BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
salmonAdd gitreview file for Super Salmon branchJan-Simon Moeller2 months
ricefishAdd gitreview file for Royal Ricefish branchJan-Simon Moeller9 months
masterAdd gitlab issue/merge request templatesJan-Simon Moeller13 months
quillbackAdd gitreview file for Quirky Quillback branchJan-Simon Moeller13 months
pikeAdd gitreview file for Prickly Pike branchJan-Simon Moeller20 months
octopusAdd gitreview file for Optimistic Octopus branchJan-Simon Moeller2 years
needlefishAdd gitreview file for Nifty Needlefish branchJan-Simon Moeller3 years
marlinAdd gitreview file for Magic Marlin branchJan-Simon Moeller3 years
lampreyAdd gitreview file for Lucky Lamprey branchJan-Simon Möller4 years
jellyfishTweak things to center the windowScott Murray4 years
koiTweak things to center the windowScott Murray4 years
sandbox/mvlad/re-work-deactivateapp: Re-work the deactivation part in application_id_state eventMarius Vlad5 years
sandbox/mvlad/agl-compositorAdd protocol remote role and bounding boxMarius Vlad5 years
icefishAdd gitreview file for icefish branchJan-Simon Möller5 years
halibutInitial check-inScott Murray5 years