BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
salmonAdd gitreview file for Super Salmon branchJan-Simon Moeller2 months
ricefishAdd gitreview file for Royal Ricefish branchJan-Simon Moeller9 months
masterAdd gitlab issue/merge request templatesJan-Simon Moeller13 months
quillbackAdd gitreview file for Quirky Quillback branchJan-Simon Moeller13 months
pikeAdd gitreview file for Prickly Pike branchJan-Simon Moeller20 months
octopusAdd gitreview file for Optimistic Octopus branchJan-Simon Moeller2 years
needlefishAdd gitreview file for Nifty Needlefish branchJan-Simon Moeller3 years
marlinAdd gitreview file for Magic Marlin branchJan-Simon Moeller3 years
lampreyAdd gitreview file for Lucky Lamprey branchJan-Simon Möller4 years
koiAdd gitreview file for Kooky Koi branchJan-Simon Möller4 years
19.90.0commit cd01ca2a61...Jan-Simon Moeller2 months
trout/19.90.0commit cd01ca2a61...Jan-Simon Moeller2 months
trout_19.90.0commit cd01ca2a61...Jan-Simon Moeller2 months
18.90.0commit cd01ca2a61...Jan-Simon Moeller8 months
salmon/18.90.0commit cd01ca2a61...Jan-Simon Moeller8 months
salmon_18.90.0commit cd01ca2a61...Jan-Simon Moeller8 months
12.1.20commit fc25c41d9c...Jan-Simon Moeller10 months
lamprey/12.1.20commit fc25c41d9c...Jan-Simon Moeller10 months
lamprey_12.1.20commit fc25c41d9c...Jan-Simon Moeller10 months
12.1.19commit fc25c41d9c...Jan-Simon Moeller11 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2018-06-26Remove namespace stmsandbox/yuta-d/dev_pmYuta Doi3-129/+118
2018-06-25Move global variable to PolicyManager memberYuta Doi3-143/+182
2018-06-25Modify enum nameYuta Doi2-3/+3
2018-06-25Modify enum and struct nameYuta Doi4-493/+494
2018-06-22Modify definition in stmYuta Doi3-200/+126
2018-06-22Add none event and categoryYuta Doi3-40/+46
2018-06-22Move process for deciding area when correct area is not setYuta Doi3-39/+10
2018-06-22Modify file name from app.db to drawing_name.dbYuta Doi4-24/+35
2018-06-22Modify error process for setInputEventDataYuta Doi1-16/+34
2018-06-22Remove the roles which have name written by pascal caseYuta Doi2-6/+6