path: root/src/diagnostic/diagnostic-message.cpp
blob: 8b2273efed3862be5005d601b90c510585373b86 (plain)

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 * Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 "IoT.bzh"
 * Author "Romain Forlot" <romain.forlot@iot.bzh>
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *	 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include "obd2-signals.hpp"

#include "../configuration.hpp"
#include "../utils/signals.hpp"

const char *UNIT_NAMES[10] = {

std::string obd2_signal_t::prefix_ = "diagnostic_messages.";

obd2_signal_t::obd2_signal_t(uint8_t pid, const char* generic_name, const int min, const int max, enum UNIT unit, int frequency, bool supported)
	:	pid_{pid}, generic_name_{generic_name}, min_{min}, max_{max}, unit_{unit}, frequency_{frequency}, supported_{supported}

uint32_t obd2_signal_t::get_pid()
	return (uint32_t)pid_;

const std::string& obd2_signal_t::get_generic_name() const
	return generic_name_;

const std::string obd2_signal_t::get_name() const
	return prefix_ + "." + generic_name_;

const std::string& obd2_signal_t::get_prefix()
	return prefix_;

int obd2_signal_t::get_frequency() const
	return frequency_;

void obd2_signal_t::set_prefix(const std::string& val)
	prefix_ = val;

 * @brief Build a DiagnosticRequest struct to be passed
 *  to diagnostic manager instance.
const DiagnosticRequest obd2_signal_t::build_diagnostic_request()
	return {/*arbitration_id: */OBD2_FUNCTIONAL_BROADCAST_ID,
			/*mode: */0x1,
			/*has_pid: */true,
			/*pid: */pid_,
			/*pid_length: */0,
			/*payload[]: */{0},
			/*payload_length: */0,
			/*no_frame_padding: */false,
			/*DiagnosticRequestType: */DiagnosticRequestType::DIAGNOSTIC_REQUEST_TYPE_PID };

bool obd2_signal_t::is_obd2_response(can_message_t can_message)
	if(can_message.get_id() >= 0x7E8 && can_message.get_id() <= 0x7EF)
		openxc_VehicleMessage message = {0};
		message.has_type = true;
		message.type = openxc_VehicleMessage_Type_DIAGNOSTIC;
		message.has_diagnostic_response = true;
		message.diagnostic_response = {0};
		message.diagnostic_response.has_bus = true;
		message.diagnostic_response.bus = bus->address;
		message.diagnostic_response.has_message_id = true;
		//7DF should respond with a random message id between 7e8 and 7ef
		//7E0 through 7E7 should respond with a id that is 8 higher (7E0->7E8)
		if(can_message.get_id() == 0x7DF)
			message.diagnostic_response.message_id = rand()%(0x7EF-0x7E8 + 1) + 0x7E8;
		else if(commandRequest->message_id >= 0x7E0 && commandRequest->message_id <= 0x7E7)
			message.diagnostic_response.message_id = commandRequest->message_id + 8;
		message.diagnostic_response.has_mode = true;
		message.diagnostic_response.mode = commandRequest->mode;
			message.diagnostic_response.has_pid = true;
			message.diagnostic_response.pid = commandRequest->pid;
		message.diagnostic_response.has_value = true;
		message.diagnostic_response.value = rand() % 100;
		pipeline::publish(&message, &getConfiguration()->pipeline);
	else //If it's outside the range, the command_request will return false
		debug("Sent message ID is outside the valid range for emulator (7DF to 7E7)");
	return false;
	return false;

* @brief Check if a request is an OBD-II PID request.
* @return true if the request is a mode 1 request and it has a 1 byte PID.
bool obd2_signal_t::is_obd2_request(DiagnosticRequest* request)
	return request->mode == 0x1 && request->has_pid && request->pid < 0xff;

* @brief Check if requested signal name is an obd2 pid
* @return true if name began with obd2 else false.
bool obd2_signal_t::is_obd2_signal(const std::string& name)
	if(name.find_first_of(prefix_.c_str(), 0, prefix_.size()))
		return true;
	return false;

* @brief Decode the payload of an OBD-II PID.
* This function matches the type signature for a DiagnosticResponseDecoder, so
* it can be used as the decoder for a DiagnosticRequest. It returns the decoded
* value of the PID, using the standard formulas (see
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OBD-II_PIDs#Mode_01).
* @param[in] response - the received DiagnosticResponse (the data is in response.payload,
*  a byte array). This is most often used when the byte order is
*  signiticant, i.e. with many OBD-II PID formulas.
* @param[in] parsed_payload - the entire payload of the response parsed as an int.
float obd2_signal_t::decode_obd2_response(const DiagnosticResponse* response, float parsedPayload)
	return diagnostic_decode_obd2_pid(response);