path: root/htdocs/binding.js
diff options
authorNaveen Bobbili <>2019-02-25 21:00:09 -0800
committerNaveen Bobbili <>2019-02-25 21:06:18 -0800
commit533f49cc00b0846c4f2ebd763b86b917f5023cdc (patch)
tree0950a62bc5c75c24712fefb8532ff82a23f1b947 /htdocs/binding.js
parent800ec166dd48283fd7f3035685e6b6a73091552d (diff)
This API is responsible for brokering capbilities related messages from voiceagents to apps and vice versa. Verbs exposed are navigation/publish navigation/subscribe phonecontrol/publish phonecontrol/subscribe playbackcontroller/publish playbackcontroller/subscribe guiMetadata/publish guiMetadata/subscribe This API exposes publish and subscribe methods for all the speech framework domains/capabilities. For eg. navigation, phonecontrol etc. This API is used by apps and low level voice agent binding to subscribe and publish these capability messages whenever applicable. This specific commit is for vshl-capabilities API. Change-Id: I822c2e8589e39574d707a7c199bea91a686dced7 Signed-off-by: Naveen Bobbili <>
Diffstat (limited to 'htdocs/binding.js')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/htdocs/binding.js b/htdocs/binding.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9de9608
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htdocs/binding.js
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+var afbVshlCapabilities;
+var ws;
+var evtIdx = 0;
+var count = 0;
+// Logger
+var log = {
+ command: function (url, api, verb, query) {
+ console.log("subscribe api=" + api + " verb=" + verb + " query=", query);
+ var question = url + "/" + api + "/" + verb + "?query=" + JSON.stringify(query);
+ log._write("question", count + ": " + log.syntaxHighlight(question));
+ },
+ event: function (obj) {
+ console.log("gotevent:" + JSON.stringify(obj));
+ log._write("outevt", (evtIdx++) + ": " + JSON.stringify(obj));
+ },
+ reply: function (obj) {
+ console.log("replyok:" + JSON.stringify(obj));
+ log._write("output", count + ": OK: " + log.syntaxHighlight(obj));
+ },
+ error: function (obj) {
+ console.log("replyerr:" + JSON.stringify(obj));
+ log._write("output", count + ": ERROR: " + log.syntaxHighlight(obj));
+ },
+ _write: function (element, msg) {
+ var el = document.getElementById(element);
+ el.innerHTML += msg + '\n';
+ // auto scroll down
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ el.scrollTop = el.scrollHeight;
+ }, 100);
+ },
+ syntaxHighlight: function (json) {
+ if (typeof json !== 'string') {
+ json = JSON.stringify(json, undefined, 2);
+ }
+ json = json.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
+ return json.replace(/("(\\u[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}|\\[^u]|[^\\"])*"(\s*:)?|\b(true|false|null)\b|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?)/g, function (match) {
+ var cls = 'number';
+ if (/^"/.test(match)) {
+ if (/:$/.test(match)) {
+ cls = 'key';
+ } else {
+ cls = 'string';
+ }
+ } else if (/true|false/.test(match)) {
+ cls = 'boolean';
+ } else if (/null/.test(match)) {
+ cls = 'null';
+ }
+ return '<span class="' + cls + '">' + match + '</span>';
+ });
+ },
+// Generic function to call binder
+function callbinder(url, api, verb, query) {
+ log.command(url, api, verb, query);
+ // return a Promise
+ return + '/' + verb, query)
+ .then(function (res) {
+ log.reply(res);
+ count++;
+ return res;
+ })
+ .catch(function (err) {
+ log.reply(err);
+ count++;
+ throw err;
+ });
+// connect - establish Websocket connection
+function connect(elemID, api, verb, query) {
+ connectVshlCapabilities(elemID, api, verb, query);
+var lastCallId;
+function onCapabilityEvent(eventDataObj) {
+ log.event(eventDataObj);
+ if (eventDataObj.event == "vshl-capabilities/dial") {
+ lastCallId = JSON.parse(;
+ console.log("New Dial Directive received. Sending ringing state back");
+ // send ringing state back.
+ triggerCallStateChangedAction("OUTBOUND_RINGING");
+ }
+function triggerPhoneConnectionStateChanged(newState) {
+ var paramsJson = {
+ "action" : "connection_state_changed",
+ "payload": {
+ "state" : newState
+ }
+ }
+ callbinder(afbVshlCapabilities.url, 'vshl-capabilities', 'phonecontrol/publish', paramsJson);
+function triggerCallStateChangedAction(newCallstate) {
+ var query = {
+ "action": "call_state_changed",
+ "payload": {
+ "callId": lastCallId,
+ "state": newCallstate
+ }
+ }
+ callbinder(afbVshlCapabilities.url, 'vshl-capabilities', 'phonecontrol/publish', query);
+function guid() {
+ function s4() {
+ return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000)
+ .toString(16)
+ .substring(1);
+ }
+ return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4();
+function triggerCallStateInBoundRingingAction() {
+ var callId = guid();
+ var state = "INBOUND_RINGING";
+ var query = {
+ "action": "call_state_changed",
+ "payload": {
+ "callId": callId,
+ "state": state
+ }
+ }
+ callbinder(afbVshlCapabilities.url, 'vshl-capabilities', 'phonecontrol/publish', query);
+function connectVshlCapabilities(elemID, api, verb, query) {
+ function onopen() {
+ document.getElementById("main").style.visibility = "visible";
+ document.getElementById("connected").innerHTML = "VSHL Capabilities Binder WS Active";
+ document.getElementById("connected").style.background = "lightgreen";
+ ws.onevent("*", onCapabilityEvent);
+ }
+ function onabort() {
+ document.getElementById("main").style.visibility = "hidden";
+ document.getElementById("connected").innerHTML = "Connected Closed";
+ document.getElementById("connected").style.background = "red";
+ }
+ var urlparams = {
+ base: "api",
+ token: "HELLO",
+ };
+ const vshlCapabilitiesAddressInput = document.getElementById('vshl-capabilities-address');
+ = vshlCapabilitiesAddressInput.value;
+ afbVshlCapabilities = new AFB(urlparams, "HELLO");
+ ws = new, onabort);
+function clearPre(preId) {
+ const pre = document.getElementById(preId);
+ while (pre && pre.firstChild) {
+ pre.removeChild(pre.firstChild);
+ }
+function showTemplateUIEventChooserDialog() {
+ const modal = document.getElementById('templateui-event-chooser');
+ const subscribeBtn = document.getElementById('templateui-subscribe-btn');
+ subscribeBtn.addEventListener('click', (evt) => {
+ const renderTemplate = document.getElementById('render_template').checked;
+ const clearTemplate = document.getElementById('clear_template').checked;
+ const renderPlayerInfo = document.getElementById('render_player_info').checked;
+ const clearPlayerInfo = document.getElementById('clear_player_info').checked;
+ const query = {"actions":[]};
+ if (renderTemplate)
+ query.actions.push('render_template');
+ if (clearTemplate)
+ query.actions.push('clear_template');
+ if (renderPlayerInfo)
+ query.actions.push('render_player_info');
+ if (clearPlayerInfo)
+ query.actions.push('clear_player_info');
+ callbinder(afbVshlCapabilities.url, 'vshl-capabilities', 'guiMetadata/subscribe', query);
+ modal.close();
+ });
+ // makes modal appear (adds `open` attribute)
+ modal.showModal();
+function showPhoneControlEventChooserDialog() {
+ const modal = document.getElementById('phonecontrol-event-chooser');
+ const subscribeBtn = document.getElementById('phonecontrol-subscribe-btn');
+ subscribeBtn.addEventListener('click', (evt) => {
+ const dial = document.getElementById('phonecontrol-dial').checked;
+ const redial = document.getElementById('phonecontrol-redial').checked;
+ const answer = document.getElementById('phonecontrol-answer').checked;
+ const stop = document.getElementById('phonecontrol-stop').checked;
+ const sendDtmf = document.getElementById('phonecontrol-send_dtmf').checked;
+ const query = {"actions":[]};
+ if (dial)
+ query.actions.push('dial');
+ if (redial)
+ query.actions.push('redial');
+ if (answer)
+ query.actions.push('answer');
+ if (stop)
+ query.actions.push('stop');
+ if (sendDtmf)
+ query.actions.push('send_dtmf');
+ callbinder(afbVshlCapabilities.url, 'vshl-capabilities', 'phonecontrol/subscribe', query);
+ modal.close();
+ });
+ // makes modal appear (adds `open` attribute)
+ modal.showModal();
+function showNavigationEventCHooserDialod() {
+ const modal = document.getElementById('navigation-event-chooser');
+ const subscribeBtn = document.getElementById('navigation-subscribe-btn');
+ subscribeBtn.addEventListener('click', (evt) => {
+ const setDestination = document.getElementById('set_destination').checked;
+ const cancelNavigation = document.getElementById('cancel_navigation').checked;
+ const query = {"actions":[]};
+ if (setDestination)
+ query.actions.push('set_destination');
+ if (cancelNavigation)
+ query.actions.push('cancel_navigation');
+ callbinder(afbVshlCapabilities.url, 'vshl-capabilities', 'navigation/subscribe', query);
+ modal.close();
+ });
+ // makes modal appear (adds `open` attribute)
+ modal.showModal();
+function triggerButtonPressedAction(button) {
+ var paramsJson = {
+ "action" : "button_pressed",
+ "payload": {
+ "button" : button
+ }
+ }
+ callbinder(afbVshlCapabilities.url, 'vshl-capabilities', 'playbackcontroller/publish', paramsJson);
+} \ No newline at end of file