# Install AFB Websocket CLI client to test the binding.
You can test it using afb-client-demo CLI tool provided by the RPM package _libafbwsc-dev_.
You can find this package in your build environment, using docker SDK recommended setup the file is `/xdt/build/tmp/deploy/rpm/<your-target-arch>/`.
After a successful bitbake build and using Renesas RCar Gen2, Porter, you have to copy the file if your board is connected to your network and you know its IP address:
$ scp /xdt/build/tmp/deploy/rpm/cortex15hf_neon/libafbwsc-dev-1.0-r0.cortexa15hf_neon.rpm root@<target_IP>:~
Else, you have to copy into the SDcard with the AGL image installed on it.
From the docker image copy RPM to the shared directory between docker image and your host:
$ cp /xdt/build/tmp/deploy/rpm/cortex15hf_neon/libafbwsc-dev-1.0-r0.cortexa15hf_neon.rpm ~/share
Then plugin you SDcard in your Linux host \(Windows can't read ext4 filesystem AGL runs on\) and copy RPM file on it.
From your host, identify SDcard block device node here it is **sdc** with the correct capacity automounted by the desktop manager:
$ lsblk
loop1 7:1 0 2G 0 loop
└─docker-253:0-3146365-pool 253:3 0 100G 0 dm
253:4 0 10G 0 dm /var/lib/docker/devicemapper/mnt/e9f80849a2681e18549d3a4238cbf031e44052e36cd88a0abf041804b799b61c
sdb 8:16 0 238.5G 0 disk
├─sdb2 8:18 0 238G 0 part
│ └─agl 253:1 0 238G 0 lvm /home/claneys/Workspace/agl-docker
└─sdb1 8:17 0 500M 0 part /boot
sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom
loop0 7:0 0 100G 0 loop
└─docker-253:0-3146365-pool 253:3 0 100G 0 dm
253:4 0 10G 0 dm /var/lib/docker/devicemapper/mnt/e9f80849a2681e18549d3a4238cbf031e44052e36cd88a0abf041804b799b61c
sdc 8:32 1 14.9G 0 disk
└─sdc1 8:33 1 2G 0 part /run/media/claneys/97f418a5-612f-44e9-b968-a19505695151
sda 8:0 0 931.5G 0 disk
├─sda2 8:2 0 500G 0 part
│ ├─home 253:2 0 150G 0 lvm /home
│ └─root 253:0 0 50G 0 lvm /
└─sda1 8:1 0 16G 0 part [SWAP]
Copy, still from your host:
> **CAUTION:** Make sure to sync IO with sync command before unplug your SDcard. It could be corrupted if removed before all pending IO aren't done.
$ sudo umount /dev/sdc1
$ export SDCARD=/mnt
$ sudo mount /dev/sdc1 $SDCARD
$ sudo cp ~/devel/docker/share/libafbwsc-dev-1.0-r0.cortexa15hf_neon.rpm $SDCARD/home/root
$ sync
$ sudo umount $SDCARD
Insert the modified SDcard in your Porter board and boot from it. You are ready to go.
## Configure the AGL system
### Virtual CAN device
Connected to the target, here is how to load the virtual CAN device driver and set up a new vcan device :
# modprobe vcan
# ip link add vcan0 type vcan
# ip link set vcan0 up
### CAN device using the USB CAN adapter
Using real connection to CAN bus of your car using the USB CAN adapter connected to the OBD2 connector.
Once connected, launch `dmesg` command and search which device to use :
# dmesg
[ 131.871441] usb 1-3: new full-speed USB device number 4 using ohci-pci
[ 161.860504] can: controller area network core (rev 20120528 abi 9)
[ 161.860522] NET: Registered protocol family 29
[ 177.561620] usb 1-3: USB disconnect, device number 4
[ 191.061423] usb 1-2: USB disconnect, device number 3
[ 196.095325] usb 1-2: new full-speed USB device number 5 using ohci-pci
[ 327.568882] usb 1-2: USB disconnect, device number 5
[ 428.594177] CAN device driver interface
[ 1872.551543] usb 1-2: new full-speed USB device number 6 using ohci-pci
[ 1872.809302] usb_8dev 1-2:1.0 can0: firmware: 1.7, hardware: 1.0
[ 1872.809356] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb_8dev
Here device is named `can0`.
This instruction assuming a speed of 500000kbps for your CAN bus, you can try others supported bitrate like 125000, 250000 if 500000 doesn't work:
# ip link set can0 type can bitrate 500000
# ip link set can0 up
# ip link show can0
can0: <NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP,ECHO> mtu 16 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN qlen 10
can state ERROR-ACTIVE (berr-counter tx 0 rx 0) restart-ms 0
bitrate 500000 sample-point 0.875
tq 125 prop-seg 6 phase-seg1 7 phase-seg2 2 sjw 1
sja1000: tseg1 1..16 tseg2 1..8 sjw 1..4 brp 1..64 brp-inc 1
clock 16000000
For a Porter board, you'll have your CAN device as `can1` because `can0` already exists as an embedded device.
The instructions will be the same:
# ip link set can1 type can bitrate 500000
# ip link set can1 up
# ip link show can1
can0: <NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP,ECHO> mtu 16 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN qlen 10
can state ERROR-ACTIVE (berr-counter tx 0 rx 0) restart-ms 0
bitrate 500000 sample-point 0.875
tq 125 prop-seg 6 phase-seg1 7 phase-seg2 2 sjw 1
sja1000: tseg1 1..16 tseg2 1..8 sjw 1..4 brp 1..64 brp-inc 1
clock 16000000
## Configure the binding
The binding reads system configuration file _/etc/dev-mapping.conf_ at start to map logical name from signals described in JSON file to linux devices name initialized by the system.
Edit file _/etc/dev-mappping.conf_ and add mapping in section `CANbus-mapping` :
Using virtual CAN device as described in the previous chapter:
Using real CAN device, this example assume CAN bus traffic will be on can0.
On a Porter board there is an embedded CAN device so `can0` already exists.
So you might want to use your USB CAN adapter plugged to the OBD2 connector, in this case use `can1`:
> **CAUTION VERY IMPORTANT:** Make sure the CAN bus\(es\) you specify in your configuration file match those specified in your generated source file with the `CAN-config-generator`.
## Run it, test it, use it !
You can run the binding using **afm-util** tool, here is the classic way to go :
# afm-util run low-can-binding@1.0
You can find instructions to use afm-util tool [here](http://docs.iot.bzh/docs/apis_services/en/dev/reference/af-main/afm-daemons.html#using-afm-util), as well as documentation about Application Framework.
But you can't control nor interact with it because you don't know security token that **Application Framework** gaves it at launch.
So, to test it, it is better to launch the binding manually. In the following example, we will use port **1234** and left empty security token for testing purpose:
# afb-daemon --ldpaths=/usr/lib/afb:/var/lib/afm/applications/low-can-binding/1.0/libs/ --rootdir=/var/lib/afm/applications/low-can-binding/1.0/ --port=1234 --token=1
NOTICE: binding [/usr/lib/afb/afb-dbus-binding.so] calling registering function afbBindingV1Register
NOTICE: binding /usr/lib/afb/afb-dbus-binding.so loaded with API prefix dbus
NOTICE: binding [/usr/lib/afb/authLogin.so] calling registering function afbBindingV1Register
NOTICE: binding /usr/lib/afb/authLogin.so loaded with API prefix auth
NOTICE: binding [/var/lib/afm/applications/low-can-binding/1.0/libs//low-can-binding.so] calling registering function afbBindingV1Register
NOTICE: binding /var/lib/afm/applications/low-can-binding/1.0/libs//low-can-binding.so loaded with API prefix low-can
NOTICE: Waiting port=1234 rootdir=/var/lib/afm/applications/low-can-binding/1.0/
NOTICE: Browser URL= http:/*localhost:1234
NOTICE: vcan0 device opened and reading {binding low-can}
NOTICE: Initialized 1/1 can bus device(s) {binding low-can}
On another terminal, connect to the binding using previously installed _**AFB Websocket CLI**_ tool:
# afb-client-demo ws://localhost:1234/api?token=1
You will be on an interactive session where you can communicate directly with the binding API.
The binding provides at this moment 2 verbs, _subscribe_ and _unsubscribe_, which can take argument by a JSON **event** object.
The argument value is the CAN message **generic\_name** as described in the JSON file used to generate cpp file for the binding.
To use the _**AFB Websocket CLI**_ tool, a command line will be like the following :
<api> <verb> <arguments>
* API : _**low-can**_.
* Verb : _**subscribe**_ or _**unsubscribe**_
* Arguments : _**{ "event": "driver.doors.open" }**_
### Subscription and unsubscription
You can ask to subscribe to chosen CAN event with a call to _subscribe_ API verb with the CAN messages name as JSON argument.
> **NOTE:** If no argument is provided, then you'll subscribe to all signals at once.
For example from a websocket session:
low-can subscribe { "event": "doors.driver.open" }
ON-REPLY 1:low-can/subscribe: {"jtype":"afb-reply","request":{"status":"success","uuid":"a18fd375-b6fa-4c0e-a1d4-9d3955975ae8"}}
Subscription and unsubscription can take wildcard in their _event_ value.
To receive all doors events :
low-can subscribe { "event" : "doors*" }
ON-REPLY 1:low-can/subscribe: {"jtype":"afb-reply","request":{"status":"success","uuid":"511c872e-d7f3-4f3b-89c2-aa9a3e9fbbdb"}}
Then you will receive an event each time a CAN message is decoded for the event named _doors.driver.open_
ON-EVENT low-can/messages.doors.driver.open({"event":"low-can\/messages.doors.driver.open","data":{"name":"messages.doors.driver.open","value":true},"jtype":"afb-event"})
Notice that event shows you that the CAN event is named _messages.doors.driver.open_ but you ask for event about _doors.driver.open_.
This is because all CAN messages or diagnostic messages are prefixed by the JSON parent node name, **messages** for CAN messages and **diagnostic\_messages** for diagnostic messages like OBD2.
This will let you subscribe or unsubcribe to all signals at once, not recommended, and better make filter on subscribe operation based upon their type. Examples:
low-can subscribe { "event" : "*speed*" } --> will subscribe to all messages with speed in their name. Search will be make without prefix for it.
low-can subscribe { "event" : "speed*" } --> will subscribe to all messages begin by speed in their name. Search will be make without prefix for it.
low-can subscribe { "event" : "messages*speed*" } --> will subscribe to all CAN messages with speed in their name. Search will be on prefixed messages here.
low-can subscribe { "event" : "messages*speed" } --> will subscribe to all CAN messages ending with speed in their name. Search will be on prefixed messages here.
low-can subscribe { "event" : "diagnostic*speed*" } --> will subscribe to all diagnostic messages with speed in their name. Search will be on prefixed messages here.
low-can subscribe { "event" : "diagnostic*speed" } --> will subscribe to all diagnostic messages ending with speed in their name. Search will be on prefixed messages here.
You can stop receiving event from it by unsubscribe the signal the same way you did for subscribe
low-can unsubscribe { "event": "doors.driver.open" }
ON-REPLY 2:low-can/unsubscribe: {"jtype":"afb-reply","request":{"status":"success"}}
low-can unsubscribe { "event" : "doors*" }
ON-REPLY 3:low-can/unsubscribe: {"jtype":"afb-reply","request":{"status":"success"}}
### Using CAN utils to monitor CAN activity
You can watch CAN traffic and send custom CAN messages using can-utils preinstalled on AGL target.
To watch watch going on a CAN bus use:
# candump can0
Or for an USB CAN adapter connected to porter board:
# candump can1
Send a custom message:
You can also replay a previously dumped CAN logfiles. These logfiles can be found in _can_samples_ directory under Git repository. Following examples use a real trip from an Auris Toyota car.
Trace has been recorded from a CAN device `can0` so you have to map it to the correct one you use for your tests.
Replay on a virtual CAN device `vcan0`:
# canplayer -I trip_test_with_obd2_vehicle_speed_requests vcan0=can0
Replay on a CAN device `can0`:
# canplayer -I trip_test_with_obd2_vehicle_speed_requests can0
Replay on a CAN device `can1` (porter by example):
# canplayer -I trip_test_with_obd2_vehicle_speed_requests can1=can0