< }
  Copyright (C) 2016 ""
  Author Fulup Ar Foll <>

  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at

  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  limitations under the License.

  Provide sample LUA routines to be used with AGL control "lua_docall" API

--global counter to keep track of calls

  {"km/h",1}, --the "1" should never really get used but

_result = {}
for i=1,3 do

--function _Unit_Converter(value, sourceunits, targetunits)
function _Unit_Converter(source, args, event)
  local value = event["value"]
  local sourceunits = args["from"]
  local targetunits = args["to"]
  local sourcei, targeti = _positions[sourceunits], _positions[targetunits]
  assert(sourcei and targeti)

  if sourcei<targeti then

    local base=1
    for i=sourcei+1,targeti do

    event["value"] = value/base
  elseif sourcei>targeti then

    local base=1
    for i=targeti+1,sourcei do

    event["value"] = value/base
    print("No conversion")

  print('Converted value is: '.. event['value'] ..  args["to"])

  _lua2c['setSignalValueWrap'](source, event)

-- Display receive arguments and echo them to caller
function _Simple_Echo_Args (source, args, event)
    AFB:notice(source, "LUA OnCall Echo Args count=%d args=%s event=%s", count, args, event)

    print ("--inlua-- source=", Dump_Table(source))
    print ("--inlua-- args=", Dump_Table(args))
    print ("--inlua-- event=", Dump_Table(event))

local function Test_Async_CB (request, result, context)

   AFB:notice (source, "Test_Async_CB result=%s context=%s", result, context)
   AFB:success (request, response)

function _Test_Call_Async (request, args)
   local context={

   AFB:notice (source, "Test_Call_Async args=%s cb=Test_Async_CB", args)
   AFB:service(source, "monitor","ping", "Test_Async_CB", context)

function _Simple_Monitor_Call (request, args)

    AFB:notice (source, "_Simple_Server_Call args=%s", args)
    local err, result= AFB:servsync (source, "monitor","get", args)
    if (err) then
        AFB:fail (source, "AFB:service_call_sync fail");
        AFB:success(source, request, result["response"])
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterAdd gitlab issue/merge request templatesJan-Simon Moeller4 months
quillbackAdd gitreview file for Quirky Quillback branchJan-Simon Moeller4 months
pikeAdd gitreview file for Prickly Pike branchJan-Simon Moeller10 months
octopusAdd gitreview file for Optimistic Octopus branchJan-Simon Moeller16 months
needlefishAdd gitreview file for Nifty Needlefish branchJan-Simon Moeller22 months
marlinAdd gitreview file for Magic Marlin branchJan-Simon Moeller2 years
lampreyAdd gitreview file for Lucky Lamprey branchJan-Simon Möller3 years
koiRemove packaging folderQiu Tingting3 years
jellyfishAdd gitreview file for jellyfish branchJan-Simon Möller @media only all and (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { .highlight .hll { background-color: #49483e } .highlight .c { color: #75715e } /* Comment */ .highlight .err { color: #960050; background-color: #1e0010 } /* Error */ .highlight .k { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword */ .highlight .l { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal */ .highlight .n { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name */ .highlight .o { color: #f92672 } /* Operator */ .highlight .p { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Punctuation */ .highlight .ch { color: #75715e } /* Comment.Hashbang */ .highlight .cm { color: #75715e } /* Comment.Multiline */ .highlight .cp { color: #75715e } /* Comment.Preproc */ .highlight .cpf { color: #75715e } /* Comment.PreprocFile */ .highlight .c1 { color: #75715e } /* Comment.Single */ .highlight .cs { color: #75715e } /* Comment.Special */ .highlight .gd { color: #f92672 } /* Generic.Deleted */ .highlight .ge { font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */ .highlight .gi { color: #a6e22e } /* Generic.Inserted */ .highlight .gs { font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */ .highlight .gu { color: #75715e } /* Generic.Subheading */ .highlight .kc { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword.Constant */ .highlight .kd { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword.Declaration */ .highlight .kn { color: #f92672 } /* Keyword.Namespace */ .highlight .kp { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword.Pseudo */ .highlight .kr { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword.Reserved */ .highlight .kt { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword.Type */ .highlight .ld { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.Date */ .highlight .m { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number */ .highlight .s { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String */ .highlight .na { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Attribute */ .highlight .nb { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Builtin */ .highlight .nc { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Class */ .highlight .no { color: #66d9ef } /* Name.Constant */ .highlight .nd { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Decorator */ .highlight .ni { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Entity */ .highlight .ne { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Exception */ .highlight .nf { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Function */ .highlight .nl { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Label */ .highlight .nn { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Namespace */ .highlight .nx { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Other */ .highlight .py { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Property */ .highlight .nt { color: #f92672 } /* Name.Tag */ .highlight .nv { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable */ .highlight .ow { color: #f92672 } /* Operator.Word */ .highlight .w { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Text.Whitespace */ .highlight .mb { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Bin */ .highlight .mf { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Float */ .highlight .mh { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ .highlight .mi { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ .highlight .mo { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ .highlight .sa { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ .highlight .sb { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ .highlight .sc { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Char */ .highlight .dl { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ .highlight .sd { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Doc */ .highlight .s2 { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Double */ .highlight .se { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.String.Escape */ .highlight .sh { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ .highlight .si { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ .highlight .sx { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Other */ .highlight .sr { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Regex */ .highlight .s1 { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Single */ .highlight .ss { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ .highlight .bp { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ .highlight .fm { color: #a6e2
12.1.20commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller5 weeks
lamprey/12.1.20commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller5 weeks
lamprey_12.1.20commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller5 weeks
12.1.19commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller7 weeks
lamprey/12.1.19commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller7 weeks
lamprey_12.1.19commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller7 weeks
17.90.0commit 99f40034e1...Jan-Simon Moeller4 months
ricefish/17.90.0commit 99f40034e1...Jan-Simon Moeller4 months
commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller12 months
12.1.11commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller14 months
lamprey/12.1.11commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller14 months
lamprey_12.1.11commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller14 months
12.1.10commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller15 months
lamprey/12.1.10commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller15 months
lamprey_12.1.10commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller15 months
12.1.9commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller16 months
lamprey/12.1.9commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller16 months
lamprey_12.1.9commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller16 months
12.1.8commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller18 months
lamprey/12.1.8commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller18 months
lamprey_12.1.8commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller18 months
12.1.7commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller19 months
lamprey/12.1.7commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller19 months
lamprey_12.1.7commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller19 months
12.1.6commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller21 months
lamprey/12.1.6commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller21 months
lamprey_12.1.6commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller21 months
12.1.5commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller22 months
lamprey/12.1.5commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller22 months
lamprey_12.1.5commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller22 months
13.93.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Moeller22 months
needlefish/13.93.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Moeller22 months
needlefish_13.93.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Moeller22 months
12.1.4commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller24 months
lamprey/12.1.4commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller24 months
lamprey_12.1.4commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller24 months
13.0.1commit eb506db60f...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
marlin/13.0.1commit eb506db60f...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
marlin_13.0.1commit eb506db60f...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
12.1.3commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
lamprey/12.1.3commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
lamprey_12.1.3commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
12.1.2commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
lamprey/12.1.2commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
lamprey_12.1.2commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
13.0.0commit eb506db60f...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
marlin/13.0.0commit eb506db60f...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
marlin_13.0.0commit eb506db60f...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
12.93.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
marlin/12.93.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
marlin_12.93.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
12.1.1commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
lamprey/12.1.1commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
lamprey_12.1.1commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
12.92.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
marlin/12.92.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
marlin_12.92.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
12.91.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
marlin/12.91.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
marlin_12.91.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
11.0.5commit cef52ec332...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
koi/11.0.5commit cef52ec332...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
koi_11.0.5commit cef52ec332...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years
12.1.0commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years
lamprey/12.1.0commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years
lamprey_12.1.0commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years
12.90.1commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
marlin/12.90.1commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
marlin_12.90.1commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
12.0.1commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
lamprey/12.0.1commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
lamprey_12.0.1commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
11.0.4commit cef52ec332...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
koi/11.0.4commit cef52ec332...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
koi_11.0.4commit cef52ec332...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
11.0.3commit cef52ec332...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years
koi/11.0.3commit cef52ec332...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years
koi_11.0.3commit cef52ec332...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years
12.0.0commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
lamprey/12.0.0commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
lamprey_12.0.0commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
12.90.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
marlin/12.90.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
marlin_12.90.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
11.93.0commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
lamprey/11.93.0commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
lamprey_11.93.0commit 12fb6b8cbb...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
11.92.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
lamprey/11.92.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
lamprey_11.92.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
11.0.2commit cef52ec332...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years
koi/11.0.2commit cef52ec332...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years
koi_11.0.2commit cef52ec332...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years
11.91.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
lamprey/11.91.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
lamprey_11.91.0commit 3c8980219c...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
10.0.3commit 6fa91d78a9...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years
jellyfish/10.0.3commit 6fa91d78a9...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years
jellyfish_10.0.3commit 6fa91d78a9...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years
11.0.1commit cef52ec332...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
koi/11.0.1commit cef52ec332...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
koi_11.0.1commit cef52ec332...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
10.0.2commit 6fa91d78a9...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
jellyfish/10.0.2commit 6fa91d78a9...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
jellyfish_10.0.2commit 6fa91d78a9...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
11.0.0commit a4b7c4220b...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
koi/11.0.0commit a4b7c4220b...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
koi_11.0.0commit a4b7c4220b...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
10.93.1commit a4b7c4220b...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
koi/10.93.1commit a4b7c4220b...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
koi_10.93.1commit a4b7c4220b...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
10.93.0commit e11aa91d82...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
koi/10.93.0commit e11aa91d82...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
koi_10.93.0commit e11aa91d82...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
10.92.0commit e11aa91d82...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
koi/10.92.0commit e11aa91d82...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
koi_10.92.0commit e11aa91d82...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
10.91.0commit e11aa91d82...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
koi/10.91.0commit e11aa91d82...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
koi_10.91.0commit e11aa91d82...Jan-Simon Möller3 years
9.0.4commit cc0f0491cc...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
icefish/9.0.4commit cc0f0491cc...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
icefish_9.0.4commit cc0f0491cc...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
10.0.1commit 6fa91d78a9...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
jellyfish/10.0.1commit 6fa91d78a9...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
jellyfish_10.0.1commit 6fa91d78a9...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
10.0.0commit 6fa91d78a9...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
jellyfish/10.0.0commit 6fa91d78a9...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
jellyfish_10.0.0commit 6fa91d78a9...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
9.99.4commit e11aa91d82...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
jellyfish/9.99.4commit e11aa91d82...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
jellyfish_9.99.4commit e11aa91d82...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
9.99.3commit e11aa91d82...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
jellyfish/9.99.3commit e11aa91d82...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
jellyfish_9.99.3commit e11aa91d82...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
9.0.3commit cc0f0491cc...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
icefish/9.0.3commit cc0f0491cc...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
icefish_9.0.3commit cc0f0491cc...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
9.99.2commit e11aa91d82...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
jellyfish/9.99.2commit e11aa91d82...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
jellyfish_9.99.2commit e11aa91d82...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
9.99.1commit 090cf2ffc9...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
jellyfish/9.99.1commit 090cf2ffc9...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
jellyfish_9.99.1commit 090cf2ffc9...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
9.0.2commit cc0f0491cc...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
icefish/9.0.2commit cc0f0491cc...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
icefish_9.0.2commit cc0f0491cc...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
9.0.1commit cc0f0491cc...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
icefish/9.0.1commit cc0f0491cc...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
icefish_9.0.1commit cc0f0491cc...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
8.0.6commit a0f6ef1b75...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
halibut/8.0.6commit a0f6ef1b75...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
halibut_8.0.6commit a0f6ef1b75...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
9.0.0commit cc0f0491cc...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
icefish/9.0.0commit cc0f0491cc...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
icefish_9.0.0commit cc0f0491cc...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
8.99.5commit ba56dfd20e...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
icefish/8.99.5commit ba56dfd20e...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
icefish_8.99.5commit ba56dfd20e...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
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halibut/8.0.5commit a0f6ef1b75...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
halibut_8.0.5commit a0f6ef1b75...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
8.99.4commit ba56dfd20e...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
icefish/8.99.4commit ba56dfd20e...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
icefish_8.99.4commit ba56dfd20e...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
8.0.4commit a0f6ef1b75...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
halibut/8.0.4commit a0f6ef1b75...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
halibut_8.0.4commit a0f6ef1b75...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
8.99.3commit ba56dfd20e...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
icefish/8.99.3commit ba56dfd20e...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
icefish_8.99.3commit ba56dfd20e...Jan-Simon Möller4 years
8.99.2commit ba56dfd20e...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
icefish/8.99.2commit ba56dfd20e...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
icefish_8.99.2commit ba56dfd20e...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
8.99.1commit ba56dfd20e...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
icefish/8.99.1commit ba56dfd20e...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
icefish_8.99.1commit ba56dfd20e...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
8.0.3commit a0f6ef1b75...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
halibut/8.0.3commit a0f6ef1b75...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
halibut_8.0.3commit a0f6ef1b75...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
8.0.2commit a0f6ef1b75...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
halibut/8.0.2commit a0f6ef1b75...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
halibut_8.0.2commit a0f6ef1b75...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
7.0.4commit d8b1f3c6f8...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
guppy/7.0.4commit d8b1f3c6f8...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
guppy_7.0.4commit d8b1f3c6f8...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
8.0.1commit 9a76b2da81...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
halibut/8.0.1commit 9a76b2da81...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
halibut_8.0.1commit 9a76b2da81...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
8.0.0commit 83543cbdc8...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
halibut/8.0.0commit 83543cbdc8...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
halibut_8.0.0commit 83543cbdc8...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
7.99.3commit 83543cbdc8...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
halibut/7.99.3commit 83543cbdc8...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
halibut_7.99.3commit 83543cbdc8...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
7.99.2commit b79d0efc90...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
halibut/7.99.2commit b79d0efc90...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
halibut_7.99.2commit b79d0efc90...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
7.0.3commit d8b1f3c6f8...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
guppy/7.0.3commit d8b1f3c6f8...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
guppy_7.0.3commit d8b1f3c6f8...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
7.99.1commit b316721a35...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
halibut/7.99.1commit b316721a35...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
halibut_7.99.1commit b316721a35...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
7.0.2commit d8b1f3c6f8...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
guppy/7.0.2commit d8b1f3c6f8...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
guppy_7.0.2commit d8b1f3c6f8...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
7.0.1commit d8b1f3c6f8...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
guppy/7.0.1commit d8b1f3c6f8...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
guppy_7.0.1commit d8b1f3c6f8...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
6.0.5commit d2b13f1d78...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
flounder/6.0.5commit d2b13f1d78...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
flounder_6.0.5commit d2b13f1d78...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
7.0.0commit 68d70544de...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
guppy/7.0.0commit 68d70544de...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
guppy_7.0.0commit 68d70544de...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
7.90.0commit 0a52e99200...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
halibut/7.90.0commit 0a52e99200...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
halibut_7.90.0commit 0a52e99200...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
6.99.5commit 68d70544de...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
guppy/6.99.5commit 68d70544de...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
guppy_6.99.5commit 68d70544de...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
6.0.4commit 27a69f7668...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
flounder/6.0.4commit 27a69f7668...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
flounder_6.0.4commit 27a69f7668...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
6.99.4commit ca306f8e7d...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
guppy/6.99.4commit ca306f8e7d...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
guppy_6.99.4commit ca306f8e7d...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
6.99.3commit ca306f8e7d...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
guppy/6.99.3commit ca306f8e7d...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
guppy_6.99.3commit ca306f8e7d...Jan-Simon Möller5 years
6.0.3commit 27a69f7668...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
flounder/6.0.3commit 27a69f7668...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
flounder_6.0.3commit 27a69f7668...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
6.99.2commit ca306f8e7d...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
guppy/6.99.2commit ca306f8e7d...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
guppy_6.99.2commit ca306f8e7d...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
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guppy/6.99.1commit 41a8a88b4c...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
guppy_6.99.1commit 41a8a88b4c...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
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flounder_6.0.2commit 80d94573cf...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
6.0.1commit 80d94573cf...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
flounder/6.0.1commit 80d94573cf...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
flounder_6.0.1commit 80d94573cf...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
6.90.0commit 1b2eb59959...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
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guppy_6.90.0commit 1b2eb59959...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
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flounder_6.0.0commit 80d94573cf...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
5.99.7commit 80d94573cf...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
flounder/5.99.7commit 80d94573cf...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
flounder_5.99.7commit 80d94573cf...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
5.99.6commit 1b2eb59959...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
flounder/5.99.6commit 1b2eb59959...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
flounder_5.99.6commit 1b2eb59959...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
5.99.5commit 1b2eb59959...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
flounder/5.99.5commit 1b2eb59959...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
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5.99.4commit 1b2eb59959...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
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5.99.3commit 1b2eb59959...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
flounder/5.99.3commit 1b2eb59959...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
flounder_5.99.3commit 1b2eb59959...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
5.99.2commit 9ae3b962ce...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
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flounder_5.99.2commit 9ae3b962ce...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
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5.0.2commit 3285a51b4d...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
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5.0.1commit 3285a51b4d...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
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eel_5.0.1commit 3285a51b4d...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
5.0.0commit 3285a51b4d...Jan-Simon Möller6 years
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eel_4.99.3commit a4e2909dad...Jan-Simon Möller7 years