path: root/agl_service_voiceagent/servicers/voice_agent_servicer.py
diff options
authorMalik Talha <talhamalik727x@gmail.com>2023-09-14 22:41:26 +0500
committerMalik Talha <talhamalik727x@gmail.com>2023-09-25 00:40:38 +0500
commita10c988b5480ca5b937a2793b450cfa01f569d76 (patch)
tree23c032557a36afd671c7b7db9d6dd843253ae835 /agl_service_voiceagent/servicers/voice_agent_servicer.py
parent3e300cdc7fff19e5f338b282266444061f74506e (diff)
Add gRPC-based voice agent service for AGL
Introducing a gRPC-based voice agent service for Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) that leverages GStreamer, Vosk, Snips, and RASA. It seamlessly processes user voice commands, converting spoken words to text, extracting intents, and performing actions via the Kuksa interface (WIP). Bug-AGL: SPEC-4906 Signed-off-by: Malik Talha <talhamalik727x@gmail.com> Change-Id: I47e61c66149c67bb97fecc745e4c3afd79f447a5
Diffstat (limited to 'agl_service_voiceagent/servicers/voice_agent_servicer.py')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/agl_service_voiceagent/servicers/voice_agent_servicer.py b/agl_service_voiceagent/servicers/voice_agent_servicer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4038b85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/agl_service_voiceagent/servicers/voice_agent_servicer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Malik Talha
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import grpc
+import time
+import threading
+from generated import voice_agent_pb2
+from generated import voice_agent_pb2_grpc
+from agl_service_voiceagent.utils.audio_recorder import AudioRecorder
+from agl_service_voiceagent.utils.wake_word import WakeWordDetector
+from agl_service_voiceagent.utils.stt_model import STTModel
+from agl_service_voiceagent.utils.config import get_config_value
+from agl_service_voiceagent.nlu.snips_interface import SnipsInterface
+from agl_service_voiceagent.nlu.rasa_interface import RASAInterface
+from agl_service_voiceagent.utils.common import generate_unique_uuid, delete_file
+class VoiceAgentServicer(voice_agent_pb2_grpc.VoiceAgentServiceServicer):
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Get the config values
+ self.service_version = get_config_value('SERVICE_VERSION')
+ self.wake_word = get_config_value('WAKE_WORD')
+ self.base_audio_dir = get_config_value('BASE_AUDIO_DIR')
+ self.channels = int(get_config_value('CHANNELS'))
+ self.sample_rate = int(get_config_value('SAMPLE_RATE'))
+ self.bits_per_sample = int(get_config_value('BITS_PER_SAMPLE'))
+ self.stt_model_path = get_config_value('STT_MODEL_PATH')
+ self.snips_model_path = get_config_value('SNIPS_MODEL_PATH')
+ self.rasa_model_path = get_config_value('RASA_MODEL_PATH')
+ self.rasa_server_port = int(get_config_value('RASA_SERVER_PORT'))
+ self.base_log_dir = get_config_value('BASE_LOG_DIR')
+ self.store_voice_command = bool(int(get_config_value('STORE_VOICE_COMMANDS')))
+ # Initialize class methods
+ self.stt_model = STTModel(self.stt_model_path, self.sample_rate)
+ self.snips_interface = SnipsInterface(self.snips_model_path)
+ self.rasa_interface = RASAInterface(self.rasa_server_port, self.rasa_model_path, self.base_log_dir)
+ self.rasa_interface.start_server()
+ self.rvc_stream_uuids = {}
+ def CheckServiceStatus(self, request, context):
+ response = voice_agent_pb2.ServiceStatus(
+ version=self.service_version,
+ status=True
+ )
+ return response
+ def DetectWakeWord(self, request, context):
+ wake_word_detector = WakeWordDetector(self.wake_word, self.stt_model, self.channels, self.sample_rate, self.bits_per_sample)
+ wake_word_detector.create_pipeline()
+ detection_thread = threading.Thread(target=wake_word_detector.start_listening)
+ detection_thread.start()
+ while True:
+ status = wake_word_detector.get_wake_word_status()
+ time.sleep(1)
+ if not context.is_active():
+ wake_word_detector.send_eos()
+ break
+ yield voice_agent_pb2.WakeWordStatus(status=status)
+ if status:
+ break
+ detection_thread.join()
+ def RecognizeVoiceCommand(self, requests, context):
+ stt = ""
+ intent = ""
+ intent_slots = []
+ for request in requests:
+ if request.record_mode == voice_agent_pb2.MANUAL:
+ if request.action == voice_agent_pb2.START:
+ status = voice_agent_pb2.REC_PROCESSING
+ stream_uuid = generate_unique_uuid(8)
+ recorder = AudioRecorder(self.stt_model, self.base_audio_dir, self.channels, self.sample_rate, self.bits_per_sample)
+ recorder.set_pipeline_mode("manual")
+ audio_file = recorder.create_pipeline()
+ self.rvc_stream_uuids[stream_uuid] = {
+ "recorder": recorder,
+ "audio_file": audio_file
+ }
+ recorder.start_recording()
+ elif request.action == voice_agent_pb2.STOP:
+ stream_uuid = request.stream_id
+ status = voice_agent_pb2.REC_SUCCESS
+ recorder = self.rvc_stream_uuids[stream_uuid]["recorder"]
+ audio_file = self.rvc_stream_uuids[stream_uuid]["audio_file"]
+ del self.rvc_stream_uuids[stream_uuid]
+ recorder.stop_recording()
+ recognizer_uuid = self.stt_model.setup_recognizer()
+ stt = self.stt_model.recognize_from_file(recognizer_uuid, audio_file)
+ if request.nlu_model == voice_agent_pb2.SNIPS:
+ extracted_intent = self.snips_interface.extract_intent(stt)
+ intent, intent_actions = self.snips_interface.process_intent(extracted_intent)
+ if not intent or intent == "":
+ status = voice_agent_pb2.INTENT_NOT_RECOGNIZED
+ for action, value in intent_actions.items():
+ intent_slots.append(voice_agent_pb2.IntentSlot(name=action, value=value))
+ elif request.nlu_model == voice_agent_pb2.RASA:
+ extracted_intent = self.rasa_interface.extract_intent(stt)
+ intent, intent_actions = self.rasa_interface.process_intent(extracted_intent)
+ if not intent or intent == "":
+ status = voice_agent_pb2.INTENT_NOT_RECOGNIZED
+ for action, value in intent_actions.items():
+ intent_slots.append(voice_agent_pb2.IntentSlot(name=action, value=value))
+ else:
+ stt = ""
+ status = voice_agent_pb2.VOICE_NOT_RECOGNIZED
+ # cleanup the kaldi recognizer
+ self.stt_model.cleanup_recognizer(recognizer_uuid)
+ # delete the audio file
+ if not self.store_voice_command:
+ delete_file(audio_file)
+ # Process the request and generate a RecognizeResult
+ response = voice_agent_pb2.RecognizeResult(
+ command=stt,
+ intent=intent,
+ intent_slots=intent_slots,
+ stream_id=stream_uuid,
+ status=status
+ )
+ return response