agl-cluster-demo-dashboardSample cluster demo dashboard8 weeks
agl-cluster-demo-gaugesMinimal cluster demo gauges that can be used standalone.8 weeks
agl-cluster-demo-receiverCluster receiver demo native application (XDG)8 weeks
agl-qt-cluster-demo-receiverCluster receiver demo QT application8 weeks
agl-service-audio-4a5 years
agl-service-audiomixerMixer (control) API for use with pipewire7 days
agl-service-bluetoothbluetooth binding8 weeks
agl-service-bluetooth-mapBluetooth Message Access Profile service8 weeks
agl-service-bluetooth-pbapBluetooth Phone Book Access Protocoll service8 weeks
agl-service-can-high-level-viwiHigh level can service using the VIWI spec8 weeks
agl-service-can-low-levelLow level CAN service made to decode and write on CAN bus.8 weeks
agl-service-cloudproxycloudproxy service8 weeks
agl-service-data-persistenceAGL binding for data persistence8 weeks
agl-service-geoclueAGL Geoclue service to backup GPS positioning with network-based positioning8 weeks
agl-service-geofenceAGL geofence binding to signal vehicle POI bounding box events8 weeks
agl-service-gpsGPS binding8 weeks
agl-service-gstreamer7 years
agl-service-harvesterV2C interface that collect data to TimeSeries database8 weeks
agl-service-helloworldsimple hello world8 weeks
agl-service-homescreenApplications need a new binding to communicate with homescreen8 weeks
agl-service-homescreen-20176 years
agl-service-hvachvac service3 days
agl-service-identity-agentIdentity Agent8 weeks
agl-service-iiodevicesiiodevices support8 weeks
agl-service-inputmethodThis service can communicate input methods between applications and virtual keyb...8 weeks
agl-service-mediaplayerAGL Media Player service that allows applications to control playing media.8 weeks
agl-service-mediascannerAGL Media Scanning service that allows applications to detect and index media at...8 weeks
agl-service-navigationNavigation API with binding8 weeks
agl-service-networkAGL Network service providing support for management of networking interfaces in...8 weeks
agl-service-nfcAGL service NFC binding8 weeks
agl-service-platform-infoindings to provide platform information such as build, hardware, os to others bi...8 weeks
agl-service-poiDemonstration POI service and API with binding8 weeks
agl-service-radioradio binding8 weeks
agl-service-signal-composerAGL High Level Signaling service to handle CAN, LIN, and others signaling source...8 weeks
agl-service-soundmanagerBinding for applications to communicate with the soundmanager8 weeks
agl-service-soundmanager-20176 years
agl-service-speech5 years
agl-service-steering-wheelAnd binding service for steering wheel demo 8 weeks
agl-service-taskmanagerSimple taskmanager service to retrieve data from procps.8 weeks
agl-service-telephonyTelephony service8 weeks
agl-service-unicensInfotainment network setup and access (using Unified Centralized Network Stack)8 weeks
agl-service-unicens-controllerAPI to control infotainment network devices8 weeks
agl-service-voice-highHighlevel voice service8 weeks
agl-service-voice-high-capabilitiesHighlevel voice capabilities service8 weeks
agl-service-voiceagentUnnamed repository8 weeks
agl-service-weatherAGL binding that uses OpenWeathermap data to display current conditions on Homes...8 weeks
agl-service-wifi6 years
agl-service-windowmanager[deprecated] Binding for applications to communicate with the windowmanager8 weeks
agl-service-windowmanager-20176 years
agl-service-xds-monitoringCollects intrinsic bindings metrics from supervisor daemon as well as system res...8 weeks
agl-telematics-demo-recorderapps/agl-telematics-demo-recorder8 weeks
alexa-viewerAn app to view the visual templates (cards) returned by alexa.8 weeks
als-meter-demoShow information for steering-wheel and usb camera8 weeks
app-afb-helpers-submoduleLibrary to be use for AFB bindings development . Use as a submodule in your proj...8 weeks
app-afb-testBinding embedding test framework to test others binding8 weeks
app-controller-submoduleGeneric Controller Utilities to handle Policy,Small Business Logic, Glue in betw...8 weeks
app-templates[Deprecated] For versions >= Guppy use the CMake module instead.8 weeks
aroundviewAGL demo around view sample application using v4l2 API.8 weeks
camera-gstreamercamera app using gstreamer8 weeks
chromiumChromium built with the SDK as application8 weeks
controlsControls (setup) reference application8 weeks
dashboardDashboard reference application8 weeks
demo3-cameraapps/demo3-camera8 weeks
demo3-dashboardapps/demo3-dashboard8 weeks
demo3-homescreenapps/demo3-homescreen8 weeks
demo3-hvacapps/demo3-hvac8 weeks
demo3-launcherapps/demo3-launcher8 weeks
demo3-settingsapps/demo3-settings8 weeks
demo3-tachometerapps/demo3-tachometer8 weeks
demo3-warehouseapps/demo3-warehouse8 weeks
flutter-dashboardFlutter-based dashboard app8 weeks
flutter-homescreenflutter-based homescreen8 weeks
flutter-hvacFlutter-based hvac app8 weeks
flutter-ics-homescreenNew flutter-based homescreen implementation7 days
flutter-instrument-clusterflutter-based instrument-cluster8 weeks
flutter-mediaplayerFlutter-based mediaplayer8 weeks
flutter-navigationFlutter-based navigation app8 weeks
flutter-speechrecognition-demoUnnamed repository8 weeks
homescreenAGL Home Screen reference implementation8 weeks
homescreen-demo-ciUnnamed repository8 weeks
html5-backgroundUnnamed repository8 weeks
html5-dashboardHTML implementation of the dashboard8 weeks
html5-homescreenHTML implementation of the homescreen8 weeks
html5-hvacHTML implementation of the HVAC application8 weeks
html5-launcherHTML application for listing and launching runnable applications.8 weeks
html5-mediaplayerHTML implementation of the mediaplayer8 weeks
html5-mixerHTML implementation of the mixer8 weeks
html5-settingsHTML implementation of the settings8 weeks
hvacHVAC reference application8 weeks
launcherApplication for display runnable applications icons and launch them8 weeks
low-level-can-service7 years
mediaplayerMediaplayer reference application8 weeks
messagingSample messaging app8 weeks
mixerMixer reference application8 weeks
mominaviSimple Mapbox vector tile based navigation8 weeks
momiplayerSimple media player for simple IVI Guest8 weeks
momiscreenSimple Home Screen for IC simple IVI demo guest.8 weeks
navigationNavigation application for AGL which utilizes service bindings8 weeks
ondemandnaviNew navigation app using online maps8 weeks
onscreenappApplication to display on screen messages using the new hmi framework (windowman...8 weeks
phonePhone reference application8 weeks
poi-yelppoiapp application using the yelp api8 weeks
radioRadio reference application8 weeks
restriction-screenApplication display restriction screen over other application for safety.8 weeks
settingsSettings (submenu) reference application8 weeks
settings-bluetooth6 years
settings-log-utilsLogging extension utility8 weeks
settings-wifi6 years
taskmanagerTaskmanager UI8 weeks
tbtnaviApplication and display turn by turn information from navigation.4 weeks
videoplayerAGL Demo video player application8 weeks
voiceagent-demoapps-voiceagent-demo8 weeks
waltham-receiverSample remote streaming 'waltham receiver'8 weeks
webapp-samplesSample webapps8 weeks