path: root/src/layout_manager
diff options
authorYuta Doi <yuta-d@witz-inc.co.jp>2018-06-15 20:40:22 +0900
committerYuta Doi <yuta-d@witz-inc.co.jp>2018-06-15 20:40:22 +0900
commit36098a64cf5bcac3d721f126e3d809674badc110 (patch)
tree449e95a62f881d82ee55d0de5ffdaed95462e636 /src/layout_manager
parent172c4fb3d449b908baff3111fd171b42935fbb4f (diff)
Modify format of layout information and process for updating layout
and delete unnecessary process Change-Id: I266cbc684c28b49d9855db851a56afbff3588b35 Signed-off-by: Yuta Doi <yuta-d@witz-inc.co.jp>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/layout_manager')
2 files changed, 2 insertions, 365 deletions
diff --git a/src/layout_manager/layout.cpp b/src/layout_manager/layout.cpp
index cd81d8f..49381cc 100644
--- a/src/layout_manager/layout.cpp
+++ b/src/layout_manager/layout.cpp
@@ -37,276 +37,13 @@ int LayoutManager::initialize() {
return ret;
- TypeLayouts layout;
- TypeAreas area;
- TypeRolCtg rol_ctg;
- rol_ctg["none"] = "none";
- area["none"] = rol_ctg;
- layout["none"] = area;
- this->prv_layers_["on_screen"] = layout;
- this->prv_layers_["apps"] = layout;
- this->prv_layers_["homescreen"] = layout;
- this->prv_layers_["restriction"] = layout;
- this->crr_layers_["on_screen"] = layout;
- this->crr_layers_["apps"] = layout;
- this->crr_layers_["homescreen"] = layout;
- this->crr_layers_["restriction"] = layout;
- this->prv_layers_car_stop_["on_screen"] = layout;
- this->prv_layers_car_stop_["apps"] = layout;
- this->prv_layers_car_stop_["homescreen"] = layout;
- this->prv_layers_car_stop_["restriction"] = layout;
- return ret;
-bool LayoutManager::updateLayout(json_object* obj,
- const char* new_role, const char* category) {
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "Call");
- bool ret = false;
- // Check car state change
- json_object* json_car;
- if (!json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "car", &json_car)) {
- HMI_ERROR("wm:lm", "Parse Error!!");
- return -1;
- }
- json_bool is_car_state_changed;
- std::string car_state = "";
- is_car_state_changed = jh::getBoolFromJson(json_car, "is_changed");
- if (is_car_state_changed) {
- // If car state is changed, get car state
- car_state = jh::getStringFromJson(json_car, "state");
- }
- // Check restriction mode change
- json_object* json_restriction_mode;
- if (!json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "restriction_mode", &json_restriction_mode)) {
- HMI_ERROR("wm:lm", "Parse Error!!");
- return -1;
- }
- json_bool is_restriction_mode_changed;
- std::string restriction_mode = "";
- is_restriction_mode_changed = jh::getBoolFromJson(json_restriction_mode, "is_changed");
- if (is_restriction_mode_changed) {
- // If restriction mode is changed, get restriction mode
- restriction_mode = jh::getStringFromJson(json_restriction_mode, "state");
- }
- // Update layout of all layers
- json_object* json_layers;
- if (!json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "layers", &json_layers)) {
- HMI_ERROR("wm:lm", "Parse Error!!");
- return -1;
- }
- int len = json_object_array_length(json_layers);
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "json_layers len:%d", len);
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "json_layers dump:%s", json_object_get_string(json_layers));
- for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
- json_object* json_tmp = json_object_array_get_idx(json_layers, i);
- // Get layer name and json_object
- const char* layer;
- json_object* json_layer;
- json_object_object_foreach(json_tmp, key, val) {
- layer = key;
- json_layer = val;
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "Try to update %s layer state", layer);
- }
- // Store previous state
- this->prv_layers_[layer] = this->crr_layers_[layer];
- std::string prv_layout_name = this->prv_layers_[layer].begin()->first;
-#if 1
- // If restriction mode is changed off -> on,
- // store current state for state of restriction mode off
- if ((is_restriction_mode_changed) && ("restriction_mode_on" == restriction_mode)) {
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "Store current state for state of restriction mode off");
- this->prv_layers_car_stop_[layer] = this->crr_layers_[layer];
- }
- // If car state is changed car_stop -> car_run,
- // store current state for state of car stop
- if ((is_car_state_changed) && ("car_run" == car_state)) {
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "Store current state for state of car stop");
- this->prv_layers_car_stop_[layer] = this->crr_layers_[layer];
- }
- json_object* json_is_changed;
- if (!json_object_object_get_ex(json_layer, "is_changed", &json_is_changed)) {
- HMI_ERROR("wm:lm", "Not found key \"is_changed\"");
- return false;
- }
- // If layer state is changed
- if (json_object_get_boolean(json_is_changed)) {
- // Set layout changed flag
- this->is_layout_changed_[layer] = true;
- json_object* json_state;
- if (!json_object_object_get_ex(json_layer, "state", &json_state)) {
- HMI_ERROR("wm:lm", "Not found key \"state\"");
- return false;
- }
- const char* crr_layout_name = json_object_get_string(json_state);
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "crr state: %s", crr_layout_name);
- TypeLayouts crr_layout;
-#if 1
- if ((is_restriction_mode_changed) && ("restriction_mode_off" == restriction_mode)) {
- // If restriction mode is changed on -> off,
- // restore state of restriction mode off
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "Restriction mode is changed on -> off, so restore state of restriction mode off");
- crr_layout = this->prv_layers_car_stop_[layer];
- if ((is_car_state_changed) && ("car_stop" == car_state)) {
- // If car state is changed car_run -> car_stop,
- // restore state of car stop
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "Car state is changed car_run -> car_stop, so restore state of car stop");
- crr_layout = this->prv_layers_car_stop_[layer];
- }
- else if ("none" == std::string(crr_layout_name)) {
- // If current layout is "none",
- // current areas is set with "none"
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "Current layout is \"none\"");
- TypeAreas area;
- TypeRolCtg rol_ctg;
- rol_ctg["none"] = "none";
- area["none"] = rol_ctg;
- crr_layout["none"] = area;
- }
- else {
- if (std::string(crr_layout_name) == prv_layout_name) {
- // If previous layout is same with current,
- // previous areas are copied to current
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "Previous layout is same with current");
- crr_layout[crr_layout_name] = this->prv_layers_[layer][crr_layout_name];
- }
- else {
- // If previous layout is NOT same with current,
- // current areas is set with default value
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "Previous layout is NOT same with current");
- crr_layout[crr_layout_name] = this->layout_define_[crr_layout_name];
- }
- // Update role in new area
-#if 1
- if (is_restriction_mode_changed) {
- // Updating role is not necessary
- // because new_role is not specified
- // when restriction mode is changed
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "Updating role is not necessary because new_role is not specified when restriction mode is changed");
- if (is_car_state_changed) {
- // Updating role is not necessary
- // because new_role is not specified
- // when car state is changed
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "Updating role is not necessary because new_role is not specified when car state is changed");
- }
- else {
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "Get new_area for new role");
- // Get new_area for new role
- std::string new_area = this->getAreaName(this->layout_define_[crr_layout_name],
- new_role, category);
- if ("none" == new_area) {
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "It is not necessary to update role of areas in this layer, because new_role is not specified for this layer");
- }
- else {
- // Update role in new area
- // because new_role is specified for this layer
- TypeRolCtg crr_role;
- crr_role["role"] = std::string(new_role);
- crr_layout[crr_layout_name][new_area] = crr_role;
- }
- }
- }
- // Update layer state
- this->crr_layers_[layer] = crr_layout;
- // Check
- for (auto itr_layout = this->crr_layers_[layer].begin();
- itr_layout != this->crr_layers_[layer].end(); ++itr_layout) {
- for (auto itr_area = itr_layout->second.begin();
- itr_area != itr_layout->second.end(); ++itr_area) {
- for (auto itr_role = itr_area->second.begin();
- itr_role != itr_area->second.end(); ++itr_role) {
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "layout:%s, area:%s, rol_ctg:%s, name:%s",
- itr_layout->first.c_str(), itr_area->first.c_str(),
- itr_role->first.c_str(), itr_role->second.c_str());
- }
- }
- }
- ret = true;
- }
- else {
- // Clear layout changed flag
- this->is_layout_changed_[layer] = false;
- }
- }
return ret;
-// TODO: This API is for workaround, so this will be removed
-void LayoutManager::updateArea(const char* layer, const char* role, const char* area) {
- this->crr_layers_[layer].begin()->second[area]["role"] = std::string(role);
-LayoutManager::TypeLayers LayoutManager::getCurrentLayers() {
- return this->crr_layers_;
-LayoutManager::TypeLayers LayoutManager::getPreviousLayers() {
- return this->prv_layers_;
compositor::rect LayoutManager::getAreaSize(const char* area) {
return this->area2size_[area];
-std::string LayoutManager::getAreaName(TypeAreas areas, const char* role, const char* category) {
- for (auto itr_area = areas.begin(); itr_area != areas.end(); ++itr_area) {
- std::string area_name = itr_area->first;
- TypeRolCtg rol_ctg = itr_area->second;
- if ("role" == rol_ctg.begin()->first) {
- if (std::string(role) == rol_ctg.begin()->second) {
- return area_name;
- }
- }
- else if ("category" == rol_ctg.begin()->first) {
- if (std::string(category) == rol_ctg.begin()->second) {
- return area_name;
- }
- }
- else {
- return std::string("none");
- }
- }
- return std::string("none");
-bool LayoutManager::isLayoutChanged(const char* layer) {
- return this->is_layout_changed_[layer];
extern const char* kDefaultLayoutDb;
int LayoutManager::loadLayoutDb() {
HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "Call");
@@ -332,96 +69,15 @@ int LayoutManager::loadLayoutDb() {
HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "json_obj dump:%s", json_object_get_string(json_obj));
- // Perse layouts
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "Perse layouts");
- json_object* json_cfg;
- if (!json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, "layouts", &json_cfg)) {
- HMI_ERROR("wm:lm", "Parse Error!!");
- return -1;
- }
- int len = json_object_array_length(json_cfg);
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "json_cfg len:%d", len);
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "json_cfg dump:%s", json_object_get_string(json_cfg));
- const char* layout;
- const char* role;
- const char* category;
- for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
- json_object* json_tmp = json_object_array_get_idx(json_cfg, i);
- layout = jh::getStringFromJson(json_tmp, "name");
- if (nullptr == layout) {
- HMI_ERROR("wm:lm", "Parse Error!!");
- return -1;
- }
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "> layout:%s", layout);
- json_object* json_area_array;
- if (!json_object_object_get_ex(json_tmp, "areas", &json_area_array)) {
- HMI_ERROR("wm:lm", "Parse Error!!");
- return -1;
- }
- int len_area = json_object_array_length(json_area_array);
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "json_area_array len:%d", len_area);
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "json_area_array dump:%s", json_object_get_string(json_area_array));
- TypeAreas areas;
- for (int j=0; j<len_area; j++) {
- json_object* json_area = json_object_array_get_idx(json_area_array, j);
- const char* area = jh::getStringFromJson(json_area, "name");
- if (nullptr == area) {
- HMI_ERROR("wm:lm", "Parse Error!!");
- return -1;
- }
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", ">> area:%s", area);
- TypeRolCtg rol_ctg_name;
- role = jh::getStringFromJson(json_area, "role");
- if (nullptr == role) {
- category = jh::getStringFromJson(json_area, "category");
- if (nullptr == category) {
- HMI_ERROR("wm:lm", "Parse Error!!");
- return -1;
- }
- rol_ctg_name["category"] = std::string(category);
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", ">>> category:%s", category);
- }
- else {
- rol_ctg_name["role"] = std::string(role);
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", ">>> role:%s", role);
- }
- areas[area] = rol_ctg_name;
- }
- this->layout_define_[layout] = areas;
- }
- // Check
- for(auto itr_layout = this->layout_define_.begin();
- itr_layout != this->layout_define_.end(); ++itr_layout) {
- for (auto itr_area = itr_layout->second.begin();
- itr_area != itr_layout->second.end(); ++itr_area) {
- for (auto itr_role = itr_area->second.begin();
- itr_role != itr_area->second.end(); ++itr_role) {
- HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "layout:%s, area:%s, rol_ctg:%s, name:%s",
- itr_layout->first.c_str(), itr_area->first.c_str(),
- itr_role->first.c_str(), itr_role->second.c_str());
- }
- }
- }
// Perse areas
HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "Perse areas");
+ json_object* json_cfg;
if (!json_object_object_get_ex(json_obj, "areas", &json_cfg)) {
HMI_ERROR("wm:lm", "Parse Error!!");
return -1;
- len = json_object_array_length(json_cfg);
+ int len = json_object_array_length(json_cfg);
HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "json_cfg len:%d", len);
HMI_DEBUG("wm:lm", "json_cfg dump:%s", json_object_get_string(json_cfg));
diff --git a/src/layout_manager/layout.hpp b/src/layout_manager/layout.hpp
index bfa4a6c..648d80e 100644
--- a/src/layout_manager/layout.hpp
+++ b/src/layout_manager/layout.hpp
@@ -45,19 +45,8 @@ public:
explicit LayoutManager();
~LayoutManager() = default;
- typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> TypeRolCtg;
- typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, TypeRolCtg> TypeAreas;
- typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, TypeAreas> TypeLayouts;
- typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, TypeLayouts> TypeLayers;
int initialize();
- bool updateLayout(json_object* obj, const char* new_role, const char* new_area);
- TypeLayers getCurrentLayers();
- TypeLayers getPreviousLayers();
compositor::rect getAreaSize(const char* area);
- bool isLayoutChanged(const char* layer);
- void updateArea(const char* layer, const char* role, const char* area);
// Disable copy and move
@@ -66,17 +55,9 @@ private:
LayoutManager(LayoutManager &&) = delete;
LayoutManager &operator=(LayoutManager &&) = delete;
- TypeLayouts layout_define_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, compositor::rect> area2size_;
- TypeLayers crr_layers_, prv_layers_;
- TypeLayers prv_layers_car_stop_;
- std::unordered_map<std::string, bool> is_layout_changed_;
- std::string getAreaName(TypeAreas area, const char* role, const char* category);
int loadLayoutDb();
- std::string role2App(std::string role, void* ptr);