handler_t handler);
++output_get_allocation(struct output *output, struct rectangle *allocation);
++struct wl_output *
++output_get_wl_output(struct output *output);
++enum wl_output_transform
++output_get_transform(struct output *output);
++output_get_scale(struct output *output);
++const char *
++output_get_make(struct output *output);
++const char *
++output_get_model(struct output *output);
++keysym_modifiers_add(struct wl_array *modifiers_map,
++ const char *name);
++keysym_modifiers_get_mask(struct wl_array *modifiers_map,
++ const char *name);
+diff --git a/clients/window.h b/clients/window.h
+index 8c8568f..3a16017 100644
+--- a/clients/window.h
++++ b/clients/window.h
+@@ -26,629 +26,9 @@
+ #include "config.h"
+-#include <xkbcommon/xkbcommon.h>
+-#include <wayland-client.h>
+-#include <cairo.h>
++#include "toytoolkit.h"
+ #include "shared/config-parser.h"
+ #include "shared/zalloc.h"
+ #include "shared/platform.h"
+-struct window;
+-struct widget;
+-struct display;
+-struct input;
+-struct output;
+-struct task {
+- void (*run)(struct task *task, uint32_t events);
+- struct wl_list link;
+-struct rectangle {
+- int32_t x;
+- int32_t y;
+- int32_t width;
+- int32_t height;
+-struct display *
+-display_create(int *argc, char *argv[]);
+-display_destroy(struct display *display);
+-display_set_user_data(struct display *display, void *data);
+-void *
+-display_get_user_data(struct display *display);
+-struct wl_display *
+-display_get_display(struct display *display);
+-display_has_subcompositor(struct display *display);
+-cairo_device_t *
+-display_get_cairo_device(struct display *display);
+-struct wl_compositor *
+-display_get_compositor(struct display *display);
+-struct output *
+-display_get_output(struct display *display);
+-display_get_serial(struct display *display);
+-typedef void (*display_global_handler_t)(struct display *display,
+- uint32_t name,
+- const char *interface,
+- uint32_t version, void *data);
+-display_set_global_handler(struct display *display,
+- display_global_handler_t handler);
+-display_set_global_handler_remove(struct display *display,
+- display_global_handler_t remove_handler);
+-void *
+-display_bind(struct display *display, uint32_t name,
+- const struct wl_interface *interface, uint32_t version);
+-typedef void (*display_output_handler_t)(struct output *output, void *data);
+- * The output configure handler is called, when a new output is connected
+- * and we know its current mode, or when the current mode changes.
+- * Test and set the output user data in your handler to know, if the
+- * output is new. Note: 'data' in the configure handler is the display
+- * user data.
+- */
+-display_set_output_configure_handler(struct display *display,
+- display_output_handler_t handler);
+-struct wl_data_source *
+-display_create_data_source(struct display *display);
+-display_get_egl_display(struct display *d);
+-display_get_argb_egl_config(struct display *d);
+-display_acquire_window_surface(struct display *display,
+- struct window *window,
+- EGLContext ctx);
+-display_release_window_surface(struct display *display,
+- struct window *window);
+-#define SURFACE_OPAQUE 0x01
+-#define SURFACE_SHM 0x02
+-#define SURFACE_HINT_RESIZE 0x10
+-#define SURFACE_HINT_RGB565 0x100
+-cairo_surface_t *
+-display_create_surface(struct display *display,
+- struct wl_surface *surface,
+- struct rectangle *rectangle,
+- uint32_t flags);
+-struct wl_buffer *
+-display_get_buffer_for_surface(struct display *display,
+- cairo_surface_t *surface);
+-struct wl_cursor_image *
+-display_get_pointer_image(struct display *display, int pointer);
+-display_defer(struct display *display, struct task *task);
+-display_watch_fd(struct display *display,
+- int fd, uint32_t events, struct task *task);
+-display_unwatch_fd(struct display *display, int fd);
+-display_run(struct display *d);
+-display_exit(struct display *d);
+-display_get_data_device_manager_version(struct display *d);
+-enum cursor_type {
+-typedef void (*window_key_handler_t)(struct window *window, struct input *input,
+- uint32_t time, uint32_t key, uint32_t unicode,
+- enum wl_keyboard_key_state state, void *data);
+-typedef void (*window_keyboard_focus_handler_t)(struct window *window,
+- struct input *device, void *data);
+-typedef void (*window_data_handler_t)(struct window *window,
+- struct input *input,
+- float x, float y,
+- const char **types,
+- void *data);
+-typedef void (*window_drop_handler_t)(struct window *window,
+- struct input *input,
+- int32_t x, int32_t y, void *data);
+-typedef void (*window_close_handler_t)(void *data);
+-typedef void (*window_fullscreen_handler_t)(struct window *window, void *data);
+-typedef void (*window_output_handler_t)(struct window *window, struct output *output,
+- int enter, void *data);
+-typedef void (*window_state_changed_handler_t)(struct window *window,
+- void *data);
+-typedef void (*widget_resize_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
+- int32_t width, int32_t height,
+- void *data);
+-typedef void (*widget_redraw_handler_t)(struct widget *widget, void *data);
+-typedef int (*widget_enter_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
+- struct input *input,
+- float x, float y, void *data);
+-typedef void (*widget_leave_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
+- struct input *input, void *data);
+-typedef int (*widget_motion_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
+- struct input *input, uint32_t time,
+- float x, float y, void *data);
+-typedef void (*widget_button_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
+- struct input *input, uint32_t time,
+- uint32_t button,
+- enum wl_pointer_button_state state,
+- void *data);
+-typedef void (*widget_touch_down_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
+- struct input *input,
+- uint32_t serial,
+- uint32_t time,
+- int32_t id,
+- float x,
+- float y,
+- void *data);
+-typedef void (*widget_touch_up_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
+- struct input *input,
+- uint32_t serial,
+- uint32_t time,
+- int32_t id,
+- void *data);
+-typedef void (*widget_touch_motion_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
+- struct input *input,
+- uint32_t time,
+- int32_t id,
+- float x,
+- float y,
+- void *data);
+-typedef void (*widget_touch_frame_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
+- struct input *input, void *data);
+-typedef void (*widget_touch_cancel_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
+- struct input *input, void *data);
+-typedef void (*widget_axis_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
+- struct input *input, uint32_t time,
+- uint32_t axis,
+- wl_fixed_t value,
+- void *data);
+-typedef void (*widget_pointer_frame_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
+- struct input *input,
+- void *data);
+-typedef void (*widget_axis_source_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
+- struct input *input,
+- uint32_t source,
+- void *data);
+-typedef void (*widget_axis_stop_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
+- struct input *input,
+- uint32_t time,
+- uint32_t axis,
+- void *data);
+-typedef void (*widget_axis_discrete_handler_t)(struct widget *widget,
+- struct input *input,
+- uint32_t axis,
+- int32_t discrete,
+- void *data);
+-struct window *
+-window_create(struct display *display);
+-struct window *
+-window_create_custom(struct display *display);
+-window_set_parent(struct window *window, struct window *parent_window);
+-struct window *
+-window_get_parent(struct window *window);
+-window_has_focus(struct window *window);
+-typedef void (*menu_func_t)(void *data, struct input *input, int index);
+-struct window *
+-window_create_menu(struct display *display,
+- struct input *input, uint32_t time,
+- menu_func_t func, const char **entries, int count,
+- void *user_data);
+-window_show_menu(struct display *display,
+- struct input *input, uint32_t time, struct window *parent,
+- int32_t x, int32_t y,
+- menu_func_t func, const char **entries, int count);
+-window_show_frame_menu(struct window *window,
+- struct input *input, uint32_t time);
+-window_get_buffer_transform(struct window *window);
+-window_set_buffer_transform(struct window *window,
+- enum wl_output_transform transform);
+-window_get_buffer_scale(struct window *window);
+-window_set_buffer_scale(struct window *window,
+- int32_t scale);
+-window_get_output_scale(struct window *window);
+-window_destroy(struct window *window);
+-struct widget *
+-window_add_widget(struct window *window, void *data);
+-enum subsurface_mode {
+-struct widget *
+-window_add_subsurface(struct window *window, void *data,
+- enum subsurface_mode default_mode);
+-typedef void (*data_func_t)(void *data, size_t len,
+- int32_t x, int32_t y, void *user_data);
+-struct display *
+-window_get_display(struct window *window);
+-window_move(struct window *window, struct input *input, uint32_t time);
+-window_get_allocation(struct window *window, struct rectangle *allocation);
+-window_schedule_redraw(struct window *window);
+-window_schedule_resize(struct window *window, int width, int height);
+-cairo_surface_t *
+-window_get_surface(struct window *window);
+-struct wl_surface *
+-window_get_wl_surface(struct window *window);
+-struct wl_subsurface *
+-widget_get_wl_subsurface(struct widget *widget);
+-enum window_buffer_type {
+-display_surface_damage(struct display *display, cairo_surface_t *cairo_surface,
+- int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height);
+-window_set_buffer_type(struct window *window, enum window_buffer_type type);
+-enum window_buffer_type
+-window_get_buffer_type(struct window *window);
+-window_is_fullscreen(struct window *window);
+-window_set_fullscreen(struct window *window, int fullscreen);
+-window_is_maximized(struct window *window);
+-window_set_maximized(struct window *window, int maximized);
+-window_is_resizing(struct window *window);
+-window_set_minimized(struct window *window);
+-window_set_user_data(struct window *window, void *data);
+-void *
+-window_get_user_data(struct window *window);
+-window_set_key_handler(struct window *window,
+- window_key_handler_t handler);
+-window_set_keyboard_focus_handler(struct window *window,
+- window_keyboard_focus_handler_t handler);
+-window_set_data_handler(struct window *window,
+- window_data_handler_t handler);
+-window_set_drop_handler(struct window *window,
+- window_drop_handler_t handler);
+-window_set_close_handler(struct window *window,
+- window_close_handler_t handler);
+-window_set_fullscreen_handler(struct window *window,
+- window_fullscreen_handler_t handler);
+-window_set_output_handler(struct window *window,
+- window_output_handler_t handler);
+-window_set_state_changed_handler(struct window *window,
+- window_state_changed_handler_t handler);
+-window_set_title(struct window *window, const char *title);
+-const char *
+-window_get_title(struct window *window);
+-window_set_text_cursor_position(struct window *window, int32_t x, int32_t y);
+-enum preferred_format {
+-window_set_preferred_format(struct window *window,
+- enum preferred_format format);
+-widget_set_tooltip(struct widget *parent, char *entry, float x, float y);
+-widget_destroy_tooltip(struct widget *parent);
+-struct widget *
+-widget_add_widget(struct widget *parent, void *data);
+-widget_destroy(struct widget *widget);
+-widget_set_default_cursor(struct widget *widget, int cursor);
+-widget_get_allocation(struct widget *widget, struct rectangle *allocation);
+-widget_set_allocation(struct widget *widget,
+- int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height);
+-widget_set_size(struct widget *widget, int32_t width, int32_t height);
+-widget_set_transparent(struct widget *widget, int transparent);
+-widget_schedule_resize(struct widget *widget, int32_t width, int32_t height);
+-void *
+-widget_get_user_data(struct widget *widget);
+-cairo_t *
+-widget_cairo_create(struct widget *widget);
+-struct wl_surface *
+-widget_get_wl_surface(struct widget *widget);
+-widget_get_last_time(struct widget *widget);
+-widget_input_region_add(struct widget *widget, const struct rectangle *rect);
+-widget_set_redraw_handler(struct widget *widget,
+- widget_redraw_handler_t handler);
+-widget_set_resize_handler(struct widget *widget,
+- widget_resize_handler_t handler);
+-widget_set_enter_handler(struct widget *widget,
+- widget_enter_handler_t handler);
+-widget_set_leave_handler(struct widget *widget,
+- widget_leave_handler_t handler);
+-widget_set_motion_handler(struct widget *widget,
+- widget_motion_handler_t handler);
+-widget_set_button_handler(struct widget *widget,
+- widget_button_handler_t handler);
+-widget_set_touch_down_handler(struct widget *widget,
+- widget_touch_down_handler_t handler);
+-widget_set_touch_up_handler(struct widget *widget,
+- widget_touch_up_handler_t handler);
+-widget_set_touch_motion_handler(struct widget *widget,
+- widget_touch_motion_handler_t handler);
+-widget_set_touch_frame_handler(struct widget *widget,
+- widget_touch_frame_handler_t handler);
+-widget_set_touch_cancel_handler(struct widget *widget,
+- widget_touch_cancel_handler_t handler);
+-widget_set_axis_handler(struct widget *widget,
+- widget_axis_handler_t handler);
+-widget_set_pointer_frame_handler(struct widget *widget,
+- widget_pointer_frame_handler_t handler);
+-widget_set_axis_handlers(struct widget *widget,
+- widget_axis_handler_t axis_handler,
+- widget_axis_source_handler_t axis_source_handler,
+- widget_axis_stop_handler_t axis_stop_handler,
+- widget_axis_discrete_handler_t axis_discrete_handler);
+-widget_schedule_redraw(struct widget *widget);
+-widget_set_use_cairo(struct widget *widget, int use_cairo);
+-struct widget *
+-window_frame_create(struct window *window, void *data);
+-window_frame_set_child_size(struct widget *widget, int child_width,
+- int child_height);
+-input_set_pointer_image(struct input *input, int pointer);
+-input_get_position(struct input *input, int32_t *x, int32_t *y);
+-input_get_touch(struct input *input, int32_t id, float *x, float *y);
+-#define MOD_SHIFT_MASK 0x01
+-#define MOD_ALT_MASK 0x02
+-#define MOD_CONTROL_MASK 0x04
+-input_get_modifiers(struct input *input);
+-touch_grab(struct input *input, int32_t touch_id);
+-touch_ungrab(struct input *input);
+-input_grab(struct input *input, struct widget *widget, uint32_t button);
+-input_ungrab(struct input *input);
+-struct widget *
+-input_get_focus_widget(struct input *input);
+-struct display *
+-input_get_display(struct input *input);
+-struct wl_seat *
+-input_get_seat(struct input *input);
+-struct wl_data_device *
+-input_get_data_device(struct input *input);
+-input_set_selection(struct input *input,
+- struct wl_data_source *source, uint32_t time);
+-input_accept(struct input *input, const char *type);
+-input_receive_drag_data(struct input *input, const char *mime_type,
+- data_func_t func, void *user_data);
+-input_receive_drag_data_to_fd(struct input *input,
+- const char *mime_type, int fd);
+-input_receive_selection_data(struct input *input, const char *mime_type,
+- data_func_t func, void *data);
+-input_receive_selection_data_to_fd(struct input *input,
+- const char *mime_type, int fd);
+-output_set_user_data(struct output *output, void *data);
+-void *
+-output_get_user_data(struct output *output);
+-output_set_destroy_handler(struct output *output,
+- display_output_handler_t handler);
+-output_get_allocation(struct output *output, struct rectangle *allocation);
+-struct wl_output *
+-output_get_wl_output(struct output *output);
+-enum wl_output_transform
+-output_get_transform(struct output *output);
+-output_get_scale(struct output *output);
+-const char *
+-output_get_make(struct output *output);
+-const char *
+-output_get_model(struct output *output);
+-keysym_modifiers_add(struct wl_array *modifiers_map,
+- const char *name);
+-keysym_modifiers_get_mask(struct wl_array *modifiers_map,
+- const char *name);
+ #endif
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 1d11864..15057df 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ AC_PROG_SED
+ # Initialize libtool
+ LT_PREREQ([2.2])
++LT_INIT([shared static])
+ [Set the native backend to use, if Weston is not running under Wayland nor X11. @<:@default=drm-backend.so@:>@])
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0003-add-window-set-fullscreen-at-output.patch b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0003-add-window-set-fullscreen-at-output.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d519a49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0003-add-window-set-fullscreen-at-output.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+diff --git a/clients/toytoolkit.h b/clients/toytoolkit.h
+index fdf9b57..402836d 100644
+--- a/clients/toytoolkit.h
++++ b/clients/toytoolkit.h
+@@ -84,6 +84,12 @@ display_get_compositor(struct display *display);
+ struct output *
+ display_get_output(struct display *display);
++unsigned int
++display_get_outputs_number(struct display *display);
++struct output *
++display_get_output_by_index(struct display *display, unsigned int index);
+ uint32_t
+ display_get_serial(struct display *display);
+@@ -372,6 +378,9 @@ window_is_fullscreen(struct window *window);
+ void
+ window_set_fullscreen(struct window *window, int fullscreen);
++window_set_fullscreen_at_output(struct window *window, int fullscreen, struct output *output);
+ int
+ window_is_maximized(struct window *window);
+diff --git a/clients/window.c b/clients/window.c
+index 0e73f5b..2d38796 100644
+--- a/clients/window.c
++++ b/clients/window.c
+@@ -4364,6 +4364,21 @@ window_set_fullscreen(struct window *window, int fullscreen)
+ xdg_surface_unset_fullscreen(window->xdg_surface);
+ }
++window_set_fullscreen_at_output(struct window *window, int fullscreen, struct output *output)
++ if (!window->xdg_surface)
++ return;
++ if (window->fullscreen == fullscreen)
++ return;
++ if (fullscreen)
++ xdg_surface_set_fullscreen(window->xdg_surface, output ? output_get_wl_output(output) : NULL);
++ else
++ xdg_surface_unset_fullscreen(window->xdg_surface);
+ int
+ window_is_maximized(struct window *window)
+ {
+@@ -5743,6 +5758,29 @@ display_get_output(struct display *display)
+ return container_of(display->output_list.next, struct output, link);
+ }
++unsigned int
++display_get_outputs_number(struct display *display)
++ return wl_list_length(&display->output_list);
++struct output *
++display_get_output_by_index(struct display *display, unsigned int index)
++ int i;
++ int n = wl_list_length(&display->output_list);
++ struct wl_list *item;
++ if (index >= n)
++ return NULL;
++ item = display->output_list.next;
++ for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
++ item = item->next;
++ return container_of(item, struct output, link);
+ struct wl_compositor *
+ display_get_compositor(struct display *display)
+ {
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0004-Add-display_poll-function.patch b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0004-Add-display_poll-function.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1a9725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0004-Add-display_poll-function.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+diff --git a/clients/toytoolkit.h b/clients/toytoolkit.h
+index 402836d..767a84e 100644
+--- a/clients/toytoolkit.h
++++ b/clients/toytoolkit.h
+@@ -173,6 +173,9 @@ display_unwatch_fd(struct display *display, int fd);
+ void
+ display_run(struct display *d);
++display_poll(struct display *display, int timeout);
+ void
+ display_exit(struct display *d);
+diff --git a/clients/window.c b/clients/window.c
+index 2d38796..8540553 100644
+--- a/clients/window.c
++++ b/clients/window.c
+@@ -6011,6 +6011,58 @@ display_run(struct display *display)
+ }
+ }
++display_poll(struct display *display, int timeout)
++ struct task *task;
++ struct epoll_event ep[16];
++ int i, count, ret;
++ display->running = 1;
++ while (!wl_list_empty(&display->deferred_list)) {
++ task = container_of(display->deferred_list.prev,
++ struct task, link);
++ wl_list_remove(&task->link);
++ task->run(task, 0);
++ }
++ /* ...prepare for a reading */
++ while (wl_display_prepare_read(display->display) != 0)
++ {
++ /* ...dispatch all pending events and repeat attempt */
++ wl_display_dispatch_pending(display->display);
++ }
++ /* ...flush all outstanding commands to a display */
++ if (wl_display_flush(display->display) < 0) {
++ return -1;
++ }
++ if (!display->running)
++ return -1;
++ count = epoll_wait(display->epoll_fd, ep, ARRAY_LENGTH(ep), timeout);
++ if (!count) {
++ wl_display_cancel_read(display->display);
++ return 0;
++ }
++ if (count > 0) {
++ /* ...read display events (if any) before we do any drawing */
++ if (wl_display_read_events(display->display) < 0) {
++ return -1;
++ }
++ /* ...process pending display events (if any) */
++ if (wl_display_dispatch_pending(display->display) < 0) {
++ return -1;
++ }
++ } else if (count < 0) {
++ wl_display_cancel_read(display->display);
++ return count;
++ }
+ void
+ display_exit(struct display *display)
+ {
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0005-Add-wl-ivi-shell-surface-creating-support.patch b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0005-Add-wl-ivi-shell-surface-creating-support.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c732b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0005-Add-wl-ivi-shell-surface-creating-support.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+From 626341e48f4159d91ff39af2d0dc7bc720521121 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Grigory Kletsko <grigory.kletsko@cogentembedded.com>
+Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2017 23:58:37 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Add wl ivi shell sirface creating support
+ ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
+ ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c | 2 ++
+ 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h b/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h
+index 33aa820..78dab61 100644
+--- a/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h
++++ b/ivi-shell/ivi-layout-export.h
+@@ -149,6 +149,25 @@ struct ivi_layout_interface {
+ */
+ int32_t (*commit_changes)(void);
++ /**
++ * \brief Creates an ivi_layout_surface.
++ *
++ * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++ * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++ */
++ struct ivi_layout_surface* (*surface_create)(
++ struct weston_surface *wl_surface,
++ uint32_t id_surface);
++ /**
++ * \brief Configure an ivi_layout_surface
++ *
++ * \return IVI_SUCCEEDED if the method call was successful
++ * \return IVI_FAILED if the method call was failed
++ */
++ void (*surface_configure)(struct ivi_layout_surface *ivisurf,
++ int32_t width, int32_t height);
+ /**
+ * surface controller interface
+ */
+diff --git a/ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c b/ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c
+index 7fa8b33..161694d 100644
+--- a/ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c
++++ b/ivi-shell/ivi-layout.c
+@@ -1985,6 +1985,8 @@ static struct ivi_layout_interface ivi_layout_interface = {
+ * commit all changes
+ */
+ .commit_changes = ivi_layout_commit_changes,
++ .surface_create = ivi_layout_surface_create,
++ .surface_configure = ivi_layout_surface_configure,
+ /**
+ * surface controller interfaces
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0006-Add-widget_set_surface_allocation-func.patch b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0006-Add-widget_set_surface_allocation-func.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fb1ce6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0006-Add-widget_set_surface_allocation-func.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+From e513edbcb6d870c9ce956f0a092d01540073b750 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Grigory Kletsko <grigory.kletsko@cogentembedded.com>
+Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2016 00:43:11 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH] Add widget_set_surface_allocation func
+ clients/toytoolkit.h | 3 +++
+ clients/window.c | 12 ++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/clients/toytoolkit.h b/clients/toytoolkit.h
+index 767a84e..d0e73ab 100644
+--- a/clients/toytoolkit.h
++++ b/clients/toytoolkit.h
+@@ -469,6 +469,9 @@ void
+ widget_set_allocation(struct widget *widget,
+ int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height);
+ void
++widget_set_surface_allocation(struct widget *widget,
++ int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height);
+ widget_set_size(struct widget *widget, int32_t width, int32_t height);
+ void
+ widget_set_transparent(struct widget *widget, int transparent);
+diff --git a/clients/window.c b/clients/window.c
+index 0114ece..820cd78 100644
+--- a/clients/window.c
++++ b/clients/window.c
+@@ -1695,6 +1695,18 @@ widget_set_allocation(struct widget *widget,
+ }
+ void
++widget_set_surface_allocation(struct widget *widget,
++ int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height)
++ if (widget->surface) {
++ widget->surface->allocation.x = x;
++ widget->surface->allocation.y = y;
++ widget->surface->allocation.width = width;
++ widget->surface->allocation.height = height;
++ }
+ widget_set_transparent(struct widget *widget, int transparent)
+ {
+ widget->opaque = !transparent;
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0007-Add-call-for-setting-fullscreen-with-IVI.patch b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0007-Add-call-for-setting-fullscreen-with-IVI.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcecbde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-1.11.0/0007-Add-call-for-setting-fullscreen-with-IVI.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+From 9f1228fad3e549fd0ead4fd37573e02b874d1661 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Grigory Kletsko <grigory.kletsko@cogentembedded.com>
+Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2016 18:20:11 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH] Add call for setting fullscreen with IVI
+ clients/toytoolkit.h | 3 +++
+ clients/window.c | 6 ++++++
+ 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/clients/toytoolkit.h b/clients/toytoolkit.h
+index d0e73ab..1759a52 100644
+--- a/clients/toytoolkit.h
++++ b/clients/toytoolkit.h
+@@ -384,6 +384,9 @@ window_set_fullscreen(struct window *window, int fullscreen);
+ void
+ window_set_fullscreen_at_output(struct window *window, int fullscreen, struct output *output);
++window_set_fullscreen_hack(struct window *window, int fullscreen);
+ int
+ window_is_maximized(struct window *window);
+diff --git a/clients/window.c b/clients/window.c
+index 820cd78..638e2ff 100644
+--- a/clients/window.c
++++ b/clients/window.c
+@@ -4391,6 +4391,12 @@ window_set_fullscreen_at_output(struct window *window, int fullscreen, struct ou
+ xdg_surface_unset_fullscreen(window->xdg_surface);
+ }
++window_set_fullscreen_hack(struct window *window, int fullscreen)
++ window->fullscreen = fullscreen;
+ int
+ window_is_maximized(struct window *window)
+ {
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-init.bbappend b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-init.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35bafac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-init.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+SRC_URI_append = " \
+ file://weston_exp.sh \
+# Add Weston configuration script
+do_install_append() {
+ install -d ${D}/etc/profile.d
+ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/weston_exp.sh ${D}/etc/profile.d
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-init/weston_exp.sh b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-init/weston_exp.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..18be2ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston-init/weston_exp.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+if test -z "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"; then
+ export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/`id -u`
+ if ! test -d "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"; then
+ mkdir --parents $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
+ chmod 0700 $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
+ fi
+export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston_1.11.0.bbappend b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston_1.11.0.bbappend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..254657f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen3-adas/recipes-graphics/wayland/weston_1.11.0.bbappend
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := '${THISDIR}/${PN}-${PV}:'
+SRC_URI_append = " \
+ file://0001-Allow-to-boot-without-input-device.patch \
+ file://0002-Share-toytoolkit-lib.patch \
+ file://0003-add-window-set-fullscreen-at-output.patch \
+ file://0004-Add-display_poll-function.patch \
+ file://0005-Add-wl-ivi-shell-surface-creating-support.patch \
+ file://0006-Add-widget_set_surface_allocation-func.patch \
+ file://0007-Add-call-for-setting-fullscreen-with-IVI.patch \
+FILES_${PN} += " ${libdir}/libweston-toytoolkit*" \ No newline at end of file