path: root/meta-rcar-gen3/include/rcar-gen3-modules-common.inc
blob: 7eb7a3c679640b576753e45b6f035670e3104141 (plain)
export LDFLAGS = ""
export CP = "cp"
n287'>287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512
 * Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 "IoT.bzh"
 * Author "Romain Forlot" <romain.forlot@iot.bzh>
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *	 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <systemd/sd-event.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string.h>

#include "diagnostic-manager.hpp"

#include "../utils/openxc-utils.hpp"
#include "../utils/signals.hpp"
#include "../binding/application.hpp"

// There are only 8 slots of in flight diagnostic requests
#define MICRO 1000000

	: initialized_{false}

	for(auto r: recurring_requests_)
	for(auto r: non_recurring_requests_)

/// @brief Diagnostic manager isn't initialized at launch but after
///  CAN bus devices initialization. For the moment, it is only possible
///  to have 1 diagnostic bus which are the first bus declared in the JSON
///  description file. Configuration instance will return it.
/// this will initialize DiagnosticShims and cancel all active requests
///  if there are any.
bool diagnostic_manager_t::initialize()
	// Mandatory to set the bus before intialize shims.
	bus_ = application_t::instance().get_diagnostic_bus();


	initialized_ = true;
	AFB_DEBUG("Diagnostic Manager initialized");
	return initialized_;

/// @brief initialize shims used by UDS lib and set initialized_ to true.
///  It is needed before used the diagnostic manager fully because shims are
///  required by most member functions.
void diagnostic_manager_t::init_diagnostic_shims()
	shims_ = diagnostic_init_shims(shims_logger, shims_send, NULL);
	AFB_DEBUG("Shims initialized");

/// @brief Force cleanup all active requests.
void diagnostic_manager_t::reset()
	AFB_DEBUG("Clearing existing diagnostic requests");

/// @brief send function use by diagnostic library. It will open a BCM CAN socket TX_SETUP type.
/// That socket will send cyclic messages configured from a diagnostic request.
/// @param[in] arbitration_id - CAN arbitration ID to use when send message. OBD2 broadcast ID
///  is 0x7DF by example.
/// @param[in] data - The data payload for the message. NULL is valid if size is also 0.
/// @param[in] size - The size of the data payload, in bytes.
/// @return true if the CAN message was sent successfully.
bool diagnostic_manager_t::shims_send(const uint32_t arbitration_id, const uint8_t* data, const uint8_t size)
	diagnostic_manager_t& dm = application_t::instance().get_diagnostic_manager();
	active_diagnostic_request_t* current_adr = dm.get_last_recurring_requests();
	utils::socketcan_bcm_t& tx_socket = current_adr->get_socket();

	// Make sure that socket has been opened.
	if(! tx_socket)

	struct utils::simple_bcm_msg bcm_msg;
	struct can_frame cfd;

	memset(&cfd, 0, sizeof(cfd));
	memset(&bcm_msg.msg_head, 0, sizeof(bcm_msg.msg_head));

	struct timeval freq = current_adr->get_frequency_clock().get_timeval_from_period();

	bcm_msg.msg_head.opcode  = TX_SETUP;
	bcm_msg.msg_head.can_id  = arbitration_id;
	bcm_msg.msg_head.flags = SETTIMER|STARTTIMER|TX_CP_CAN_ID;
	bcm_msg.msg_head.ival2.tv_sec = freq.tv_sec;
	bcm_msg.msg_head.ival2.tv_usec = freq.tv_usec;
	bcm_msg.msg_head.nframes = 1;
	cfd.can_dlc = size;
	::memcpy(cfd.data, data, size);

	bcm_msg.frames = cfd;

	tx_socket << bcm_msg;
		return true;
	return false;

/// @brief The type signature for an optional logging function, if the user
/// wishes to provide one. It should print, store or otherwise display the
/// message.
/// message - A format string to log using the given parameters.
/// ... (vargs) - the parameters for the format string.
void diagnostic_manager_t::shims_logger(const char* format, ...)
	va_list args;
	va_start(args, format);

	char buffer[256];
	vsnprintf(buffer, 256, format, args);

	AFB_DEBUG("%s", buffer);

const std::string diagnostic_manager_t::get_bus_name() const
	return bus_;

const std::string diagnostic_manager_t::get_bus_device_name() const
	return application_t::instance().get_can_bus_manager()

active_diagnostic_request_t* diagnostic_manager_t::get_last_recurring_requests() const
	return recurring_requests_.back();

/// @brief Return diagnostic manager shims member.
DiagnosticShims& diagnostic_manager_t::get_shims()
	return shims_;

/// @brief Search for a specific active diagnostic request in the provided requests list
/// and erase it from the vector. This is useful at unsubscription to clean up the list otherwize
/// all received CAN messages will be passed to DiagnosticRequestHandle of all active diagnostic request
/// contained in the vector but no event if connected to, so we will decode uneeded request.
/// @param[in] entry - a pointer of an active_diagnostic_request instance to clean up
/// @param[in] requests_list - a vector where to make the search and cleaning.
void diagnostic_manager_t::find_and_erase(active_diagnostic_request_t* entry, std::vector<active_diagnostic_request_t*>& requests_list)
	auto i = std::find(requests_list.begin(), requests_list.end(), entry);
	if ( i != requests_list.end())

/// @brief Free memory allocated on active_diagnostic_request_t object and close the socket.
void diagnostic_manager_t::cancel_request(active_diagnostic_request_t* entry)
	delete entry;
	entry = nullptr;

/// @brief Cleanup a specific request if it isn't running and get complete. As it is almost
/// impossible to get that state for a recurring request without waiting for that, you can
/// force the cleaning operation.
/// @param[in] entry - the request to clean
/// @param[in] force - Force the cleaning or not ?
void diagnostic_manager_t::cleanup_request(active_diagnostic_request_t* entry, bool force)
	if(entry != nullptr && (force || entry->response_received()))
		char request_string[128] = {0};
			request_string, sizeof(request_string));
		if(force && entry->get_recurring())
			find_and_erase(entry, recurring_requests_);
			AFB_DEBUG("Cancelling completed, recurring request: %s", request_string);
		else if (!entry->get_recurring())
			AFB_DEBUG("Cancelling completed, non-recurring request: %s", request_string);
			find_and_erase(entry, non_recurring_requests_);

/// @brief Clean up all requests lists, recurring and not recurring.
/// @param[in] force - Force the cleaning or not ? If true, that will do
/// the same effect as a call to reset().
void diagnostic_manager_t::cleanup_active_requests(bool force)
	for(auto& entry : non_recurring_requests_)
		if (entry != nullptr)
			cleanup_request(entry, force);

	for(auto& entry : recurring_requests_)
		if (entry != nullptr)
			cleanup_request(entry, force);

/// @brief Will return the active_diagnostic_request_t pointer for theDiagnosticRequest or nullptr if
/// not found.
/// @param[in] request - Search key, method will go through recurring list to see if it find that request
///  holded by the DiagnosticHandle member.
active_diagnostic_request_t* diagnostic_manager_t::find_recurring_request(DiagnosticRequest& request)
	for (auto& entry : recurring_requests_)
		if(entry != nullptr)
			if(diagnostic_request_equals(&entry->get_handle()->request, &request))
				{return entry;}
	return nullptr;

/// @brief Add and send a new one-time diagnostic request. DON'T USED AT THIS TIME
/// A one-time (aka non-recurring) request can existing in parallel with a
/// recurring request for the same PID or mode, that's not a problem.
/// For an example, see the docs for addRecurringRequest. This function is very
/// similar but leaves out the frequencyHz parameter.
/// @param[in] request - The parameters for the request.
/// @param[in] name - Human readable name this response, to be used when
///      publishing received responses.
/// @param[in] wait_for_multiple_responses - If false, When any response is received
///      for this request it will be removed from the active list. If true, the
///      request will remain active until the timeout clock expires, to allow it
///      to receive multiple response. Functional broadcast requests will always
///      waint for the timeout, regardless of this parameter.
/// @param[in] decoder - An optional DiagnosticResponseDecoder to parse the payload of
///      responses to this request. If the decoder is NULL, the output will
///      include the raw payload instead of a parsed value.
/// @param[in] callback - An optional DiagnosticResponseCallback to be notified whenever a
///      response is received for this request.
/// @return true if the request was added successfully. Returns false if there
/// wasn't a free active request entry.
active_diagnostic_request_t* diagnostic_manager_t::add_request(DiagnosticRequest* request, const std::string& name,
	bool wait_for_multiple_responses, const DiagnosticResponseDecoder decoder,
	const DiagnosticResponseCallback callback)

	active_diagnostic_request_t* entry = nullptr;

	if (non_recurring_requests_.size() <= MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_DIAG_REQUESTS)
		active_diagnostic_request_t* entry = new active_diagnostic_request_t(bus_, request->arbitration_id, name,
				wait_for_multiple_responses, decoder, callback, 0);
		entry->set_handle(shims_, request);

		char request_string[128] = {0};
		diagnostic_request_to_string(&entry->get_handle()->request, request_string,

		// Erase any existing request not already cleaned.
		cleanup_request(entry, true);
		AFB_DEBUG("Added one-time diagnostic request on bus %s: %s",
				bus_.c_str(), request_string);

		AFB_WARNING("There isn't enough request entry. Vector exhausted %d/%d", (int)non_recurring_requests_.size(), MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_DIAG_REQUESTS);
	return entry;

/// @brief Validate frequency asked don't get higher than the maximum of a classical
/// CAN bus OBD2 request.
/// @param[in] frequencyHz - frequency asked for sending diagnostic requests.
/// @return True if frequency is below the Maximum false if not.
bool diagnostic_manager_t::validate_optional_request_attributes(float frequencyHz)
		AFB_DEBUG("Requested recurring diagnostic frequency %lf is higher than maximum of %d",
		return false;
	return true;

/// @brief Add and send a new recurring diagnostic request.
/// At most one recurring request can be active for the same arbitration ID, mode
/// and (if set) PID on the same bus at one time. If you try and call
/// add_recurring_request with the same key, it will return an error.
/// @param[in] request - The parameters for the request.
/// @param[in] name - An optional human readable name this response, to be used when
///      publishing received responses. If the name is NULL, the published output
///      will use the raw OBD-II response format.
/// @param[in] wait_for_multiple_responses - If false, When any response is received
///      for this request it will be removed from the active list. If true, the
///      request will remain active until the timeout clock expires, to allow it
///      to receive multiple response. Functional broadcast requests will always
///      waint for the timeout, regardless of this parameter.
/// @param[in] decoder - An optional DiagnosticResponseDecoder to parse the payload of
///      responses to this request. If the decoder is NULL, the output will
///      include the raw payload instead of a parsed value.
/// @param[in] callback - An optional DiagnosticResponseCallback to be notified whenever a
///      response is received for this request.
/// @param[in] frequencyHz - The frequency (in Hz) to send the request. A frequency above
///      MAX_RECURRING_DIAGNOSTIC_FREQUENCY_HZ is not allowed, and will make this
///      function return false.
/// @return true if the request was added successfully. Returns false if there
/// was too much already running requests, or if the frequency was too high.
active_diagnostic_request_t* diagnostic_manager_t::add_recurring_request(DiagnosticRequest* request, const char* name,
		bool wait_for_multiple_responses, const DiagnosticResponseDecoder decoder,
		const DiagnosticResponseCallback callback, float frequencyHz)
	active_diagnostic_request_t* entry = nullptr;

		return entry;


	if(find_recurring_request(*request) == nullptr)
		if(recurring_requests_.size() <= MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_DIAG_REQUESTS)
			entry = new active_diagnostic_request_t(bus_, request->arbitration_id, name,
					wait_for_multiple_responses, decoder, callback, frequencyHz);

			entry->set_handle(shims_, request);
			start_diagnostic_request(&shims_, entry->get_handle());
			AFB_WARNING("There isn't enough request entry. Vector exhausted %d/%d", (int)recurring_requests_.size(), MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_DIAG_REQUESTS);
		{ AFB_DEBUG("Can't add request, one already exists with same key");}
	return entry;

/// @brief Will decode the diagnostic response and build the final openxc_VehicleMessage to return.
/// @param[in] adr - A pointer to an active diagnostic request holding a valid diagnostic handle
/// @param[in] response - The response to decode from which the Vehicle message will be built and returned
/// @return A filled openxc_VehicleMessage or a zeroed struct if there is an error.
openxc_VehicleMessage diagnostic_manager_t::relay_diagnostic_response(active_diagnostic_request_t* adr, const DiagnosticResponse& response)
	openxc_VehicleMessage message = build_VehicleMessage();
	float value = (float)diagnostic_payload_to_integer(&response);
	if(adr->get_decoder() != nullptr)
		value = adr->get_decoder()(&response, value);

	if((response.success && adr->get_name().size()) > 0)
		// If name, include 'value' instead of payload, and leave of response
		// details.
		message = build_VehicleMessage(build_SimpleMessage(adr->get_name(), build_DynamicField(value)));
		message.has_diagnostic_response = true;
		message.diagnostic_response = build_VehicleMessage(adr, response, value).diagnostic_response;
		// If no name, only send full details of response but still include 'value'
		// instead of 'payload' if they provided a decoder. The one case you
		// can't get is the full detailed response with 'value'. We could add
		// another parameter for that but it's onerous to carry that around.
		message = build_VehicleMessage(adr, response, value);

	// If not success but completed then the pid isn't supported
		struct utils::signals_found found_signals;
		found_signals = utils::signals_manager_t::instance().find_signals(build_DynamicField(adr->get_name()));
		cleanup_request(adr, true);
		AFB_NOTICE("PID not supported or ill formed. Please unsubscribe from it. Error code : %d", response.negative_response_code);
		message = build_VehicleMessage(build_SimpleMessage(adr->get_name(), build_DynamicField("This PID isn't supported by your vehicle.")));

	if(adr->get_callback() != nullptr)
		adr->get_callback()(adr, &response, value);

	// Reset the completed flag handle to make sure that it will be reprocessed the next time.
	adr->get_handle()->success = false;
	return message;

/// @brief Will take the CAN message and pass it to the receive functions that will process
/// diagnostic handle for each active diagnostic request then depending on the result we will
/// return pass the diagnostic response to decode it.
/// @param[in] entry - A pointer to an active diagnostic request holding a valid diagnostic handle
/// @param[in] cm - A raw CAN message.
/// @return A pointer to a filled openxc_VehicleMessage or a nullptr if nothing has been found.
openxc_VehicleMessage diagnostic_manager_t::relay_diagnostic_handle(active_diagnostic_request_t* entry, const can_message_t& cm)
	DiagnosticResponse response = diagnostic_receive_can_frame(&shims_, entry->get_handle(), cm.get_id(), cm.get_data(), cm.get_length());
	if(response.completed && entry->get_handle()->completed)
			return relay_diagnostic_response(entry, response);
	else if(!response.completed && response.multi_frame)
		// Reset the timeout clock while completing the multi-frame receive

	return build_VehicleMessage();

/// @brief Find the active diagnostic request with the correct DiagnosticRequestHandle
/// member that will understand the CAN message using diagnostic_receive_can_frame function
/// from UDS-C library. Then decode it with an ad-hoc method.
/// @param[in] cm - Raw CAN message received
/// @return VehicleMessage with decoded value.
openxc_VehicleMessage diagnostic_manager_t::find_and_decode_adr(const can_message_t& cm)
	openxc_VehicleMessage vehicle_message = build_VehicleMessage();

	for ( auto entry : non_recurring_requests_)
		vehicle_message = relay_diagnostic_handle(entry, cm);
		if (is_valid(vehicle_message))
			return vehicle_message;

	for ( auto entry : recurring_requests_)
		vehicle_message = relay_diagnostic_handle(entry, cm);
		if (is_valid(vehicle_message))
			return vehicle_message;

	return vehicle_message;

/// @brief Tell if the CAN message received is a diagnostic response.
/// Request broadcast ID use 0x7DF and assigned ID goes from 0x7E0 to Ox7E7. That allows up to 8 ECU to respond
/// at the same time. The response is the assigned ID + 0x8, so response ID can goes from 0x7E8 to 0x7EF.
/// @param[in] cm - CAN message received from the socket.
/// @return True if the active diagnostic request match the response.
bool diagnostic_manager_t::is_diagnostic_response(const can_message_t& cm)
	if (cm.get_id() >= 0x7e8 && cm.get_id() <= 0x7ef)
			return true;
	return false;