path: root/ucs2-lib/src/ucs_mgr.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'ucs2-lib/src/ucs_mgr.c')
1 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ucs2-lib/src/ucs_mgr.c b/ucs2-lib/src/ucs_mgr.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23443b9
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+++ b/ucs2-lib/src/ucs_mgr.c
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+/* UNICENS V2.1.0-3491 */
+/* Copyright (c) 2017 Microchip Technology Germany II GmbH & Co. KG. */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or */
+/* (at your option) any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
+/* */
+/* You may also obtain this software under a propriety license from Microchip. */
+/* Please contact Microchip for further information. */
+ * \file
+ * \brief Implementation of CManager class
+ *
+ * \addtogroup G_MGR
+ * @{
+ */
+/* Includes */
+#include "ucs_mgr.h"
+#include "ucs_misc.h"
+#include "ucs_scheduler.h"
+#include "ucs_trace.h"
+/* Internal constants */
+/*! \brief Priority of the Application Message Service */
+static const uint8_t MGR_SRV_PRIO = 245U; /* parasoft-suppress MISRA2004-8_7 "configuration property" */
+/*! \brief Event which triggers the service */
+static const Srv_Event_t MGR_SRV_EV_SERVICE = 1U;
+/*! \brief Network status mask */
+static const uint32_t MGR_NWSTATUS_MASK = 0x0FU; /* parasoft-suppress MISRA2004-8_7 "configuration property" */
+/*! \brief The time in milliseconds the INIC will go to AutoForcedNA after sync lost. */
+static const uint16_t MGR_AUTOFORCED_NA_TIME = 5000U; /* parasoft-suppress MISRA2004-8_7 "configuration property" */
+/* Internal prototypes */
+static void Mgr_OnInitComplete(void *self, void *error_code_ptr);
+static void Mgr_OnNwStatus(void *self, void *data_ptr);
+static void Mgr_OnJobQResult(void *self, void *result_ptr);
+static void Mgr_Startup(void *self);
+static void Mgr_OnNwStartupResult(void *self, void *result_ptr);
+static void Mgr_LeaveForcedNA(void *self);
+static void Mgr_OnLeaveForcedNAResult(void *self, void *result_ptr);
+#if 0
+static void Mgr_Shutdown(void *self);
+static void Mgr_OnNwShutdownResult(void *self, void *result_ptr);
+/* Class methods */
+/*! \brief Constructor of Manager class
+ * \param self The instance
+ * \param base_ptr Reference to base component
+ * \param inic_ptr Reference to INIC component
+ * \param net_ptr Reference to net component
+ * \param nd_ptr Reference to NodeDiscovery component
+ * \param packet_bw Desired packet bandwidth
+ */
+void Mgr_Ctor(CManager *self, CBase *base_ptr, CInic *inic_ptr, CNetworkManagement *net_ptr, CNodeDiscovery *nd_ptr, uint16_t packet_bw)
+ MISC_MEM_SET(self, 0, sizeof(*self));
+ self->initial = true;
+ self->base_ptr = base_ptr;
+ self->inic_ptr = inic_ptr;
+ self->net_ptr = net_ptr;
+ self->nd_ptr = nd_ptr;
+ self->packet_bw = packet_bw;
+ Jbs_Ctor(&self->job_service, base_ptr);
+ Job_Ctor(&self->job_leave_forced_na, &Mgr_LeaveForcedNA, self);
+ Job_Ctor(&self->job_startup, &Mgr_Startup, self);
+#if 0
+ Job_Ctor(&self->job_shutdown, &Mgr_Shutdown, self);
+ self->list_startup[0] = &self->job_startup;
+ self->list_startup[1] = NULL;
+ self->list_force_startup[0] = &self->job_leave_forced_na;
+ self->list_force_startup[1] = &self->job_startup;
+ self->list_force_startup[2] = NULL;
+#if 0
+ self->list_shutdown[0] = &self->job_shutdown;
+ self->list_shutdown[1] = NULL;
+ Jbq_Ctor(&self->job_q_startup, &self->job_service, 1U, self->list_startup);
+ Jbq_Ctor(&self->job_q_force_startup, &self->job_service, 2U, self->list_force_startup);
+#if 0
+ Jbq_Ctor(&self->job_q_shutdown, &self->job_service, 4U, self->list_shutdown);
+ Sobs_Ctor(&self->startup_obs, self, &Mgr_OnNwStartupResult);
+ Sobs_Ctor(&self->force_na_obs, self, &Mgr_OnLeaveForcedNAResult);
+#if 0
+ Sobs_Ctor(&self->shutdown_obs, self, &Mgr_OnNwShutdownResult);
+ Sobs_Ctor(&self->job_q_obs, self, &Mgr_OnJobQResult);
+ Mobs_Ctor(&self->event_observer, self, EH_E_INIT_SUCCEEDED, &Mgr_OnInitComplete);
+ Eh_AddObsrvInternalEvent(&self->base_ptr->eh, &self->event_observer);
+ Mobs_Ctor(&self->nwstatus_mobs, self, MGR_NWSTATUS_MASK, &Mgr_OnNwStatus);
+/* Callback Methods */
+/*! \brief Callback function which is invoked if the initialization is complete
+ * \param self The instance
+ * \param error_code_ptr Reference to the error code
+ */
+static void Mgr_OnInitComplete(void *self, void *error_code_ptr)
+ CManager *self_ = (CManager*)self;
+ MISC_UNUSED(error_code_ptr);
+ TR_INFO((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[MGR]", "Received init complete event", 0U));
+ Net_AddObserverNetworkStatus(self_->net_ptr, &self_->nwstatus_mobs); /* register observer */
+ (void)Nd_Start(self_->nd_ptr);
+/*! \brief NetworkStatus callback function
+ * \details The function is only active if \c listening flag is \c true.
+ * This avoids to re-register und un-register the observer for several times.
+ * \param self The instance
+ * \param data_ptr Reference to \ref Net_NetworkStatusParam_t
+ */
+static void Mgr_OnNwStatus(void *self, void *data_ptr)
+ CManager *self_ = (CManager*)self;
+ Net_NetworkStatusParam_t *param_ptr = (Net_NetworkStatusParam_t *)data_ptr;
+ TR_INFO((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[MGR]", "Mgr_OnNwStatus()", 0U));
+ TR_INFO((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[MGR]", "Mgr_OnNwStatus(): mask=0x%04X, events=0x%04X", 2U, param_ptr->change_mask ,param_ptr->events));
+ TR_INFO((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[MGR]", "Mgr_OnNwStatus(): avail=0x%X, avail_i=0x%X, bw=0x%X", 3U, param_ptr->availability, param_ptr->avail_info, param_ptr->packet_bw));
+ TR_INFO((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[MGR]", "Mgr_OnNwStatus(): addr=0x%03X, pos=0x%X, mpr=0x%X", 3U, param_ptr->node_address, param_ptr->node_position, param_ptr->max_position));
+ if ((param_ptr->change_mask & ((uint16_t)UCS_NW_M_AVAIL | (uint16_t)UCS_NW_M_PACKET_BW)) != 0U)
+ {
+ TR_INFO((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[MGR]", "Mgr_OnNwStatus(): trigger event", 0U));
+ if (self_->current_q_ptr != NULL)
+ {
+ Jbq_Stop(self_->current_q_ptr);
+ }
+ if (param_ptr->avail_info == UCS_NW_AVAIL_INFO_FORCED_NA)
+ {
+ self_->current_q_ptr = &self_->job_q_force_startup; /* stop forcing NA, then startup */
+ Jbq_Start(&self_->job_q_force_startup, &self_->job_q_obs);
+ }
+ else if (param_ptr->availability == UCS_NW_NOT_AVAILABLE)
+ {
+ self_->current_q_ptr = &self_->job_q_startup; /* just startup */
+ Jbq_Start(&self_->job_q_startup, &self_->job_q_obs);
+ }
+#if 0
+ else if ((param_ptr->node_position != 0U) || (param_ptr->packet_bw != self_->packet_bw))
+ {
+ self_->current_q_ptr = &self_->job_q_shutdown; /* just shutdown - startup is triggered automatically */
+ Jbq_Start(&self_->job_q_shutdown, &self_->job_q_obs);
+ }
+ if (self_->initial != false)
+ {
+ self_->initial = false;
+ if (self_->current_q_ptr == NULL) /* trigger InitAll() if no job is required for the */
+ { /* initial network status notification */
+ Nd_InitAll(self_->nd_ptr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/*! \brief Callback function that is triggered after finished a job.
+ * \details Failed jobs will be restarted here.
+ * \param self The instance
+ * \param result_ptr Reference to the job result \ref Job_Result_t.
+ */
+static void Mgr_OnJobQResult(void *self, void *result_ptr)
+ CManager *self_ = (CManager*)self;
+ Job_Result_t *res = (Job_Result_t *)result_ptr;
+ TR_INFO((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[MGR]", "Mgr_OnJobQResult(): result=%d", 1U, *res));
+ if ((*res != JOB_R_SUCCESS) && (self_->current_q_ptr != NULL))
+ {
+ Jbq_Start(self_->current_q_ptr, &self_->job_q_obs);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ self_->current_q_ptr = NULL;
+ }
+/* Job: LeaveForcedNA */
+/*! \brief Action that sets the INIC from "Forced-NotAvailable" to "NotAvailable"
+ * \param self The instance
+ */
+static void Mgr_LeaveForcedNA(void *self)
+ CManager *self_ = (CManager*)self;
+ Ucs_Return_t ret;
+ TR_INFO((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[MGR]", "Mgr_LeaveForcedNA()", 0U));
+ ret = Inic_NwForceNotAvailable(self_->inic_ptr, false /*no longer force NA*/, &self_->force_na_obs);
+ if (ret != UCS_RET_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ TR_ERROR((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[MGR]", "Mgr_LeaveForcedNA(), function returns 0x%02X", 1U, ret));
+ Job_SetResult(&self_->job_leave_forced_na, JOB_R_FAILED);
+ }
+/*! \brief Callback function which announces the result of Inic_NwForceNotAvailable()
+ * \param self The instance
+ * \param result_ptr Reference to result. Must be casted into Inic_StdResult_t.
+ */
+static void Mgr_OnLeaveForcedNAResult(void *self, void *result_ptr)
+ CManager *self_ = (CManager*)self;
+ Inic_StdResult_t *result_ptr_ = (Inic_StdResult_t *)result_ptr;
+ TR_INFO((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[MGR]", "Mgr_OnLeaveForcedNAResult(): code=0x%02X", 1U, result_ptr_->result.code));
+ if (result_ptr_->result.code == UCS_RES_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ Job_SetResult(&self_->job_leave_forced_na, JOB_R_SUCCESS);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Job_SetResult(&self_->job_leave_forced_na, JOB_R_FAILED);
+ }
+/* Job: Startup */
+/*! \brief Action that starts the network with the given parameters
+ * \param self The instance
+ */
+static void Mgr_Startup(void *self)
+ CManager *self_ = (CManager*)self;
+ Ucs_Return_t ret;
+ TR_INFO((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[MGR]", "Mgr_Startup()", 0U));
+ ret = Inic_NwStartup(self_->inic_ptr, MGR_AUTOFORCED_NA_TIME, self_->packet_bw, &self_->startup_obs); /* Startup without ForcedNA */
+ if (ret != UCS_RET_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ TR_ERROR((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[MGR]", "Mgr_Startup(), startup returns 0x%02X", 1U, ret));
+ Job_SetResult(&self_->job_startup, JOB_R_FAILED);
+ }
+/*! \brief Callback function which announces the result of Net_NetworkStartup()
+ * \param self The instance
+ * \param result_ptr Reference to result. Must be casted into Inic_StdResult_t.
+ */
+static void Mgr_OnNwStartupResult(void *self, void *result_ptr)
+ CManager *self_ = (CManager*)self;
+ Inic_StdResult_t *result_ptr_ = (Inic_StdResult_t *)result_ptr;
+ TR_INFO((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[MGR]", "Mgr_OnNwStartupResult(): code=0x%02X", 1U, result_ptr_->result.code));
+ if (result_ptr_->result.code == UCS_RES_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ Job_SetResult(&self_->job_startup, JOB_R_SUCCESS);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Job_SetResult(&self_->job_startup, JOB_R_FAILED);
+ }
+/* Job: Shutdown */
+#if 0
+/*! \brief Action that performs a network shutdown.
+ * \param self The instance
+ */
+static void Mgr_Shutdown(void *self)
+ CManager *self_ = (CManager*)self;
+ Ucs_Return_t ret;
+ TR_INFO((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[MGR]", "Mgr_Shutdown()", 0U));
+ ret = Inic_NwShutdown(self_->inic_ptr, &self_->shutdown_obs);
+ if (ret != UCS_RET_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ TR_ERROR((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[MGR]", "Mgr_Shutdown(), shutdown returns 0x%02X", 1U, ret));
+ Job_SetResult(&self_->job_shutdown, JOB_R_FAILED);
+ }
+/*! \brief Callback function which announces the result of Net_NetworkShutdown()
+ * \param self The instance
+ * \param result_ptr Reference to result. Must be casted into Inic_StdResult_t.
+ */
+static void Mgr_OnNwShutdownResult(void *self, void *result_ptr)
+ CManager *self_ = (CManager*)self;
+ Inic_StdResult_t *result_ptr_ = (Inic_StdResult_t *)result_ptr;
+ TR_INFO((self_->base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[MGR]", "Mgr_OnNwShutdownResult(): code=0x%02X", 1U, result_ptr_->result.code));
+ if (result_ptr_->result.code == UCS_RES_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ Job_SetResult(&self_->job_shutdown, JOB_R_SUCCESS);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Job_SetResult(&self_->job_shutdown, JOB_R_FAILED);
+ }
+ * @}
+ * \endcond
+ */
+/* End of file */