path: root/src/pm_wrapper.cpp
diff options
authorYuta Doi <yuta-d@witz-inc.co.jp>2018-07-09 17:23:31 +0900
committerYuta Doi <yuta-d@witz-inc.co.jp>2018-07-12 09:24:56 +0900
commit99b6f4d2fcd421d3a760a88a67e511fb6fc98068 (patch)
tree12c17f502e37b6742ead94e2d5bba07822300328 /src/pm_wrapper.cpp
parent8ab10aaafc6fb3dc7bbad755dce9b4bdaa41f287 (diff)
Add PolicyManager as plugin
PolicyManager decides next layout by using occured event and current state based on the policy table. And PolicyManager is plugin for WindowManager. Therefore the OEMs can replace it. This patch provides PolicyManager I/F as reference implementation and does not have policy table. Therefore PolicyManager updates each layers to draw the applications in normal.full area in accordance with just like activate/deactivate request. [APIs of PolicyManager class] - int initialize(void) Initialize PolicyManger. input: none output: 0(success), -1(error) - void registerCallback(CallbackTable callback_table) Register callback functions. input: the pointers of callback handlers output: none "CallbackTable" type is as follows: typedef struct { Handler onStateTransitioned; Handler onError; } CallbackTable; "Handler" type is as follows: using Handler = std::function<void(json_object *)>; - int setInputEventData(json_object *json_in) Set input event data for the policy table. input: input event data as json_object output: 0(success), -1(error) - int executeStateTransition(void) Execute state transition by using set input event data. input: none output: 0(success), -1(error) - void undoState(void) Undo state only once per once state transition. input: none output: none [Callbacks of PolicyManager class] - void onStateTransitioned(json_object *json_out) When state transition succeeds, this callback is called. The argument json_out has the state after transition. - void onError(json_object *json_out) When state transition fails, this callback is called. The argument json_out has the error information like message, inputed event datas and etc.. Bug-AGL: SPEC-1537 Change-Id: I44b771d4145078bf3ea05e26165bb9c1a03b10c3 Signed-off-by: Yuta Doi <yuta-d@witz-inc.co.jp>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pm_wrapper.cpp')
1 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pm_wrapper.cpp b/src/pm_wrapper.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1454bf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pm_wrapper.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "pm_wrapper.hpp"
+#include "json_helper.hpp"
+#include "hmi-debug.h"
+namespace wm
+static PMWrapper *g_context;
+static void onStateTransitioned(json_object *json_out)
+ g_context->updateStates(json_out);
+static void onError(json_object *json_out)
+ HMI_DEBUG("wm", "error message from PolicyManager:%s",
+ json_object_get_string(json_out));
+ g_context->processError();
+} // namespace
+PMWrapper::PMWrapper() {}
+int PMWrapper::initialize()
+ int ret = 0;
+ ret = this->pm.initialize();
+ if (0 > ret)
+ {
+ HMI_ERROR("wm:pmw", "Faild to initialize PolicyManager");
+ }
+ g_context = this;
+ return ret;
+void PMWrapper::registerCallback(StateTransitionHandler on_state_transitioned,
+ ErrorHandler on_error)
+ this->on_state_transitioned = on_state_transitioned;
+ this->on_error = on_error;
+ PolicyManager::CallbackTable my_callback;
+ my_callback.onStateTransitioned = onStateTransitioned;
+ my_callback.onError = onError;
+ this->pm.registerCallback(my_callback);
+int PMWrapper::setInputEventData(Task task, std::string role, std::string area)
+ const char* event;
+ if (Task::TASK_ALLOCATE == task)
+ {
+ event = "activate";
+ }
+ else if (Task::TASK_RELEASE == task)
+ {
+ event = "deactivate";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ event = "";
+ }
+ json_object *json_in = json_object_new_object();
+ json_object_object_add(json_in, "event", json_object_new_string(event));
+ json_object_object_add(json_in, "role", json_object_new_string(role.c_str()));
+ json_object_object_add(json_in, "area", json_object_new_string(area.c_str()));
+ int ret;
+ ret = this->pm.setInputEventData(json_in);
+ if (0 > ret)
+ {
+ HMI_ERROR("wm:pmw", "Faild to set input event data to PolicyManager");
+ }
+ json_object_put(json_in);
+ return ret;
+int PMWrapper::executeStateTransition()
+ int ret;
+ ret = this->pm.executeStateTransition();
+ if (0 > ret)
+ {
+ HMI_ERROR("wm:pmw", "Failed to execute state transition for PolicyManager");
+ }
+ return ret;
+void PMWrapper::undoState()
+ this->pm.undoState();
+ this->crrlayer2rolestate = this->prvlayer2rolestate;
+void PMWrapper::updateStates(json_object *json_out)
+ std::vector<WMAction> actions;
+ HMI_DEBUG("wm", "json_out dump:%s", json_object_get_string(json_out));
+ this->createLayoutChangeAction(json_out, actions);
+ this->on_state_transitioned(actions);
+void PMWrapper::createLayoutChangeAction(json_object *json_out, std::vector<WMAction> &actions)
+ // Get displayed roles from previous layout
+ json_object *json_layers;
+ if (!json_object_object_get_ex(json_out, "layers", &json_layers))
+ {
+ HMI_DEBUG("wm", "Not found key \"layers\"");
+ return;
+ }
+ int len = json_object_array_length(json_layers);
+ HMI_DEBUG("wm", "json_layers len:%d", len);
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ {
+ json_object *json_tmp = json_object_array_get_idx(json_layers, i);
+ std::string layer_name = jh::getStringFromJson(json_tmp, "name");
+ json_bool changed = jh::getBoolFromJson(json_tmp, "changed");
+ HMI_DEBUG("wm", "layer:%s changed:%d", layer_name.c_str(), changed);
+ if (changed)
+ {
+ json_object *json_areas;
+ if (!json_object_object_get_ex(json_tmp, "areas", &json_areas))
+ {
+ HMI_DEBUG("wm", "Not found key \"areas\"");
+ return;
+ }
+ int len = json_object_array_length(json_areas);
+ HMI_DEBUG("wm", "json_layers len:%d", len);
+ // Store previous role state in this layer
+ this->prvlayer2rolestate[layer_name] = this->crrlayer2rolestate[layer_name];
+ RoleState crr_roles;
+ RoleState prv_roles = this->prvlayer2rolestate[layer_name];
+ for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
+ {
+ json_object *json_tmp2 = json_object_array_get_idx(json_areas, j);
+ std::string area_name = jh::getStringFromJson(json_tmp2, "name");
+ std::string role_name = jh::getStringFromJson(json_tmp2, "role");
+ crr_roles[role_name] = area_name;
+ auto i_prv = prv_roles.find(role_name);
+ HMI_DEBUG("wm", "current role:%s area:%s",
+ role_name.c_str(), area_name.c_str());
+ // If current role does not exist in previous
+ if (prv_roles.end() == i_prv)
+ {
+ HMI_DEBUG("wm", "current role does not exist in previous");
+ // Set activate action
+ bool end_draw_finished = false;
+ WMAction act
+ {
+ "",
+ role_name,
+ area_name,
+ TaskVisible::VISIBLE,
+ end_draw_finished
+ };
+ actions.push_back(act);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ HMI_DEBUG("wm", "previous role:%s area:%s",
+ i_prv->first.c_str(), i_prv->second.c_str());
+ // If current role exists in previous and area is different with previous
+ if (area_name != i_prv->second)
+ {
+ HMI_DEBUG("wm", "current role exists in previous and area is different with previous");
+ // Set activate action
+ bool end_draw_finished = false;
+ WMAction act
+ {
+ "",
+ role_name,
+ area_name,
+ TaskVisible::VISIBLE,
+ end_draw_finished
+ };
+ actions.push_back(act);
+ }
+ // Remove role which exist in current list from previous list
+ prv_roles.erase(i_prv);
+ }
+ }
+ // Deactivate roles which remains in previous list
+ // because these are not displayed in current layout
+ for (auto i_prv : prv_roles)
+ {
+ HMI_DEBUG("wm", "Deactivate role:%s", i_prv.first.c_str());
+ // Set deactivate action
+ bool end_draw_finished = true;
+ WMAction act
+ {
+ "",
+ i_prv.first,
+ "",
+ TaskVisible::INVISIBLE,
+ end_draw_finished
+ };
+ actions.push_back(act);
+ }
+ // Update previous role list
+ this->crrlayer2rolestate[layer_name] = crr_roles;
+ }
+ }
+void PMWrapper::processError()
+ this->on_error();
+} // namespace wm