path: root/deps
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2014-01-03Greatly expand API example in README.Christopher Peplin1-0/+6
2014-01-03Update bitfield library version.Christopher Peplin1-5/+5
2014-01-03Update version of isotp-c library.Christopher Peplin1-6/+0
2014-01-02Test basic diag request and response!Christopher Peplin1-5/+5
2014-01-02Draft implemenation of receiving and parsing single fram diag messages.Christopher Peplin1-5/+5
2014-01-02Match isotp receive_can_frame style, depend less on callbacks.Christopher Peplin1-5/+5
2013-12-31Draft reworking of API.Christopher Peplin2-10/+10
2013-12-30Add skeleton of the API and data structures.Christopher Peplin1-5/+5
2013-12-30Initial commit.Christopher Peplin2-0/+12