AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-11-29Add .gitreview defaultbranch for eeleel_4.99.5eel_4.99.4eel/4.99.5eel/ Möller1-1/+1
2017-11-24Return a correct value for 'start'José Bollo1-2/+1
2017-11-24Remove calls to 'exit'José Bollo1-6/+8
2017-10-13Add gitreview file for mastereel_4.99.3eel_4.99.2eel_4.99.1eel/4.99.3eel/4.99.2eel/ Möller1-0/+5
2017-10-11Switch to AFB_SESSION_NONE for verbsScott Murray1-12/+12
2017-08-17binding: radio: upgrade to v2 of binding frameworkMatt Ranostay1-35/+26
2017-08-17binding: radio: switch to cmake build systemMatt Ranostay14-14377/+373
2017-08-17binding: radio: update build system for standalone bindingMatt Ranostay18-0/+14763
2017-05-23Rework to add and use a binding for radio controlScott Murray12-0/+2949