path: root/htdocs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'htdocs')
-rw-r--r--htdocs/assets/content-background-car-wide.pngbin1215422 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--htdocs/assets/content-background-car.pngbin244208 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--htdocs/assets/content-background.pngbin210766 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--htdocs/assets/emergency.pngbin20039 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--htdocs/assets/favicon.icobin1150 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--htdocs/assets/iot-bzh-logo-small.pngbin14449 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--htdocs/assets/messages.pngbin14597 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--htdocs/assets/music-pause.pngbin100761 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--htdocs/assets/music-play.pngbin110798 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--htdocs/assets/phone-call-emit1.pngbin46021 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--htdocs/assets/phone-call-emit2.pngbin56311 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--htdocs/assets/phone-call-emit3.pngbin70218 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--htdocs/assets/phone-call.pngbin37089 -> 0 bytes
23 files changed, 0 insertions, 681 deletions
diff --git a/htdocs/AFB-websock.js b/htdocs/AFB-websock.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ff9fa60..0000000
--- a/htdocs/AFB-websock.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-var urlws;
-var urlhttp;
-AFB = function(base, initialtoken){
-urlws = "ws://""/"+base;
-urlhttp = "http://""/"+base;
-/**** ****/
-/**** AFB_context ****/
-/**** ****/
-var AFB_context;
- var UUID = undefined;
- var TOKEN = initialtoken;
- var context = function(token, uuid) {
- this.token = token;
- this.uuid = uuid;
- }
- context.prototype = {
- get token() {return TOKEN;},
- set token(tok) {if(tok) TOKEN=tok;},
- get uuid() {return UUID;},
- set uuid(id) {if(id) UUID=id;}
- };
- AFB_context = new context();
-/**** ****/
-/**** AFB_websocket ****/
-/**** ****/
-var AFB_websocket;
- var CALL = 2;
- var RETOK = 3;
- var RETERR = 4;
- var EVENT = 5;
- var PROTO1 = "x-afb-ws-json1";
- AFB_websocket = function(onopen, onabort) {
- var u = urlws;
- if (AFB_context.token) {
- u = u + '?x-afb-token=' + AFB_context.token;
- if (AFB_context.uuid)
- u = u + '&x-afb-uuid=' + AFB_context.uuid;
- }
- = new WebSocket(u, [ PROTO1 ]);
- this.pendings = {};
- this.awaitens = {};
- this.counter = 0;
- = onopen.bind(this);
- = onerror.bind(this);
- = onclose.bind(this);
- = onmessage.bind(this);
- this.onopen = onopen;
- this.onabort = onabort;
- this.onclose = onabort;
- }
- function onerror(event) {
- var f = this.onabort;
- if (f) {
- delete this.onopen;
- delete this.onabort;
- f && f(this);
- }
- this.onerror && this.onerror(this);
- }
- function onopen(event) {
- var f = this.onopen;
- delete this.onopen;
- delete this.onabort;
- f && f(this);
- }
- function onclose(event) {
- for (var id in this.pendings) {
- var ferr = this.pendings[id].onerror;
- ferr && ferr(null, this);
- }
- this.pendings = {};
- this.onclose && this.onclose();
- }
- function fire(awaitens, name, data) {
- var a = awaitens[name];
- if (a)
- a.forEach(function(handler){handler(data);});
- var i = name.indexOf("/");
- if (i >= 0) {
- a = awaitens[name.substring(0,i)];
- if (a)
- a.forEach(function(handler){handler(data);});
- }
- a = awaitens["*"];
- if (a)
- a.forEach(function(handler){handler(data);});
- }
- function reply(pendings, id, ans, offset) {
- if (id in pendings) {
- var p = pendings[id];
- delete pendings[id];
- var f = p[offset];
- f(ans);
- }
- }
- function onmessage(event) {
- var obj = JSON.parse(;
- var code = obj[0];
- var id = obj[1];
- var ans = obj[2];
- AFB_context.token = obj[3];
- switch (code) {
- case RETOK:
- reply(this.pendings, id, ans, 0);
- break;
- case RETERR:
- reply(this.pendings, id, ans, 1);
- break;
- case EVENT:
- default:
- fire(this.awaitens, id, ans);
- break;
- }
- }
- function close() {
- this.onabort();
- }
- function call(method, request) {
- return new Promise((function(resolve, reject){
- var id, arr;
- do {
- id = String(this.counter = 4095 & (this.counter + 1));
- } while (id in this.pendings);
- this.pendings[id] = [ resolve, reject ];
- arr = [CALL, id, method, request ];
- if (AFB_context.token) arr.push(AFB_context.token);
- }).bind(this));
- }
- function onevent(name, handler) {
- var id = name;
- var list = this.awaitens[id] || (this.awaitens[id] = []);
- list.push(handler);
- }
- AFB_websocket.prototype = {
- close: close,
- call: call,
- onevent: onevent
- };
-/**** ****/
-/**** ****/
-/**** ****/
-return {
- context: AFB_context,
- ws: AFB_websocket
diff --git a/htdocs/AudioBinding.css b/htdocs/AudioBinding.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 1052aa7..0000000
--- a/htdocs/AudioBinding.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-pre {outline: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 5px; margin: 5px; }
-.string { color: green; }
-.number { color: darkorange; }
-.boolean { color: blue; }
-.null { color: magenta; }
-.key { color: red; }
diff --git a/htdocs/AudioBinding.js b/htdocs/AudioBinding.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 607d31c..0000000
--- a/htdocs/AudioBinding.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
- var afb = new AFB("api", "mysecret");
- var ws;
- var sndcard="HALNotSelected";
- var evtidx=0;
- var numid=0;
- function syntaxHighlight(json) {
- if (typeof json !== 'string') {
- json = JSON.stringify(json, undefined, 2);
- }
- json = json.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
- return json.replace(/("(\\u[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}|\\[^u]|[^\\"])*"(\s*:)?|\b(true|false|null)\b|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?)/g, function (match) {
- var cls = 'number';
- if (/^"/.test(match)) {
- if (/:$/.test(match)) {
- cls = 'key';
- } else {
- cls = 'string';
- }
- } else if (/true|false/.test(match)) {
- cls = 'boolean';
- } else if (/null/.test(match)) {
- cls = 'null';
- }
- return '<span class="' + cls + '">' + match + '</span>';
- });
- }
- function getParameterByName(name, url) {
- if (!url) {
- url = window.location.href;
- }
- name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&");
- var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"),
- results = regex.exec(url);
- if (!results) return null;
- if (!results[2]) return '';
- return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " "));
- }
- // default soundcard is "PCH"
- var devid=getParameterByName("devid");
- if (!devid) devid="hw:1";
- var haldev=getParameterByName("haldev");
- if (!haldev) haldev="scarlett-usb";
- var sndname=getParameterByName("sndname");
- if (!sndname) sndname="PCH";
- var mode=getParameterByName("mode");
- if (!mode) mode="0";
- function replyok(obj) {
- console.log("replyok:" + JSON.stringify(obj));
- document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "OK: "+ syntaxHighlight(obj);
- }
- function replyerr(obj) {
- console.log("replyerr:" + JSON.stringify(obj));
- document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "ERROR: "+ syntaxHighlight(obj);
- }
- function gotevent(obj) {
- console.log("gotevent:" + JSON.stringify(obj));
- document.getElementById("outevt").innerHTML = (evtidx++) +": "+JSON.stringify(obj);
- }
- function send(message) {
- var api = document.getElementById("api").value;
- var verb = document.getElementById("verb").value;
- document.getElementById("question").innerHTML = "subscribe: "+api+"/"+verb + " (" + JSON.stringify(message) +")";
-"/"+verb, {data:message}).then(replyok, replyerr);
- }
- // On button click from HTML page
- function callbinder(api, verb, query) {
- console.log ("subscribe api="+api+" verb="+verb+" query=" +query);
- var question = urlws +"/" +api +"/" +verb + "?query=" + JSON.stringify(query);
- document.getElementById("question").innerHTML = syntaxHighlight(question);
-"/"+verb, query).then(replyok, replyerr);
- }
- // Retreive Select value and Text from the binder
- // Note: selection of value/text for a given context is huggly!!!
- function querySelectList (elemid, api, verb, query) {
- console.log("querySelectList elemid=%s api=%s verb=%s query=%s", elemid, api, verb, query);
- var selectobj = document.getElementById(elemid);
- if (!selectobj) {
- console.log ("****** elemid=%s does not exit in HTML page ****", elemid);
- return;
- }
- // onlick update selected HAL api
- selectobj.onclick=function(){
- sndcard= this.value;
- console.log ("Default Selection=" + sndcard);
- };
- function gotit (result) {
- // display response as for normal onclick action
- replyok(result);
- var response=result.response;
- // fulfill select with avaliable active HAL
- for (idx=0; idx<response.length; idx++) {
- var opt = document.createElement('option');
- // Alsa LowLevel selection mode
- if (response[idx].name) opt.text = response[idx].name;
- if (response[idx].devid) opt.value = response[idx].devid;
- // HAL selection mode
- if (response[idx].shortname) opt.text = response[idx].shortname;
- if (response[idx].api) opt.value = response[idx].api;
- selectobj.appendChild(opt);
- }
- sndcard= selectobj.value;
- }
- var question = urlws +"/"+api +"/" +verb + "?query=" + JSON.stringify(query);
- document.getElementById("question").innerHTML = syntaxHighlight(question);
- // request lowlevel ALSA to get API list
-"/"+verb, query).then(gotit, replyerr);
- }
- function refresh_list (self, api, verb, query) {
- console.log("refresh_list id=%s api=%s verb=%s query=%s",, api, verb, query);
- if (self.value > 0) return;
- // onlick update selected HAL api
- self.onclick=function(){
- numid = parseInt(self.value);
- console.log ("Default numid=%d", numid);
- };
- function gotit (result) {
- // display response as for normal onclick action
- replyok(result);
- var response=result.response;
- // fulfill select with avaliable active HAL
- for (idx=0; idx<response.length; idx++) {
- var opt = document.createElement('option');
- // Alsa LowLevel selection mode
- opt.text = response[idx].name + ' id=' + response[idx].id;
- opt.value = response[idx].id;
- self.appendChild(opt);
- }
- self.selectedIndex=2;
- numid = parseInt (self.value);
- }
- var question = urlws +"/"+api +"/" +verb + "?query=" + JSON.stringify(query);
- document.getElementById("question").innerHTML = syntaxHighlight(question);
- // request lowlevel ALSA to get API list
-"/"+verb, query).then(gotit, replyerr);
- }
- function init(elemid, api, verb, query) {
- function onopen() {
- // check for active HALs
- querySelectList (elemid, api, verb, query);
- document.getElementById("main").style.visibility = "visible";
- document.getElementById("connected").innerHTML = "Binder WS Active";
- document.getElementById("connected").style.background = "lightgreen";
- ws.onevent("*", gotevent);
- }
- function onabort() {
- document.getElementById("main").style.visibility = "hidden";
- document.getElementById("connected").innerHTML = "Connected Closed";
- document.getElementById("connected").style.background = "red";
- }
- ws = new, onabort);
- }
diff --git a/htdocs/CMakeLists.txt b/htdocs/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c08a493..0000000
--- a/htdocs/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017
-# author: Fulup Ar Foll <>
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# HTML Testing Files
- file(GLOB SOURCE_FILES LIST_DIRECTORIES true "*.html" "*.js" "*.jpg" "*.css")
- add_input_files("${SOURCE_FILES}")
- )
diff --git a/htdocs/ b/htdocs/
deleted file mode 100644
index bb14b7e..0000000
--- a/htdocs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- Basic HTML & WS test
- # Load bindings directly from development tree for debug
- afb-daemon --verbose --verbose --token="" --ldpaths=build --port=1234 --roothttp=htdocs
diff --git a/htdocs/alsa-core.html b/htdocs/alsa-core.html
deleted file mode 100644
index deca631..0000000
--- a/htdocs/alsa-core.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="AudioBinding.css">
- <title>Alsa Low Level Simple Test</title>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="AFB-websock.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="AudioBinding.js"></script>
-<body onload="init('alsa_registry','alsacore', 'infoget')">
- <button id="connected" onclick="init('alsa_registry','alsacore', 'infoget');">Binder WS Fail</button>
- <button id="mnitoring" onclick="'/monitoring/monitor.html','_monitor_audio')">Debug/Monitoring</a></button>
- <br><br>
- <b>Selected SndCard </b>
- <select id='alsa_registry'></select>
- <b>Select NUMID </b>
- <select id='alsa_ctl_list' onclick="refresh_list(this, 'alsacore', 'ctlget', {devid:sndcard, mode:1})">
- <option value='-1'>Refresh NUMID list</option>
- </select>
- <b>API Verbosity </b>
- <select id='api_verbosity' onclick='mode=this.value'>
- <option value='0'>Quiet</option>
- <option value='1'>Compact</option>
- <option value='2'>Verbose</option>
- <option value='3'>Full</option>
- </select>
- <br>
- <ol>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('alsacore','ctlget', {devid:sndcard, mode:mode})">Get all Alsa Ctls</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('alsacore','ctlget', {devid:sndcard, mode:mode, ctl:numid})">Get Alsa Ctls [numid]</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('alsacore','ctlget', {devid:sndcard, mode:mode, ctl:[numid,numid+1]})">Get Alsa Ctls [numid,numid+1]</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('alsacore','infoget', {})">Get info</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('alsacore','hallist', {})">HAL list</button></li>
- <br>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('alsacore','ctlset', {devid:sndcard, mode:mode, ctl:[[9,20]]})">Set Alsa Ctl ctl:[[9,20]]</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('alsacore','ctlset', {devid:sndcard, mode:mode, ctl:[{id:46,val:50}]})">Set Alsa Ctl ctl:[{id:46,val:50}]}</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('alsacore','ctlset', {devid:sndcard, mode:mode, ctl:[[6,[20,20]]]})">Set Alsa Ctl ctl:[[6,[20,20]]]</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('alsacore','ctlset', {devid:sndcard, mode:mode, ctl:[{id:6,val:[50,50]}]})">Set Alsa Ctl ctl:[{id:2,val:[50,50]}]</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('alsacore','ctlset', {devid:sndcard, mode:mode, ctl:[{id:6,val:[50,50]}, {id:9,val:50,50}]})">Set Alsa Ctl ctl:[{id:6,val:[50,50]}, {id:9,val:50,50}]</button></li>
- <br>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('alsacore','ucmquery', {devid:sndcard, mode:mode})">List UCM verbs</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('alsacore','ucmset' , {devid:sndcard, mode:mode, verb:'HiFi'})">Set UCM HiFi</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('alsacore','ucmset' , {devid:sndcard, mode:mode, verb:'HiFi', dev:'Headphone'})">Set UCM HiFi+Headphone</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('alsacore','ucmset' , {devid:sndcard, mode:mode, verb:'HiFi', dev:'Headphone', mod:'RecordMedia'})">Set UCM HiFi+Headphone+RecordMedia</button></li>
- <br>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('alsacore','ucmget' , {devid:sndcard, mode:mode, values:['OutputDspName','PlaybackPCM','CapturePCM']})">Get UCM OutputDspName+PlaybackPCM+CapturePCM (SET UCM)</button></li>
- <br>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('alsacore','subscribe', {devid:sndcard})">Subscribe AlsaCtl Events</button></li>
- <br>
- </ol>
- <div id="main" style="visibility:hidden">
- <ol>
- <li>Question <pre id="question"></pre>
- <li>Response <pre id="output"></pre>
- <li>Events: <pre id="outevt"></pre>
- </ol>
- </div>
diff --git a/htdocs/alsa-hal.html b/htdocs/alsa-hal.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 013c547..0000000
--- a/htdocs/alsa-hal.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- <title>Basic Audio Hardware Abstraction Layer Test</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="AudioBinding.css">
- <script type="text/javascript" src="AFB-websock.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="AudioBinding.js"></script>
-<body onload="init('hal_registry','alsacore', 'hallist')">
- <h1>Simple AlsaHAL tests</h1>
- <button id="connected" onclick="init('hal_registry','alsacore', 'hallist')">Binder WS Fail</button>
- <br><br>
- <b>Selected HAL </b>
- <select id='hal_registry'></select>
- <b>API Verbosity </b>
- <select id='api_verbosity' onclick='mode=this.value'>
- <option value='0'>Quiet</option>
- <option value='1'>Compact</option>
- <option value='2'>Verbose</option>
- <option value='3'>Full</option>
- </select>
- <br>
- <br>
- <ol>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder(sndcard,'ctllist')">List Selected HAL Controls </button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder(sndcard,'ctlget', {label:'Master_Playback_Volume'})">Get {label:'Master_Playback_Volume'}</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder(sndcard,'ctlget', [{tag:4},{tag:5}])">Get[{tag:4},{tag:5}]</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder(sndcard,'ctlget', [4,5])">Get [4,5]</button></li>
- <br>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder(sndcard,'ctlset', {label:'Master_Playback_Volume', val:[50]})">Set {label:'Master_Playback_Volume', value=[50]}</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder(sndcard,'ctlset', {tag: 4, val:5})">Set {tag: 4, val:5}</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder(sndcard,'ctlset', [{tag:4, val:25},{tag:5, val:25}])">Set[{tag:4, val:25},{tag:5, val:25}]</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder(sndcard,'ctlset', [{tag:4, val:[55,45]},{tag:5, val:[45,55]}])">Set[{tag:4, val:[55,45]},{tag:5, val:[45,55]}]]</button></li>
- <br>
- <li>
- <label for="volramp">Volume Ramp</label>
- <input id="volramp" type="number" min=0 max=100 step=10 maxlength=3 placeholder="Enter 0-100" onChange="callbinder(sndcard,'ctl-set', {label:'Volume_Ramp', val:this.value})">
- </li>
- <br>
- </ol>
- <div id="main" style="visibility:hidden">
- <ol>
- <li>Question <pre id="question"></pre>
- <li>Response <pre id="output"></pre>
- <li>Events: <pre id="outevt"></pre>
- </ol>
- </div>
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9be581c..0000000
--- a/htdocs/assets/content-background.png
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Binary files differ
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index c959b04..0000000
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Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index eeb7ab7..0000000
--- a/htdocs/assets/favicon.ico
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Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2c3b2ae..0000000
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/htdocs/assets/messages.png b/htdocs/assets/messages.png
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/htdocs/assets/music-pause.png b/htdocs/assets/music-pause.png
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index a8d863b..0000000
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/htdocs/assets/phone-call-emit2.png b/htdocs/assets/phone-call-emit2.png
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index 14c8cbe..0000000
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Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5283a40..0000000
--- a/htdocs/assets/phone-call-emit3.png
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index a7c8f41..0000000
--- a/htdocs/audiobackend.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="AudioBinding.css">
- <title>Audio High Level Test</title>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="AFB-websock.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="AudioBinding.js"></script>
-<body onload="init('audiod')">
- <button id="connected" onclick="init('audiod');">Binder WS Fail</button> <br><br>
- <br>
- <ol>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('audiod','play', {device_name:'plug:Entertainment_Main', filepath:'style.wav', loop:0})">play('hw:0', 'style.wav')</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('audiod','play', {device_name:'hw:0', filepath:'application.wav', loop:1})">playloop('hw:0', 'application.wav')</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('audiod','play', {device_name:'hw:0', filepath:'application.wav', loop:0})">play('hw:0', 'application.wav')</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('audiod','stop', {audio_role:4})">stop()</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('audiod','pause', {audio_role:4})">pause()</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('audiod','subscribe', {audio_role:4})">subscribe()</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('audiod','unsubscribe', {audio_role:4})">unsubscribe()</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('audiod','post_event', {event_name:'speed', event_parameter:{speed:10}})">post_event('event_name:speed, {speed:10}')</button></li>
- </li>
- <br>
- </ol>
- <div id="main" style="visibility:hidden">
- <ol>
- <li>Question <pre id="question"></pre>
- <li>Response <pre id="output"></pre>
- <li>Events: <pre id="outevt"></pre>
- </ol>
- </div>
diff --git a/htdocs/audiohl.html b/htdocs/audiohl.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6745ba1..0000000
--- a/htdocs/audiohl.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="AudioBinding.css">
- <title>Audio High Level Test</title>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="AFB-websock.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="AudioBinding.js"></script>
-<body onload="init('ahl-4a'); ep_type='sink' ; ar='Entertainment' ; ep_id=0 ; s_id=0 ; prop_val=0 ; vol_val='0' ; p_name='balance' ; st_state='idle' ; st_mute=0">
- <button id="connected" onclick="init('ahl-4a');">Binder WS Fail</button> <br><br>
- <button id="monitoring" onclick="'/monitoring/monitor.html','_monitor_audio')">Debug/Monitoring</a></button>
- <b>Audio Role</b>
- <select select_id='audiorole_list' onclick='ar=this.value'>
- <option value='Warning' >Warning</option>
- <option value='Guidance'>Guidance</option>
- <option value='Notification'>Notification</option>
- <option value='Communication'>Communication</option>
- <option selected value='Entertainment'>Entertainment</option>
- <option value='System'>System</option>
- <option value='Startup'>Startup</option>
- <option value='Shutdown'>Shutdown</option>
- </select><br>
- <b>Endpoint Type</b>
- <select select_id='endpoint_type_list' onclick='ep_type=this.value'>
- <option value='source'>Source</option>
- <option selected value='sink'>Sink</option>
- </select><br>
- <b><label for="epidsel">Endpoint ID</label></b>
- <input id="epidsel" type="number" value="0" min=0 step=1 maxlength=4 onchange='ep_id=eval(parseInt(this.value))'><br>
- <b><label for="stidsel">Stream ID</label></b>
- <input id="stidsel" type="number" value="0" min=0 step=1 maxlength=4 onchange='s_id=eval(parseInt(this.value))'><br>
- <b>Stream State</b>
- <select select_id='stream_state' onclick='st_state=this.value'>
- <option selected value='idle'>Idle</option>
- <option value='running'>Running</option>
- <option value='paused'>Paused</option>
- </select><br>
- <b>Stream Mute State</b>
- <select select_id='stream_mute' onclick='st_mute=parseInt(this.value)'>
- <option selected value='0'>Unmuted</option>
- <option value='1'>Muted</option>
- </select><br>
- <b>Property</b>
- <select select_id='property_name_list' onclick='p_name=this.value'>
- <option selected value='balance'>Balance</option>
- <option value='fade'>Fade</option>
- <option value='eq_bass'>EQ Bass</option>
- <option value='eq_mid'>EQ Mid</option>
- <option value='eq_treble'>EQ Treble</option>
- </select><br>
- <b><label for="valpropsel">Volume Value</label></b>
- <input id="volvalsel" type="number" value="0" min=0 max=100 step=1 maxlength=4 onchange='vol_val=this.value'><br>
- <b><label for="valpropsel">Property Value</label></b>
- <input id="propvalsel" type="number" value="0" min=0 max=100 step=1 maxlength=4 onchange='prop_val=eval(parseInt(this.value))'><br>
- <br>
- <ol>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('ahl-4a','get_endpoints', {audio_role:ar,endpoint_type:ep_type})">get_endpoints(audio_role,endpoint_type)</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('ahl-4a','stream_open', {audio_role:ar,endpoint_type:ep_type})">stream_open(audio_role,endpoint_type)</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('ahl-4a','stream_open', {audio_role:ar,endpoint_type:ep_type,endpoint_id:ep_id})">stream_open(audio_role,enpoint_type,endpoint_id)</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('ahl-4a','stream_close', {stream_id:s_id})">stream_close(stream_id)</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('ahl-4a','stream_close', {})">stream_close()</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('ahl-4a','get_stream_info', {stream_id:s_id})">get_stream_info(stream_id)</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('ahl-4a','set_stream_state', {stream_id:s_id})">set_stream_state(stream_id)</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('ahl-4a','set_stream_state', {stream_id:s_id,state:st_state})">set_stream_state(stream_id,stream_state)</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('ahl-4a','set_stream_state', {stream_id:s_id,mute:st_mute})">set_stream_state(stream_id,mute)</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('ahl-4a','set_stream_state', {stream_id:s_id,state:st_state,mute:st_mute})">set_stream_state(stream_id,stream_state,mute)</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('ahl-4a','set_stream_state', {state:st_state,mute:st_mute})">set_stream_state(stream_state,mute)</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('ahl-4a','volume', {endpoint_type:ep_type,endpoint_id:ep_id,volume:vol_val})">volume(endpoint_type,endpoint_id,value)</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('ahl-4a','volume', {endpoint_type:ep_type,endpoint_id:ep_id})">volume(endpoint_type,endpoint_id)</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('ahl-4a','property', {endpoint_type:ep_type,endpoint_id:ep_id,property_name:p_name,value:prop_val})">property(endpoint_type,endpoint_id,property,value)</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('ahl-4a','property', {endpoint_type:ep_type,endpoint_id:ep_id,property_name:p_name})">property(endpoint_type,endpoint_id,property)</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('ahl-4a','get_endpoint_info', {endpoint_type:ep_type,endpoint_id:ep_id})">get_endpoint_info(endpoint_type,endpoint_id)</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('ahl-4a','get_list_actions', {audio_role:ar})">get_list_actions(audio_role)</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('ahl-4a','post_action', {action_name:'emergency_brake',audio_role:ar,media_name:'Warning.wav'})">post_action(emergency_brake,audio_role,'Warning.wav')</button></li>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('ahl-4a','event_subscription', {events:['ahl_endpoint_property_event','ahl_endpoint_volume_event','ahl_post_action'],subscribe:1})">subscribe(['ahl_endpoint_property_event','ahl_endpoint_volume_event','ahl_post_action'])</button>
- <li><button onclick="callbinder('ahl-4a','event_subscription', {events:['ahl_endpoint_property_event','ahl_endpoint_volume_event','ahl_post_action'],subscribe:0})">unsubscribe(['ahl_endpoint_property_event','ahl_endpoint_volume_event','ahl_post_action'])</button></li>
- </ol>
- <div id="main" style="visibility:hidden">
- <ol>
- <li>Question
- <pre id="question"></pre>
- <li>Response
- <pre id="output"></pre>
- <li>Events:
- <pre id="outevt"></pre>
- </ol>
- </div> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/htdocs/index.html b/htdocs/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 532cfce..0000000
--- a/htdocs/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- <head>
- <title>AGL Audio Agent</title>
- <body>
- <h1>AAA binding tests</h1>
- <ol>
- <li><a href="alsa-core.html">AlsaCore Low Level Binding</a>
- <li><a href="alsa-hal.html" >AlsaHAL Hardware Abstraction Layer</a>
- <li><a href="audiohl.html">High Level Audio API</a>
- <li><a href="audiobackend.html">Audio Backend Test</a>