
Radio Service


Radio Service allows tuning of rtl-sdr based devices to radio stations and receive respective audio stream.


Name Description JSON Parameters
subscribe subscribe to radio events Request: {"value": "frequency"}
unsubscribe unsubscribe to radio events Request: {"value": "frequency"}
frequency get/set tuned radio frequency Request: {"value": 101100000}
band get/set current band type (e.g. AM, FM) Request: {"band": "FM"} Response: {"band": "FM"}
band_supported check if a certain band is supported Request: {"band": "FM"} Response: {"supported": 1}
frequency_range get frequency range for band type Request: {"band": "FM"} Response: {"min": ..., "max": ...}
frequency_step get frequency step/spacing for band type Request: {"band": "FM"} Response: {"step": 200000}
start start radio playback
stop stop radio playback
scan_start start scanning for station Request: {"direction": "forward" or "backward"}
scan_stop stop scanning for station
stereo_mode get/set stereo or mono mode Request: {"value": "stereo" or "mono"}


frequency Event JSON Response

JSON response has a single field frequency which is the currently tuned frequency.

station_found Event JSON Response

JSON response has a single field value of the frequency of the discovered radio station.

status Event JSON Response

JSON response has a single field value with one of the values "playing" or "stopped".

AGL Radio Tuner Binding

FM Band Plan Selection

The FM band plan may be selected by adding:


to the [radio] section in /etc/xdg/AGL.conf, where X is one of the following strings:

US = United States / Canada JP = Japan EU = European Union ITU-1 ITU-2



Implementation Specific Confguration

USB RTL-SDR adapter

The scanning sensitivity can be tweaked by adding:


to the [radio] section in /etc/xdg/AGL.conf, where X is an integer. Lower values make the scanning more sensitive. Default value is 140.



M3ULCB Kingfisher Si4689

The scanning sensitivity can be tweaked by adding:


to the [radio] section in /etc/xdg/AGL.conf, where X and Y are integers between -127 and 127. The SNR value is in units of dB, and the RSSI is in units of dBuV. Lower values make the scanning more sensitive. Default values in the Si4689 are 10 and 17, respectively. You may determine the values that the Si4689 is seeing when tuning by examining the results of tuning in the systemd journal, looking for lines like:



Known Issues

M3ULCB Kingfisher

Initial setup for a new Kingfisher board requires booting an image with Kingfisher support and running the commands:


This installs the provided firmware into the flash attached to the Si4689.

Since all operations are currently done by calling a patched version of Cogent Embedded's si_ctl utility, scanning currently cannot be interrupted. Additionally, sometimes a failure in scanning seems to result in muted state that currently has not been debugged.