path: root/CAN-binder/low-can-binding/binding
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-05-19FormatRomain Forlot1-1/+0
2017-05-19New generated files using updated generatorRomain Forlot1-307/+443
2017-05-19Include diagnostic_message_t into can_message_set.Romain Forlot3-11/+9
2017-05-19Make and use a single function to read incoming CAN messagesRomain Forlot2-20/+36
2017-05-19Remove can-bus-dev following RAW->BCM sockets migrationRomain Forlot3-18/+7
2017-05-19one event source by socket added to systemd event loop.Romain Forlot1-0/+1
2017-05-19Adding also diagnostic request to systemd event loopRomain Forlot2-7/+27
2017-05-19Remove unused and useless members.Romain Forlot1-1/+1
2017-05-19Fix wrong signature, better with const ref... Was forgottenRomain Forlot1-5/+4
2017-05-19Implement unsubscribe like subscribe.Romain Forlot1-18/+31
2017-05-11Massive use of shared_ptr about signal and diag message. WIPRomain Forlot4-47/+47
2017-05-10Use a tree instead of separated object lists. WIPRomain Forlot3-127/+107
2017-05-10Implement setting last_value at message definition level.Romain Forlot2-2/+2
2017-05-10Fix: Avoid returning negative value that's stop watch socketRomain Forlot1-3/+10
2017-05-05Separation between hat and callback binding partsRomain Forlot4-84/+129
2017-05-04Follow the moving binding and configuration files.Romain Forlot4-14/+14
2017-05-04Update with last app-templates modificationsRomain Forlot5-0/+895