path: root/src/ahl-policy-utils.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/ahl-policy-utils.h')
1 files changed, 148 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/ahl-policy-utils.h b/src/ahl-policy-utils.h
index 6774f13..6adfa4e 100644
--- a/src/ahl-policy-utils.h
+++ b/src/ahl-policy-utils.h
@@ -17,14 +17,158 @@
-#include "ahl-binding.h"
+#include <json-c/json.h>
+#include <afb/afb-binding.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+typedef int endpointID_t;
+typedef int streamID_t;
+typedef enum StreamEvent {
+ STREAM_EVENT_START = 0, // Stream is inactive
+ STREAM_EVENT_STOP, // Stream is running
+ STREAM_EVENT_PAUSE, // Audio stream paused
+ STREAM_EVENT_RESUME, // Audio stream resumed
+ STREAM_EVENT_MUTED, // Audio stream muted
+ STREAM_EVENT_UNMUTED, // Audio stream unmuted
+ STREAM_EVENT_MAXVALUE // Enum count, keep at the end
+} StreamEventT;
+typedef enum StreamMute {
+ STREAM_UNMUTED = 0, // Stream is not muted
+ STREAM_MUTED, // Stream is muted
+ STREAM_MUTE_MAXVALUE, // Enum count, keep at the end
+} StreamMuteT;
+typedef enum EndpointType {
+ ENDPOINTTYPE_SOURCE = 0, // source devices
+ ENDPOINTTYPE_SINK, // sink devices
+ ENDPOINTTYPE_MAXVALUE // Enum count, keep at the end
+} EndpointTypeT;
+typedef enum StreamState {
+ STREAM_STATE_IDLE = 0, // Stream is inactive
+ STREAM_STATE_RUNNING, // Stream is active and running
+ STREAM_STATE_PAUSED, // Stream is active but paused
+ STREAM_STATE_MAXVALUE // Enum count, keep at the end
+} StreamStateT;
+// Define default behavior of audio role when interrupting lower priority sources
+typedef enum InterruptBehavior {
+ INTERRUPTBEHAVIOR_CONTINUE = 0, // Continue to play lower priority source when interrupted (e.g. media may be ducked)
+ INTERRUPTBEHAVIOR_CANCEL, // Abort playback of lower priority source when interrupted (e.g. non-important HMI feedback that does not make sense later)
+ INTERRUPTBEHAVIOR_PAUSE, // Pause lower priority source when interrupted, to be resumed afterwards (e.g. non-temporal guidance)
+ INTERRUPTBEHAVIOR_MAXVALUE, // Enum count, keep at the end
+} InterruptBehaviorT;
+typedef enum DeviceURIType {
+ DEVICEURITYPE_ALSA_HW = 0, // Alsa hardware device URI
+ DEVICEURITYPE_ALSA_DMIX, // Alsa Dmix device URI (only for playback devices)
+ DEVICEURITYPE_ALSA_DSNOOP, // Alsa DSnoop device URI (only for capture devices)
+ DEVICEURITYPE_ALSA_SOFTVOL, // Alsa softvol device URI
+ DEVICEURITYPE_ALSA_PLUG, // Alsa plug device URI
+ DEVICEURITYPE_ALSA_OTHER, // Alsa domain URI device of unspecified type
+ DEVICEURITYPE_NOT_ALSA, // Unknown (not ALSA domain)
+ DEVICEURITYPE_MAXVALUE // Enum count, keep at the end
+} DeviceURITypeT;
+// CPU endianness assumed in all formats
+typedef enum SampleType {
+ AHL_FORMAT_UNKNOWN = -1, // Unknown
+ AHL_FORMAT_U8 = 0, // Unsigned 8 bit
+ AHL_FORMAT_S16, // Signed 16 bit Little Endian
+ AHL_FORMAT_S24, // Signed 24 bit Little Endian using low three bytes in 32-bit word
+ AHL_FORMAT_S32, // Signed 32 bit Little Endian
+ AHL_FORMAT_FLOAT, // Float 32 bit Little Endian, Range -1.0 to 1.0
+ AHL_FORMAT_FLOAT64, // Float 64 bit Little Endian, Range -1.0 to 1.0
+ AHL_FORMAT_IEC958, // IEC-958 Little Endian (SPDIF)
+ AHL_FORMAT_G723, // G723
+ AHL_FORMAT_DSD, // Direct stream digital
+ AHL_FORMAT_MAXVALUE, // Enum count, keep at the end
+} SampleTypeT;
+typedef struct AudioFormat {
+ int sampleRate; // Sample rate
+ int numChannels; // Number of channels
+ SampleTypeT sampleType; // Sample type
+ // TODO: Interleaving?
+ // TODO: Sample sub format?
+} AudioFormatT;
+typedef struct AlsaDeviceInfo {
+ int cardNum; // HW card number
+ int deviceNum; // HW device number
+ int subDeviceNum; // HW sub device number
+} AlsaDeviceInfoT;
+typedef enum EndpointSelectionMode {
+ ENDPOINTSELMODE_AUTO = 0, // Automatic endpoint selection based on config priority
+ ENDPOINTSELMODE_MANUAL, // Explicit endpoint selection
+ ENDPOINTSELMODEMAXVALUE, // Enum count, keep at the end
+} EndpointSelectionModeT;
+typedef struct EndpointInfo
+ endpointID_t endpointID; // Unique endpoint ID (per type)
+ EndpointTypeT type; // Source or sink device
+ char * gsDeviceName; // Unique device card name
+ char * gsDisplayName; // Application display name
+ char * gsDeviceURI; // Associated URI
+ char * gsDeviceDomain; // Device URI domain (e.g. alsa or pulse)
+ char * pRoleName; // Role assigned to this endpoint
+ DeviceURITypeT deviceURIType; // Device URI type (includes audio domain information)
+ char * gsHALAPIName; // HAL associated with the device (for volume control)
+ AlsaDeviceInfoT alsaInfo; // ALSA specific device information
+ AudioFormatT format; // Preferred audio format supported (later could be array of supported formats)
+ int iVolume; // Storage for current endpoint volume (policy effected).
+ GHashTable * pPropTable; // Storage for array of properties (policy effected)
+} EndpointInfoT;
+typedef struct StreamInfo {
+ streamID_t streamID; // Stream unique ID
+ EndpointInfoT * pEndpointInfo; // Associated endpoint information (reference)
+ StreamStateT streamState; // Stream activity state
+ StreamMuteT streamMute; // Stream mute state
+ struct afb_event streamStateEvent; // Stream specific event for stream state changes
+ EndpointSelectionModeT endpointSelMode; // Automatic (priority based) or manual endpoint selection
+ char * pRoleName; // Role string identifier (from role config but could be programatically overriden later)
+ int iPriority; // Role normalized priority (0-100) (from role config but could be programatically overriden later)
+ InterruptBehaviorT eInterruptBehavior; // Role behavior when interrupting lower priority streams (from role config but could be programatically overriden later)
+} StreamInfoT;
+typedef struct StreamPolicyInfo {
+ streamID_t streamID;
+ int RolePriority;
+ char * pAudioRole;
+ InterruptBehaviorT interruptBehavior;
+ int iDuckVolume; //duck Volume
+} StreamPolicyInfoT;
+typedef struct EndPointPolicyInfo {
+ endpointID_t endpointID;
+ EndpointTypeT type;
+ DeviceURITypeT deviceType;
+ char * pDeviceName;
+ char * pHalApiName;
+ int iVolume; //Current Volume
+ GArray * streamInfo; //List of playing or duck stream at a given endpoint
+} EndPointPolicyInfoT;
void Add_Endpoint_Property_Double( EndpointInfoT * io_pEndpointInfo, char * in_pPropertyName, double in_dPropertyValue);
void Add_Endpoint_Property_Int( EndpointInfoT * io_pEndpointInfo, char * in_pPropertyName, int in_iPropertyValue);
void Add_Endpoint_Property_String( EndpointInfoT * io_pEndpointInfo, char * in_pPropertyName, const char * in_pPropertyValue);
-int PolicyCtxStructToJSON(AHLPolicyCtxT * pPolicyCtx, json_object **ppPolicyCxtJ);
-int PolicyCtxJSONToStruct(json_object *CtxJ, int *pNbAudioRole,GPtrArray *pHALList);
int PolicyEndpointStructToJSON(EndpointInfoT * pPolicyEndpoint, json_object **ppPolicyEndpointJ);
int PolicyCtxJSONToEndpoint(json_object *pEndpointJ, EndpointInfoT * pPolicyStream);
int PolicyStreamStructToJSON(StreamInfoT * pPolicyStream, json_object **ppPolicyStreamJ);