diff options
-rw-r--r--meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa/0001-dri2-Fix-fstat-s_ISHCR-implict-declaration-build-err.patch (renamed from meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa_10.6.3/0001-dri2-Fix-fstat-s_ISHCR-implict-declaration-build-err.patch)0
55 files changed, 4380 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/common/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gst-plugins-bad_0.10.23.bbappend b/common/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gst-plugins-bad_0.10.23.bbappend
index 1696313..6b7f1d8 100644
--- a/common/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gst-plugins-bad_0.10.23.bbappend
+++ b/common/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gst-plugins-bad_0.10.23.bbappend
@@ -5,26 +5,5 @@ EXTRA_OECONF += "--with-plugins=h264parse,asfmux,videoparsers"
-# For armadillo
-SRCREV_armadillo800eva = "6c0a11cb57d4425f6d721a6756c5af4d9dd269e5"
-SRC_URI_armadillo800eva = " \
- git://github.com/matsu/gst-plugins-bad.git \
- file://0001-Setup-MERAM-for-A1.patch \
-S_armadillo800eva = "${WORKDIR}/git/"
-DEPENDS_append_armadillo800eva = " directfb libuiomux libshvio"
-EXTRA_OECONF_armadillo800eva = "${@'${EXTRA_OECONF}'.replace('--disable-directfb', '--enable-directfb')}"
-EXTRA_OECONF_append_armadillo800eva = " \
- --disable-librfb --enable-introspection=no \
- --disable-nls --disable-static --disable-gsettings \
-do_configure_armadillo800eva() {
- (cd ${S}; sh autogen.sh --noconfigure)
- oe_runconf
FILES_${PN} += "${bindir}"
require gst-plugins-private-libs.inc
diff --git a/common/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.2.3.bbappend b/common/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.2.3.bbappend
index 2f46ba3..ae95283 100644
--- a/common/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.2.3.bbappend
+++ b/common/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.2.3.bbappend
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- ${@base_contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'x11', 'x11', '', d)} \
- ${@base_contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'alsa', 'alsa', '', d)} \
+ ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'x11', 'x11', '', d)} \
+ ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'alsa', 'alsa', '', d)} \
ivorbis ogg theora vorbis \
diff --git a/common/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.2.3.bbappend b/common/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.2.3.bbappend
index 910b031..c67449f 100644
--- a/common/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.2.3.bbappend
+++ b/common/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.2.3.bbappend
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- ${@base_contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'x11', 'x11', '', d)} \
- ${@base_contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pulseaudio', 'pulseaudio', '', d)} \
+ ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'x11', 'x11', '', d)} \
+ ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'pulseaudio', 'pulseaudio', '', d)} \
cairo flac gdk-pixbuf jpeg libpng soup speex taglib \
diff --git a/common/recipes-multimedia/omxil-sh/omxil-sh_git.bb b/common/recipes-multimedia/omxil-sh/omxil-sh_git.bb
index e65072b..96124f5 100644
--- a/common/recipes-multimedia/omxil-sh/omxil-sh_git.bb
+++ b/common/recipes-multimedia/omxil-sh/omxil-sh_git.bb
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ SRCREV_armadillo800eva = "bd43cfba750773cd323fb546f279e76b37c6d713"
SRC_URI_append_armadillo800eva = " file://vcp1-library-change.patch"
-DEPENDS_append_armadillo800eva = ' ${@base_contains("CHECK_OMXIL_SH_MW", "1", "vcp1", "", d)}'
+DEPENDS_append_armadillo800eva = ' ${@bb.utils.contains("CHECK_OMXIL_SH_MW", "1", "vcp1", "", d)}'
inherit autotools pkgconfig
diff --git a/conf/layer.conf b/conf/layer.conf
index 318293a..429a56b 100644
--- a/conf/layer.conf
+++ b/conf/layer.conf
@@ -9,7 +9,4 @@ BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "renesas"
BBFILE_PRIORITY_renesas = "5"
-PREFERRED_VERSION_mesa = "12.0.1"
-PREFERRED_VERSION_gnutls = "3.3.%"
-PREFERRED_VERSION_libtasn1 = "4.5"
PREFERRED_VERSION_libnl = "3.2.25"
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/README.proprietary b/meta-rcar-gen2/README.proprietary
index 0da8afe..4cbcfad 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/README.proprietary
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/README.proprietary
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ II/ Build with or without GLES
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles2 = "gles-user-module"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/egl = "libegl"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgl = ""
- PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/mesa = ""
+ PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/mesa = "mesa"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_libgbm = "libgbm"
- PREFERRED_PROVIDER_libgbm-dev = "libgbm"
+ PREFERRED_RPROVIDER_libgbm-dev = "libgbm"
NOTE: The r8a7790 uses rgx, r8a7791, r8a7793 and r8a7794 uses sgx.
If you want to use rgx, please set to 'rgx' instead of 'sgx'.
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/include/omx-components-control.inc b/meta-rcar-gen2/include/omx-components-control.inc
index 7848262..f8977fc 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/include/omx-components-control.inc
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/include/omx-components-control.inc
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ USE_AUDIO_COMMON = "${@'1' if '1' in '${AUDIO_ENCODER_ARRAY}' or '1' in '${AUDIO
# Please add new encoder config into list when have new encoder (e.g. as RESERVE_ENCODER_CONF)
-USE_VIDEO_COMMON_ENCODER = '${@base_contains("VIDEO_ENCODER_ARRAY", "1", "1", "0", d)}'
+USE_VIDEO_COMMON_ENCODER = '${@bb.utils.contains("VIDEO_ENCODER_ARRAY", "1", "1", "0", d)}'
# Audio codec config
ARMAACP2_MDW_DECODER = '${@base_conditional("USE_AACP2_DECODER", "1", "1", "${USE_ARMAACP2_MDW_DECODER}", d)}'
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-bsp/bootfiles/files/uEnv-ota.txt b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-bsp/bootfiles/files/uEnv-ota.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9def764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-bsp/bootfiles/files/uEnv-ota.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+bootargs_console=console=ttySC6,38400 ignore_loglevel
+bootargs_video=vmalloc=384M video=HDMI-A-1:1024x768-32@60
+bootargs_extra=rw rootfstype=ext4 rootwait rootdelay=2
+bootargs_root=ostree_root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 root=/dev/ram0 ramdisk_size=16384
+booteload_sd=ext4load mmc ${bootmmc} ${bootkaddr} boot/loader/uEnv.txt; env import -t ${bootkaddr} ${filesize}
+bootkload_sd=ext4load mmc ${bootmmc} ${bootkaddr} boot/${kernel_image}
+bootiload_sd=ext4load mmc ${bootmmc} ${bootiaddr} boot/${ramdisk_image}
+bootcmd=run booteload_sd; setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ${bootargs_console} ${bootargs_video} ${bootargs_root} ${bootargs_extra}; run bootkload_sd; run bootiload_sd; bootm ${bootkaddr} ${bootiaddr}
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-bsp/bootfiles/porter-bootfiles.bb b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-bsp/bootfiles/porter-bootfiles.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c14a88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-bsp/bootfiles/porter-bootfiles.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "Boot files (bootscripts etc.) for Renesas Porter board"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COREBASE}/meta/COPYING.MIT;md5=3da9cfbcb788c80a0384361b4de20420"
+inherit deploy
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+SRC_URI_append_sota = "file://uEnv-ota.txt"
+do_deploy() {
+ install -d ${DEPLOYDIR}/${PN}
+do_deploy_append_sota() {
+ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/uEnv-ota.txt ${DEPLOYDIR}/${PN}/uEnv.txt
+addtask deploy before do_package after do_install
+do_deploy[dirs] += "${DEPLOYDIR}/${PN}"
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot/0004-uboot-porter-board-support.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot/0004-uboot-porter-board-support.patch
index f83620b..0c48b09 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot/0004-uboot-porter-board-support.patch
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot/0004-uboot-porter-board-support.patch
@@ -403,9 +403,9 @@ index 0000000..e6ded08
+ u8 val;
+ i2c_init(CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SPEED, 0);
-+ i2c_read(0x58, 0x13, 1, &val, 1);
++ i2c_read(0x5a, 0x13, 1, &val, 1);
+ val |= 0x02;
-+ i2c_write(0x58, 0x13, 1, &val, 1);
++ i2c_write(0x5a, 0x13, 1, &val, 1);
+enum {
@@ -3071,9 +3071,9 @@ index 0000000..0d68248
+#define CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT "=> "
-+#define CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE 256
-+#define CONFIG_SYS_PBSIZE 256
++#define CONFIG_SYS_CBSIZE 512
++#define CONFIG_SYS_PBSIZE 512
+#define CONFIG_SYS_BAUDRATE_TABLE { 38400, 115200 }
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/gles-module/gles-user-module.bb b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/gles-module/gles-user-module.bb
index 8a72b12..37e8052 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/gles-module/gles-user-module.bb
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/gles-module/gles-user-module.bb
@@ -26,23 +26,23 @@ OPENGLES3 ?= "0"
SRC_URI_r8a7790 = '${@base_conditional( "OPENGLES3", "1", \
"file://r8a7790_linux_rgx_binaries_gles3.tar.bz2", \
"file://r8a7790_linux_rgx_binaries_gles2.tar.bz2", d )}'
-SRC_URI_append_r8a7790 = " ${@base_contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "wayland", " \
+SRC_URI_append_r8a7790 = " ${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "wayland", " \
file://EGL_headers_for_wayland.patch \
file://change-shell.patch \
", "", d)}"
SRC_URI_r8a7791 = "file://r8a7791_linux_sgx_binaries_gles2.tar.bz2"
-SRC_URI_append_r8a7791 = " ${@base_contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "wayland", " \
+SRC_URI_append_r8a7791 = " ${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "wayland", " \
file://EGL_headers_for_wayland.patch \
", "", d)}"
SRC_URI_r8a7793 = "file://r8a7791_linux_sgx_binaries_gles2.tar.bz2"
-SRC_URI_append_r8a7793 = " ${@base_contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "wayland", " \
+SRC_URI_append_r8a7793 = " ${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "wayland", " \
file://EGL_headers_for_wayland.patch \
", "", d)}"
SRC_URI_r8a7794 = "file://r8a7794_linux_sgx_binaries_gles2.tar.bz2"
-SRC_URI_append_r8a7794 = " ${@base_contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "wayland", " \
+SRC_URI_append_r8a7794 = " ${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "wayland", " \
file://EGL_headers_for_wayland.patch \
", "", d)}"
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ FILES_${PN}-dev = " \
PROVIDES = "virtual/libgles2"
-PROVIDES_append = "${@base_contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "wayland", "", " virtual/egl", d)}"
+PROVIDES_append = "${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "wayland", "", " virtual/egl", d)}"
RPROVIDES_${PN} += "${GLES}-user-module libgles2-mesa libgles2-mesa-dev libgles2 libgles2-dev"
INSANE_SKIP_${PN} += "ldflags already-stripped"
INSANE_SKIP_${PN}-dev += "ldflags"
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/images/core-image-renesas-base.inc b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/images/core-image-renesas-base.inc
index bea1510..ee20a28 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/images/core-image-renesas-base.inc
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/images/core-image-renesas-base.inc
@@ -27,18 +27,18 @@ IMAGE_INSTALL_append_rcar-gen2 = '${@base_conditional("USE_GLES", "1", \
"gles-kernel-module gles-user-module", "", d)}'
# pkg groups for multimedia
-IMAGE_INSTALL_append_rcar-gen2 = ' ${@base_contains("USE_MULTIMEDIA", "1", " \
+IMAGE_INSTALL_append_rcar-gen2 = ' ${@bb.utils.contains("USE_MULTIMEDIA", "1", " \
packagegroup-rcar-gen2-multimedia \
", "", d)}'
# pkg groups for multimedia test program
-IMAGE_INSTALL_append_rcar-gen2 = ' ${@base_contains("USE_MULTIMEDIA_TEST", "1", " \
+IMAGE_INSTALL_append_rcar-gen2 = ' ${@bb.utils.contains("USE_MULTIMEDIA_TEST", "1", " \
packagegroup-rcar-gen2-multimedia-tp \
", "", d)}'
# pkg groups for dtv
-IMAGE_INSTALL_append_rcar-gen2 = ' ${@base_contains("USE_DTV", "1", " \
+IMAGE_INSTALL_append_rcar-gen2 = ' ${@bb.utils.contains("USE_DTV", "1", " \
packagegroup-rcar-gen2-dtv \
", "", d)}'
# pkg groups for graphic test program
-IMAGE_INSTALL_append_rcar-gen2 = ' ${@base_contains("USE_GLES_TEST", "1", " \
+IMAGE_INSTALL_append_rcar-gen2 = ' ${@bb.utils.contains("USE_GLES_TEST", "1", " \
gles-test-module \
", "", d)}'
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa-wayland.inc b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa-wayland.inc
index 572c1a7..be051ca 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa-wayland.inc
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa-wayland.inc
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
PACKAGECONFIG[gles] = "--enable-gles1 --disable-gles2"
PACKAGECONFIG[egl] = "--enable-egl --with-egl-platforms=wayland"
-FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/mesa_10.6.3/:"
+FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/mesa/:"
SRC_URI += "file://0001-dri2-Fix-fstat-s_ISHCR-implict-declaration-build-err.patch"
# Disable the gbm modules of mesa
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa_10.6.3/0001-dri2-Fix-fstat-s_ISHCR-implict-declaration-build-err.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa/0001-dri2-Fix-fstat-s_ISHCR-implict-declaration-build-err.patch
index 909e0d0..909e0d0 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa_10.6.3/0001-dri2-Fix-fstat-s_ISHCR-implict-declaration-build-err.patch
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/mesa/mesa/0001-dri2-Fix-fstat-s_ISHCR-implict-declaration-build-err.patch
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/wayland/libegl.bb b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/wayland/libegl.bb
index 5fffe16..b53b2a3 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/wayland/libegl.bb
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/wayland/libegl.bb
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://egl.c;beginline=5;endline=15;md5=3677623633a6e459b1f6
COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "(r8a7790|r8a7791|r8a7793|r8a7794)"
-RPROVIDES_${PN} = "${@base_contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "wayland", "libEGL.so", "", d)}"
-PROVIDES = "${@base_contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "wayland", "virtual/egl", "", d)}"
+RPROVIDES_${PN} = "${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "wayland", "libEGL.so", "", d)}"
+PROVIDES = "${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "wayland", "virtual/egl", "", d)}"
SRCREV = "7b09cce97e8658ba927e71f1af43360c4cc392b7"
SRC_URI = "git://github.com/thayama/libegl;protocol=git;branch=master \
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/wayland/libgbm.bb b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/wayland/libgbm.bb
index de66361..3817fb1 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/wayland/libgbm.bb
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/wayland/libgbm.bb
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://gbm.c;beginline=4;endline=22;md5=5cdaac262c876e98e477
SRCREV = "c4ee70a7202dc81eaa45a73535e82cee98db2a0d"
SRC_URI = "git://github.com/thayama/libgbm;protocol=git;branch=master"
+SRC_URI_append = " \
+ file://0001-Add-gbm_bo_get_fd-function.patch \
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "(r8a7790|r8a7791|r8a7793|r8a7794)"
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/wayland/libgbm/0001-Add-gbm_bo_get_fd-function.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/wayland/libgbm/0001-Add-gbm_bo_get_fd-function.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e688cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-graphics/wayland/libgbm/0001-Add-gbm_bo_get_fd-function.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+From e6d4594481a2c7d9625d1f4abf898cd461c30c42 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Grigory Kletsko <grigory.kletsko@cogentembedded.com>
+Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2016 16:17:16 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH] Add gbm_bo_get_fd() function
+ backend_kms.c | 8 ++++++++
+ gbm.c | 15 +++++++++++++++
+ gbm.h | 3 +++
+ gbmint.h | 1 +
+ 4 files changed, 27 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/backend_kms.c b/backend_kms.c
+index cfee3b0..3fc1d66 100644
+--- a/backend_kms.c
++++ b/backend_kms.c
+@@ -339,6 +339,13 @@ static int gbm_kms_surface_has_free_buffers(struct gbm_surface *_surface)
+ return ((!surface->bo[0]->locked) || (!surface->bo[1]->locked));
+ }
++static int gbm_kms_bo_get_fd(struct gbm_bo *_bo)
++ struct gbm_kms_bo *bo = (struct gbm_kms_bo*)_bo;
++ return bo->fd;
+ struct gbm_device kms_gbm_device = {
+ .name = "kms",
+@@ -349,6 +356,7 @@ struct gbm_device kms_gbm_device = {
+ .bo_import = gbm_kms_bo_import,
+ .bo_write = gbm_kms_bo_write,
+ .bo_destroy = gbm_kms_bo_destroy,
++ .bo_get_fd = gbm_kms_bo_get_fd,
+ .surface_create = gbm_kms_surface_create,
+ .surface_lock_front_buffer = gbm_kms_surface_lock_front_buffer,
+diff --git a/gbm.c b/gbm.c
+index c58576d..458fac0 100644
+--- a/gbm.c
++++ b/gbm.c
+@@ -470,3 +470,18 @@ gbm_surface_has_free_buffers(struct gbm_surface *surf)
+ {
+ return surf->gbm->surface_has_free_buffers(surf);
+ }
++/** Get a DMA-BUF file descriptor for the buffer object
++ *
++ * This function creates a DMA-BUF (also known as PRIME) file descriptor
++ * handle for the buffer object. Eeach call to gbm_bo_get_fd() returns a new
++ * file descriptor and the caller is responsible for closing the file
++ * descriptor.
++ * \param bo The buffer object
++ * \return Returns a file descriptor referring to the underlying buffer
++ */
++gbm_bo_get_fd(struct gbm_bo *bo)
++ return bo->gbm->bo_get_fd(bo);
+diff --git a/gbm.h b/gbm.h
+index 9d2a030..ad92935 100644
+--- a/gbm.h
++++ b/gbm.h
+@@ -285,6 +285,9 @@ gbm_surface_has_free_buffers(struct gbm_surface *surface);
+ void
+ gbm_surface_destroy(struct gbm_surface *surface);
++gbm_bo_get_fd(struct gbm_bo *bo);
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+diff --git a/gbmint.h b/gbmint.h
+index a467bea..70a8d4a 100644
+--- a/gbmint.h
++++ b/gbmint.h
+@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ struct gbm_device {
+ void *buffer, uint32_t usage);
+ int (*bo_write)(struct gbm_bo *bo, const void *buf, size_t data);
+ void (*bo_destroy)(struct gbm_bo *bo);
++ int (*bo_get_fd)(struct gbm_bo *_bo);
+ struct gbm_surface *(*surface_create)(struct gbm_device *gbm,
+ uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/fdpm-module/fdpm-kernel-module.bb b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/fdpm-module/fdpm-kernel-module.bb
index 73e7615..1886730 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/fdpm-module/fdpm-kernel-module.bb
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/fdpm-module/fdpm-kernel-module.bb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require ../../include/rcar-gen2-modules-common.inc
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://drv/GPL-COPYING;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263 \
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/gles-module/gles-kernel-module.bb b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/gles-module/gles-kernel-module.bb
index 5b47340..e3fea90 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/gles-module/gles-kernel-module.bb
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/gles-module/gles-kernel-module.bb
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
DESCRIPTION = "RGX/SGX kernel module"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://GPL-COPYING;md5=60422928ba677faaa13d6ab5f5baaa1e \
DEPENDS = "linux-renesas"
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ S_r8a7794 = "${WORKDIR}/eurasia_km"
KERNEL_SRC_PATH_r8a7794 = "eurasiacon/build/linux2/r8a7794_linux/"
TARGET_PATH_r8a7794 = "eurasia_km/eurasiacon/binary2_r8a7794_linux_release/target/kbuild"
-GLES = "${@base_contains('MACHINE_FEATURES', 'rgx', 'rgx', \
- base_contains('MACHINE_FEATURES', 'sgx', 'sgx', '', d), d)}"
+GLES = "${@bb.utils.contains('MACHINE_FEATURES', 'rgx', 'rgx', \
+ bb.utils.contains('MACHINE_FEATURES', 'sgx', 'sgx', '', d), d)}"
RPROVIDES_${PN} += "${GLES}-kernel-module"
RPROVIDES_${PN} += "kernel-module-bc-example kernel-module-pvrsrvkm kernel-module-dc-linuxfb"
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ INHIBIT_PACKAGE_DEBUG_SPLIT = "1"
do_patch[noexec] = "1"
do_configure[noexec] = "1"
-do_populate_lic[noexec] = "1"
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux-libc-headers/linux-libc-headers_3.10.bb b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux-libc-headers/linux-libc-headers_3.10.bb
index 3e18e9e..374bee0 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux-libc-headers/linux-libc-headers_3.10.bb
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux-libc-headers/linux-libc-headers_3.10.bb
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ PV_append = "+git${SRCREV}"
-SRCREV = "b8ca8c397343f4233f9f68fc3a5bf8e1c9b88251"
-SRC_URI = "${RENESAS_BACKPORTS_URL};protocol=git;branch=bsp/v3.10.31-ltsi/rcar-gen2-1.9.2 \
+SRCREV = "165e12ce2d7839e755debbec78dfa43b54345275"
+SRC_URI = "${RENESAS_BACKPORTS_URL};protocol=git;branch=bsp/v3.10.31-ltsi/rcar-gen2-1.9.7 \
file://scripts-Makefile.headersinst-install-headers-from-sc.patch \
file://0001-kernel-add-support-for-gcc-5.patch \
file://0001-kernel-add-support-for-gcc-6.patch \
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/0001-ASoC-ak4642-Replace-mdelay-function-to-msleep.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/0001-ASoC-ak4642-Replace-mdelay-function-to-msleep.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bfff9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/0001-ASoC-ak4642-Replace-mdelay-function-to-msleep.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+From 21b85faf93b8028cfa477279354bedab93dcea04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Harunobu Kurokawa <harunobu.kurokawa.dn@renesas.com>
+Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2016 11:27:34 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH] ASoC: ak4642: Replace mdelay function to msleep
+Replace mdelay to msleep to avoid busy loop on ak4642_lout_event().
+Otherwise, sometimes playback doesn't work correctly when pulseaudio was used.
+Signed-off-by: Harunobu Kurokawa <harunobu.kurokawa.dn@renesas.com>
+ sound/soc/codecs/ak4642.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/sound/soc/codecs/ak4642.c b/sound/soc/codecs/ak4642.c
+index 40500cd..0205ae1 100644
+--- a/sound/soc/codecs/ak4642.c
++++ b/sound/soc/codecs/ak4642.c
+@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ static int ak4642_lout_event(struct snd_soc_dapm_widget *w,
+ break;
+ case SND_SOC_DAPM_POST_PMU: /* after widget power up */
+ /* Power save mode OFF */
+- mdelay(popup_wait);
++ msleep(popup_wait);
+ snd_soc_update_bits(codec, SG_SL2, LOPS, 0);
+ break;
+ case SND_SOC_DAPM_PRE_PMD: /* before widget power down */
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/0002-silk-reference-Add-DRM_RCAR_DU_CONNECT_VSP-configura.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/0002-silk-reference-Add-DRM_RCAR_DU_CONNECT_VSP-configura.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eff1c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/0002-silk-reference-Add-DRM_RCAR_DU_CONNECT_VSP-configura.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+From 1dd26e7ff4bd7f9f5c4926ea3e10f0c56df04cc2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Yannick Gicquel <yannick.gicquel@iot.bzh>
+Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2016 14:38:49 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] silk-reference: Add DRM_RCAR_DU_CONNECT_VSP configuration
+Signed-off-by: Yannick Gicquel <yannick.gicquel@iot.bzh>
+ arch/arm/mach-shmobile/board-silk-reference.c | 18 ++++++++++++++----
+ 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-shmobile/board-silk-reference.c b/arch/arm/mach-shmobile/board-silk-reference.c
+index d4c64fa..9195c0f 100644
+--- a/arch/arm/mach-shmobile/board-silk-reference.c
++++ b/arch/arm/mach-shmobile/board-silk-reference.c
+@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
+ #include <linux/platform_data/camera-rcar.h>
+ #include <linux/platform_data/rcar-du.h>
+ #include <linux/platform_data/usb-rcar-gen2-phy.h>
+ #include <linux/platform_data/vsp1.h>
+ #endif
+ #include <linux/serial_sci.h>
+@@ -91,10 +92,16 @@ static struct rcar_du_crtc_data silk_du_crtcs[] = {
+ {
+ .exclk = 148500000,
+ .init_conn_type = DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_HDMIA,
+ },
+ {
+ .exclk = 74250000,
+ .init_conn_type = DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_VGA,
+ },
+ };
+@@ -250,7 +257,8 @@ static const struct clk_name clk_names[] __initconst = {
+ { "dvc1", "dvc.1", "rcar_sound" },
+ { "vin0", NULL, "r8a7794-vin.0" },
+ { "vsps", NULL, NULL },
+ { "vsp1-du0", NULL, "vsp1.2" },
+ #else
+ { "vsp1-du0", NULL, NULL },
+@@ -821,7 +829,8 @@ static void __init silk_add_camera0_device(void)
+ }
+ /* VSP1 */
+ static const struct vsp1_platform_data silk_vsps_pdata __initconst = {
+ .features = 0,
+ .rpf_count = 5,
+@@ -970,7 +979,8 @@ static void __init silk_add_standard_devices(void)
+ silk_add_usb1_device();
+ silk_add_rsnd_device();
+ silk_add_camera0_device();
+ silk_add_vsp1_devices();
+ #endif
+ silk_add_msiof_device(spi_bus, ARRAY_SIZE(spi_bus));
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/0008-Porter-board-support.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/0008-Porter-board-support.patch
index 13fc68b..e452f0e 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/0008-Porter-board-support.patch
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/0008-Porter-board-support.patch
@@ -1322,7 +1322,7 @@ index 0000000..d481ecd
+/* POWER IC */
+static struct i2c_board_info poweric_i2c[] = {
-+ { I2C_BOARD_INFO("da9063", 0x58), },
++ { I2C_BOARD_INFO("da9063", 0x5a), },
+static void porter_restart(char mode, const char *cmd)
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/0009-porter-reference-Add-DRM_RCAR_DU_CONNECT_VSP-configu.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/0009-porter-reference-Add-DRM_RCAR_DU_CONNECT_VSP-configu.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b712a19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/0009-porter-reference-Add-DRM_RCAR_DU_CONNECT_VSP-configu.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+From 0a907ffb0598971a603eb0a4117cf251974c33b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Yannick Gicquel <yannick.gicquel@iot.bzh>
+Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2016 13:59:40 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] porter-reference: Add DRM_RCAR_DU_CONNECT_VSP configuration
+Signed-off-by: Yannick Gicquel <yannick.gicquel@iot.bzh>
+ arch/arm/mach-shmobile/board-porter-reference.c | 18 ++++++++++++++----
+ 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-shmobile/board-porter-reference.c b/arch/arm/mach-shmobile/board-porter-reference.c
+index ae06151..75513cb 100644
+--- a/arch/arm/mach-shmobile/board-porter-reference.c
++++ b/arch/arm/mach-shmobile/board-porter-reference.c
+@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
+ #include <linux/platform_data/camera-rcar.h>
+ #include <linux/platform_data/rcar-du.h>
+ #include <linux/platform_data/usb-rcar-gen2-phy.h>
+ #include <linux/platform_data/vsp1.h>
+ #endif
+ #include <linux/serial_sci.h>
+@@ -86,10 +87,16 @@ static struct rcar_du_crtc_data porter_du_crtcs[] = {
+ {
+ .exclk = 0, /* NoP */
+ .init_conn_type = DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_LVDS,
+ },
+ {
+ .exclk = 0, /* NoP */
+ .init_conn_type = DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_HDMIA,
+ },
+ };
+@@ -139,7 +146,8 @@ static const struct clk_name clk_names[] __initconst = {
+ { "hsusb", NULL, "usb_phy_rcar_gen2" },
+ { "vin0", NULL, "r8a7791-vin.0" },
+ { "vsps", NULL, NULL },
+ { "vsp1-du0", NULL, "vsp1.2" },
+ { "vsp1-du1", NULL, "vsp1.3" },
+ #else
+@@ -661,7 +669,8 @@ static void __init porter_add_camera0_device(void)
+ }
+ /* VSP1 */
+ static const struct vsp1_platform_data porter_vsps_pdata __initconst = {
+ .features = 0,
+ .rpf_count = 5,
+@@ -850,7 +859,8 @@ static void __init porter_add_standard_devices(void)
+ porter_add_du_device();
+ porter_add_usb_devices();
+ porter_add_camera0_device();
+ porter_add_vsp1_devices();
+ #endif
+ porter_add_msiof_device(spi_bus, ARRAY_SIZE(spi_bus));
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/9999-Backport-fix-for-CVE-2016-5195.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/9999-Backport-fix-for-CVE-2016-5195.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7a143f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/9999-Backport-fix-for-CVE-2016-5195.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+From 8003e1524789537680204d44d5bf7a82561f8ba3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Jan-Simon=20M=C3=B6ller?= <jsmoeller@linuxfoundation.org>
+Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2016 20:58:46 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Backport fix for CVE-2016-5195
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Signed-off-by: Jan-Simon Möller <jsmoeller@linuxfoundation.org>
+ include/linux/mm.h | 1 +
+ mm/memory.c | 14 ++++++++++++--
+ 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/include/linux/mm.h b/include/linux/mm.h
+index 3bf21c3..263b405 100644
+--- a/include/linux/mm.h
++++ b/include/linux/mm.h
+@@ -1702,6 +1702,7 @@ static inline struct page *follow_page(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
+ #define FOLL_HWPOISON 0x100 /* check page is hwpoisoned */
+ #define FOLL_NUMA 0x200 /* force NUMA hinting page fault */
+ #define FOLL_MIGRATION 0x400 /* wait for page to replace migration entry */
++#define FOLL_COW 0x4000 /* internal GUP flag */
+ typedef int (*pte_fn_t)(pte_t *pte, pgtable_t token, unsigned long addr,
+ void *data);
+diff --git a/mm/memory.c b/mm/memory.c
+index 48aa275..3a3f316 100644
+--- a/mm/memory.c
++++ b/mm/memory.c
+@@ -1462,6 +1462,16 @@ int zap_vma_ptes(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long address,
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(zap_vma_ptes);
++ * FOLL_FORCE can write to even unwritable pte's, but only
++ * after we've gone through a COW cycle and they are dirty.
++ */
++static inline bool can_follow_write_pte(pte_t pte, unsigned int flags)
++ return pte_write(pte) ||
++ ((flags & FOLL_FORCE) && (flags & FOLL_COW) && pte_dirty(pte));
+ /**
+ * follow_page_mask - look up a page descriptor from a user-virtual address
+ * @vma: vm_area_struct mapping @address
+@@ -1569,7 +1579,7 @@ split_fallthrough:
+ }
+ if ((flags & FOLL_NUMA) && pte_numa(pte))
+ goto no_page;
+- if ((flags & FOLL_WRITE) && !pte_write(pte))
++ if ((flags & FOLL_WRITE) && !can_follow_write_pte(pte, flags))
+ goto unlock;
+ page = vm_normal_page(vma, address, pte);
+@@ -1876,7 +1886,7 @@ long __get_user_pages(struct task_struct *tsk, struct mm_struct *mm,
+ */
+ if ((ret & VM_FAULT_WRITE) &&
+ !(vma->vm_flags & VM_WRITE))
+- foll_flags &= ~FOLL_WRITE;
++ foll_flags |= FOLL_COW;
+ cond_resched();
+ }
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/can-rcar.cfg b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/can-rcar.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b16fb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/can-rcar.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/smack/0055-Smack-Assign-smack_known_web-as-default-smk_in-label.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/smack/0055-Smack-Assign-smack_known_web-as-default-smk_in-label.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18353d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/smack/0055-Smack-Assign-smack_known_web-as-default-smk_in-label.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+From 292f377160c78213af88b5cc069dbdaa08db17dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Jos=C3=A9=20Bollo?= <jose.bollo@iot.bzh>
+Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2016 11:11:01 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 55/56] Smack: Assign smack_known_web as default smk_in label
+ for kernel thread's socket
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+This change fixes the bug associated with sockets owned by kernel threads. These
+sockets, created usually by network devices' drivers tasks, received smk_in
+label from the task that created them - the "floor" label in the most cases. The
+result was that they were not able to receive data packets because of missing
+smack rules. The main reason of the access deny is that the socket smk_in label
+is placed as the object during smk check, kernel thread's capabilities are
+Refers-to: http://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=7412301b76bd53ee53b860f611fc3b5b1c2245b5
+Change-Id: Icec88b0d51133df8d0a09ea8016233bde255af10
+Signed-off-by: Marcin Lis <m.lis@samsung.com>
+Signed-off-by: José Bollo <jose.bollo@iot.bzh>
+ security/smack/smack_lsm.c | 16 +++++++++++++++-
+ 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/security/smack/smack_lsm.c b/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
+index 895fe5c..ff696e7 100644
+--- a/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
++++ b/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
+@@ -2453,7 +2453,21 @@ static int smack_inode_setsecurity(struct inode *inode, const char *name,
+ static int smack_socket_post_create(struct socket *sock, int family,
+ int type, int protocol, int kern)
+ {
+- if (family != PF_INET || sock->sk == NULL)
++ struct socket_smack *ssp;
++ if (sock->sk == NULL)
++ return 0;
++ /*
++ * Sockets created by kernel threads receive web label.
++ */
++ if (unlikely(current->flags & PF_KTHREAD)) {
++ ssp = sock->sk->sk_security;
++ ssp->smk_in = &smack_known_web;
++ ssp->smk_out = &smack_known_web;
++ }
++ if (family != PF_INET)
+ return 0;
+ /*
+ * Set the outbound netlbl.
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/smack/0056-Smack-Assign-smack_known_web-label-for-kernel-thread.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/smack/0056-Smack-Assign-smack_known_web-label-for-kernel-thread.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b045101
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/smack/0056-Smack-Assign-smack_known_web-label-for-kernel-thread.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+From ea1c9711146e251c809ecf7eb348b548ac6e967c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Jos=C3=A9=20Bollo?= <jose.bollo@iot.bzh>
+Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2016 11:01:15 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 56/56] Smack: Assign smack_known_web label for kernel thread's
+ socket in the sk_alloc_security hook
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Creating struct sock by sk_alloc function in various kernel subsystems
+like bluetooth dosen't call smack_socket_post_create(). In such case,
+received sock label is the floor('_') label and makes access deny.
+Refers-to: http://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=7412301b76bd53ee53b860f611fc3b5b1c2245b5
+Refers-to: https://review.tizen.org/gerrit/#/c/80717/4
+Change-Id: I614c5f0e6d59be5ca6b49f0581edfef79fc334cf
+Signed-off-by: jooseong lee <jooseong.lee@samsung.com>
+Signed-off-by: José Bollo <jose.bollo@iot.bzh>
+ security/smack/smack_lsm.c | 12 ++++++++++--
+ 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/security/smack/smack_lsm.c b/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
+index ff696e7..94914db 100644
+--- a/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
++++ b/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
+@@ -2075,8 +2075,16 @@ static int smack_sk_alloc_security(struct sock *sk, int family, gfp_t gfp_flags)
+ if (ssp == NULL)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+- ssp->smk_in = skp;
+- ssp->smk_out = skp;
++ /*
++ * Sockets created by kernel threads receive web label.
++ */
++ if (unlikely(current->flags & PF_KTHREAD)) {
++ ssp->smk_in = &smack_known_web;
++ ssp->smk_out = &smack_known_web;
++ } else {
++ ssp->smk_in = skp;
++ ssp->smk_out = skp;
++ }
+ ssp->smk_packet = NULL;
+ sk->sk_security = ssp;
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/smack/0057-Smack-handles-socket-in-file_receive.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/smack/0057-Smack-handles-socket-in-file_receive.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba02af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas/smack/0057-Smack-handles-socket-in-file_receive.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+From 99719d12de612819e06fc3d0741b7e2da119d61c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Jos=C3=A9=20Bollo?= <jose.bollo@iot.bzh>
+Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2016 18:32:32 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Smack: handles socket in file_receive
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+The security context of sockets and the rules
+of security are differents for sockets.
+This is a backport of http://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=79be09350
+Change-Id: Id520c9ca8f7ee8883523a0e4b40176524442db33
+Signed-off-by: José Bollo <jose.bollo@iot.bzh>
+ security/smack/smack_lsm.c | 25 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/security/smack/smack_lsm.c b/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
+index 94914db..3b09524 100644
+--- a/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
++++ b/security/smack/smack_lsm.c
+@@ -1638,9 +1638,34 @@ static int smack_file_receive(struct file *file)
+ int may = 0;
+ struct smk_audit_info ad;
+ struct inode *inode = file_inode(file);
++ struct socket *sock;
++ struct task_smack *tsp;
++ struct socket_smack *ssp;
++ if (unlikely(IS_PRIVATE(inode)))
++ return 0;
+ smk_ad_init(&ad, __func__, LSM_AUDIT_DATA_PATH);
+ smk_ad_setfield_u_fs_path(&ad, file->f_path);
++ if (S_ISSOCK(inode->i_mode)) {
++ sock = SOCKET_I(inode);
++ ssp = sock->sk->sk_security;
++ tsp = current_security();
++ /*
++ * If the receiving process can't write to the
++ * passed socket or if the passed socket can't
++ * write to the receiving process don't accept
++ * the passed socket.
++ */
++ rc = smk_access(tsp->smk_task, ssp->smk_out, MAY_WRITE, &ad);
++ rc = smk_bu_file(file, may, rc);
++ if (rc < 0)
++ return rc;
++ rc = smk_access(ssp->smk_in, tsp->smk_task, MAY_WRITE, &ad);
++ rc = smk_bu_file(file, may, rc);
++ return rc;
++ }
+ /*
+ * This code relies on bitmasks.
+ */
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas_3.10.bb b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas_3.10.bb
index 31fac9a..ffe1ef8 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas_3.10.bb
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-renesas_3.10.bb
@@ -12,24 +12,27 @@ PV_append = "+git${SRCREV}"
PKGE = "1"
-SRCREV = "b8ca8c397343f4233f9f68fc3a5bf8e1c9b88251"
-SRC_URI = "${RENESAS_BACKPORTS_URL};protocol=git;branch=bsp/v3.10.31-ltsi/rcar-gen2-1.9.2 \
+SRCREV = "165e12ce2d7839e755debbec78dfa43b54345275"
+SRC_URI = "${RENESAS_BACKPORTS_URL};protocol=git;branch=bsp/v3.10.31-ltsi/rcar-gen2-1.9.7 \
file://0001-kernel-add-support-for-gcc-5.patch \
file://0001-kernel-add-support-for-gcc-6.patch \
file://0001-arm-lager-Add-vmalloc-384M-to-bootargs-of-DTS.patch \
file://0001-arm-koelsch-Add-vmalloc-384M-to-bootargs-of-DTS.patch \
file://0001-arm-alt-Add-vmalloc-384M-to-bootargs-of-DTS.patch \
file://0001-arm-gose-Add-vmalloc-384M-to-bootargs-of-DTS.patch \
+ file://0001-ASoC-ak4642-Replace-mdelay-function-to-msleep.patch \
SRC_URI_append_porter = " \
file://0001-kernel-Silk-board-support.patch \
+ file://0002-silk-reference-Add-DRM_RCAR_DU_CONNECT_VSP-configura.patch \
file://0002-kernel-silk-fix-ethernet-phy-irq.patch \
file://0003-kernel-silk-fix-sd-detect.patch \
file://0004-kernel-Revert-i2c-rcar-Support-ACK-by-HW-auto-restart-after-NACK.patch \
file://0006-Rcar-DU-add-RGB-connector.patch \
file://0007-SILK-add-i2c0.patch \
file://0008-Porter-board-support.patch \
+ file://0009-porter-reference-Add-DRM_RCAR_DU_CONNECT_VSP-configu.patch \
file://0009-shmobile-add-atag-dtb-compat.patch \
file://0010-Silk-Add-missing-pins-handle-to-Eth.patch \
file://0011-Silk-Add-missing-DU-pins.patch \
@@ -55,12 +58,14 @@ SRC_URI_append_porter = " \
SRC_URI_append_silk = " \
file://0001-kernel-Silk-board-support.patch \
+ file://0002-silk-reference-Add-DRM_RCAR_DU_CONNECT_VSP-configura.patch \
file://0002-kernel-silk-fix-ethernet-phy-irq.patch \
file://0003-kernel-silk-fix-sd-detect.patch \
file://0004-kernel-Revert-i2c-rcar-Support-ACK-by-HW-auto-restart-after-NACK.patch \
file://0006-Rcar-DU-add-RGB-connector.patch \
file://0007-SILK-add-i2c0.patch \
file://0008-Porter-board-support.patch \
+ file://0009-porter-reference-Add-DRM_RCAR_DU_CONNECT_VSP-configu.patch \
file://0009-shmobile-add-atag-dtb-compat.patch \
file://0010-Silk-Add-missing-pins-handle-to-Eth.patch \
file://0011-Silk-Add-missing-DU-pins.patch \
@@ -145,6 +150,19 @@ SRC_URI_append_smack = " \
file://smack/0054-Smack-secmark-connections.patch \
+# smack patches are applied if DISTRO_FEATURES has "smack"
+# smack patches for handling bluetooth
+SRC_URI_append_smack = " \
+ file://smack/0055-Smack-Assign-smack_known_web-as-default-smk_in-label.patch \
+ file://smack/0056-Smack-Assign-smack_known_web-label-for-kernel-thread.patch \
+ file://smack/0057-Smack-handles-socket-in-file_receive.patch \
+SRC_URI_append_porter = " file://can-rcar.cfg"
+# Backport fix for CVE-2016-5195
+SRC_URI_append = " file://9999-Backport-fix-for-CVE-2016-5195.patch "
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
KERNEL_DEFCONFIG = "shmobile_defconfig"
@@ -152,3 +170,21 @@ KERNEL_DEFCONFIG = "shmobile_defconfig"
do_configure_prepend() {
install -m 0644 ${S}/arch/${ARCH}/configs/${KERNEL_DEFCONFIG} ${WORKDIR}/defconfig || die "No default configuration for ${MACHINE} / ${KERNEL_DEFCONFIG} available."
+ # modprobe automatically at boot
+ if ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES','systemd','true','false',d)}; then
+ install -d ${D}/${sysconfdir}/modules-load.d
+ touch ${D}/${sysconfdir}/modules-load.d/cluster-demo.conf
+ echo "mmngr" >> ${D}/${sysconfdir}/modules-load.d/cluster-demo.conf
+ echo "mmngrbuf" >> ${D}/${sysconfdir}/modules-load.d/cluster-demo.conf
+ echo "uvcs_cmn" >> ${D}/${sysconfdir}/modules-load.d/cluster-demo.conf
+ echo "s3ctl" >> ${D}/${sysconfdir}/modules-load.d/cluster-demo.conf
+ echo "vspm" >> ${D}/${sysconfdir}/modules-load.d/cluster-demo.conf
+ echo "fdpm" >> ${D}/${sysconfdir}/modules-load.d/cluster-demo.conf
+ fi
+FILES_kernel-modules += " \
+ ${sysconfdir}/modules-load.d/cluster-demo.conf \
+ "
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux.inc b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux.inc
index 75a7141..6d1005f 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux.inc
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/linux/linux.inc
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ UDEV_GE_141 ?= "1"
# combine oe-core way with angstrom DISTRO_TYPE
-DISTRO_TYPE ?= "${@base_contains("IMAGE_FEATURES", "debug-tweaks", "debug", "release",d)}"
+DISTRO_TYPE ?= "${@bb.utils.contains("IMAGE_FEATURES", "debug-tweaks", "debug", "release",d)}"
# Set the verbosity of kernel messages during runtime
# You can define CMDLINE_DEBUG in your local.conf or distro.conf to override this behaviour
@@ -37,6 +37,16 @@ kernel_configure_variable() {
+# returns all the elements from the src uri that are .cfg files
+def find_cfgs(d):
+ sources=src_patches(d, True)
+ sources_list=[]
+ for s in sources:
+ if s.endswith('.cfg'):
+ sources_list.append(s)
+ return sources_list
do_configure_prepend() {
# Clean .config
echo "" > ${B}/.config
@@ -175,7 +185,7 @@ do_configure_prepend() {
kernel_configure_variable BLK_DEV_LOOP y
- if [ "x1" = "x${@base_contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "usbgadget", "1", "",d)}" ]; then
+ if [ "x1" = "x${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "usbgadget", "1", "",d)}" ]; then
# activate USB-OTG & Gadget
kernel_configure_variable USB_OTG y
kernel_configure_variable USB_RENESAS_USBHS_UDC y
@@ -201,6 +211,10 @@ do_configure_prepend() {
# Remove all modified configs and add the rest to .config
sed -e "${CONF_SED_SCRIPT}" < '${WORKDIR}/defconfig' >> '${B}/.config'
+ # add cfgs from SRC_URI.
+ cfgs="${@" ".join(find_cfgs(d))}"
+ cat ${cfgs} >> '${B}/.config'
yes '' | oe_runmake -C ${S} O=${B} oldconfig
@@ -216,31 +230,6 @@ do_configure_bluetooth() {
kernel_configure_variable RFKILL m
-do_configure_append_porter() {
- # Enable CAN
- kernel_configure_variable CAN y
- kernel_configure_variable CAN_VCAN y
- kernel_configure_variable CAN_RCAR y
- yes '' | oe_runmake -C ${S} O=${B} oldconfig
-do_configure_append_smack() {
- # Enable Smack
- kernel_configure_variable IP_NF_SECURITY m
- kernel_configure_variable IP6_NF_SECURITY m
- kernel_configure_variable EXT2_FS_SECURITY y
- kernel_configure_variable EXT3_FS_SECURITY y
- kernel_configure_variable EXT4_FS_SECURITY y
- kernel_configure_variable SECURITY y
- kernel_configure_variable SECURITY_SMACK y
- kernel_configure_variable TMPFS_XATTR y
- kernel_configure_variable DEFAULT_SECURITY "smack"
- kernel_configure_variable DEFAULT_SECURITY_SMACK y
- yes '' | oe_runmake -C ${S} O=${B} oldconfig
# Automatically depend on lzop-native if CONFIG_KERNEL_LZO is enabled
python () {
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/mmngr-module/mmngr-kernel-module.bb b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/mmngr-module/mmngr-kernel-module.bb
index 96b3de7..baf3433 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/mmngr-module/mmngr-kernel-module.bb
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/mmngr-module/mmngr-kernel-module.bb
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
require ../../include/rcar-gen2-modules-common.inc
require ../../include/multimedia-control.inc
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://drv/GPL-COPYING;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263 \
file://drv/MIT-COPYING;md5=fea016ce2bdf2ec10080f69e9381d378 \
file://include/GPL-COPYING;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263 \
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/mmngr-module/mmngrbuf-kernel-module.bb b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/mmngr-module/mmngrbuf-kernel-module.bb
index bda21ed..120b5aa 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/mmngr-module/mmngrbuf-kernel-module.bb
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/mmngr-module/mmngrbuf-kernel-module.bb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require ../../include/rcar-gen2-modules-common.inc
DEPENDS = "linux-renesas"
PN = "mmngrbuf-kernel-module"
PR = "r0"
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/s3ctl-module/s3ctl-kernel-module.bb b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/s3ctl-module/s3ctl-kernel-module.bb
index 141be11..493b2e9 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/s3ctl-module/s3ctl-kernel-module.bb
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/s3ctl-module/s3ctl-kernel-module.bb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require ../../include/rcar-gen2-modules-common.inc
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://drv/GPL-COPYING;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263 \
DEPENDS = "linux-renesas"
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/scu-module/scu-kernel-module.bb b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/scu-module/scu-kernel-module.bb
index ec392a8..d453ff5 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/scu-module/scu-kernel-module.bb
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/scu-module/scu-kernel-module.bb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require ../../include/rcar-gen2-modules-common.inc
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://src/include/GPL-COPYING;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263 \
file://src/include/MIT-COPYING;md5=fea016ce2bdf2ec10080f69e9381d378 \
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/ssp-module/ssp-kernel-module.bb b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/ssp-module/ssp-kernel-module.bb
index 8159215..8b6d039 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/ssp-module/ssp-kernel-module.bb
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/ssp-module/ssp-kernel-module.bb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require ../../include/rcar-gen2-modules-common.inc
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://ssp/drv/GPL-COPYING;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263 \
file://ssp/drv/MIT-COPYING;md5=fea016ce2bdf2ec10080f69e9381d378 \
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/uvcs-module/uvcs-kernel-module.bb b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/uvcs-module/uvcs-kernel-module.bb
index 5212494..3ed5287 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/uvcs-module/uvcs-kernel-module.bb
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/uvcs-module/uvcs-kernel-module.bb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require ../../include/rcar-gen2-modules-common.inc
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://uvcs/include/GPL-COPYING;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263 \
file://uvcs/include/MIT-COPYING;md5=fea016ce2bdf2ec10080f69e9381d378 \
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/vspm-module/vsp2-kernel-module.bb b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/vspm-module/vsp2-kernel-module.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a87314a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/vspm-module/vsp2-kernel-module.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+require ../../include/rcar-gen2-modules-common.inc
+ file://GPL-COPYING;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263 \
+ file://MIT-COPYING;md5=fea016ce2bdf2ec10080f69e9381d378 \
+DEPENDS = "linux-renesas vspm-kernel-module"
+PN = "vsp2-kernel-module"
+PR = "r0"
+SRCREV = "c231aff0fba0a2c559968098e5573050a1aa336d"
+SRC_URI = " \
+ git://github.com/renesas-devel/vsp2driver.git;protocol=git;branch=RCAR-GEN2/1.0.0 \
+S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
+do_configure[noexec] = "1"
+do_compile() {
+ export VSP2_VSPMDIR=${KERNELSRC}/include
+ export VSP2_VSPMSYMVERS=vspm.symvers
+ cd ${S}/drv
+ make all ARCH=arm
+do_install() {
+ # Create destination folder
+ mkdir -p ${D}/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/extra/ ${D}/usr/src/kernel/include/
+ # Copy kernel module
+ cp -f ${S}/drv/vsp2.ko ${D}/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/extra/
+ # Copy shared library for reference from other modules
+ cp -f ${S}/drv/Module.symvers ${D}/usr/src/kernel/include/vsp2.symvers
+ cp -f ${S}/drv/Module.symvers ${KERNELSRC}/include/vsp2.symvers
+ ${PN} \
+ ${PN}-dev \
+FILES_${PN} = " \
+ /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/extra/vsp2.ko \
+ ${sysconfdir}/* \
+FILES_${PN}-dev = " \
+ /usr/src/kernel/include/vsp2.symvers \
+RPROVIDES_${PN} += "vsp2-kernel-module"
+ALLOW_EMPTY_kernel-module-vsp2 = "1"
+# Autoload VSP2Driver
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/vspm-module/vspm-kernel-module.bb b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/vspm-module/vspm-kernel-module.bb
index 8e56614..2b47298 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/vspm-module/vspm-kernel-module.bb
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-kernel/vspm-module/vspm-kernel-module.bb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require ../../include/rcar-gen2-modules-common.inc
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://vspm/drv/GPL-COPYING;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263 \
file://vspm/drv/MIT-COPYING;md5=fea016ce2bdf2ec10080f69e9381d378 \
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0001-omx-videodec-add-planebuf-to-allocation-request.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0001-omx-videodec-add-planebuf-to-allocation-request.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d863414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0001-omx-videodec-add-planebuf-to-allocation-request.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+diff --git a/omx/gstomxvideodec.c b/omx/gstomxvideodec.c
+index c5b69ab..647ac88 100644
+--- a/omx/gstomxvideodec.c
++++ b/omx/gstomxvideodec.c
+@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_free_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool, GstBuffer * buffer)
+ static GstBuffer *
+ gst_omx_buffer_pool_request_videosink_buffer_creation (GstOMXBufferPool * pool,
+- gint dmabuf_fd[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES], gint stride[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES])
++ gint dmabuf_fd[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES], gpointer plane_buf[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES], gint stride[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES])
+ {
+ GstQuery *query;
+ GValue val = { 0, };
+@@ -590,6 +590,7 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_request_videosink_buffer_creation (GstOMXBufferPool * pool,
+ GstBuffer *buffer;
+ GArray *dmabuf_array;
+ GArray *stride_array;
++ GArray *planebuf_array;
+ gint n_planes;
+ gint i;
+@@ -598,11 +599,13 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_request_videosink_buffer_creation (GstOMXBufferPool * pool,
+ dmabuf_array = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gint));
+ stride_array = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gint));
++ planebuf_array = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gpointer));
+ n_planes = GST_VIDEO_INFO_N_PLANES (&pool->video_info);
+ for (i = 0; i < n_planes; i++) {
+ g_array_append_val (dmabuf_array, dmabuf_fd[i]);
+ g_array_append_val (stride_array, stride[i]);
++ g_array_append_val (planebuf_array, plane_buf[i]);
+ }
+ structure = gst_structure_new ("videosink_buffer_creation_request",
+@@ -610,6 +613,7 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_request_videosink_buffer_creation (GstOMXBufferPool * pool,
+ "height", G_TYPE_INT, pool->port->port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight,
+ "stride", G_TYPE_ARRAY, stride_array,
+ "dmabuf", G_TYPE_ARRAY, dmabuf_array,
++ "planebuf", G_TYPE_ARRAY, planebuf_array,
+ "allocator", G_TYPE_POINTER, &val,
+ "format", G_TYPE_STRING,
+ gst_video_format_to_string (pool->video_info.finfo->format),
+@@ -704,6 +708,7 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_acquire_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool,
+ gint i;
+ gint dmabuf_fd[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
+ gint plane_size[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
++ gpointer plane_buf[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
+ guint phys_addr;
+@@ -730,6 +735,7 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_acquire_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool,
+ plane_size[0] = vmeta->stride[0] *
+ GST_VIDEO_INFO_COMP_HEIGHT (&pool->video_info, 0);
++ plane_buf[0] = omx_buf->omx_buf->pBuffer;
+ /* Export dmabuf file descriptors from second and subsequent planes */
+ n_planes = GST_VIDEO_INFO_N_PLANES (&pool->video_info);
+@@ -737,6 +743,7 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_acquire_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool,
+ phys_addr = (guint) decode_res->pvPhysImageAddressY + vmeta->offset[i];
+ plane_size[i] = vmeta->stride[i] *
+ GST_VIDEO_INFO_COMP_HEIGHT (&pool->video_info, i);
++ plane_buf[i] = omx_buf->omx_buf->pBuffer + vmeta->offset[i];
+ if (!gst_omx_buffer_pool_export_dmabuf (pool, phys_addr, plane_size[i],
+ page_size, &vdbuf_data->id_export[i], &dmabuf_fd[i])) {
+@@ -747,7 +754,7 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_acquire_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool,
+ if (pool->vsink_buf_req_supported)
+ new_buf = gst_omx_buffer_pool_request_videosink_buffer_creation (pool,
+- dmabuf_fd, vmeta->stride);
++ dmabuf_fd, plane_buf, vmeta->stride);
+ else {
+ GstVideoMeta *new_meta;
+@@ -1947,6 +1954,8 @@ gst_omx_video_dec_loop (GstOMXVideoDec * self)
+ goto caps_failed;
+ }
++ /* ...force clearing of reconfiguration flag to prevent subsequent buffers allocation */
++ gst_pad_check_reconfigure(GST_VIDEO_DECODER_SRC_PAD(self));
+ gst_video_codec_state_unref (state);
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0002-Fixed-memory-corruption-and-bad-access.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0002-Fixed-memory-corruption-and-bad-access.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..354a7a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0002-Fixed-memory-corruption-and-bad-access.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+From 3e528cda6fb9d0da2be52e18a305096cf6e37528 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrey Vostrikov <andrey.vostrikov@cogentembedded.com>
+Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2015 15:52:59 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH] Fixed memory corruption and bad access
+ omx/gstomxh264dec.c | 4 ++--
+ omx/gstomxvideodec.c | 12 ++++++------
+ 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/omx/gstomxh264dec.c b/omx/gstomxh264dec.c
+index 7799e69..5509cc0 100644
+--- a/omx/gstomxh264dec.c
++++ b/omx/gstomxh264dec.c
+@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ gst_omx_h264_dec_retrieve_sps_pps (GstOMXH264Dec * self, guint8 * data)
+ sps_num = ptr[5] & 0x1f; /* reserved(3bit) + numOfSequenceParameterSets(uint 5bit) */
+- sps_size_list = g_malloc (sps_num);
++ sps_size_list = g_malloc (sps_num * sizeof (guint));
+ if (!sps_size_list) {
+ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "failed g_malloc");
+ return NULL;
+@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ gst_omx_h264_dec_retrieve_sps_pps (GstOMXH264Dec * self, guint8 * data)
+ }
+ pps_num = *ptr++; /* numOfPictureParameterSets (unint 8bit) */
+- pps_size_list = g_malloc (pps_num);
++ pps_size_list = g_malloc (pps_num * sizeof (guint));
+ if (!pps_size_list) {
+ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "failed g_malloc");
+ g_free (sps_size_list);
+diff --git a/omx/gstomxvideodec.c b/omx/gstomxvideodec.c
+index c5b69ab..4a9706f 100644
+--- a/omx/gstomxvideodec.c
++++ b/omx/gstomxvideodec.c
+@@ -563,10 +563,12 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_free_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool, GstBuffer * buffer)
+ gst_omx_buffer_data_quark);
+ if (self->use_dmabuf) {
+- vdbuf_data = (GstOMXVideoDecBufferData *) omx_buf->private_data;
+- for (i = 0; i < GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES; i++)
+- if (vdbuf_data->id_export[i] >= 0)
+- mmngr_export_end_in_user (vdbuf_data->id_export[i]);
++ vdbuf_data = (GstOMXVideoDecBufferData *) omx_buf->private_data;
++ if (vdbuf_data) {
++ for (i = 0; i < GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES; i++)
++ if (vdbuf_data->id_export[i] >= 0)
++ mmngr_export_end_in_user (vdbuf_data->id_export[i]);
++ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ g_slice_free (GstOMXVideoDecBufferData, omx_buf->private_data);
+@@ -1684,8 +1686,6 @@ gst_omx_video_dec_deallocate_output_buffers (GstOMXVideoDec * self)
+ static void GstOMXBufCallbackfunc (struct GstOMXBufferCallback *release)
+ {
+- gint i;
+ if (!release)
+ return;
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0003-omxvideoenc-export-dmafd-buffer-through-own-buffer-p.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0003-omxvideoenc-export-dmafd-buffer-through-own-buffer-p.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23a3dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0003-omxvideoenc-export-dmafd-buffer-through-own-buffer-p.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,2759 @@
+From dcf585068bbb591431a999656359627cccd38716 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrey Gusakov <andrey.gusakov@cogentembedded.com>
+Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2016 18:37:44 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH 03/10] omxvideoenc: export dmafd buffer through own buffer
+ pool
+Signed-off-by: Andrey Gusakov <andrey.gusakov@cogentembedded.com>
+ configure.ac | 17 +
+ omx/Makefile.am | 1 +
+ omx/gstomxbufferpool.c | 845 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ omx/gstomxbufferpool.h | 106 ++++++
+ omx/gstomxvideodec.c | 924 +-----------------------------------------------
+ omx/gstomxvideoenc.c | 578 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------
+ omx/gstomxvideoenc.h | 11 +
+ 7 files changed, 1420 insertions(+), 1062 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 omx/gstomxbufferpool.c
+ create mode 100644 omx/gstomxbufferpool.h
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 6aae527..57f5ae9 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -245,6 +245,23 @@ AC_CHECK_LIB([mmngrbuf], [mmngr_export_start_in_user],
+ ])
+ fi
++dnl check OMXR_Extension_video.h
++ [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_VIDEOR_EXT, 1, [Define if you have OMXR_Extension_video.h header])],
++ [],
++dnl check OMXR_Extension_vecmn.h
++ [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_VIDEOENC_EXT, 1, [Define if you have OMXR_Extension_vecmn.h header])],
++ [],
++dnl check OMXR_Extension_vdcmn.h
++ [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_VIDEODEC_EXT, 1, [Define if you have OMXR_Extension_vdcmn.h header])],
++ [],
+ dnl check page alignment option for NV12 planes
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE([nv12-page-alignment],
+ [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-nv12-page-alignment],
+diff --git a/omx/Makefile.am b/omx/Makefile.am
+index 3ec6173..3619281 100644
+--- a/omx/Makefile.am
++++ b/omx/Makefile.am
+@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ endif
+ libgstomx_la_SOURCES = \
+ gstomx.c \
++ gstomxbufferpool.c \
+ gstomxvideodec.c \
+ gstomxvideoenc.c \
+ gstomxaudioenc.c \
+diff --git a/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c b/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..2585a72
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,845 @@
++ * Copyright (C) 2011, Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
++ * Author: Sebastian Dröge <sebastian.droege@collabora.co.uk>, Collabora Ltd.
++ * Copyright (C) 2013, Collabora Ltd.
++ * Author: Sebastian Dröge <sebastian.droege@collabora.co.uk>
++ * Copyright (C) 2015, Renesas Electronics Corporation
++ *
++ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation
++ * version 2.1 of the License.
++ *
++ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ *
++ */
++#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
++#include "config.h"
++#include "gstomxbufferpool.h"
++#include "gstomxvideodec.h"
++#include "gstomxvideoenc.h"
++#include "gst/allocators/gstdmabuf.h"
++#include "mmngr_buf_user_public.h"
++#include "OMXR_Extension_vdcmn.h"
++#include "OMXR_Extension_vecmn.h"
++#include <unistd.h> /* getpagesize() */
++ * @num: integrer value to round up
++ * @align: a power of two to round up to
++ *
++ * Rounds an integer value up to the next multiple of @align. @align MUST be a
++ * power of two.
++ */
++#define GST_ROUND_UP_N(num,align) ((((num) + ((align) - 1)) & ~((align) - 1)))
++GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_STATIC (gst_omx_buffer_pool_debug_category);
++#define GST_CAT_DEFAULT gst_omx_buffer_pool_debug_category
++typedef struct _GstOMXMemory GstOMXMemory;
++typedef struct _GstOMXMemoryAllocator GstOMXMemoryAllocator;
++typedef struct _GstOMXMemoryAllocatorClass GstOMXMemoryAllocatorClass;
++struct _GstOMXMemory
++ GstMemory mem;
++ GstOMXBuffer *buf;
++struct _GstOMXMemoryAllocator
++ GstAllocator parent;
++struct _GstOMXMemoryAllocatorClass
++ GstAllocatorClass parent_class;
++#define GST_OMX_MEMORY_TYPE "openmax"
++static GstMemory *
++gst_omx_memory_allocator_alloc_dummy (GstAllocator * allocator, gsize size,
++ GstAllocationParams * params)
++ g_assert_not_reached ();
++ return NULL;
++static void
++gst_omx_memory_allocator_free (GstAllocator * allocator, GstMemory * mem)
++ GstOMXMemory *omem = (GstOMXMemory *) mem;
++ /* TODO: We need to remember which memories are still used
++ * so we can wait until everything is released before allocating
++ * new memory
++ */
++ g_slice_free (GstOMXMemory, omem);
++static gpointer
++gst_omx_memory_map (GstMemory * mem, gsize maxsize, GstMapFlags flags)
++ GstOMXMemory *omem = (GstOMXMemory *) mem;
++ return omem->buf->omx_buf->pBuffer + omem->mem.offset;
++static void
++gst_omx_memory_unmap (GstMemory * mem)
++static GstMemory *
++gst_omx_memory_share (GstMemory * mem, gssize offset, gssize size)
++ g_assert_not_reached ();
++ return NULL;
++GType gst_omx_memory_allocator_get_type (void);
++G_DEFINE_TYPE (GstOMXMemoryAllocator, gst_omx_memory_allocator,
++#define GST_TYPE_OMX_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR (gst_omx_memory_allocator_get_type())
++static void
++gst_omx_memory_allocator_class_init (GstOMXMemoryAllocatorClass * klass)
++ GstAllocatorClass *allocator_class;
++ allocator_class = (GstAllocatorClass *) klass;
++ allocator_class->alloc = gst_omx_memory_allocator_alloc_dummy;
++ allocator_class->free = gst_omx_memory_allocator_free;
++static void
++gst_omx_memory_allocator_init (GstOMXMemoryAllocator * allocator)
++ GstAllocator *alloc = GST_ALLOCATOR_CAST (allocator);
++ alloc->mem_type = GST_OMX_MEMORY_TYPE;
++ alloc->mem_map = gst_omx_memory_map;
++ alloc->mem_unmap = gst_omx_memory_unmap;
++ alloc->mem_share = gst_omx_memory_share;
++ /* default copy & is_span */
++static GstMemory *
++gst_omx_memory_allocator_alloc (GstAllocator * allocator, GstMemoryFlags flags,
++ GstOMXBuffer * buf)
++ GstOMXMemory *mem;
++ gint align;
++ /* FIXME: We don't allow sharing because we need to know
++ * when the memory becomes unused and can only then put
++ * it back to the pool. Which is done in the pool's release
++ * function
++ */
++ /* GStreamer uses a bitmask for the alignment while
++ * OMX uses the alignment itself. So we have to convert
++ * here */
++ align = buf->port->port_def.nBufferAlignment;
++ if (align > 0)
++ align -= 1;
++ if (((align + 1) & align) != 0) {
++ GST_WARNING ("Invalid alignment that is not a power of two: %u",
++ (guint) buf->port->port_def.nBufferAlignment);
++ align = 0;
++ }
++ mem = g_slice_new (GstOMXMemory);
++ /* the shared memory is always readonly */
++ gst_memory_init (GST_MEMORY_CAST (mem), flags, allocator, NULL,
++ buf->omx_buf->nAllocLen, align, 0, buf->omx_buf->nAllocLen);
++ mem->buf = buf;
++ return GST_MEMORY_CAST (mem);
++/* Buffer pool for the buffers of an OpenMAX port.
++ *
++ * This pool is only used if we either passed buffers from another
++ * pool to the OMX port or provide the OMX buffers directly to other
++ * elements.
++ *
++ *
++ * A buffer is in the pool if it is currently owned by the port,
++ * i.e. after OMX_{Fill,Empty}ThisBuffer(). A buffer is outside
++ * the pool after it was taken from the port after it was handled
++ * by the port, i.e. {Empty,Fill}BufferDone.
++ *
++ * Buffers can be allocated by us (OMX_AllocateBuffer()) or allocated
++ * by someone else and (temporarily) passed to this pool
++ * (OMX_UseBuffer(), OMX_UseEGLImage()). In the latter case the pool of
++ * the buffer will be overriden, and restored in free_buffer(). Other
++ * buffers are just freed there.
++ *
++ * The pool always has a fixed number of minimum and maximum buffers
++ * and these are allocated while starting the pool and released afterwards.
++ * They correspond 1:1 to the OMX buffers of the port, which are allocated
++ * before the pool is started.
++ *
++ * Acquiring a buffer from this pool happens after the OMX buffer has
++ * been acquired from the port. gst_buffer_pool_acquire_buffer() is
++ * supposed to return the buffer that corresponds to the OMX buffer.
++ *
++ * For buffers provided to upstream, the buffer will be passed to
++ * the component manually when it arrives and then unreffed. If the
++ * buffer is released before reaching the component it will be just put
++ * back into the pool as if EmptyBufferDone has happened. If it was
++ * passed to the component, it will be back into the pool when it was
++ * released and EmptyBufferDone has happened.
++ *
++ * For buffers provided to downstream, the buffer will be returned
++ * back to the component (OMX_FillThisBuffer()) when it is released.
++ */
++static GQuark gst_omx_buffer_data_quark = 0;
++#define DEBUG_INIT \
++ GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (gst_omx_buffer_pool_debug_category, "omxbufferpool", 0, \
++ "debug category for gst-omx buffer pool base class");
++G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GstOMXBufferPool, gst_omx_buffer_pool,
++static void gst_omx_buffer_pool_free_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool,
++ GstBuffer * buffer);
++static gboolean
++gst_omx_buffer_pool_start (GstBufferPool * bpool)
++ GstOMXBufferPool *pool = GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (bpool);
++ /* Only allow to start the pool if we still are attached
++ * to a component and port */
++ GST_OBJECT_LOCK (pool);
++ if (!pool->component || !pool->port) {
++ return FALSE;
++ }
++ return
++ GST_BUFFER_POOL_CLASS (gst_omx_buffer_pool_parent_class)->start (bpool);
++static gboolean
++gst_omx_buffer_pool_stop (GstBufferPool * bpool)
++ GstOMXBufferPool *pool = GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (bpool);
++ gint i = 0;
++ /* When not using the default GstBufferPool::GstAtomicQueue then
++ * GstBufferPool::free_buffer is not called while stopping the pool
++ * (because the queue is empty) */
++ for (i = 0; i < pool->buffers->len; i++)
++ GST_BUFFER_POOL_CLASS (gst_omx_buffer_pool_parent_class)->release_buffer
++ (bpool, g_ptr_array_index (pool->buffers, i));
++ /* Remove any buffers that are there */
++ g_ptr_array_set_size (pool->buffers, 0);
++ if (pool->caps)
++ gst_caps_unref (pool->caps);
++ pool->caps = NULL;
++ pool->add_videometa = FALSE;
++ return GST_BUFFER_POOL_CLASS (gst_omx_buffer_pool_parent_class)->stop (bpool);
++static const gchar **
++gst_omx_buffer_pool_get_options (GstBufferPool * bpool)
++ static const gchar *raw_video_options[] =
++ static const gchar *options[] = { NULL };
++ GstOMXBufferPool *pool = GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (bpool);
++ GST_OBJECT_LOCK (pool);
++ if (pool->port && pool->port->port_def.eDomain == OMX_PortDomainVideo
++ && pool->port->port_def.format.video.eCompressionFormat ==
++ OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused) {
++ return raw_video_options;
++ }
++ return options;
++static gboolean
++gst_omx_buffer_pool_set_config (GstBufferPool * bpool, GstStructure * config)
++ GstOMXBufferPool *pool = GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (bpool);
++ GstCaps *caps;
++ GST_OBJECT_LOCK (pool);
++ if (!gst_buffer_pool_config_get_params (config, &caps, NULL, NULL, NULL))
++ goto wrong_config;
++ if (caps == NULL)
++ goto no_caps;
++ if (pool->port && pool->port->port_def.eDomain == OMX_PortDomainVideo
++ && pool->port->port_def.format.video.eCompressionFormat ==
++ OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused) {
++ GstVideoInfo info;
++ /* now parse the caps from the config */
++ if (!gst_video_info_from_caps (&info, caps))
++ goto wrong_video_caps;
++ /* enable metadata based on config of the pool */
++ pool->add_videometa =
++ gst_buffer_pool_config_has_option (config,
++ pool->video_info = info;
++ }
++ if (pool->caps)
++ gst_caps_unref (pool->caps);
++ pool->caps = gst_caps_ref (caps);
++ return GST_BUFFER_POOL_CLASS (gst_omx_buffer_pool_parent_class)->set_config
++ (bpool, config);
++ /* ERRORS */
++ {
++ GST_WARNING_OBJECT (pool, "invalid config");
++ return FALSE;
++ }
++ {
++ GST_WARNING_OBJECT (pool, "no caps in config");
++ return FALSE;
++ }
++ {
++ "failed getting geometry from caps %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, caps);
++ return FALSE;
++ }
++#if defined (HAVE_MMNGRBUF) && defined (HAVE_VIDEODEC_EXT)
++static gboolean
++gst_omx_buffer_pool_export_dmabuf (GstOMXBufferPool * pool,
++ guint phys_addr, gint size, gint * id_export, gint * dmabuf_fd)
++ gint res;
++ res =
++ mmngr_export_start_in_user (id_export,
++ (gsize) size, phys_addr, dmabuf_fd);
++ if (res != R_MM_OK) {
++ "mmngr_export_start_in_user failed (phys_addr:0x%08x)", phys_addr);
++ return FALSE;
++ }
++ "Export dmabuf:%d id_export:%d (phys_addr:0x%08x)", *dmabuf_fd,
++ *id_export, phys_addr);
++ return TRUE;
++/* This function will create a GstBuffer contain dmabuf_fd of decoded
++ * video got from Media Component
++ */
++static GstBuffer *
++gst_omx_buffer_pool_create_buffer_contain_dmabuf (GstOMXBufferPool * self,
++ GstOMXBuffer * omx_buf, gint * stride, gsize * offset)
++ gint dmabuf_fd[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
++ gint plane_size[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
++ gint plane_size_ext[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
++ gint dmabuf_id[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
++ gint page_offset[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
++ GstBuffer *new_buf;
++ gint i;
++ gint page_size;
++ guint phys_addr = 0;
++ new_buf = gst_buffer_new ();
++ page_size = getpagesize ();
++ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Creating dmabuf mem pBuffer=%p",
++ omx_buf->omx_buf->pBuffer);
++ if (GST_IS_OMX_VIDEO_DEC (self->element)) {
++ (OMXR_MC_VIDEO_DECODERESULTTYPE *) omx_buf->omx_buf->pOutputPortPrivate;
++ phys_addr = decode_res->pvPhysImageAddressY;
++ } else if (GST_IS_OMX_VIDEO_ENC (self->element)) {
++ /* private data is a physical address of HW buffer */
++ phys_addr = (guint) omx_buf->omx_buf->pInputPortPrivate;
++ }
++ if (phys_addr == 0) {
++ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Invalid phys addr for OMX buffer");
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ for (i = 0; i < GST_VIDEO_INFO_N_PLANES (&self->video_info); i++) {
++ guint plane_addr = 0;
++ GstMemory *mem;
++ plane_addr = phys_addr + offset[i];
++ /* Calculate offset between physical address and page boundary */
++ page_offset[i] = plane_addr & (page_size - 1);
++ plane_size[i] = stride[i] *
++ GST_VIDEO_INFO_COMP_HEIGHT (&self->video_info, i);
++ /* When downstream plugins do mapping from dmabuf fd it requires
++ * mapping from boundary page and size align for page size so
++ * memory for plane must increase to handle for this case */
++ plane_size_ext[i] = GST_ROUND_UP_N (plane_size[i] + page_offset[i],
++ page_size);
++ if (!gst_omx_buffer_pool_export_dmabuf (self, plane_addr,
++ plane_size_ext[i], &dmabuf_id[i], &dmabuf_fd[i])) {
++ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "dmabuf exporting failed");
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ g_array_append_val (self->id_array, dmabuf_id[i]);
++ /* Set offset's information */
++ mem = gst_dmabuf_allocator_alloc (self->allocator, dmabuf_fd[i],
++ plane_size_ext[i]);
++ mem->offset = page_offset[i];
++ mem->size = plane_size[i];
++ gst_buffer_append_memory (new_buf, mem);
++ }
++ g_ptr_array_add (self->buffers, new_buf);
++ gst_buffer_add_video_meta_full (new_buf, GST_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAG_NONE,
++ GST_VIDEO_INFO_FORMAT (&self->video_info),
++ GST_VIDEO_INFO_WIDTH (&self->video_info),
++ GST_VIDEO_INFO_HEIGHT (&self->video_info),
++ GST_VIDEO_INFO_N_PLANES (&self->video_info), offset, stride);
++ return new_buf;
++static GstFlowReturn
++gst_omx_buffer_pool_alloc_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool,
++ GstBuffer ** buffer, GstBufferPoolAcquireParams * params)
++ GstOMXBufferPool *pool = GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (bpool);
++ GstBuffer *buf;
++ GstOMXBuffer *omx_buf;
++ g_return_val_if_fail (pool->allocating, GST_FLOW_ERROR);
++ omx_buf = g_ptr_array_index (pool->port->buffers, pool->current_buffer_index);
++ g_return_val_if_fail (omx_buf != NULL, GST_FLOW_ERROR);
++ if (pool->other_pool) {
++ guint i, n;
++ buf = g_ptr_array_index (pool->buffers, pool->current_buffer_index);
++ g_assert (pool->other_pool == buf->pool);
++ gst_object_replace ((GstObject **) & buf->pool, NULL);
++ n = gst_buffer_n_memory (buf);
++ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
++ GstMemory *mem = gst_buffer_peek_memory (buf, i);
++ /* FIXME: We don't allow sharing because we need to know
++ * when the memory becomes unused and can only then put
++ * it back to the pool. Which is done in the pool's release
++ * function
++ */
++ }
++ if (pool->add_videometa) {
++ GstVideoMeta *meta;
++ meta = gst_buffer_get_video_meta (buf);
++ if (!meta) {
++ gst_buffer_add_video_meta (buf, GST_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAG_NONE,
++ GST_VIDEO_INFO_FORMAT (&pool->video_info),
++ GST_VIDEO_INFO_WIDTH (&pool->video_info),
++ GST_VIDEO_INFO_HEIGHT (&pool->video_info));
++ }
++ }
++ pool->need_copy = FALSE;
++ } else {
++ GstMemory *mem;
++ const guint nstride = pool->port->port_def.format.video.nStride;
++ const guint nslice = pool->port->port_def.format.video.nSliceHeight;
++ gsize offset[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES] = { 0, };
++ gint stride[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES] = { nstride, 0, };
++ switch (GST_VIDEO_INFO_FORMAT (&pool->video_info)) {
++ break;
++ case GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_I420:
++ stride[1] = nstride / 2;
++ offset[1] = offset[0] + stride[0] * nslice;
++ stride[2] = nstride / 2;
++ offset[2] = offset[1] + (stride[1] * nslice / 2);
++ break;
++ stride[1] = nstride;
++ offset[1] = offset[0] + stride[0] * nslice;
++ break;
++ default:
++ g_assert_not_reached ();
++ break;
++ }
++ if (GST_IS_OMX_VIDEO_DEC (pool->element) &&
++ GST_OMX_VIDEO_DEC (pool->element)->use_dmabuf == TRUE &&
++ (omx_buf->omx_buf->pOutputPortPrivate)) {
++#if defined (HAVE_MMNGRBUF) && defined (HAVE_VIDEODEC_EXT)
++ if (pool->allocator)
++ gst_object_unref (pool->allocator);
++ pool->allocator = gst_dmabuf_allocator_new ();
++ buf = gst_omx_buffer_pool_create_buffer_contain_dmabuf (pool,
++ omx_buf, (gint *) (&stride), (gsize *) (&offset));
++ if (!buf) {
++ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (pool, "Can not create buffer contain dmabuf");
++ return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
++ }
++ ("dmabuf mode is invalid now due to not have MMNGR_BUF or MC does not support getting physical address"));
++ return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
++ } else {
++ if (GST_IS_OMX_VIDEO_ENC (pool->element) &&
++ pool->port->port_def.eDir == OMX_DirInput)
++ /* Propose actual area of encoder to upstream */
++ mem = gst_memory_new_wrapped (0, omx_buf->omx_buf->pBuffer,
++ omx_buf->omx_buf->nAllocLen, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
++ else
++ mem = gst_omx_memory_allocator_alloc (pool->allocator, 0, omx_buf);
++ buf = gst_buffer_new ();
++ gst_buffer_append_memory (buf, mem);
++ g_ptr_array_add (pool->buffers, buf);
++ if (pool->add_videometa) {
++ pool->need_copy = FALSE;
++ } else {
++ GstVideoInfo info;
++ gboolean need_copy = FALSE;
++ gint i;
++ gst_video_info_init (&info);
++ gst_video_info_set_format (&info,
++ GST_VIDEO_INFO_FORMAT (&pool->video_info),
++ GST_VIDEO_INFO_WIDTH (&pool->video_info),
++ GST_VIDEO_INFO_HEIGHT (&pool->video_info));
++ for (i = 0; i < GST_VIDEO_INFO_N_PLANES (&pool->video_info); i++) {
++ if (info.stride[i] != stride[i] || info.offset[i] != offset[i]) {
++ need_copy = TRUE;
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ pool->need_copy = need_copy;
++ }
++ if (pool->need_copy || pool->add_videometa) {
++ /* We always add the videometa. It's the job of the user
++ * to copy the buffer if pool->need_copy is TRUE
++ */
++ gst_buffer_add_video_meta_full (buf, GST_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAG_NONE,
++ GST_VIDEO_INFO_FORMAT (&pool->video_info),
++ GST_VIDEO_INFO_WIDTH (&pool->video_info),
++ GST_VIDEO_INFO_HEIGHT (&pool->video_info),
++ GST_VIDEO_INFO_N_PLANES (&pool->video_info), offset, stride);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ gst_mini_object_set_qdata (GST_MINI_OBJECT_CAST (buf),
++ gst_omx_buffer_data_quark, omx_buf, NULL);
++ *buffer = buf;
++ pool->current_buffer_index++;
++ return GST_FLOW_OK;
++static void
++gst_omx_buffer_pool_free_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool, GstBuffer * buffer)
++ GstOMXBufferPool *pool = GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (bpool);
++ /* If the buffers belong to another pool, restore them now */
++ GST_OBJECT_LOCK (pool);
++ if (pool->other_pool) {
++ gst_object_replace ((GstObject **) & buffer->pool,
++ (GstObject *) pool->other_pool);
++ }
++ gst_mini_object_set_qdata (GST_MINI_OBJECT_CAST (buffer),
++ gst_omx_buffer_data_quark, NULL, NULL);
++ GST_BUFFER_POOL_CLASS (gst_omx_buffer_pool_parent_class)->free_buffer (bpool,
++ buffer);
++static GstFlowReturn
++gst_omx_buffer_pool_acquire_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool,
++ GstBuffer ** buffer, GstBufferPoolAcquireParams * params)
++ GstFlowReturn ret;
++ GstOMXBufferPool *pool = GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (bpool);
++ if (pool->port->port_def.eDir == OMX_DirOutput) {
++ GstBuffer *buf;
++ g_return_val_if_fail (pool->current_buffer_index != -1, GST_FLOW_ERROR);
++ buf = g_ptr_array_index (pool->buffers, pool->current_buffer_index);
++ g_return_val_if_fail (buf != NULL, GST_FLOW_ERROR);
++ *buffer = buf;
++ ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
++ /* If it's our own memory we have to set the sizes */
++ if ((!pool->other_pool) &&
++ ((GST_OMX_VIDEO_DEC (pool->element)->use_dmabuf) == FALSE)) {
++ GstMemory *mem = gst_buffer_peek_memory (*buffer, 0);
++ g_assert (mem
++ && g_strcmp0 (mem->allocator->mem_type, GST_OMX_MEMORY_TYPE) == 0);
++ mem->size = ((GstOMXMemory *) mem)->buf->omx_buf->nFilledLen;
++ mem->offset = ((GstOMXMemory *) mem)->buf->omx_buf->nOffset;
++ }
++ } else {
++ if (GST_IS_OMX_VIDEO_ENC (pool->element)) {
++ GstBuffer *buf;
++ GstOMXBuffer *omx_buf;
++ gint count = 0;
++ /* Search on number of OMXBuffer of port to find available GstBuffer
++ * (emptied OMXBuffer) to propose to upstream. If after 3 times searching,
++ * can not find target GstBuffer, return flow error
++ */
++ do {
++ buf = g_ptr_array_index (pool->buffers, pool->enc_buffer_index);
++ g_return_val_if_fail (buf != NULL, GST_FLOW_ERROR);
++ omx_buf =
++ gst_mini_object_get_qdata (GST_MINI_OBJECT_CAST (buf),
++ gst_omx_buffer_data_quark);
++ pool->enc_buffer_index++;
++ if (pool->enc_buffer_index == pool->port->port_def.nBufferCountActual)
++ pool->enc_buffer_index = 0;
++ count += 1;
++ } while (omx_buf->used == TRUE &&
++ count < pool->port->port_def.nBufferCountActual * 3);
++ if (count == pool->port->port_def.nBufferCountActual * 3) {
++ ret = GST_FLOW_ERROR;
++ "Can not acquire buffer after 3 times searching");
++ } else {
++ *buffer = buf;
++ ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* Acquire any buffer that is available to be filled by upstream */
++ ret =
++ (gst_omx_buffer_pool_parent_class)->acquire_buffer (bpool, buffer,
++ params);
++ }
++ }
++ return ret;
++static void
++gst_omx_buffer_pool_release_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool, GstBuffer * buffer)
++ GstOMXBufferPool *pool = GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (bpool);
++ GstOMXBuffer *omx_buf;
++ g_assert (pool->component && pool->port);
++ if (!pool->allocating && !pool->deactivated) {
++ omx_buf =
++ gst_mini_object_get_qdata (GST_MINI_OBJECT_CAST (buffer),
++ gst_omx_buffer_data_quark);
++ if (pool->port->port_def.eDir == OMX_DirOutput && !omx_buf->used) {
++ /* Release back to the port, can be filled again */
++ err = gst_omx_port_release_buffer (pool->port, omx_buf);
++ if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
++ ("Failed to relase output buffer to component: %s (0x%08x)",
++ gst_omx_error_to_string (err), err));
++ }
++ } else if (!omx_buf->used) {
++ /* TODO: Implement.
++ *
++ * If not used (i.e. was not passed to the component) this should do
++ * the same as EmptyBufferDone.
++ * If it is used (i.e. was passed to the component) this should do
++ * nothing until EmptyBufferDone.
++ *
++ * EmptyBufferDone should release the buffer to the pool so it can
++ * be allocated again
++ *
++ * Needs something to call back here in EmptyBufferDone, like keeping
++ * a ref on the buffer in GstOMXBuffer until EmptyBufferDone... which
++ * would ensure that the buffer is always unused when this is called.
++ */
++ if (GST_OMX_VIDEO_ENC (pool->element)->no_copy == FALSE) {
++ g_assert_not_reached ();
++ GST_BUFFER_POOL_CLASS (gst_omx_buffer_pool_parent_class)->release_buffer
++ (bpool, buffer);
++ }
++ }
++ }
++static void
++gst_omx_buffer_pool_finalize (GObject * object)
++ GstOMXBufferPool *pool = GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (object);
++ if (GST_OMX_VIDEO_DEC (pool->element)->use_dmabuf) {
++ gint i;
++ gint dmabuf_id;
++ for (i = 0; i < pool->id_array->len; i++) {
++ dmabuf_id = g_array_index (pool->id_array, gint, i);
++ if (dmabuf_id >= 0) {
++ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (pool, "mmngr_export_end_in_user (%d)", dmabuf_id);
++ mmngr_export_end_in_user (dmabuf_id);
++ } else {
++ GST_WARNING_OBJECT (pool, "Invalid dmabuf_id");
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ g_array_free (pool->id_array, TRUE);
++ if (pool->element)
++ gst_object_unref (pool->element);
++ pool->element = NULL;
++ if (pool->buffers)
++ g_ptr_array_unref (pool->buffers);
++ pool->buffers = NULL;
++ if (pool->other_pool)
++ gst_object_unref (pool->other_pool);
++ pool->other_pool = NULL;
++ if (pool->allocator)
++ gst_object_unref (pool->allocator);
++ pool->allocator = NULL;
++ if (pool->caps)
++ gst_caps_unref (pool->caps);
++ pool->caps = NULL;
++ G_OBJECT_CLASS (gst_omx_buffer_pool_parent_class)->finalize (object);
++static void
++gst_omx_buffer_pool_class_init (GstOMXBufferPoolClass * klass)
++ GObjectClass *gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) klass;
++ GstBufferPoolClass *gstbufferpool_class = (GstBufferPoolClass *) klass;
++ gst_omx_buffer_data_quark = g_quark_from_static_string ("GstOMXBufferData");
++ gobject_class->finalize = gst_omx_buffer_pool_finalize;
++ gstbufferpool_class->start = gst_omx_buffer_pool_start;
++ gstbufferpool_class->stop = gst_omx_buffer_pool_stop;
++ gstbufferpool_class->get_options = gst_omx_buffer_pool_get_options;
++ gstbufferpool_class->set_config = gst_omx_buffer_pool_set_config;
++ gstbufferpool_class->alloc_buffer = gst_omx_buffer_pool_alloc_buffer;
++ gstbufferpool_class->free_buffer = gst_omx_buffer_pool_free_buffer;
++ gstbufferpool_class->acquire_buffer = gst_omx_buffer_pool_acquire_buffer;
++ gstbufferpool_class->release_buffer = gst_omx_buffer_pool_release_buffer;
++static void
++gst_omx_buffer_pool_init (GstOMXBufferPool * pool)
++ pool->buffers = g_ptr_array_new ();
++ pool->allocator = g_object_new (gst_omx_memory_allocator_get_type (), NULL);
++ pool->id_array = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gint));
++ pool->enc_buffer_index = 0;
++GstBufferPool *
++gst_omx_buffer_pool_new (GstElement * element, GstOMXComponent * component,
++ GstOMXPort * port)
++ GstOMXBufferPool *pool;
++ pool = g_object_new (gst_omx_buffer_pool_get_type (), NULL);
++ pool->element = gst_object_ref (element);
++ pool->component = component;
++ pool->port = port;
++ return GST_BUFFER_POOL (pool);
+diff --git a/omx/gstomxbufferpool.h b/omx/gstomxbufferpool.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..09cab8d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/omx/gstomxbufferpool.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
++ * Copyright 2014 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
++ * Author: Christian König <christian.koenig@amd.com>
++ * Copyright (C) 2015, Renesas Electronics Corporation
++ *
++ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation
++ * version 2.1 of the License.
++ *
++ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++ *
++ */
++#ifndef __GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL_H__
++#define __GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL_H__
++#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
++#include "config.h"
++#include <gst/gst.h>
++#include <gst/video/gstvideometa.h>
++#include <gst/video/gstvideopool.h>
++#include "gstomx.h"
++ (gst_omx_buffer_pool_get_type())
++#define GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL(obj) \
++#define GST_IS_OMX_BUFFER_POOL(obj) \
++typedef struct _GstOMXBufferPool GstOMXBufferPool;
++typedef struct _GstOMXBufferPoolClass GstOMXBufferPoolClass;
++struct _GstOMXBufferPool
++ GstVideoBufferPool parent;
++ GstElement *element;
++ GstCaps *caps;
++ gboolean add_videometa;
++ gboolean need_copy;
++ GstVideoInfo video_info;
++ /* Owned by element, element has to stop this pool before
++ * it destroys component or port */
++ GstOMXComponent *component;
++ GstOMXPort *port;
++ /* For handling OpenMAX allocated memory */
++ GstAllocator *allocator;
++ /* Set from outside this pool */
++ /* TRUE if we're currently allocating all our buffers */
++ gboolean allocating;
++ /* TRUE if the pool is not used anymore */
++ gboolean deactivated;
++ /* For populating the pool from another one */
++ GstBufferPool *other_pool;
++ GPtrArray *buffers;
++ /* Used during acquire for output ports to
++ * specify which buffer has to be retrieved
++ * and during alloc, which buffer has to be
++ * wrapped
++ */
++ gint current_buffer_index;
++ /* Used during acquire for input port */
++ gint enc_buffer_index;
++ /* Array use to contain dma_id. It is used in export_end dmabuf area */
++ GArray *id_array;
++ /* TRUE if the downstream buffer pool can handle
++ "videosink_buffer_creation_request" query */
++ gboolean vsink_buf_req_supported;
++struct _GstOMXBufferPoolClass
++ GstVideoBufferPoolClass parent_class;
++GType gst_omx_buffer_pool_get_type (void);
++GstBufferPool *gst_omx_buffer_pool_new (GstElement * element, GstOMXComponent * component, GstOMXPort * port);
++#endif /* __GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL_H__ */
+diff --git a/omx/gstomxvideodec.c b/omx/gstomxvideodec.c
+index 837c623..25b6b30 100644
+--- a/omx/gstomxvideodec.c
++++ b/omx/gstomxvideodec.c
+@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
+ #include <unistd.h> /* getpagesize() */
+ #include "gstomxvideodec.h"
++#include "gstomxbufferpool.h"
+ #include "gst/allocators/gstdmabuf.h"
+@@ -42,898 +43,6 @@
+ GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_STATIC (gst_omx_video_dec_debug_category);
+ #define GST_CAT_DEFAULT gst_omx_video_dec_debug_category
+-typedef struct _GstOMXMemory GstOMXMemory;
+-typedef struct _GstOMXMemoryAllocator GstOMXMemoryAllocator;
+-typedef struct _GstOMXMemoryAllocatorClass GstOMXMemoryAllocatorClass;
+-struct _GstOMXMemory
+- GstMemory mem;
+- GstOMXBuffer *buf;
+-struct _GstOMXMemoryAllocator
+- GstAllocator parent;
+-struct _GstOMXMemoryAllocatorClass
+- GstAllocatorClass parent_class;
+-/* User data and function for release OMX buffer in no-copy mode */
+-struct GstOMXBufferCallback
+- GstOMXPort * out_port;
+- GstOMXBuffer * buf;
+-#define GST_OMX_MEMORY_TYPE "openmax"
+-static GstMemory *
+-gst_omx_memory_allocator_alloc_dummy (GstAllocator * allocator, gsize size,
+- GstAllocationParams * params)
+- g_assert_not_reached ();
+- return NULL;
+-static void
+-gst_omx_memory_allocator_free (GstAllocator * allocator, GstMemory * mem)
+- GstOMXMemory *omem = (GstOMXMemory *) mem;
+- /* TODO: We need to remember which memories are still used
+- * so we can wait until everything is released before allocating
+- * new memory
+- */
+- g_slice_free (GstOMXMemory, omem);
+-static gpointer
+-gst_omx_memory_map (GstMemory * mem, gsize maxsize, GstMapFlags flags)
+- GstOMXMemory *omem = (GstOMXMemory *) mem;
+- return omem->buf->omx_buf->pBuffer;
+-static void
+-gst_omx_memory_unmap (GstMemory * mem)
+-static GstMemory *
+-gst_omx_memory_share (GstMemory * mem, gssize offset, gssize size)
+- g_assert_not_reached ();
+- return NULL;
+-GType gst_omx_memory_allocator_get_type (void);
+-G_DEFINE_TYPE (GstOMXMemoryAllocator, gst_omx_memory_allocator,
+-#define GST_TYPE_OMX_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR (gst_omx_memory_allocator_get_type())
+-static void
+-gst_omx_memory_allocator_class_init (GstOMXMemoryAllocatorClass * klass)
+- GstAllocatorClass *allocator_class;
+- allocator_class = (GstAllocatorClass *) klass;
+- allocator_class->alloc = gst_omx_memory_allocator_alloc_dummy;
+- allocator_class->free = gst_omx_memory_allocator_free;
+-static void
+-gst_omx_memory_allocator_init (GstOMXMemoryAllocator * allocator)
+- GstAllocator *alloc = GST_ALLOCATOR_CAST (allocator);
+- alloc->mem_type = GST_OMX_MEMORY_TYPE;
+- alloc->mem_map = gst_omx_memory_map;
+- alloc->mem_unmap = gst_omx_memory_unmap;
+- alloc->mem_share = gst_omx_memory_share;
+- /* default copy & is_span */
+-static GstMemory *
+-gst_omx_memory_allocator_alloc (GstAllocator * allocator, GstMemoryFlags flags,
+- GstOMXBuffer * buf, gsize offset, gsize size)
+- GstOMXMemory *mem;
+- /* FIXME: We don't allow sharing because we need to know
+- * when the memory becomes unused and can only then put
+- * it back to the pool. Which is done in the pool's release
+- * function
+- */
+- mem = g_slice_new (GstOMXMemory);
+- /* the shared memory is always readonly */
+- gst_memory_init (GST_MEMORY_CAST (mem), flags, allocator, NULL,
+- buf->omx_buf->nAllocLen, buf->port->port_def.nBufferAlignment,
+- offset, size);
+- mem->buf = buf;
+- return GST_MEMORY_CAST (mem);
+-/* Buffer pool for the buffers of an OpenMAX port.
+- *
+- * This pool is only used if we either passed buffers from another
+- * pool to the OMX port or provide the OMX buffers directly to other
+- * elements.
+- *
+- *
+- * A buffer is in the pool if it is currently owned by the port,
+- * i.e. after OMX_{Fill,Empty}ThisBuffer(). A buffer is outside
+- * the pool after it was taken from the port after it was handled
+- * by the port, i.e. {Empty,Fill}BufferDone.
+- *
+- * Buffers can be allocated by us (OMX_AllocateBuffer()) or allocated
+- * by someone else and (temporarily) passed to this pool
+- * (OMX_UseBuffer(), OMX_UseEGLImage()). In the latter case the pool of
+- * the buffer will be overriden, and restored in free_buffer(). Other
+- * buffers are just freed there.
+- *
+- * The pool always has a fixed number of minimum and maximum buffers
+- * and these are allocated while starting the pool and released afterwards.
+- * They correspond 1:1 to the OMX buffers of the port, which are allocated
+- * before the pool is started.
+- *
+- * Acquiring a buffer from this pool happens after the OMX buffer has
+- * been acquired from the port. gst_buffer_pool_acquire_buffer() is
+- * supposed to return the buffer that corresponds to the OMX buffer.
+- *
+- * For buffers provided to upstream, the buffer will be passed to
+- * the component manually when it arrives and then unreffed. If the
+- * buffer is released before reaching the component it will be just put
+- * back into the pool as if EmptyBufferDone has happened. If it was
+- * passed to the component, it will be back into the pool when it was
+- * released and EmptyBufferDone has happened.
+- *
+- * For buffers provided to downstream, the buffer will be returned
+- * back to the component (OMX_FillThisBuffer()) when it is released.
+- */
+-static GQuark gst_omx_buffer_data_quark = 0;
+-#define GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL(pool) ((GstOMXBufferPool *) pool)
+-typedef struct _GstOMXBufferPool GstOMXBufferPool;
+-typedef struct _GstOMXBufferPoolClass GstOMXBufferPoolClass;
+-typedef struct _GstOMXVideoDecBufferData GstOMXVideoDecBufferData;
+-struct _GstOMXBufferPool
+- GstVideoBufferPool parent;
+- GstElement *element;
+- GstCaps *caps;
+- gboolean add_videometa;
+- GstVideoInfo video_info;
+- /* Owned by element, element has to stop this pool before
+- * it destroys component or port */
+- GstOMXComponent *component;
+- GstOMXPort *port;
+- /* For handling OpenMAX allocated memory */
+- GstAllocator *allocator;
+- /* Set from outside this pool */
+- /* TRUE if we're currently allocating all our buffers */
+- gboolean allocating;
+- /* TRUE if the pool is not used anymore */
+- gboolean deactivated;
+- /* For populating the pool from another one */
+- GstBufferPool *other_pool;
+- GPtrArray *buffers;
+- /* Used during acquire for output ports to
+- * specify which buffer has to be retrieved
+- * and during alloc, which buffer has to be
+- * wrapped
+- */
+- gint current_buffer_index;
+- /* TRUE if the downstream buffer pool can handle
+- "videosink_buffer_creation_request" query */
+- gboolean vsink_buf_req_supported;
+-struct _GstOMXBufferPoolClass
+- GstVideoBufferPoolClass parent_class;
+-struct _GstOMXVideoDecBufferData
+- gboolean already_acquired;
+- gint id_export[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
+-GType gst_omx_buffer_pool_get_type (void);
+-G_DEFINE_TYPE (GstOMXBufferPool, gst_omx_buffer_pool, GST_TYPE_BUFFER_POOL);
+-static void gst_omx_buffer_pool_free_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool,
+- GstBuffer * buffer);
+-static gboolean
+-gst_omx_buffer_pool_start (GstBufferPool * bpool)
+- GstOMXBufferPool *pool = GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (bpool);
+- /* Only allow to start the pool if we still are attached
+- * to a component and port */
+- GST_OBJECT_LOCK (pool);
+- if (!pool->component || !pool->port) {
+- return FALSE;
+- }
+- return
+- GST_BUFFER_POOL_CLASS (gst_omx_buffer_pool_parent_class)->start (bpool);
+-static gboolean
+-gst_omx_buffer_pool_stop (GstBufferPool * bpool)
+- GstOMXBufferPool *pool = GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (bpool);
+- gint i = 0;
+- /* When not using the default GstBufferPool::GstAtomicQueue then
+- * GstBufferPool::free_buffer is not called while stopping the pool
+- * (because the queue is empty) */
+- for (i = 0; i < pool->buffers->len; i++)
+- GST_BUFFER_POOL_CLASS (gst_omx_buffer_pool_parent_class)->release_buffer
+- (bpool, g_ptr_array_index (pool->buffers, i));
+- /* Remove any buffers that are there */
+- g_ptr_array_set_size (pool->buffers, 0);
+- if (pool->caps)
+- gst_caps_unref (pool->caps);
+- pool->caps = NULL;
+- pool->add_videometa = FALSE;
+- return GST_BUFFER_POOL_CLASS (gst_omx_buffer_pool_parent_class)->stop (bpool);
+-static const gchar **
+-gst_omx_buffer_pool_get_options (GstBufferPool * bpool)
+- static const gchar *raw_video_options[] =
+- static const gchar *options[] = { NULL };
+- GstOMXBufferPool *pool = GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (bpool);
+- GST_OBJECT_LOCK (pool);
+- if (pool->port && pool->port->port_def.eDomain == OMX_PortDomainVideo
+- && pool->port->port_def.format.video.eCompressionFormat ==
+- OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused) {
+- return raw_video_options;
+- }
+- return options;
+-static gboolean
+-gst_omx_buffer_pool_set_config (GstBufferPool * bpool, GstStructure * config)
+- GstOMXBufferPool *pool = GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (bpool);
+- GstCaps *caps;
+- GST_OBJECT_LOCK (pool);
+- if (!gst_buffer_pool_config_get_params (config, &caps, NULL, NULL, NULL))
+- goto wrong_config;
+- if (caps == NULL)
+- goto no_caps;
+- if (pool->port && pool->port->port_def.eDomain == OMX_PortDomainVideo
+- && pool->port->port_def.format.video.eCompressionFormat ==
+- OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused) {
+- GstVideoInfo info;
+- /* now parse the caps from the config */
+- if (!gst_video_info_from_caps (&info, caps))
+- goto wrong_video_caps;
+- /* enable metadata based on config of the pool */
+- pool->add_videometa =
+- gst_buffer_pool_config_has_option (config,
+- pool->video_info = info;
+- }
+- if (pool->caps)
+- gst_caps_unref (pool->caps);
+- pool->caps = gst_caps_ref (caps);
+- return GST_BUFFER_POOL_CLASS (gst_omx_buffer_pool_parent_class)->set_config
+- (bpool, config);
+- /* ERRORS */
+- {
+- GST_WARNING_OBJECT (pool, "invalid config");
+- return FALSE;
+- }
+- {
+- GST_WARNING_OBJECT (pool, "no caps in config");
+- return FALSE;
+- }
+- {
+- "failed getting geometry from caps %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, caps);
+- return FALSE;
+- }
+-static GstFlowReturn
+-gst_omx_buffer_pool_alloc_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool,
+- GstBuffer ** buffer, GstBufferPoolAcquireParams * params)
+- GstOMXBufferPool *pool = GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (bpool);
+- GstBuffer *buf;
+- GstOMXBuffer *omx_buf;
+- GstOMXVideoDec *self;
+- self = GST_OMX_VIDEO_DEC (pool->element);
+- g_return_val_if_fail (pool->allocating, GST_FLOW_ERROR);
+- omx_buf = g_ptr_array_index (pool->port->buffers, pool->current_buffer_index);
+- g_return_val_if_fail (omx_buf != NULL, GST_FLOW_ERROR);
+- if (pool->other_pool) {
+- guint i, n;
+- buf = g_ptr_array_index (pool->buffers, pool->current_buffer_index);
+- g_assert (pool->other_pool == buf->pool);
+- gst_object_replace ((GstObject **) & buf->pool, NULL);
+- n = gst_buffer_n_memory (buf);
+- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+- GstMemory *mem = gst_buffer_peek_memory (buf, i);
+- /* FIXME: We don't allow sharing because we need to know
+- * when the memory becomes unused and can only then put
+- * it back to the pool. Which is done in the pool's release
+- * function
+- */
+- }
+- if (pool->add_videometa) {
+- GstVideoMeta *meta;
+- meta = gst_buffer_get_video_meta (buf);
+- if (!meta) {
+- gst_buffer_add_video_meta (buf, GST_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAG_NONE,
+- GST_VIDEO_INFO_FORMAT (&pool->video_info),
+- GST_VIDEO_INFO_WIDTH (&pool->video_info),
+- GST_VIDEO_INFO_HEIGHT (&pool->video_info));
+- }
+- }
+- } else {
+- gsize offset[4] = { 0, };
+- gint stride[4] = { 0, };
+- gsize plane_size[4] = { 0, };
+- guint n_planes;
+- gint i;
+- GstOMXVideoDecBufferData *vdbuf_data;
+- switch (pool->video_info.finfo->format) {
+- case GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_I420:
+- offset[0] = 0;
+- stride[0] = pool->port->port_def.format.video.nStride;
+- offset[1] = stride[0] * pool->port->port_def.format.video.nSliceHeight;
+- stride[1] = pool->port->port_def.format.video.nStride / 2;
+- offset[2] =
+- offset[1] +
+- stride[1] * (pool->port->port_def.format.video.nSliceHeight / 2);
+- stride[2] = pool->port->port_def.format.video.nStride / 2;
+- plane_size[0] = pool->port->port_def.format.video.nStride *
+- pool->port->port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight;
+- plane_size[1] = plane_size[2] = plane_size[0] / 4;
+- n_planes = 3;
+- break;
+- offset[0] = 0;
+- stride[0] = pool->port->port_def.format.video.nStride;
+- offset[1] = stride[0] * pool->port->port_def.format.video.nSliceHeight;
+- stride[1] = pool->port->port_def.format.video.nStride;
+- plane_size[0] = pool->port->port_def.format.video.nStride *
+- pool->port->port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight;
+- plane_size[1] = plane_size[0] / 2;
+- n_planes = 2;
+- break;
+- default:
+- g_assert_not_reached ();
+- break;
+- }
+- buf = gst_buffer_new ();
+- if (self->use_dmabuf == FALSE)
+- for (i = 0; i < n_planes; i++)
+- gst_buffer_append_memory (buf,
+- gst_omx_memory_allocator_alloc (pool->allocator, 0, omx_buf,
+- offset[i], plane_size[i]));
+- g_ptr_array_add (pool->buffers, buf);
+- if (pool->add_videometa)
+- gst_buffer_add_video_meta_full (buf, GST_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAG_NONE,
+- GST_VIDEO_INFO_FORMAT (&pool->video_info),
+- GST_VIDEO_INFO_WIDTH (&pool->video_info),
+- GST_VIDEO_INFO_HEIGHT (&pool->video_info),
+- GST_VIDEO_INFO_N_PLANES (&pool->video_info), offset, stride);
+- /* Initialize an already_acquired flag */
+- vdbuf_data = g_slice_new (GstOMXVideoDecBufferData);
+- vdbuf_data->already_acquired = FALSE;
+- if (self->use_dmabuf)
+- for (i = 0; i < GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES; i++)
+- vdbuf_data->id_export[i] = -1;
+- omx_buf->private_data = (void *) vdbuf_data;
+- }
+- gst_mini_object_set_qdata (GST_MINI_OBJECT_CAST (buf),
+- gst_omx_buffer_data_quark, omx_buf, NULL);
+- *buffer = buf;
+- pool->current_buffer_index++;
+- return GST_FLOW_OK;
+-static void
+-gst_omx_buffer_pool_free_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool, GstBuffer * buffer)
+- GstOMXBufferPool *pool = GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (bpool);
+- GstOMXBuffer *omx_buf;
+- GstOMXVideoDec *self;
+- self = GST_OMX_VIDEO_DEC (pool->element);
+- GstOMXVideoDecBufferData *vdbuf_data;
+- gint i;
+- /* If the buffers belong to another pool, restore them now */
+- GST_OBJECT_LOCK (pool);
+- if (pool->other_pool) {
+- gst_object_replace ((GstObject **) & buffer->pool,
+- (GstObject *) pool->other_pool);
+- }
+- omx_buf =
+- gst_mini_object_get_qdata (GST_MINI_OBJECT_CAST (buffer),
+- gst_omx_buffer_data_quark);
+- if (self->use_dmabuf) {
+- vdbuf_data = (GstOMXVideoDecBufferData *) omx_buf->private_data;
+- if (vdbuf_data) {
+- for (i = 0; i < GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES; i++)
+- if (vdbuf_data->id_export[i] >= 0)
+- mmngr_export_end_in_user (vdbuf_data->id_export[i]);
+- }
+- }
+- g_slice_free (GstOMXVideoDecBufferData, omx_buf->private_data);
+- gst_mini_object_set_qdata (GST_MINI_OBJECT_CAST (buffer),
+- gst_omx_buffer_data_quark, NULL, NULL);
+- GST_BUFFER_POOL_CLASS (gst_omx_buffer_pool_parent_class)->free_buffer (bpool,
+- buffer);
+-static GstBuffer *
+-gst_omx_buffer_pool_request_videosink_buffer_creation (GstOMXBufferPool * pool,
+- gint dmabuf_fd[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES], gpointer plane_buf[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES], gint stride[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES])
+- GstQuery *query;
+- GValue val = { 0, };
+- GstStructure *structure;
+- const GValue *value;
+- GstBuffer *buffer;
+- GArray *dmabuf_array;
+- GArray *stride_array;
+- GArray *planebuf_array;
+- gint n_planes;
+- gint i;
+- g_value_init (&val, G_TYPE_POINTER);
+- g_value_set_pointer (&val, (gpointer) pool->allocator);
+- dmabuf_array = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gint));
+- stride_array = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gint));
+- planebuf_array = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gpointer));
+- n_planes = GST_VIDEO_INFO_N_PLANES (&pool->video_info);
+- for (i = 0; i < n_planes; i++) {
+- g_array_append_val (dmabuf_array, dmabuf_fd[i]);
+- g_array_append_val (stride_array, stride[i]);
+- g_array_append_val (planebuf_array, plane_buf[i]);
+- }
+- structure = gst_structure_new ("videosink_buffer_creation_request",
+- "width", G_TYPE_INT, pool->port->port_def.format.video.nFrameWidth,
+- "height", G_TYPE_INT, pool->port->port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight,
+- "stride", G_TYPE_ARRAY, stride_array,
+- "dmabuf", G_TYPE_ARRAY, dmabuf_array,
+- "planebuf", G_TYPE_ARRAY, planebuf_array,
+- "allocator", G_TYPE_POINTER, &val,
+- "format", G_TYPE_STRING,
+- gst_video_format_to_string (pool->video_info.finfo->format),
+- "n_planes", G_TYPE_INT, n_planes, NULL);
+- query = gst_query_new_custom (GST_QUERY_CUSTOM, structure);
+- GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (pool, "send a videosink_buffer_creation_request query");
+- if (!gst_pad_peer_query (GST_VIDEO_DECODER_SRC_PAD (pool->element), query)) {
+- GST_ERROR_OBJECT (pool, "videosink_buffer_creation_request query failed");
+- return NULL;
+- }
+- value = gst_structure_get_value (structure, "buffer");
+- buffer = gst_value_get_buffer (value);
+- if (buffer == NULL) {
+- "could not get a buffer from videosink_buffer_creation query");
+- return NULL;
+- }
+- gst_query_unref (query);
+- g_array_free (dmabuf_array, TRUE);
+- g_array_free (stride_array, TRUE);
+- return buffer;
+-static gboolean
+-gst_omx_buffer_pool_export_dmabuf (GstOMXBufferPool * pool,
+- guint phys_addr, gint size, gint boundary, gint * id_export,
+- gint * dmabuf_fd)
+- gint res;
+- res =
+- mmngr_export_start_in_user (id_export,
+- (size + boundary - 1) & ~(boundary - 1), (unsigned long) phys_addr,
+- dmabuf_fd);
+- if (res != R_MM_OK) {
+- "mmngr_export_start_in_user failed (phys_addr:0x%08x)", phys_addr);
+- return FALSE;
+- }
+- "Export dmabuf:%d id_export:%d (phys_addr:0x%08x)", *dmabuf_fd,
+- *id_export, phys_addr);
+- return TRUE;
+-static GstFlowReturn
+-gst_omx_buffer_pool_acquire_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool,
+- GstBuffer ** buffer, GstBufferPoolAcquireParams * params)
+- GstFlowReturn ret;
+- GstOMXBufferPool *pool = GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (bpool);
+- GstOMXVideoDec *self;
+- self = GST_OMX_VIDEO_DEC (pool->element);
+- if (pool->port->port_def.eDir == OMX_DirOutput) {
+- GstBuffer *buf;
+- GstOMXBuffer *omx_buf;
+- GstOMXVideoDecBufferData *vdbuf_data;
+- guint n_mem;
+- g_return_val_if_fail (pool->current_buffer_index != -1, GST_FLOW_ERROR);
+- buf = g_ptr_array_index (pool->buffers, pool->current_buffer_index);
+- g_return_val_if_fail (buf != NULL, GST_FLOW_ERROR);
+- omx_buf =
+- gst_mini_object_get_qdata (GST_MINI_OBJECT_CAST (buf),
+- gst_omx_buffer_data_quark);
+- vdbuf_data = (GstOMXVideoDecBufferData *) omx_buf->private_data;
+- if (self->use_dmabuf)
+- {
+- n_mem = gst_buffer_n_memory (buf);
+- if (n_mem == 0) {
+- GstBuffer *new_buf;
+- GstVideoMeta *vmeta;
+- gint n_planes;
+- gint i;
+- gint dmabuf_fd[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
+- gint plane_size[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
+- gpointer plane_buf[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
+- guint phys_addr;
+- omx_buf->pOutputPortPrivate;
+- gint page_size;
+- GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (pool, "Create dmabuf mem pBuffer=%p",
+- omx_buf->omx_buf->pBuffer);
+- vmeta = gst_buffer_get_video_meta (buf);
+- phys_addr = (guint) decode_res->pvPhysImageAddressY;
+- page_size = getpagesize ();
+- /* Export a dmabuf file descriptor from the head of Y plane to
+- * the end of the buffer so that mapping the whole plane as
+- * contiguous memory is available. */
+- if (!gst_omx_buffer_pool_export_dmabuf (pool, phys_addr,
+- pool->port->port_def.nBufferSize, page_size,
+- &vdbuf_data->id_export[0], &dmabuf_fd[0])) {
+- GST_ERROR_OBJECT (pool, "dmabuf exporting failed");
+- return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
+- }
+- plane_size[0] = vmeta->stride[0] *
+- GST_VIDEO_INFO_COMP_HEIGHT (&pool->video_info, 0);
+- plane_buf[0] = omx_buf->omx_buf->pBuffer;
+- /* Export dmabuf file descriptors from second and subsequent planes */
+- n_planes = GST_VIDEO_INFO_N_PLANES (&pool->video_info);
+- for (i = 1; i < n_planes; i++) {
+- phys_addr = (guint) decode_res->pvPhysImageAddressY + vmeta->offset[i];
+- plane_size[i] = vmeta->stride[i] *
+- GST_VIDEO_INFO_COMP_HEIGHT (&pool->video_info, i);
+- plane_buf[i] = omx_buf->omx_buf->pBuffer + vmeta->offset[i];
+- if (!gst_omx_buffer_pool_export_dmabuf (pool, phys_addr, plane_size[i],
+- page_size, &vdbuf_data->id_export[i], &dmabuf_fd[i])) {
+- GST_ERROR_OBJECT (pool, "dmabuf exporting failed");
+- return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
+- }
+- }
+- if (pool->vsink_buf_req_supported)
+- new_buf = gst_omx_buffer_pool_request_videosink_buffer_creation (pool,
+- dmabuf_fd, plane_buf, vmeta->stride);
+- else {
+- GstVideoMeta *new_meta;
+- new_buf = gst_buffer_new ();
+- for (i = 0; i < n_planes; i++)
+- gst_buffer_append_memory (new_buf,
+- gst_dmabuf_allocator_alloc (pool->allocator, dmabuf_fd[i],
+- plane_size[i]));
+- gst_buffer_add_video_meta_full (new_buf, GST_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAG_NONE,
+- GST_VIDEO_INFO_FORMAT (&pool->video_info),
+- GST_VIDEO_INFO_WIDTH (&pool->video_info),
+- GST_VIDEO_INFO_HEIGHT (&pool->video_info),
+- GST_VIDEO_INFO_N_PLANES (&pool->video_info), vmeta->offset,
+- vmeta->stride);
+- new_meta = gst_buffer_get_video_meta (new_buf);
+- /* To avoid detaching meta data when a buffer returns
+- to the buffer pool */
+- }
+- g_ptr_array_remove_index (pool->buffers, pool->current_buffer_index);
+- gst_mini_object_set_qdata (GST_MINI_OBJECT_CAST (buf),
+- gst_omx_buffer_data_quark, NULL, NULL);
+- gst_buffer_unref (buf);
+- gst_mini_object_set_qdata (GST_MINI_OBJECT_CAST (new_buf),
+- gst_omx_buffer_data_quark, omx_buf, NULL);
+- g_ptr_array_add (pool->buffers, new_buf);
+- *buffer = new_buf;
+- } else
+- *buffer = buf;
+- } else
+- *buffer = buf;
+- vdbuf_data->already_acquired = TRUE;
+- ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
+- } else {
+- /* Acquire any buffer that is available to be filled by upstream */
+- ret =
+- GST_BUFFER_POOL_CLASS (gst_omx_buffer_pool_parent_class)->acquire_buffer
+- (bpool, buffer, params);
+- }
+- return ret;
+-static void
+-gst_omx_buffer_pool_release_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool, GstBuffer * buffer)
+- GstOMXBufferPool *pool = GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (bpool);
+- GstOMXBuffer *omx_buf;
+- g_assert (pool->component && pool->port);
+- if (pool->allocating && !pool->deactivated) {
+- GstOMXVideoDecBufferData *vdbuf_data;
+- omx_buf =
+- gst_mini_object_get_qdata (GST_MINI_OBJECT_CAST (buffer),
+- gst_omx_buffer_data_quark);
+- vdbuf_data = (GstOMXVideoDecBufferData *) omx_buf->private_data;
+- if (pool->port->port_def.eDir == OMX_DirOutput && !omx_buf->used &&
+- vdbuf_data->already_acquired) {
+- /* Release back to the port, can be filled again */
+- err = gst_omx_port_release_buffer (pool->port, omx_buf);
+- if (err != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+- ("Failed to relase output buffer to component: %s (0x%08x)",
+- gst_omx_error_to_string (err), err));
+- }
+- vdbuf_data->already_acquired = FALSE;
+- } else if (pool->port->port_def.eDir == OMX_DirInput && !omx_buf->used) {
+- /* TODO: Implement.
+- *
+- * If not used (i.e. was not passed to the component) this should do
+- * the same as EmptyBufferDone.
+- * If it is used (i.e. was passed to the component) this should do
+- * nothing until EmptyBufferDone.
+- *
+- * EmptyBufferDone should release the buffer to the pool so it can
+- * be allocated again
+- *
+- * Needs something to call back here in EmptyBufferDone, like keeping
+- * a ref on the buffer in GstOMXBuffer until EmptyBufferDone... which
+- * would ensure that the buffer is always unused when this is called.
+- */
+- g_assert_not_reached ();
+- GST_BUFFER_POOL_CLASS (gst_omx_buffer_pool_parent_class)->release_buffer
+- (bpool, buffer);
+- }
+- }
+-static void
+-gst_omx_buffer_pool_finalize (GObject * object)
+- GstOMXBufferPool *pool = GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (object);
+- if (pool->element)
+- gst_object_unref (pool->element);
+- pool->element = NULL;
+- if (pool->buffers)
+- g_ptr_array_unref (pool->buffers);
+- pool->buffers = NULL;
+- if (pool->other_pool)
+- gst_object_unref (pool->other_pool);
+- pool->other_pool = NULL;
+- if (pool->allocator)
+- gst_object_unref (pool->allocator);
+- pool->allocator = NULL;
+- if (pool->caps)
+- gst_caps_unref (pool->caps);
+- pool->caps = NULL;
+- G_OBJECT_CLASS (gst_omx_buffer_pool_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+-static void
+-gst_omx_buffer_pool_class_init (GstOMXBufferPoolClass * klass)
+- GObjectClass *gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) klass;
+- GstBufferPoolClass *gstbufferpool_class = (GstBufferPoolClass *) klass;
+- gst_omx_buffer_data_quark = g_quark_from_static_string ("GstOMXBufferData");
+- gobject_class->finalize = gst_omx_buffer_pool_finalize;
+- gstbufferpool_class->start = gst_omx_buffer_pool_start;
+- gstbufferpool_class->stop = gst_omx_buffer_pool_stop;
+- gstbufferpool_class->get_options = gst_omx_buffer_pool_get_options;
+- gstbufferpool_class->set_config = gst_omx_buffer_pool_set_config;
+- gstbufferpool_class->alloc_buffer = gst_omx_buffer_pool_alloc_buffer;
+- gstbufferpool_class->free_buffer = gst_omx_buffer_pool_free_buffer;
+- gstbufferpool_class->acquire_buffer = gst_omx_buffer_pool_acquire_buffer;
+- gstbufferpool_class->release_buffer = gst_omx_buffer_pool_release_buffer;
+-static void
+-gst_omx_buffer_pool_init (GstOMXBufferPool * pool)
+- pool->buffers = g_ptr_array_new ();
+- pool->allocator = gst_dmabuf_allocator_new ();
+- pool->allocator = g_object_new (gst_omx_memory_allocator_get_type (), NULL);
+-static GstBufferPool *
+-gst_omx_buffer_pool_new (GstElement * element, GstOMXComponent * component,
+- GstOMXPort * port)
+- GstOMXBufferPool *pool;
+- pool = g_object_new (gst_omx_buffer_pool_get_type (), NULL);
+- pool->element = gst_object_ref (element);
+- pool->component = component;
+- pool->port = port;
+- pool->vsink_buf_req_supported = FALSE;
+- return GST_BUFFER_POOL (pool);
+ typedef struct _BufferIdentification BufferIdentification;
+ struct _BufferIdentification
+ {
+@@ -979,8 +88,9 @@ static void gst_omx_video_dec_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id,
+ const GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec);
+ static void gst_omx_video_dec_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id,
+ GValue * value, GParamSpec * pspec);
+ static void GstOMXBufCallbackfunc (struct GstOMXBufferCallback *);
+ enum
+ {
+ PROP_0,
+@@ -999,6 +109,9 @@ enum
+ G_DEFINE_ABSTRACT_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GstOMXVideoDec, gst_omx_video_dec,
++/* Default fps for input files that does not support fps */
+ static gsize
+ gst_omx_video_dec_copy_frame (GstOMXVideoDec * self, GstBuffer * inbuf,
+ guint offset, GstOMXBuffer * outbuf)
+@@ -1691,6 +804,7 @@ gst_omx_video_dec_deallocate_output_buffers (GstOMXVideoDec * self)
+ return err;
+ }
+ static void GstOMXBufCallbackfunc (struct GstOMXBufferCallback *release)
+ {
+ if (!release)
+@@ -1702,6 +816,7 @@ static void GstOMXBufCallbackfunc (struct GstOMXBufferCallback *release)
+ g_free (release);
+ }
+ static GstBuffer *
+ gst_omx_video_dec_create_buffer_from_omx_output (GstOMXVideoDec * self,
+@@ -1762,7 +877,7 @@ gst_omx_video_dec_create_buffer_from_omx_output (GstOMXVideoDec * self,
+ GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_INFO_SCALE_HEIGHT (vinfo->finfo, i, sliceheigh);
+ used_size = stride[i] *
+ GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_INFO_SCALE_HEIGHT (vinfo->finfo, i, height);
++#if 0
+ if (i == 0) {
+ struct GstOMXBufferCallback *release;
+ release = g_malloc (sizeof(struct GstOMXBufferCallback));
+@@ -1774,6 +889,7 @@ gst_omx_video_dec_create_buffer_from_omx_output (GstOMXVideoDec * self,
+ plane_size, 0, used_size, release, GstOMXBufCallbackfunc);
+ }
+ else
+ /* Only release OMX buffer one time. Do not add callback
+ * function to other planes
+ * (These planes are from same OMX buffer) */
+@@ -2042,15 +1158,7 @@ gst_omx_video_dec_loop (GstOMXVideoDec * self)
+ n = port->buffers->len;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+- GstBuffer *outbuf;
+- GstOMXBuffer *tmp;
+- outbuf =
+- g_ptr_array_index (GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (self->
+- out_port_pool)->buffers, i);
+- tmp =
+- gst_mini_object_get_qdata (GST_MINI_OBJECT_CAST (outbuf),
+- gst_omx_buffer_data_quark);
++ GstOMXBuffer *tmp = g_ptr_array_index (port->buffers, i);
+ if (tmp == buf)
+ break;
+@@ -2084,15 +1192,7 @@ gst_omx_video_dec_loop (GstOMXVideoDec * self)
+ n = port->buffers->len;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+- GstBuffer *outbuf;
+- GstOMXBuffer *tmp;
+- outbuf =
+- g_ptr_array_index (GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (self->
+- out_port_pool)->buffers, i);
+- tmp =
+- gst_mini_object_get_qdata (GST_MINI_OBJECT_CAST (outbuf),
+- gst_omx_buffer_data_quark);
++ GstOMXBuffer *tmp = g_ptr_array_index (port->buffers, i);
+ if (tmp == buf)
+ break;
+diff --git a/omx/gstomxvideoenc.c b/omx/gstomxvideoenc.c
+index cec44cb..b36c46e 100644
+--- a/omx/gstomxvideoenc.c
++++ b/omx/gstomxvideoenc.c
+@@ -28,6 +28,11 @@
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include "gstomxvideoenc.h"
++#include "gstomxbufferpool.h"
++#include "mmngr_buf_user_public.h"
++#include "gst/allocators/gstdmabuf.h"
+ GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_STATIC (gst_omx_video_enc_debug_category);
+ #define GST_CAT_DEFAULT gst_omx_video_enc_debug_category
+@@ -68,6 +73,13 @@ buffer_identification_free (BufferIdentification * id)
+ g_slice_free (BufferIdentification, id);
+ }
++/* Used in dmabuf mode */
++struct _GstOMXVideoEncPrivate
++ /* Array contain id when using mmngrbuf to import fd */
++ GArray *id_array;
+ /* prototypes */
+ static void gst_omx_video_enc_finalize (GObject * object);
+ static void gst_omx_video_enc_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id,
+@@ -109,7 +121,8 @@ enum
+ };
+ /* FIXME: Better defaults */
+@@ -175,6 +188,11 @@ gst_omx_video_enc_class_init (GstOMXVideoEncClass * klass)
++ g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_NO_COPY,
++ g_param_spec_boolean ("no-copy", "Propose buffer to upstream",
++ "Whether or not to use no copy method",
+ element_class->change_state =
+ GST_DEBUG_FUNCPTR (gst_omx_video_enc_change_state);
+@@ -210,7 +228,11 @@ gst_omx_video_enc_init (GstOMXVideoEnc * self)
+ self->quant_i_frames = GST_OMX_VIDEO_ENC_QUANT_I_FRAMES_DEFAULT;
+ self->quant_p_frames = GST_OMX_VIDEO_ENC_QUANT_P_FRAMES_DEFAULT;
+ self->quant_b_frames = GST_OMX_VIDEO_ENC_QUANT_B_FRAMES_DEFAULT;
++ self->no_copy = TRUE;
++ self->priv =
++ GstOMXVideoEncPrivate);
++ self->priv->id_array = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gint));
+ g_mutex_init (&self->drain_lock);
+ g_cond_init (&self->drain_cond);
+ }
+@@ -413,6 +435,16 @@ gst_omx_video_enc_finalize (GObject * object)
+ g_mutex_clear (&self->drain_lock);
+ g_cond_clear (&self->drain_cond);
++ if (self->priv->id_array->len > 0) {
++ gint i;
++ for (i = 0; i < self->priv->id_array->len; i++)
++ mmngr_import_end_in_user (g_array_index (self->priv->id_array, gint,
++ i));
++ }
++ g_array_free (self->priv->id_array, TRUE);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (gst_omx_video_enc_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+ }
+@@ -453,6 +485,9 @@ gst_omx_video_enc_set_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id,
+ self->quant_b_frames = g_value_get_uint (value);
+ break;
++ case PROP_NO_COPY:
++ self->no_copy = g_value_get_boolean (value);
++ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+ break;
+@@ -481,6 +516,9 @@ gst_omx_video_enc_get_property (GObject * object, guint prop_id, GValue * value,
+ g_value_set_uint (value, self->quant_b_frames);
+ break;
++ case PROP_NO_COPY:
++ g_value_set_boolean (value, self->no_copy);
++ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+ break;
+@@ -1125,163 +1163,168 @@ gst_omx_video_enc_set_format (GstVideoEncoder * encoder,
+ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Setting new format %s",
+ gst_video_format_to_string (info->finfo->format));
+- gst_omx_port_get_port_definition (self->enc_in_port, &port_def);
+- needs_disable =
+- gst_omx_component_get_state (self->enc,
+- GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE) != OMX_StateLoaded;
+- /* If the component is not in Loaded state and a real format change happens
+- * we have to disable the port and re-allocate all buffers. If no real
+- * format change happened we can just exit here.
++ /* If there is inport pool, it means that OMXBuffer has already allocated on
++ * propose_allocation. Do not allocate OMXBuffer on set_format
+ */
+- if (needs_disable) {
+- GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Need to disable and drain encoder");
+- gst_omx_video_enc_drain (self, FALSE);
+- gst_omx_port_set_flushing (self->enc_out_port, 5 * GST_SECOND, TRUE);
+- /* Wait until the srcpad loop is finished,
+- * unlock GST_VIDEO_ENCODER_STREAM_LOCK to prevent deadlocks
+- * caused by using this lock from inside the loop function */
+- gst_pad_stop_task (GST_VIDEO_ENCODER_SRC_PAD (encoder));
+- if (gst_omx_port_set_enabled (self->enc_in_port, FALSE) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+- return FALSE;
+- if (gst_omx_port_set_enabled (self->enc_out_port, FALSE) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+- return FALSE;
+- if (gst_omx_port_wait_buffers_released (self->enc_in_port,
+- 5 * GST_SECOND) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+- return FALSE;
+- if (gst_omx_port_wait_buffers_released (self->enc_out_port,
+- 1 * GST_SECOND) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+- return FALSE;
+- if (gst_omx_port_deallocate_buffers (self->enc_in_port) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+- return FALSE;
+- if (gst_omx_port_deallocate_buffers (self->enc_out_port) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+- return FALSE;
+- if (gst_omx_port_wait_enabled (self->enc_in_port,
+- 1 * GST_SECOND) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+- return FALSE;
+- if (gst_omx_port_wait_enabled (self->enc_out_port,
+- 1 * GST_SECOND) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+- return FALSE;
+- GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Encoder drained and disabled");
+- }
++ if (!self->in_port_pool) {
++ gst_omx_port_get_port_definition (self->enc_in_port, &port_def);
++ needs_disable =
++ gst_omx_component_get_state (self->enc,
++ GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE) != OMX_StateLoaded;
++ /* If the component is not in Loaded state and a real format change happens
++ * we have to disable the port and re-allocate all buffers. If no real
++ * format change happened we can just exit here.
++ */
++ if (needs_disable) {
++ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Need to disable and drain encoder");
++ gst_omx_video_enc_drain (self, FALSE);
++ gst_omx_port_set_flushing (self->enc_out_port, 5 * GST_SECOND, TRUE);
++ /* Wait until the srcpad loop is finished,
++ * unlock GST_VIDEO_ENCODER_STREAM_LOCK to prevent deadlocks
++ * caused by using this lock from inside the loop function */
++ gst_pad_stop_task (GST_VIDEO_ENCODER_SRC_PAD (encoder));
+- negotiation_map = gst_omx_video_enc_get_supported_colorformats (self);
+- if (!negotiation_map) {
+- /* Fallback */
+- switch (info->finfo->format) {
+- case GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_I420:
+- port_def.format.video.eColorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar;
+- break;
+- port_def.format.video.eColorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar;
+- break;
+- default:
+- GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Unsupported format %s",
+- gst_video_format_to_string (info->finfo->format));
++ if (gst_omx_port_set_enabled (self->enc_in_port, FALSE) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+ return FALSE;
+- break;
++ if (gst_omx_port_set_enabled (self->enc_out_port, FALSE) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ if (gst_omx_port_wait_buffers_released (self->enc_in_port,
++ 5 * GST_SECOND) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ if (gst_omx_port_wait_buffers_released (self->enc_out_port,
++ 1 * GST_SECOND) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ if (gst_omx_port_deallocate_buffers (self->enc_in_port) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ if (gst_omx_port_deallocate_buffers (self->enc_out_port) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ if (gst_omx_port_wait_enabled (self->enc_in_port,
++ 1 * GST_SECOND) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ if (gst_omx_port_wait_enabled (self->enc_out_port,
++ 1 * GST_SECOND) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Encoder drained and disabled");
+ }
+- } else {
+- for (l = negotiation_map; l; l = l->next) {
+- VideoNegotiationMap *m = l->data;
+- if (m->format == info->finfo->format) {
+- port_def.format.video.eColorFormat = m->type;
+- break;
++ negotiation_map = gst_omx_video_enc_get_supported_colorformats (self);
++ if (!negotiation_map) {
++ /* Fallback */
++ switch (info->finfo->format) {
++ case GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_I420:
++ port_def.format.video.eColorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar;
++ break;
++ port_def.format.video.eColorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar;
++ break;
++ default:
++ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Unsupported format %s",
++ gst_video_format_to_string (info->finfo->format));
++ return FALSE;
++ break;
++ }
++ } else {
++ for (l = negotiation_map; l; l = l->next) {
++ VideoNegotiationMap *m = l->data;
++ if (m->format == info->finfo->format) {
++ port_def.format.video.eColorFormat = m->type;
++ break;
++ }
+ }
++ g_list_free_full (negotiation_map,
++ (GDestroyNotify) video_negotiation_map_free);
+ }
+- g_list_free_full (negotiation_map,
+- (GDestroyNotify) video_negotiation_map_free);
+- }
+- port_def.format.video.nFrameWidth = info->width;
+- if (port_def.nBufferAlignment)
+- port_def.format.video.nStride =
+- (info->width + port_def.nBufferAlignment - 1) &
+- (~(port_def.nBufferAlignment - 1));
+- else
+- {
+- if (klass->cdata.hacks & GST_OMX_HACK_RENESAS_ENCMC_STRIDE_ALIGN)
++ port_def.format.video.nFrameWidth = info->width;
++ if (port_def.nBufferAlignment)
++ port_def.format.video.nStride =
++ (info->width + port_def.nBufferAlignment - 1) &
++ (~(port_def.nBufferAlignment - 1));
++ else
+ {
+- switch (port_def.format.video.eColorFormat) {
+- case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar: {
+- /*Renesas encode MC only support following strides*/
+- if (info->width <= 256)
+- port_def.format.video.nStride = 256;
+- else if ((info->width > 256) && (info->width <= 512))
+- port_def.format.video.nStride = 512;
+- else if ((info->width > 512) && (info->width <= 1024))
+- port_def.format.video.nStride = 1024;
+- else
+- port_def.format.video.nStride = 2048;
++ if (klass->cdata.hacks & GST_OMX_HACK_RENESAS_ENCMC_STRIDE_ALIGN)
++ {
++ switch (port_def.format.video.eColorFormat) {
++ case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar: {
++ /*Renesas encode MC only support following strides*/
++ if (info->width <= 256)
++ port_def.format.video.nStride = 256;
++ else if ((info->width > 256) && (info->width <= 512))
++ port_def.format.video.nStride = 512;
++ else if ((info->width > 512) && (info->width <= 1024))
++ port_def.format.video.nStride = 1024;
++ else
++ port_def.format.video.nStride = 2048;
++ break;
++ }
++ case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar:
++ port_def.format.video.nStride = ((info->width + 127) & ~ 127); /* Align 128 */
+ break;
+- }
+- case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar:
+- port_def.format.video.nStride = ((info->width + 127) & ~ 127); /* Align 128 */
+- break;
+- default:
++ default:
++ port_def.format.video.nStride = GST_ROUND_UP_4 (info->width); /* Safe (?) default */
++ break;
++ }
++ } else {
+ port_def.format.video.nStride = GST_ROUND_UP_4 (info->width); /* Safe (?) default */
+- break;
+ }
+- } else {
+- port_def.format.video.nStride = GST_ROUND_UP_4 (info->width); /* Safe (?) default */
+ }
+- }
+- port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight = info->height;
+- port_def.format.video.nSliceHeight = info->height;
++ port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight = info->height;
++ port_def.format.video.nSliceHeight = info->height;
+- switch (port_def.format.video.eColorFormat) {
+- case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar:
+- case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedPlanar:
+- port_def.nBufferSize =
+- (port_def.format.video.nStride * port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight) +
+- 2 * ((port_def.format.video.nStride / 2) *
+- ((port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight + 1) / 2));
+- break;
+- case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar:
+- port_def.nBufferSize =
+- (port_def.format.video.nStride * port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight) +
+- (port_def.format.video.nStride *
+- ((port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight + 1) / 2));
+- break;
++ switch (port_def.format.video.eColorFormat) {
++ case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar:
++ case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedPlanar:
++ port_def.nBufferSize =
++ (port_def.format.video.nStride * port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight) +
++ 2 * ((port_def.format.video.nStride / 2) *
++ ((port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight + 1) / 2));
++ break;
+- default:
+- g_assert_not_reached ();
+- }
++ case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar:
++ port_def.nBufferSize =
++ (port_def.format.video.nStride * port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight) +
++ (port_def.format.video.nStride *
++ ((port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight + 1) / 2));
++ break;
+- if (info->fps_n == 0) {
+- port_def.format.video.xFramerate = 0;
+- } else {
+- if (!(klass->cdata.hacks & GST_OMX_HACK_VIDEO_FRAMERATE_INTEGER))
+- port_def.format.video.xFramerate = (info->fps_n << 16) / (info->fps_d);
+- else
+- port_def.format.video.xFramerate = (info->fps_n) / (info->fps_d);
+- }
++ default:
++ g_assert_not_reached ();
++ }
+- GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Setting inport port definition");
+- if (gst_omx_port_update_port_definition (self->enc_in_port,
+- &port_def) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+- return FALSE;
++ if (info->fps_n == 0) {
++ port_def.format.video.xFramerate = 0;
++ } else {
++ if (!(klass->cdata.hacks & GST_OMX_HACK_VIDEO_FRAMERATE_INTEGER))
++ port_def.format.video.xFramerate = (info->fps_n << 16) / (info->fps_d);
++ else
++ port_def.format.video.xFramerate = (info->fps_n) / (info->fps_d);
++ }
+- if (klass->set_format) {
+- if (!klass->set_format (self, self->enc_in_port, state)) {
+- GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Subclass failed to set the new format");
++ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Setting inport port definition");
++ if (gst_omx_port_update_port_definition (self->enc_in_port,
++ &port_def) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+ return FALSE;
++ if (klass->set_format) {
++ if (!klass->set_format (self, self->enc_in_port, state)) {
++ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Subclass failed to set the new format");
++ return FALSE;
++ }
+ }
+- }
+- GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Updating outport port definition");
+- if (gst_omx_port_update_port_definition (self->enc_out_port,
+- NULL) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+- return FALSE;
++ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Updating outport port definition");
++ if (gst_omx_port_update_port_definition (self->enc_out_port,
++ NULL) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ }
+ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Enabling component");
+ if (needs_disable) {
+@@ -1299,11 +1342,13 @@ gst_omx_video_enc_set_format (GstVideoEncoder * encoder,
+ return FALSE;
+ /* Need to allocate buffers to reach Idle state */
+- if (gst_omx_port_allocate_buffers (self->enc_in_port) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+- return FALSE;
++ if (!self->in_port_pool) {
++ if (gst_omx_port_allocate_buffers (self->enc_in_port) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ }
+ /* Allocate for output port */
+- if (gst_omx_port_allocate_buffers (self->enc_out_port) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ if (gst_omx_port_allocate_buffers (self->enc_out_port) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (gst_omx_component_get_state (self->enc,
+@@ -1349,7 +1394,9 @@ gst_omx_video_enc_reset (GstVideoEncoder * encoder, gboolean hard)
+ self = GST_OMX_VIDEO_ENC (encoder);
+- GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Resetting encoder");
++ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Resetting encoder %s", hard ? "(hard)" : "");
++ return TRUE;
+ gst_omx_port_set_flushing (self->enc_in_port, 5 * GST_SECOND, TRUE);
+ gst_omx_port_set_flushing (self->enc_out_port, 5 * GST_SECOND, TRUE);
+@@ -1739,11 +1786,50 @@ gst_omx_video_enc_handle_frame (GstVideoEncoder * encoder,
+ gst_omx_error_to_string (err), err);
+ }
+- /* Copy the buffer content in chunks of size as requested
+- * by the port */
+- if (!gst_omx_video_enc_fill_buffer (self, frame->input_buffer, buf)) {
+- gst_omx_port_release_buffer (port, buf);
+- goto buffer_fill_error;
++ if (self->in_port_pool) {
++ GstMapInfo in_info;
++ gint count = 0;
++ GstOMXBufferPool *pool = GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (self->in_port_pool);
++ /* Compare input buffer with buffer got from port to get target data for
++ * encoder
++ */
++ if (!pool->deactivated) {
++ if (!gst_buffer_map (frame->input_buffer, &in_info, GST_MAP_READ)) {
++ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Can not map input buffer");
++ gst_omx_port_release_buffer (port, buf);
++ goto flow_error;
++ }
++ if (buf->omx_buf->pBuffer != in_info.data) {
++ gst_omx_port_release_buffer (port, buf);
++ do {
++ acq_ret = gst_omx_port_acquire_buffer (port, &buf);
++ if (acq_ret != GST_OMX_ACQUIRE_BUFFER_OK) {
++ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Can acquire buffer from input port");
++ return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
++ }
++ if (buf->omx_buf->pBuffer != in_info.data)
++ gst_omx_port_release_buffer (port, buf);
++ count += 1;
++ } while (buf->omx_buf->pBuffer != in_info.data
++ && count < port->port_def.nBufferCountActual * 3);
++ }
++ if (count == port->port_def.nBufferCountActual * 3) {
++ "Can not get target OMXBuffer after 3 times searching");
++ goto flow_error;
++ }
++ buf->omx_buf->nFilledLen = in_info.size;
++ gst_buffer_unmap (frame->input_buffer, &in_info);
++ }
++ } else {
++ /* Copy the buffer content in chunks of size as requested
++ * by the port */
++ if (!gst_omx_video_enc_fill_buffer (self, frame->input_buffer, buf)) {
++ gst_omx_port_release_buffer (port, buf);
++ goto buffer_fill_error;
++ }
+ }
+ timestamp = frame->pts;
+@@ -1920,11 +2006,203 @@ static gboolean
+ gst_omx_video_enc_propose_allocation (GstVideoEncoder * encoder,
+ GstQuery * query)
+ {
+- gst_query_add_allocation_meta (query, GST_VIDEO_META_API_TYPE, NULL);
++ GstOMXVideoEnc *self;
++ GstOMXVideoEncClass *klass;
++ self = GST_OMX_VIDEO_ENC (encoder);
++ klass = GST_OMX_VIDEO_ENC_GET_CLASS (encoder);
++ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "gst_omx_video_enc_propose_allocation");
++ if (self->no_copy == TRUE) {
++ /* Allocate buffers and propose them to upstream */
++ GstCaps *caps;
++ GstVideoInfo info;
++ guint size;
++ guint max, min;
++ gst_omx_port_get_port_definition (self->enc_in_port, &port_def);
++ gst_query_add_allocation_meta (query, GST_VIDEO_META_API_TYPE, NULL);
++ gst_query_parse_allocation (query, &caps, NULL);
++ if (caps == NULL)
++ return FALSE;
++ if (!gst_video_info_from_caps (&info, caps))
++ return FALSE;
++ size = GST_VIDEO_INFO_SIZE (&info);
++ if (gst_omx_component_get_state (self->enc,
++ GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE) != OMX_StateLoaded)
++ return FALSE;
++ switch (info.finfo->format) {
++ case GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_I420:
++ port_def.format.video.eColorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar;
++ break;
++ port_def.format.video.eColorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar;
++ break;
++ default:
++ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Unsupported format %s",
++ gst_video_format_to_string (info.finfo->format));
++ return FALSE;
++ break;
++ }
++ port_def.format.video.nFrameWidth = info.width;
++ if (klass->cdata.hacks & GST_OMX_HACK_RENESAS_ENCMC_STRIDE_ALIGN) {
++ switch (port_def.format.video.eColorFormat) {
++ case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar:
++ port_def.format.video.nStride = GST_ROUND_UP_64 (info.width);
++ break;
++ case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar:
++ port_def.format.video.nStride = GST_ROUND_UP_32 (info.width);
++ break;
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
++ } else
++ port_def.format.video.nStride = GST_ROUND_UP_4 (info.width); /* safe (?) default */
++ port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight = info.height;
++ port_def.format.video.nSliceHeight = info.height;
++ switch (port_def.format.video.eColorFormat) {
++ case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar:
++ case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedPlanar:
++ port_def.nBufferSize =
++ (port_def.format.video.nStride *
++ port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight) +
++ 2 * ((port_def.format.video.nStride / 2) *
++ ((port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight + 1) / 2));
++ break;
++ case OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar:
++ port_def.nBufferSize =
++ (port_def.format.video.nStride *
++ port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight) +
++ (port_def.format.video.nStride *
++ ((port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight + 1) / 2));
++ break;
+- return
+- (gst_omx_video_enc_parent_class)->propose_allocation (encoder, query);
++ default:
++ g_assert_not_reached ();
++ }
++ if (info.fps_n == 0) {
++ port_def.format.video.xFramerate = 0;
++ } else {
++ port_def.format.video.xFramerate = (info.fps_n) / (info.fps_d);
++ }
++ if (gst_omx_port_update_port_definition (self->enc_in_port,
++ &port_def) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ if (klass->set_format) {
++ if (!klass->set_format (self, self->enc_in_port, self->input_state)) {
++ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Subclass failed to set the new format");
++ return FALSE;
++ }
++ }
++ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Updating outport port definition");
++ if (gst_omx_port_update_port_definition (self->enc_out_port,
++ NULL) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ if (self->target_bitrate != 0xffffffff) {
++ GST_OMX_INIT_STRUCT (&config);
++ config.nPortIndex = self->enc_out_port->index;
++ /* Get default value of eControlRate to avoid setting an invalid value to it */
++ err = gst_omx_component_get_parameter (self->enc,
++ OMX_IndexParamVideoBitrate, &config);
++ if (err != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ "Fail to get parameter of video bitrate: %s (0x%08x)",
++ gst_omx_error_to_string (err), err);
++ config.nTargetBitrate = self->target_bitrate;
++ if (self->control_rate != 0xffffffff)
++ config.eControlRate = self->control_rate;
++ err = gst_omx_component_set_parameter (self->enc,
++ OMX_IndexParamVideoBitrate, &config);
++ if (err != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Failed to set bitrate parameter: %s (0x%08x)",
++ gst_omx_error_to_string (err), err);
++ }
++ if (gst_omx_component_set_state (self->enc, OMX_StateIdle) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ if (gst_omx_port_allocate_buffers (self->enc_in_port) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ if (gst_omx_port_allocate_buffers (self->enc_out_port) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, " gst_query_get_n_allocation_pools = %d",
++ gst_query_get_n_allocation_pools (query));
++ if (gst_query_get_n_allocation_pools (query) == 0) {
++ GstStructure *structure;
++ GstAllocator *allocator = NULL;
++ GstAllocationParams params = { 0, };
++ if (gst_query_get_n_allocation_params (query) > 0)
++ gst_query_parse_nth_allocation_param (query, 0, &allocator, &params);
++ else
++ gst_query_add_allocation_param (query, allocator, &params);
++ self->in_port_pool = gst_omx_buffer_pool_new (GST_ELEMENT_CAST (self),
++ self->enc, self->enc_in_port);
++ structure = gst_buffer_pool_get_config (self->in_port_pool);
++ gst_buffer_pool_config_set_params (structure, caps,
++ self->enc_in_port->port_def.nBufferSize,
++ self->enc_in_port->port_def.nBufferCountActual,
++ self->enc_in_port->port_def.nBufferCountActual);
++ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, " add allocator");
++ gst_buffer_pool_config_get_params (structure, &caps, NULL, &min, &max);
++ gst_buffer_pool_config_set_allocator (structure, allocator, &params);
++ if (allocator)
++ gst_object_unref (allocator);
++ if (!gst_buffer_pool_set_config (self->in_port_pool, structure)) {
++ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "failed to set config");
++ gst_object_unref (self->in_port_pool);
++ return FALSE;
++ }
++ GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (self->in_port_pool)->allocating = TRUE;
++ /* Wait for all buffers allocate */
++ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Activating pool");
++ while (!gst_buffer_pool_set_active (self->in_port_pool, TRUE)) {
++ }
++ GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (self->in_port_pool)->allocating = FALSE;
++ gst_query_add_allocation_pool (query, self->in_port_pool, size,
++ port_def.nBufferCountActual, port_def.nBufferCountActual);
++ gst_query_add_allocation_meta (query, GST_VIDEO_META_API_TYPE, NULL);
++ }
++ return TRUE;
++ } else {
++ gst_query_add_allocation_meta (query, GST_VIDEO_META_API_TYPE, NULL);
++ return
++ (gst_omx_video_enc_parent_class)->propose_allocation (encoder, query);
++ }
+ }
+ static GstCaps *
+diff --git a/omx/gstomxvideoenc.h b/omx/gstomxvideoenc.h
+index e266537..7f80dca 100644
+--- a/omx/gstomxvideoenc.h
++++ b/omx/gstomxvideoenc.h
+@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
+ typedef struct _GstOMXVideoEnc GstOMXVideoEnc;
+ typedef struct _GstOMXVideoEncClass GstOMXVideoEncClass;
++typedef struct _GstOMXVideoEncPrivate GstOMXVideoEncPrivate;
+ struct _GstOMXVideoEnc
+ {
+@@ -53,6 +54,8 @@ struct _GstOMXVideoEnc
+ GstOMXComponent *enc;
+ GstOMXPort *enc_in_port, *enc_out_port;
++ GstBufferPool *in_port_pool, *out_port_pool;
+ /* < private > */
+ GstVideoCodecState *input_state;
+ /* TRUE if the component is configured and saw
+@@ -78,6 +81,14 @@ struct _GstOMXVideoEnc
+ guint32 quant_b_frames;
+ GstFlowReturn downstream_flow_ret;
++ /* Set TRUE to use GstBuffer of Bufferpool to transfer data to
++ * downstream
++ */
++ gboolean no_copy;
++ /* need? */
++ GstOMXVideoEncPrivate *priv;
+ };
+ struct _GstOMXVideoEncClass
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0004-Export-a-first-dmabuf-file-descriptor-with-the-whole.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0004-Export-a-first-dmabuf-file-descriptor-with-the-whole.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6aa5d48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0004-Export-a-first-dmabuf-file-descriptor-with-the-whole.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+From 1fe52cec8fec530a79eb3ab9f313bb860ec109be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrey Gusakov <andrey.gusakov@cogentembedded.com>
+Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2016 18:44:49 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH 04/10] Export a first dmabuf file descriptor with the whole
+ size
+This patch exports a dmabuf file descriptor from the head of Y plane
+to the end of the buffer so that mapping the whole plane as
+contiguous memory is available.
+Signed-off-by: Andrey Gusakov <andrey.gusakov@cogentembedded.com>
+ omx/gstomxbufferpool.c | 17 +++++++++++++----
+ 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c b/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c
+index 2585a72..b9fa769 100644
+--- a/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c
++++ b/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c
+@@ -399,6 +399,7 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_create_buffer_contain_dmabuf (GstOMXBufferPool * self,
+ gint i;
+ gint page_size;
+ guint phys_addr = 0;
++ guint phys_size = 0;
+ new_buf = gst_buffer_new ();
+ page_size = getpagesize ();
+@@ -410,13 +411,15 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_create_buffer_contain_dmabuf (GstOMXBufferPool * self,
+ (OMXR_MC_VIDEO_DECODERESULTTYPE *) omx_buf->omx_buf->pOutputPortPrivate;
+ phys_addr = decode_res->pvPhysImageAddressY;
++ phys_size = (guint) omx_buf->omx_buf->nAllocLen;
+ } else if (GST_IS_OMX_VIDEO_ENC (self->element)) {
+ /* private data is a physical address of HW buffer */
+ phys_addr = (guint) omx_buf->omx_buf->pInputPortPrivate;
++ phys_size = (guint) omx_buf->omx_buf->nAllocLen;
+ }
+- if (phys_addr == 0) {
+- GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Invalid phys addr for OMX buffer");
++ if ((phys_addr == 0) || (phys_size == 0)) {
++ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Invalid phys range for OMX buffer");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+@@ -428,8 +431,14 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_create_buffer_contain_dmabuf (GstOMXBufferPool * self,
+ /* Calculate offset between physical address and page boundary */
+ page_offset[i] = plane_addr & (page_size - 1);
+- plane_size[i] = stride[i] *
+- GST_VIDEO_INFO_COMP_HEIGHT (&self->video_info, i);
++ /* Export a dmabuf file descriptor from the head of Y plane to
++ * the end of the buffer so that mapping the whole plane as
++ * contiguous memory is available. */
++ if (i == 0)
++ plane_size[i] = phys_size;
++ else
++ plane_size[i] = stride[i] *
++ GST_VIDEO_INFO_COMP_HEIGHT (&self->video_info, i);
+ /* When downstream plugins do mapping from dmabuf fd it requires
+ * mapping from boundary page and size align for page size so
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0005-gssomxbufferpool-add-exported-flag.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0005-gssomxbufferpool-add-exported-flag.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6b5c36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0005-gssomxbufferpool-add-exported-flag.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+From c4e86a58041cd4408d283444dcba6f532a80697c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrey Gusakov <andrey.gusakov@cogentembedded.com>
+Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2016 17:33:44 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH 05/10] gssomxbufferpool: add exported flag
+This flag indicates that buffer are used outside of OMX component
+Signed-off-by: Andrey Gusakov <andrey.gusakov@cogentembedded.com>
+ omx/gstomx.c | 1 +
+ omx/gstomx.h | 5 +++++
+ omx/gstomxbufferpool.c | 5 ++++-
+ 3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/omx/gstomx.c b/omx/gstomx.c
+index c018e72..5a916dc 100644
+--- a/omx/gstomx.c
++++ b/omx/gstomx.c
+@@ -1663,6 +1663,7 @@ gst_omx_port_allocate_buffers_unlocked (GstOMXPort * port,
+ buf = g_slice_new0 (GstOMXBuffer);
+ buf->port = port;
+ buf->used = FALSE;
++ buf->exported = FALSE;
+ buf->settings_cookie = port->settings_cookie;
+ g_ptr_array_add (port->buffers, buf);
+diff --git a/omx/gstomx.h b/omx/gstomx.h
+index 84980f3..27cb2a9 100644
+--- a/omx/gstomx.h
++++ b/omx/gstomx.h
+@@ -279,6 +279,11 @@ struct _GstOMXBuffer {
+ */
+ gboolean used;
++ /* TRUE if the buffer exported outside the component,
++ * i.e. someone acquired this buffer
++ */
++ gboolean exported;
+ /* Cookie of the settings when this buffer was allocated */
+ gint settings_cookie;
+diff --git a/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c b/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c
+index b9fa769..1e0a14c 100644
+--- a/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c
++++ b/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c
+@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_acquire_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool,
+ pool->enc_buffer_index = 0;
+ count += 1;
+- } while (omx_buf->used == TRUE &&
++ } while (omx_buf->exported == TRUE &&
+ count < pool->port->port_def.nBufferCountActual * 3);
+ if (count == pool->port->port_def.nBufferCountActual * 3) {
+@@ -703,6 +703,7 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_acquire_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool,
+ "Can not acquire buffer after 3 times searching");
+ } else {
++ omx_buf->exported = TRUE;
+ *buffer = buf;
+ ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
+ }
+@@ -731,6 +732,8 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_release_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool, GstBuffer * buffer)
+ omx_buf =
+ gst_mini_object_get_qdata (GST_MINI_OBJECT_CAST (buffer),
+ gst_omx_buffer_data_quark);
++ if (GST_IS_OMX_VIDEO_ENC (pool->element))
++ omx_buf->exported = FALSE;
+ if (pool->port->port_def.eDir == OMX_DirOutput && !omx_buf->used) {
+ /* Release back to the port, can be filled again */
+ err = gst_omx_port_release_buffer (pool->port, omx_buf);
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0006-gstomxbufferpool-create-dmabuf-for-input-port.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0006-gstomxbufferpool-create-dmabuf-for-input-port.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93966b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0006-gstomxbufferpool-create-dmabuf-for-input-port.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+From 078a91a917a7b81cfcf523ac23b1c3e154506ef9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrey Gusakov <andrey.gusakov@cogentembedded.com>
+Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2016 17:43:35 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH 06/10] gstomxbufferpool: create dmabuf for input port
+Signed-off-by: Andrey Gusakov <andrey.gusakov@cogentembedded.com>
+ omx/gstomxbufferpool.c | 14 ++++++++++++--
+ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c b/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c
+index 1e0a14c..d86f9d8 100644
+--- a/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c
++++ b/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c
+@@ -518,6 +518,7 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_alloc_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool,
+ pool->need_copy = FALSE;
+ } else {
++ gboolean dmabuf = FALSE;
+ GstMemory *mem;
+ const guint nstride = pool->port->port_def.format.video.nStride;
+ const guint nslice = pool->port->port_def.format.video.nSliceHeight;
+@@ -552,8 +553,17 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_alloc_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool,
+ if (GST_IS_OMX_VIDEO_DEC (pool->element) &&
+ GST_OMX_VIDEO_DEC (pool->element)->use_dmabuf == TRUE &&
+- (omx_buf->omx_buf->pOutputPortPrivate)) {
+-#if defined (HAVE_MMNGRBUF) && defined (HAVE_VIDEODEC_EXT)
++ (omx_buf->omx_buf->pOutputPortPrivate))
++ dmabuf = TRUE;
++ if (GST_IS_OMX_VIDEO_ENC (pool->element) &&
++ GST_OMX_VIDEO_ENC (pool->element)->no_copy == TRUE &&
++ (omx_buf->omx_buf->pInputPortPrivate))
++ dmabuf = TRUE;
++ if (dmabuf) {
++#if defined (HAVE_MMNGRBUF)
+ if (pool->allocator)
+ gst_object_unref (pool->allocator);
+ pool->allocator = gst_dmabuf_allocator_new ();
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0007-gstomxbufferpool-add-helper-to-get-omxbuffer-from-gs.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0007-gstomxbufferpool-add-helper-to-get-omxbuffer-from-gs.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed9da8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0007-gstomxbufferpool-add-helper-to-get-omxbuffer-from-gs.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+From 4abd8ac4f18f5baef5a23c7defdb12469192f9c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrey Gusakov <andrey.gusakov@cogentembedded.com>
+Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2016 17:51:30 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH 07/10] gstomxbufferpool: add helper to get omxbuffer from
+ gstomxbuffer
+Signed-off-by: Andrey Gusakov <andrey.gusakov@cogentembedded.com>
+ omx/gstomxbufferpool.c | 21 +++++++++++++++------
+ omx/gstomxbufferpool.h | 2 ++
+ omx/gstomxvideoenc.c | 26 ++++++++++++++++----------
+ 3 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c b/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c
+index d86f9d8..eb2fe9d 100644
+--- a/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c
++++ b/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c
+@@ -361,6 +361,17 @@ wrong_video_caps:
+ }
+ }
++GstOMXBuffer *gst_omx_buffer_get_omxbuffer (GstBuffer * buffer)
++ GstOMXBuffer *omx_buf;
++ omx_buf =
++ gst_mini_object_get_qdata (GST_MINI_OBJECT_CAST (buffer),
++ gst_omx_buffer_data_quark);
++ return omx_buf;
+ #if defined (HAVE_MMNGRBUF) && defined (HAVE_VIDEODEC_EXT)
+ static gboolean
+ gst_omx_buffer_pool_export_dmabuf (GstOMXBufferPool * pool,
+@@ -697,9 +708,7 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_acquire_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool,
+ buf = g_ptr_array_index (pool->buffers, pool->enc_buffer_index);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (buf != NULL, GST_FLOW_ERROR);
+- omx_buf =
+- gst_mini_object_get_qdata (GST_MINI_OBJECT_CAST (buf),
+- gst_omx_buffer_data_quark);
++ omx_buf = gst_omx_buffer_get_omxbuffer(buf);
+ pool->enc_buffer_index++;
+ if (pool->enc_buffer_index == pool->port->port_def.nBufferCountActual)
+ pool->enc_buffer_index = 0;
+@@ -739,11 +748,11 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_release_buffer (GstBufferPool * bpool, GstBuffer * buffer)
+ g_assert (pool->component && pool->port);
+ if (!pool->allocating && !pool->deactivated) {
+- omx_buf =
+- gst_mini_object_get_qdata (GST_MINI_OBJECT_CAST (buffer),
+- gst_omx_buffer_data_quark);
++ omx_buf = gst_omx_buffer_get_omxbuffer(buffer);
+ if (GST_IS_OMX_VIDEO_ENC (pool->element))
+ omx_buf->exported = FALSE;
+ if (pool->port->port_def.eDir == OMX_DirOutput && !omx_buf->used) {
+ /* Release back to the port, can be filled again */
+ err = gst_omx_port_release_buffer (pool->port, omx_buf);
+diff --git a/omx/gstomxbufferpool.h b/omx/gstomxbufferpool.h
+index 09cab8d..0c6f18b 100644
+--- a/omx/gstomxbufferpool.h
++++ b/omx/gstomxbufferpool.h
+@@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ GType gst_omx_buffer_pool_get_type (void);
+ GstBufferPool *gst_omx_buffer_pool_new (GstElement * element, GstOMXComponent * component, GstOMXPort * port);
++GstOMXBuffer *gst_omx_buffer_get_omxbuffer (GstBuffer * buffer);
+ #endif /* __GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL_H__ */
+diff --git a/omx/gstomxvideoenc.c b/omx/gstomxvideoenc.c
+index b36c46e..e96ff28 100644
+--- a/omx/gstomxvideoenc.c
++++ b/omx/gstomxvideoenc.c
+@@ -1786,7 +1786,8 @@ gst_omx_video_enc_handle_frame (GstVideoEncoder * encoder,
+ gst_omx_error_to_string (err), err);
+ }
+- if (self->in_port_pool) {
++ if ((self->in_port_pool) &&
++ (frame->input_buffer->pool == self->in_port_pool)) {
+ GstMapInfo in_info;
+ gint count = 0;
+ GstOMXBufferPool *pool = GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (self->in_port_pool);
+@@ -1795,13 +1796,15 @@ gst_omx_video_enc_handle_frame (GstVideoEncoder * encoder,
+ * encoder
+ */
+ if (!pool->deactivated) {
+- if (!gst_buffer_map (frame->input_buffer, &in_info, GST_MAP_READ)) {
+- GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Can not map input buffer");
+- gst_omx_port_release_buffer (port, buf);
+- goto flow_error;
++ GstOMXBuffer *omx_buf;
++ omx_buf = gst_omx_buffer_get_omxbuffer(frame->input_buffer);
++ if (!omx_buf) {
++ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Can not get OMXBuffer from GstBuffer");
++ return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
+ }
+- if (buf->omx_buf->pBuffer != in_info.data) {
++ if (buf != omx_buf) {
+ gst_omx_port_release_buffer (port, buf);
+ do {
+ acq_ret = gst_omx_port_acquire_buffer (port, &buf);
+@@ -1809,10 +1812,10 @@ gst_omx_video_enc_handle_frame (GstVideoEncoder * encoder,
+ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "Can acquire buffer from input port");
+ return GST_FLOW_ERROR;
+ }
+- if (buf->omx_buf->pBuffer != in_info.data)
++ if (buf != omx_buf)
+ gst_omx_port_release_buffer (port, buf);
+ count += 1;
+- } while (buf->omx_buf->pBuffer != in_info.data
++ } while (buf != omx_buf
+ && count < port->port_def.nBufferCountActual * 3);
+ }
+ if (count == port->port_def.nBufferCountActual * 3) {
+@@ -1820,8 +1823,11 @@ gst_omx_video_enc_handle_frame (GstVideoEncoder * encoder,
+ "Can not get target OMXBuffer after 3 times searching");
+ goto flow_error;
+ }
+- buf->omx_buf->nFilledLen = in_info.size;
+- gst_buffer_unmap (frame->input_buffer, &in_info);
++ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "found target OMXBuffer %p", buf);
++ //buf->omx_buf->nFilledLen = gst_buffer_get_size (frame->input_buffer);
++ buf->omx_buf->nFilledLen = buf->omx_buf->nAllocLen - buf->omx_buf->nOffset;
++ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "set nFilledLen = %d", buf->omx_buf->nFilledLen);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Copy the buffer content in chunks of size as requested
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0008-gstomxenc-do-not-allocate-output-buffers-two-times.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0008-gstomxenc-do-not-allocate-output-buffers-two-times.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f97e7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0008-gstomxenc-do-not-allocate-output-buffers-two-times.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+From d1025433f05ebeb1a790abefa5cfc48455bf441c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrey Gusakov <andrey.gusakov@cogentembedded.com>
+Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2016 17:57:10 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH 08/10] gstomxenc: do not allocate output buffers two times
+Signed-off-by: Andrey Gusakov <andrey.gusakov@cogentembedded.com>
+ omx/gstomxvideoenc.c | 17 ++++++++++-------
+ 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/omx/gstomxvideoenc.c b/omx/gstomxvideoenc.c
+index e96ff28..19a0eb9 100644
+--- a/omx/gstomxvideoenc.c
++++ b/omx/gstomxvideoenc.c
+@@ -1338,18 +1338,21 @@ gst_omx_video_enc_set_format (GstVideoEncoder * encoder,
+ if (gst_omx_port_mark_reconfigured (self->enc_in_port) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+ return FALSE;
+ } else {
+- if (gst_omx_component_set_state (self->enc, OMX_StateIdle) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+- return FALSE;
+- /* Need to allocate buffers to reach Idle state */
++ /* if is not done in propose_allocation */
+ if (!self->in_port_pool) {
++ if (gst_omx_component_set_state (self->enc, OMX_StateIdle) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ /* Need to allocate buffers to reach Idle state */
++ /* Allocate for input port */
+ if (gst_omx_port_allocate_buffers (self->enc_in_port) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+ return FALSE;
++ /* Allocate for output port */
++ if (gst_omx_port_allocate_buffers (self->enc_out_port) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
+ }
+- /* Allocate for output port */
+- if (gst_omx_port_allocate_buffers (self->enc_out_port) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+- return FALSE;
+ if (gst_omx_component_get_state (self->enc,
+ return FALSE;
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0009-gstomxenc-move-encoder-disable-code-to-separate-func.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0009-gstomxenc-move-encoder-disable-code-to-separate-func.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8404acd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0009-gstomxenc-move-encoder-disable-code-to-separate-func.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+From 0a9f0aa8271b0fc18c7e9781e3d0bc215ba2fd02 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrey Gusakov <andrey.gusakov@cogentembedded.com>
+Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2016 17:58:33 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH 09/10] gstomxenc: move encoder disable code to separate
+ function
+Signed-off-by: Andrey Gusakov <andrey.gusakov@cogentembedded.com>
+ omx/gstomxvideoenc.c | 79 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
+ 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/omx/gstomxvideoenc.c b/omx/gstomxvideoenc.c
+index 19a0eb9..6720648 100644
+--- a/omx/gstomxvideoenc.c
++++ b/omx/gstomxvideoenc.c
+@@ -1147,6 +1147,49 @@ gst_omx_video_enc_get_supported_colorformats (GstOMXVideoEnc * self)
+ }
+ static gboolean
++gst_omx_video_enc_disable(GstVideoEncoder * encoder)
++ GstOMXVideoEnc *self;
++ self = GST_OMX_VIDEO_ENC (encoder);
++ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Need to disable and drain encoder");
++ gst_omx_video_enc_drain (self, FALSE);
++ gst_omx_port_set_flushing (self->enc_out_port, 5 * GST_SECOND, TRUE);
++ /* Wait until the srcpad loop is finished,
++ * unlock GST_VIDEO_ENCODER_STREAM_LOCK to prevent deadlocks
++ * caused by using this lock from inside the loop function */
++ gst_pad_stop_task (GST_VIDEO_ENCODER_SRC_PAD (encoder));
++ if (gst_omx_port_set_enabled (self->enc_in_port, FALSE) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ if (gst_omx_port_set_enabled (self->enc_out_port, FALSE) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ if (gst_omx_port_wait_buffers_released (self->enc_in_port,
++ 5 * GST_SECOND) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ if (gst_omx_port_wait_buffers_released (self->enc_out_port,
++ 1 * GST_SECOND) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ if (gst_omx_port_deallocate_buffers (self->enc_in_port) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ if (gst_omx_port_deallocate_buffers (self->enc_out_port) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ if (gst_omx_port_wait_enabled (self->enc_in_port,
++ 1 * GST_SECOND) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ if (gst_omx_port_wait_enabled (self->enc_out_port,
++ 1 * GST_SECOND) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ return FALSE;
++ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Encoder drained and disabled");
++ return TRUE;
++static gboolean
+ gst_omx_video_enc_set_format (GstVideoEncoder * encoder,
+ GstVideoCodecState * state)
+ {
+@@ -1176,41 +1219,9 @@ gst_omx_video_enc_set_format (GstVideoEncoder * encoder,
+ * we have to disable the port and re-allocate all buffers. If no real
+ * format change happened we can just exit here.
+ */
+- if (needs_disable) {
+- GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Need to disable and drain encoder");
+- gst_omx_video_enc_drain (self, FALSE);
+- gst_omx_port_set_flushing (self->enc_out_port, 5 * GST_SECOND, TRUE);
+- /* Wait until the srcpad loop is finished,
+- * unlock GST_VIDEO_ENCODER_STREAM_LOCK to prevent deadlocks
+- * caused by using this lock from inside the loop function */
+- gst_pad_stop_task (GST_VIDEO_ENCODER_SRC_PAD (encoder));
+- if (gst_omx_port_set_enabled (self->enc_in_port, FALSE) != OMX_ErrorNone)
++ if (needs_disable)
++ if (!gst_omx_video_enc_disable(encoder))
+ return FALSE;
+- if (gst_omx_port_set_enabled (self->enc_out_port, FALSE) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+- return FALSE;
+- if (gst_omx_port_wait_buffers_released (self->enc_in_port,
+- 5 * GST_SECOND) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+- return FALSE;
+- if (gst_omx_port_wait_buffers_released (self->enc_out_port,
+- 1 * GST_SECOND) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+- return FALSE;
+- if (gst_omx_port_deallocate_buffers (self->enc_in_port) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+- return FALSE;
+- if (gst_omx_port_deallocate_buffers (self->enc_out_port) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+- return FALSE;
+- if (gst_omx_port_wait_enabled (self->enc_in_port,
+- 1 * GST_SECOND) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+- return FALSE;
+- if (gst_omx_port_wait_enabled (self->enc_out_port,
+- 1 * GST_SECOND) != OMX_ErrorNone)
+- return FALSE;
+- GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Encoder drained and disabled");
+- }
+ negotiation_map = gst_omx_video_enc_get_supported_colorformats (self);
+ if (!negotiation_map) {
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0010-omxvideodec-support-creating-buffers-using-sink.patch b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0010-omxvideodec-support-creating-buffers-using-sink.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd2b91c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/0010-omxvideodec-support-creating-buffers-using-sink.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+From 58d8ea72ec78cb17cf75c82c67a69e9bd383c3b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrey Gusakov <andrey.gusakov@cogentembedded.com>
+Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2016 20:09:03 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH 10/10] omxvideodec: support creating buffers using sink
+Used for zero-copy output to wayland/weston
+Signed-off-by: Andrey Gusakov <andrey.gusakov@cogentembedded.com>
+ omx/gstomxbufferpool.c | 107 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
+ omx/gstomxvideodec.c | 11 ++++-
+ 2 files changed, 111 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c b/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c
+index eb2fe9d..60b25ef 100644
+--- a/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c
++++ b/omx/gstomxbufferpool.c
+@@ -372,6 +372,73 @@ GstOMXBuffer *gst_omx_buffer_get_omxbuffer (GstBuffer * buffer)
+ return omx_buf;
+ }
++static GstBuffer *
++gst_omx_buffer_pool_request_videosink_buffer_creation (GstOMXBufferPool * pool,
++ gint dmabuf_fd[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES], gpointer plane_buf[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES], gint stride[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES])
++ GstQuery *query;
++ GValue val = { 0, };
++ GstStructure *structure;
++ const GValue *value;
++ GstBuffer *buffer;
++ GArray *dmabuf_array;
++ GArray *stride_array;
++ GArray *planebuf_array;
++ gint n_planes;
++ gint i;
++ g_value_init (&val, G_TYPE_POINTER);
++ g_value_set_pointer (&val, (gpointer) pool->allocator);
++ dmabuf_array = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gint));
++ stride_array = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gint));
++ planebuf_array = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gpointer));
++ n_planes = GST_VIDEO_INFO_N_PLANES (&pool->video_info);
++ for (i = 0; i < n_planes; i++) {
++ g_array_append_val (dmabuf_array, dmabuf_fd[i]);
++ g_array_append_val (stride_array, stride[i]);
++ g_array_append_val (planebuf_array, plane_buf[i]);
++ }
++ structure = gst_structure_new ("videosink_buffer_creation_request",
++ "width", G_TYPE_INT, pool->port->port_def.format.video.nFrameWidth,
++ "height", G_TYPE_INT, pool->port->port_def.format.video.nFrameHeight,
++ "stride", G_TYPE_ARRAY, stride_array,
++ "dmabuf", G_TYPE_ARRAY, dmabuf_array,
++ "planebuf", G_TYPE_ARRAY, planebuf_array,
++ "allocator", G_TYPE_POINTER, &val,
++ "format", G_TYPE_STRING,
++ gst_video_format_to_string (pool->video_info.finfo->format),
++ "n_planes", G_TYPE_INT, n_planes, NULL);
++ query = gst_query_new_custom (GST_QUERY_CUSTOM, structure);
++ GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (pool, "send a videosink_buffer_creation_request query");
++ if (!gst_pad_peer_query (GST_VIDEO_DECODER_SRC_PAD (pool->element), query)) {
++ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (pool, "videosink_buffer_creation_request query failed");
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ value = gst_structure_get_value (structure, "buffer");
++ buffer = gst_value_get_buffer (value);
++ if (buffer == NULL) {
++ "could not get a buffer from videosink_buffer_creation query");
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ gst_query_unref (query);
++ g_array_free (dmabuf_array, TRUE);
++ g_array_free (stride_array, TRUE);
++ return buffer;
+ #if defined (HAVE_MMNGRBUF) && defined (HAVE_VIDEODEC_EXT)
+ static gboolean
+ gst_omx_buffer_pool_export_dmabuf (GstOMXBufferPool * pool,
+@@ -406,6 +473,7 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_create_buffer_contain_dmabuf (GstOMXBufferPool * self,
+ gint plane_size_ext[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
+ gint dmabuf_id[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
+ gint page_offset[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
++ gint plane_buf[GST_VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
+ GstBuffer *new_buf;
+ gint i;
+ gint page_size;
+@@ -450,6 +518,7 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_create_buffer_contain_dmabuf (GstOMXBufferPool * self,
+ else
+ plane_size[i] = stride[i] *
+ GST_VIDEO_INFO_COMP_HEIGHT (&self->video_info, i);
++ plane_buf[i] = omx_buf->omx_buf->pBuffer + offset[i];
+ /* When downstream plugins do mapping from dmabuf fd it requires
+ * mapping from boundary page and size align for page size so
+@@ -472,14 +541,40 @@ gst_omx_buffer_pool_create_buffer_contain_dmabuf (GstOMXBufferPool * self,
+ gst_buffer_append_memory (new_buf, mem);
+ }
+- g_ptr_array_add (self->buffers, new_buf);
+- gst_buffer_add_video_meta_full (new_buf, GST_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAG_NONE,
+- GST_VIDEO_INFO_FORMAT (&self->video_info),
+- GST_VIDEO_INFO_WIDTH (&self->video_info),
+- GST_VIDEO_INFO_HEIGHT (&self->video_info),
+- GST_VIDEO_INFO_N_PLANES (&self->video_info), offset, stride);
++ if (self->vsink_buf_req_supported) {
++ new_buf = gst_omx_buffer_pool_request_videosink_buffer_creation (self,
++ dmabuf_fd, plane_buf, stride);
++ if (!new_buf) {
++ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "creating dmabuf using videosink failed");
++ goto err;
++ }
++ new_buf->pool = self;
++ } else {
++ new_buf = gst_buffer_new ();
++ for (i = 0; i < GST_VIDEO_INFO_N_PLANES (&self->video_info); i++) {
++ GstMemory *mem;
++ /* Set offset's information */
++ mem = gst_dmabuf_allocator_alloc (self->allocator, dmabuf_fd[i],
++ plane_size_ext[i]);
++ mem->offset = page_offset[i];
++ mem->size = plane_size[i];
++ gst_buffer_append_memory (new_buf, mem);
++ }
++ gst_buffer_add_video_meta_full (new_buf, GST_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAG_NONE,
++ GST_VIDEO_INFO_FORMAT (&self->video_info),
++ GST_VIDEO_INFO_WIDTH (&self->video_info),
++ GST_VIDEO_INFO_HEIGHT (&self->video_info),
++ GST_VIDEO_INFO_N_PLANES (&self->video_info), offset, stride);
++ }
++ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "got buffer %p from pool %p",
++ new_buf, new_buf->pool);
++ g_ptr_array_add (self->buffers, new_buf);
+ return new_buf;
++ return NULL;
+ }
+ #endif
+diff --git a/omx/gstomxvideodec.c b/omx/gstomxvideodec.c
+index 25b6b30..44b706a 100644
+--- a/omx/gstomxvideodec.c
++++ b/omx/gstomxvideodec.c
+@@ -2350,6 +2350,8 @@ gst_omx_video_dec_decide_allocation (GstVideoDecoder * bdec, GstQuery * query)
+ &GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (self->out_port_pool)->vsink_buf_req_supported);
+ gst_object_unref (pool);
+ update_pool = TRUE;
++ GST_ERROR_OBJECT (self, "vsink_buf_req_supported %d",
++ GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (self->out_port_pool)->vsink_buf_req_supported);
+ }
+ /* Set pool parameters to our own configuration */
+@@ -2372,7 +2374,14 @@ gst_omx_video_dec_decide_allocation (GstVideoDecoder * bdec, GstQuery * query)
+ }
+ GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (self->out_port_pool)->allocating = TRUE;
+- gst_buffer_pool_set_active (self->out_port_pool, TRUE);
++ /* This now allocates all the buffers */
++ if (!gst_buffer_pool_set_active (self->out_port_pool, TRUE)) {
++ GST_INFO_OBJECT (self, "Failed to activate internal pool");
++ gst_object_unref (self->out_port_pool);
++ self->out_port_pool = NULL;
++ } else {
++ GST_OMX_BUFFER_POOL (self->out_port_pool)->allocating = FALSE;
++ }
+ /* This video buffer pool created below will not be used, just setting to
+ * the gstvideodecoder class through a query, because it is
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/gstomx.conf b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/gstomx.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..375e201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx/gstomx.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx_1.0.0.bbappend b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx_1.0.0.bbappend
index 95706e5..426f0c4 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx_1.0.0.bbappend
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-omx_1.0.0.bbappend
@@ -1,20 +1,24 @@
require ../../include/gles-control.inc
SRC_URI_rcar-gen2 = "git://github.com/renesas-devel/gst-omx.git;protocol=git;branch=RCAR-GEN2/1.0.0"
-SRCREV_rcar-gen2 = "05563465faad99243ee2dd30547e3075eb8cf5e3"
+SRCREV_rcar-gen2 = "${@'e0a23fb50ec211a8058eac223847bbcc574fb343' \
+ if '1' in '${USE_GLES_WAYLAND}' else '05563465faad99243ee2dd30547e3075eb8cf5e3'}"
-LIC_FILES_CHKSUM_remove_rcar-gen2 = " file://omx/gstomx.h;beginline=1;endline=21;md5=5c8e1fca32704488e76d2ba9ddfa935f"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM_remove_rcar-gen2 = " file://omx/gstomx.h;beginline=1;endline=21;md5=5c8e1fca32704488e76d2ba9ddfa935f"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM_append_rcar-gen2 = " file://omx/gstomx.h;beginline=1;endline=22;md5=17e5f2943dace9e5cde4a8587a31e8f9"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
-do_configure_prepend() {
+do_configure() {
cd ${S}
./autogen.sh --noconfigure
cd ${B}
+ oe_runconf
DEPENDS_append_rcar-gen2 = " omx-user-module mmngrbuf-user-module"
-EXTRA_OECONF_append_rcar-gen2 = " --with-omx-target=rcar --enable-experimental \
+EXTRA_OECONF_append_rcar-gen2 = " \
+ --with-omx-target=rcar --enable-experimental \
+ '${@'--enable-nv12-page-alignment' if '${USE_GLES_WAYLAND}' == '1' else ''}' \
'${@'--disable-dmabuf' if '${USE_GLES}' == '0' and '${USE_WAYLAND}' == '1' else ''}'"
# Overwrite do_install[postfuncs] += " set_omx_core_name "
@@ -22,6 +26,23 @@ EXTRA_OECONF_append_rcar-gen2 = " --with-omx-target=rcar --enable-experimental \
revert_omx_core_name() {
sed -i -e "s;^core-name=.*;core-name=/usr/local/lib/libomxr_core.so;" "${D}/etc/xdg/gstomx.conf"
REVERT_OMX_CORE_NAME_rcar-gen2 = "revert_omx_core_name"
do_install[postfuncs] += "${REVERT_OMX_CORE_NAME}"
+SRC_URI_append = " \
+ file://0001-omx-videodec-add-planebuf-to-allocation-request.patch \
+ file://0002-Fixed-memory-corruption-and-bad-access.patch \
+ file://0003-omxvideoenc-export-dmafd-buffer-through-own-buffer-p.patch \
+ file://0004-Export-a-first-dmabuf-file-descriptor-with-the-whole.patch \
+ file://0005-gssomxbufferpool-add-exported-flag.patch \
+ file://0006-gstomxbufferpool-create-dmabuf-for-input-port.patch \
+ file://0007-gstomxbufferpool-add-helper-to-get-omxbuffer-from-gs.patch \
+ file://0008-gstomxenc-do-not-allocate-output-buffers-two-times.patch \
+ file://0009-gstomxenc-move-encoder-disable-code-to-separate-func.patch \
+ file://0010-omxvideodec-support-creating-buffers-using-sink.patch \
+ file://gstomx.conf \
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.2.3.bbappend b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.2.3.bbappend
index 8262f16..d09f5aa 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.2.3.bbappend
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.2.3.bbappend
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ do_configure_prepend() {
# for wayland
PACKAGECONFIG_remove_rcar-gen2 = "${@'orc' if '1' in '${USE_GLES_WAYLAND}' else ''}"
-PACKAGECONFIG_append_rcar-gen2 = " faad ${@base_contains('USE_GLES_WAYLAND', '1', 'wayland', '', d)}"
+PACKAGECONFIG_append_rcar-gen2 = " faad ${@bb.utils.contains('USE_GLES_WAYLAND', '1', 'wayland', '', d)}"
DEPENDS += "wayland-kms"
RDEPENDS_${PN} = "libwayland-egl"
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.2.3.bbappend b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.2.3.bbappend
index 18d4b64..7faa133 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.2.3.bbappend
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-base_1.2.3.bbappend
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ VSPFILTER_CONFIGS = " \
# For wayland
-PACKAGECONFIG_remove_rcar-gen2 = "${@base_contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "wayland", "orc", "", d)}"
+PACKAGECONFIG_remove_rcar-gen2 = "${@bb.utils.contains("DISTRO_FEATURES", "wayland", "orc", "", d)}"
SRC_URI_append_rcar-gen2 = \
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/packagegroups/packagegroup-rcar-gen2-multimedia.bb b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/packagegroups/packagegroup-rcar-gen2-multimedia.bb
index 688c6b7..25afdb4 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/packagegroups/packagegroup-rcar-gen2-multimedia.bb
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/recipes-multimedia/packagegroups/packagegroup-rcar-gen2-multimedia.bb
@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ MULTIMEDIA_PACKAGES ="\
libmemcpy \
+ ${@ "vsp2-kernel-module" if "${USE_GLES_WAYLAND}" == "1" else "" } \
RDEPENDS_packagegroup-rcar-gen2-multimedia = "\
${@ "${MULTIMEDIA_PACKAGES}" if "${USE_MULTIMEDIA}" == "1" else "" } \
media-ctl \
@@ -41,7 +45,7 @@ RDEPENDS_packagegroup-rcar-gen2-multimedia = "\
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-faad \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-mpegtsdemux \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-debugutilsbad \
- ${@base_contains("LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST", "commercial", "gstreamer1.0-omx gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-asf", "", d )} \
+ ${@bb.utils.contains("LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST", "commercial", "gstreamer1.0-omx gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-asf", "", d )} \
${@base_conditional("USE_GLES_WAYLAND", "1", "gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-vspfilter", "", d )} \
diff --git a/meta-rcar-gen2/scripts/setup_mm_packages.sh b/meta-rcar-gen2/scripts/setup_mm_packages.sh
index a2a87da..0d312d3 100644
--- a/meta-rcar-gen2/scripts/setup_mm_packages.sh
+++ b/meta-rcar-gen2/scripts/setup_mm_packages.sh
@@ -20,19 +20,17 @@ function copy_mm_packages() {
if [ ! -d binary-tmp ]; then
if [ -f $DOWNLOAD_DIR/$ZIP_1 -a -f $DOWNLOAD_DIR/$ZIP_2 ]; then
mkdir binary-tmp
- cd binary-tmp
- unzip -o $DOWNLOAD_DIR/$ZIP_1
- unzip -o $DOWNLOAD_DIR/$ZIP_2
- cd ..
+ unzip -o $DOWNLOAD_DIR/$ZIP_1 -d binary-tmp
+ unzip -o $DOWNLOAD_DIR/$ZIP_2 -d binary-tmp
echo -e
echo -e "ERROR: Missing Renesas proprietary software packages for Porter board."
echo -e
echo -e " The graphics and multimedia acceleration packages for "
- echo -e " the R-Car M2 Porter board can be download from :"
+ echo -e " the R-Car M2 Porter board can be downloaded from :"
echo -e " <http://www.renesas.com/secret/r_car_download/rcar_demoboard.jsp>"
echo -e
- echo -e " These 2 files from there should be store in"
+ echo -e " These 2 files from there should be stored in your"
echo -e " '$DOWNLOAD_DIR' directory."
echo -e " $ZIP_1"
echo -e " $ZIP_2"