diff options
authorKazumasa Mitsunari <knimitz@witz-inc.co.jp>2018-09-12 14:05:08 +0900
committerKazumasa Mitsunari <knimitz@witz-inc.co.jp>2018-09-12 14:05:08 +0900
commit03a040ad80c40cca33b0dc21e50bddf7d72689c1 (patch)
parent9f619f18ff68f2e75aa2ec0cdd7c289ff4ab75b7 (diff)
Remove wayland part from Window Manager [1/2]
Change-Id: Icc3c0d3460ee88620e4c2f910536d66928085cbb Signed-off-by: Kazumasa Mitsunari <knimitz@witz-inc.co.jp>
3 files changed, 14 insertions, 576 deletions
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index 6b4fef6..6238ddc 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -520,19 +520,10 @@ void windowmanager_ping(afb_req req) noexcept
afb_req_fail(req, "failed", "Binding not initialized, did the compositor die?");
- try
+ else
- g_afb_instance->wmgr.api_ping();
afb_req_success(req, NULL, "success");
- catch (std::exception &e)
- {
- afb_req_fail_f(req, "failed", "Uncaught exception while calling ping: %s", e.what());
- return;
- }
void windowmanager_debug_status(afb_req req) noexcept
diff --git a/src/window_manager.cpp b/src/window_manager.cpp
index e4083d5..2a50e76 100644
--- a/src/window_manager.cpp
+++ b/src/window_manager.cpp
@@ -63,39 +63,6 @@ static WindowManager *g_context;
-// using nlohmann::json;
-/* result<json> file_to_json(char const *filename)
- json j;
- std::ifstream i(filename);
- if (i.fail())
- {
- HMI_DEBUG("Could not open config file, so use default layer information");
- j = default_layers_json;
- }
- else
- {
- i >> j;
- }
- return Ok(j);
-struct result<layer_map> load_layer_map(char const *filename)
- HMI_DEBUG("loading IDs from %s", filename);
- auto j = file_to_json(filename);
- if (j.is_err())
- {
- return Err<layer_map>(j.unwrap_err());
- }
- json jids = j.unwrap();
- return to_layer_map(jids);
-} */
static int processTimerHandler(sd_event_source *s, uint64_t usec, void *userdata)
HMI_NOTICE("Time out occurs because the client replys endDraw slow, so revert the request");
@@ -118,8 +85,7 @@ static void onError()
* WindowManager Impl
- : chooks{this},
- id_alloc{}
+ : id_alloc{}
const char *path = getenv("AFM_APP_INSTALL_DIR");
if (!path)
@@ -131,40 +97,10 @@ WindowManager::WindowManager()
this->lc = std::make_shared<LayerControl>(root);
HMI_DEBUG("Layer Controller initialized");
-/* try
- {
- {
- auto l = load_layer_map(path.c_str());
- if (l.is_ok())
- {
- this->layers = l.unwrap();
- }
- else
- {
- HMI_ERROR("%s", l.err().value());
- }
- }
- }
- catch (std::exception &e)
- {
- HMI_ERROR("Loading of configuration failed: %s", e.what());
- } */
int WindowManager::init()
- /* if (!this->display->ok())
- {
- return -1;
- }
- if (this->layers.mapping.empty())
- {
- HMI_ERROR("No surface -> layer mapping loaded");
- return -1;
- } */
// TODO: application requests by old role,
// so create role map (old, new)
// Load old_role.db
@@ -206,57 +142,9 @@ int WindowManager::init()
double scale = static_cast<double>(dp_bg.height()) / css_bg.h;
this->lc->setupArea(dp_bg, scale);
- /* this->display->add_global_handler(
- "wl_output", [this](wl_registry *r, uint32_t name, uint32_t v) {
- this->outputs.emplace_back(std::make_unique<wl::output>(r, name, v));
- });
- this->display->add_global_handler(
- "ivi_wm", [this](wl_registry *r, uint32_t name, uint32_t v) {
- this->controller =
- std::make_unique<struct compositor::controller>(r, name, v);
- // Init controller hooks
- this->controller->chooks = &this->chooks;
- // This protocol needs the output, so lets just add our mapping here...
- this->controller->add_proxy_to_id_mapping(
- this->outputs.front()->proxy.get(),
- wl_proxy_get_id(reinterpret_cast<struct wl_proxy *>(
- this->outputs.front()->proxy.get())));
- // Create screen
- this->controller->create_screen(this->outputs.front()->proxy.get());
- // Set display to controller
- this->controller->display = this->display;
- });
- // First level objects
- this->display->roundtrip();
- // Second level objects
- this->display->roundtrip();
- // Third level objects
- this->display->roundtrip(); */
return 0; //init_layers();
-/* int WindowManager::dispatch_pending_events()
- if (this->pop_pending_events())
- {
- this->display->dispatch_pending();
- return 0;
- }
- return -1;
-void WindowManager::set_pending_events()
- this->pending_events.store(true, std::memory_order_release);
-} */
result<int> WindowManager::api_request_surface(char const *appid, char const *drawing_name)
// TODO: application requests by old role,
@@ -273,9 +161,8 @@ result<int> WindowManager::api_request_surface(char const *appid, char const *dr
if (l_id == 0)
- * register drawing_name as fallback and make it displayed.
- */
- // lid = this->layers.get_layer_id(string("fallback"));
+ * register drawing_name as fallback and make it displayed.
+ */
l_id = this->lc->getNewLayerID("fallback", &l_name);
HMI_DEBUG("%s is not registered in layers.json, then fallback as normal app", role);
if (l_id == 0)
@@ -297,29 +184,6 @@ result<int> WindowManager::api_request_surface(char const *appid, char const *dr
auto id = int(this->id_alloc.generate_id(role));
this->tmp_surface2app[id] = s_appid;
- // this->layers.add_surface(id, *lid);
- // set the main_surface[_name] here and now
- // if (!this->layers.main_surface_name.empty() &&
- // this->layers.main_surface_name == drawing_name)
- // {
- // this->layers.main_surface = id;
- // HMI_DEBUG("Set main_surface id to %u", id);
- // }
- /* if(g_app_list.contains(appid_str))
- {
- // add surface into app
- auto client = g_app_list.lookUpClient(appid_str);
- // client.addSurface(id);
- }
- else
- {
- g_app_list.addClient(appid_str, l_id, id, string(role));
- } */
// Set role map of (new, old)
this->rolenew2old[role] = string(drawing_name);
@@ -383,17 +247,6 @@ char const *WindowManager::api_request_surface(char const *appid, char const *dr
return nullptr;
- * This function is substitute of requestSurface
- * If surface creation is faster than application request of this function,
- * WM will bind surfaceID with application and role.
- * If surface creation is slower than application request of thie function,
- * WM will put Client into pending list.
- *
- * Note :
- * Application can request with pid but this is temporary solution for now.
- * This will be removed.
- * */
bool WindowManager::api_set_role(char const *appid, char const *drawing_name, unsigned pid){
string id = appid;
string role = drawing_name;
@@ -448,33 +301,16 @@ bool WindowManager::api_set_role(char const *appid, char const *drawing_name, un
// register pair drawing_name and ivi_id
this->id_alloc.register_name_id(role.c_str(), surface);
- // this->layers.add_surface(surface, *lid);
// this surface is already created
HMI_DEBUG("surface_id is %u, layer_id is %u", surface, lid);
- // const auto &o_layer = this->layers.get_layer(*lid);
- /* auto rect = o_layer.value().rect;
- if(rect.w < 0)
- {
- rect.w = this->controller->output_size.w + 1 + rect.w;
- }
- if(rect.h < 0)
- {
- rect.h = this->controller->output_size.h + 1 + rect.h;
- } */
- // this->controller->layers[*lid]->add_surface(surface);
- // this->layout_commit();
return ret;
void WindowManager::api_activate_surface(char const *appid, char const *drawing_name,
char const *drawing_area, const reply_func &reply)
- ;
// TODO: application requests by old role,
// so convert role old to new
const char *c_role = this->convertRoleOldToNew(drawing_name);
@@ -537,8 +373,6 @@ void WindowManager::api_activate_surface(char const *appid, char const *drawing_
void WindowManager::api_deactivate_surface(char const *appid, char const *drawing_name,
const reply_func &reply)
- ;
// TODO: application requests by old role,
// so convert role old to new
const char *c_role = this->convertRoleOldToNew(drawing_name);
@@ -554,8 +388,6 @@ void WindowManager::api_deactivate_surface(char const *appid, char const *drawin
WMError ret = WMError::UNKNOWN;
ret = this->setRequest(id, role, area, task, &req_num);
- //vector<WMLayerState> current_states = this->lc->getCurrentStates();
- // ret = this->setRequest(id, role, area, task, current_states, &req_num);
if (ret != WMError::SUCCESS)
@@ -633,14 +465,6 @@ void WindowManager::api_enddraw(char const *appid, char const *drawing_name)
result<json_object *> WindowManager::api_get_display_info()
- /* if (!this->display->ok())
- {
- return Err<json_object *>("Wayland compositor is not available");
- } */
- // Set display info
-/* size o_size = this->controller->output_size;
- size p_size = this->controller->physical_size; */
Screen screen = this->lc->getScreenInfo();
json_object *object = json_object_new_object();
@@ -669,17 +493,6 @@ result<json_object *> WindowManager::api_get_area_info(char const *drawing_name)
return Err<json_object *>("Surface does not exist");
- /* if (!this->controller->surface_exists(*surface_id))
- {
- return Err<json_object *>("Surface does not exist in controller!");
- } */
- /* // auto layer_id = this->layers.get_layer_id(*surface_id);
- if (!layer_id)
- {
- return Err<json_object *>("Surface is not on any layer!");
- } */
// Set area rectangle
rect area_info = this->area_info[*surface_id];
json_object *object = json_object_new_object();
@@ -691,8 +504,6 @@ result<json_object *> WindowManager::api_get_area_info(char const *drawing_name)
return Ok<json_object *>(object);
-void WindowManager::api_ping() { /* this->dispatch_pending_events(); */ }
void WindowManager::send_event(char const *evname, char const *label)
HMI_DEBUG("%s: %s(%s)", __func__, evname, label);
@@ -755,20 +566,6 @@ void WindowManager::surface_created(uint32_t surface_id)
HMI_NOTICE("Unknown surface %d", surface_id);
- /* this->controller->get_surface_properties(surface_id, IVI_WM_PARAM_SIZE);
- auto layer_id = this->layers.get_layer_id(surface_id);
- if (!layer_id)
- {
- HMI_DEBUG("Newly created surfce %d is not associated with any layer!",
- surface_id);
- return;
- }
- HMI_DEBUG("surface_id is %u, layer_id is %u", surface_id, *layer_id);
- this->controller->layers[*layer_id]->add_surface(surface_id);
- this->layout_commit(); */
void WindowManager::surface_removed(uint32_t surface_id)
@@ -779,45 +576,6 @@ void WindowManager::surface_removed(uint32_t surface_id)
-void WindowManager::surface_properties(unsigned surface_id, unsigned pid)
- HMI_DEBUG("get surface properties");
- // search pid from surfaceID
- /*json_object *response;
- afb_service_call_sync("afm-main", "runners", nullptr, &response);
- // retrieve appid from pid from application manager
- string appid = "";
- if(response == nullptr)
- {
- HMI_ERROR("No runners");
- }
- else
- {
- // check appid then add it to the client
- HMI_INFO("Runners:%s", json_object_get_string(response));
- int size = json_object_array_length(response);
- for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
- {
- json_object *j = json_object_array_get_idx(response, i);
- const char* id = jh::getStringFromJson(j, "id");
- int runid = jh::getIntFromJson(j, "runid");
- if(id && (runid > 0))
- {
- if(runid == pid)
- {
- appid = id;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- json_object_put(response);
- g_app_list.addFloatingSurface(appid, surface_id, pid);*/
void WindowManager::removeClient(const string &appid)
HMI_DEBUG("Remove clinet %s from list", appid.c_str());
@@ -943,128 +701,6 @@ void WindowManager::processError(WMError error)
******* Private Functions *******
- * init_layers()
- */
-int WindowManager::init_layers()
- /* if (!this->controller)
- {
- HMI_ERROR("ivi_controller global not available");
- return -1;
- }
- if (this->outputs.empty())
- {
- HMI_ERROR("no output was set up!");
- return -1;
- }
- auto &c = this->controller;
- auto &o = this->outputs.front();
- auto &s = c->screens.begin()->second;
- auto &layers = c->layers;
- // Write output dimensions to ivi controller...
- c->output_size = compositor::size{uint32_t(o->width), uint32_t(o->height)};
- c->physical_size = compositor::size{uint32_t(o->physical_width),
- uint32_t(o->physical_height)};
- HMI_DEBUG("SCALING: screen (%dx%d), physical (%dx%d)",
- o->width, o->height, o->physical_width, o->physical_height);
- // this->layers.loadAreaDb();
- const compositor::rect css_bg = this->layers.getAreaSize("fullscreen");
- rectangle dp_bg(o->width, o->height);
- dp_bg.set_aspect(static_cast<double>(css_bg.w) / css_bg.h);
- dp_bg.fit(o->width, o->height);
- dp_bg.center(o->width, o->height);
- HMI_DEBUG("SCALING: CSS BG(%dx%d) -> DDP %dx%d,(%dx%d)",
- css_bg.w, css_bg.h, dp_bg.left(), dp_bg.top(), dp_bg.width(), dp_bg.height());
- // Clear scene
- // layers.clear();
- // Clear screen
- // s->clear();
- // Quick and dirty setup of layers
- for (auto const &i : this->layers.mapping)
- {
- c->layer_create(i.second.layer_id, dp_bg.width(), dp_bg.height());
- auto &l = layers[i.second.layer_id];
- l->set_destination_rectangle(dp_bg.left(), dp_bg.top(), dp_bg.width(), dp_bg.height());
- l->set_visibility(1);
- HMI_DEBUG("Setting up layer %s (%d) for surface role match \"%s\"",
- i.second.name.c_str(), i.second.layer_id, i.second.role.c_str());
- }
- // Add layers to screen
- s->set_render_order(this->layers.layers);
- this->layout_commit();
- c->scale = static_cast<double>(dp_bg.height()) / css_bg.h;
- this->layers.setupArea(c->scale);
- */
- return 0;
-void WindowManager::surface_set_layout(int surface_id, const string& area)
- /* if (!this->controller->surface_exists(surface_id))
- {
- HMI_ERROR("Surface %d does not exist", surface_id);
- return;
- }
- auto o_layer_id = this->layers.get_layer_id(surface_id);
- if (!o_layer_id)
- {
- HMI_ERROR("Surface %d is not associated with any layer!", surface_id);
- return;
- }
- uint32_t layer_id = *o_layer_id;
- auto const &layer = this->layers.get_layer(layer_id);
- auto rect = this->layers.getAreaSize(area);
- HMI_SEQ_DEBUG(g_app_list.currentRequestNumber(), "%s : x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d", area.c_str(),
- rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h);
- auto &s = this->controller->surfaces[surface_id];
- int x = rect.x;
- int y = rect.y;
- int w = rect.w;
- int h = rect.h;
- HMI_DEBUG("surface_set_layout for surface %u on layer %u", surface_id,
- layer_id);
- // set destination to the display rectangle
- s->set_destination_rectangle(x, y, w, h);
- // update area information
- this->area_info[surface_id].x = x;
- this->area_info[surface_id].y = y;
- this->area_info[surface_id].w = w;
- this->area_info[surface_id].h = h;
- HMI_DEBUG("Surface %u now on layer %u with rect { %d, %d, %d, %d }",
- surface_id, layer_id, x, y, w, h); */
-void WindowManager::layout_commit()
-/* this->controller->commit_changes();
- this->display->flush(); */
void WindowManager::emit_activated(char const *label)
this->send_event(kListEventName[Event_Active], label);
@@ -1106,102 +742,22 @@ void WindowManager::emit_visible(char const *label) { return emit_visible(label,
void WindowManager::activate(int id)
- /* auto ip = this->controller->sprops.find(id);
- if (ip != this->controller->sprops.end())
- {
- this->controller->surfaces[id]->set_visibility(1);
- */
- char const *label =
- this->id_alloc.lookup(id).value_or("unknown-name").c_str();
- /* // FOR CES DEMO >>>
- if ((0 == strcmp(label, "radio")) ||
- (0 == strcmp(label, "music")) ||
- (0 == strcmp(label, "video")) ||
- (0 == strcmp(label, "map")))
- {
- for (auto i = surface_bg.begin(); i != surface_bg.end(); ++i)
- {
- if (id == *i)
- {
- // Remove id
- this->surface_bg.erase(i);
- // Remove from BG layer (999)
- HMI_DEBUG("Remove %s(%d) from BG layer", label, id);
- this->controller->layers[999]->remove_surface(id);
- // Add to FG layer (1001)
- HMI_DEBUG("Add %s(%d) to FG layer", label, id);
- this->controller->layers[1001]->add_surface(id);
- for (int j : this->surface_bg)
- {
- HMI_DEBUG("Stored id:%d", j);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // <<< FOR CES DEMO
- this->layout_commit(); */
- // TODO: application requests by old role,
- // so convert role new to old for emitting event
- const char* old_role = this->rolenew2old[label].c_str();
+ // TODO: application requests by old role,
+ // so convert role new to old for emitting event
+ /* const char* old_role = this->rolenew2old[label].c_str();
- this->emit_visible(old_role);
- this->emit_activated(old_role);
- // }
+ this->emit_visible(old_role);
+ this->emit_activated(old_role); */
void WindowManager::deactivate(int id)
- /* auto ip = this->controller->sprops.find(id);
- if (ip != this->controller->sprops.end())
- {*/
- char const *label =
- this->id_alloc.lookup(id).value_or("unknown-name").c_str();
- /*// FOR CES DEMO >>>
- if ((0 == strcmp(label, "radio")) ||
- (0 == strcmp(label, "music")) ||
- (0 == strcmp(label, "video")) ||
- (0 == strcmp(label, "map")))
- {
- // Store id
- this->surface_bg.push_back(id);
- // Remove from FG layer (1001)
- HMI_DEBUG("Remove %s(%d) from FG layer", label, id);
- this->controller->layers[1001]->remove_surface(id);
- // Add to BG layer (999)
- HMI_DEBUG("Add %s(%d) to BG layer", label, id);
- this->controller->layers[999]->add_surface(id);
- for (int j : surface_bg)
- {
- HMI_DEBUG("Stored id:%d", j);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- this->controller->surfaces[id]->set_visibility(0);
- }
- // <<< FOR CES DEMO
- this->layout_commit(); */
- // TODO: application requests by old role,
- // so convert role new to old for emitting event
- const char* old_role = this->rolenew2old[label].c_str();
+ // TODO: application requests by old role,
+ // so convert role new to old for emitting event
+ /* const char* old_role = this->rolenew2old[label].c_str();
- this->emit_deactivated(old_role);
- this->emit_invisible(old_role);
- // }
+ this->emit_deactivated(old_role);
+ this->emit_invisible(old_role); */
WMError WindowManager::setRequest(const string& appid, const string &role, const string &area,
@@ -1374,7 +930,6 @@ WMError WindowManager::doEndDraw(unsigned req_num)
return ret;
HMI_SEQ_DEBUG(req_num, "visible %s", act.role.c_str());
- //this->lc_enddraw(act.role.c_str());
@@ -1396,61 +951,6 @@ WMError WindowManager::doEndDraw(unsigned req_num)
return ret;
-WMError WindowManager::layoutChange(const WMAction &action)
- if (action.visible == TaskVisible::INVISIBLE)
- {
- // Visibility is not change -> no redraw is required
- return WMError::SUCCESS;
- }
- WMError ret = this->lc->layoutChange(action);
- /* auto client = g_app_list.lookUpClient(action.appid);
- unsigned surface = client->surfaceID(action.role);
- if (surface == 0)
- {
- HMI_SEQ_ERROR(g_app_list.currentRequestNumber(),
- "client doesn't have surface with role(%s)", action.role.c_str());
- return WMError::NOT_REGISTERED;
- }
- // Layout Manager
- WMError ret = this->setSurfaceSize(surface, action.area); */
- return ret;
-WMError WindowManager::visibilityChange(const WMAction &action)
- HMI_SEQ_DEBUG(g_app_list.currentRequestNumber(), "Change visibility");
- /* if(!g_app_list.contains(action.appid)){
- return WMError::NOT_REGISTERED;
- }
- auto client = g_app_list.lookUpClient(action.appid);
- unsigned surface = client->surfaceID(action.role);
- if(surface == 0)
- {
- HMI_SEQ_ERROR(g_app_list.currentRequestNumber(),
- "client doesn't have surface with role(%s)", action.role.c_str());
- return WMError::NOT_REGISTERED;
- } */
- WMError ret = this->lc->visibilityChange(action);
-/* if (action.visible != TaskVisible::INVISIBLE)
- {
- this->activate(surface); // Layout Manager task
- }
- else
- {
- this->deactivate(surface); // Layout Manager task
- } */
- return ret;
-WMError WindowManager::setSurfaceSize(unsigned surface, const string &area)
- this->surface_set_layout(surface, area);
- return WMError::SUCCESS;
void WindowManager::emitScreenUpdated(unsigned req_num)
// Get visible apps
@@ -1730,31 +1230,4 @@ const char* WindowManager::kDefaultOldRoleDb = "{ \
] \
- * controller_hooks
- */
-void controller_hooks::surface_created(uint32_t surface_id)
- this->wmgr->surface_created(surface_id);
-void controller_hooks::surface_removed(uint32_t surface_id)
- this->wmgr->surface_removed(surface_id);
-void controller_hooks::surface_visibility(uint32_t /*surface_id*/,
- uint32_t /*v*/) {}
-void controller_hooks::surface_destination_rectangle(uint32_t /*surface_id*/,
- uint32_t /*x*/,
- uint32_t /*y*/,
- uint32_t /*w*/,
- uint32_t /*h*/) {}
-void controller_hooks::surface_properties(uint32_t surface_id, uint32_t pid)
- this->wmgr->surface_properties(surface_id, pid);
} // namespace wm
diff --git a/src/window_manager.hpp b/src/window_manager.hpp
index 189d249..546e771 100644
--- a/src/window_manager.hpp
+++ b/src/window_manager.hpp
@@ -21,10 +21,6 @@
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <experimental/optional>
-#include "controller_hooks.hpp"
-//#include "layers.hpp"
-// #include "layout.hpp"
-//#include "wayland_ivi_wm.hpp"
#include "result.hpp"
#include "pm_wrapper.hpp"
#include "util.hpp"
@@ -38,16 +34,6 @@ extern "C"
struct json_object;
-namespace wl
-struct display;
-namespace compositor
-struct controller;
namespace wm
@@ -187,14 +173,12 @@ class WindowManager
void api_enddraw(char const *appid, char const *role);
result<json_object *> api_get_display_info();
result<json_object *> api_get_area_info(char const *role);
- void api_ping();
void send_event(char const *evname, char const *label);
void send_event(char const *evname, char const *label, char const *area, int x, int y, int w, int h);
// Events from the compositor we are interested in
void surface_created(uint32_t surface_id);
void surface_removed(uint32_t surface_id);
- void surface_properties(uint32_t surface_id, uint32_t pid);
void removeClient(const std::string &appid);
void exceptionProcessForTransition();
@@ -217,10 +201,6 @@ class WindowManager
std::map<const char *, struct afb_event> map_afb_event;
- int init_layers();
- void surface_set_layout(int surface_id, const std::string& area = "");
- void layout_commit();
// WM Events to clients
void emit_activated(char const *label);
void emit_deactivated(char const *label);
@@ -239,9 +219,6 @@ class WindowManager
WMError startTransition(unsigned req_num);
WMError doEndDraw(unsigned req_num);
- WMError layoutChange(const WMAction &action);
- WMError visibilityChange(const WMAction &action);
- WMError setSurfaceSize(unsigned surface, const std::string& area);
void emitScreenUpdated(unsigned req_num);
void setTimer();
@@ -253,19 +230,16 @@ class WindowManager
const char *check_surface_exist(const char *role);
- std::unordered_map<std::string, struct rect> area2size;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> roleold2new;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> rolenew2old;
std::shared_ptr<LayerControl> lc;
PMWrapper pmw;
- struct controller_hooks chooks;
// ID allocation and proxy methods for lookup
struct id_allocator id_alloc;
// Surface are info (x, y, w, h)
rect_map area_info;
- std::vector<int> surface_bg;
std::unordered_map<unsigned, std::string> tmp_surface2app;
static const char* kDefaultOldRoleDb;