diff options
authorCorentinLGS <corentinlgs@gmail.com>2018-08-29 10:23:34 +0200
committerJan-Simon Moeller <jsmoeller@linuxfoundation.org>2018-08-30 14:52:12 +0000
commitd54d2b73f869e0e724689e89f1d4c10660370cf2 (patch)
parenta7fecc239ad5349d99d826764a85574332e061da (diff)
afb-test doc: Updated doc.
-Changed 0_ProjectTree.md to only show what's interesting. -Made further explanations on how to organize and integrate test files. -Updated 2_LaunchTheExample.md, now explains the new way to launch tests. -Also added the result of a test launched on a target. -Added a configuration example in 1_BindingConfiguration.md . Change-Id: I4c4ed1cef5e914a8179a6823489791e6756106b6 Signed-off-by: CorentinLGS <corentinlgs@gmail.com>
3 files changed, 263 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/docs/2_LaunchTheExample.md b/docs/2_LaunchTheExample.md
index e968f9a..1ef3de7 100644
--- a/docs/2_LaunchTheExample.md
+++ b/docs/2_LaunchTheExample.md
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
# Launch The Example
+## From a terminal (on your build host)
To launch your tests, enter this command.
-afb-daemon --name aft-aftest --port=1234 --workdir=package --ldpaths=/opt/AGL/lib64/afb:lib --token= -vvv --tracereq=common
+export BUILD_DIR_PATH = "$(pwd)/build"
+./afb-test.sh <BUILD_DIR_PATH>
On afb-daemon startup you should have all the app-framework config displayed:
@@ -144,4 +147,86 @@ HOOK: [xreq-000006:hello/ping] END
~~~~~~~~~~ END ALL TESTS ~~~~~~~~~~
HOOK: [xreq-000001:afTest/launch_all_tests] END
-``` \ No newline at end of file
+## On target
+If you are trying to launch your test on a target you'll have to use
+a test widget which contains test files, fixture and configuration.
+Then use **afm-test**:
+./afm-test <path>
+By default, the test widgets should be located in /usr/AGL/apps/testwgt.
+This it will install the widget, launch the tests then display the result
+on standard output. After that it will kill test app and remove it.
+You can produce a widget buy entering ```make widget``` in *build/*.
+Here is an example:
+qemux86-64:~# afm-test /usr/AGL/apps/testwgt/aftest-test.wgt
+PASS: aftest-test@5.99 started with pid=3857
+~~~~~ Begin Test ~~~~~
+~~~~~ End Test ~~~~~
+PASS: 1 TestListverb.testFunction
+~~~~~ Begin Test ~~~~~
+~~~~~ End Test ~~~~~
+PASS: 2 TestGetVerb.testFunction
+~~~~~ Begin Test ~~~~~
+~~~~~ End Test ~~~~~
+PASS: 3 Test_turning_on.testFunction
+~~~~~ Begin Test ~~~~~
+~~~~~ Begin Test Assert Equals ~~~~~
+~~~~~ End Test Assert Equals ~~~~~
+~~~~~ End Test ~~~~~
+PASS: 4 testAssertEquals.testFunction
+~~~~~ Begin Test ~~~~~
+~~~~~ End Test ~~~~~
+PASS: 5 testAssertNotEquals.testFunction
+~~~~~ Begin Test ~~~~~
+~~~~~ End Test ~~~~~
+PASS: 6 testAssertItemsEquals.testFunction
+~~~~~ Begin Test ~~~~~
+~~~~~ End Test ~~~~~
+PASS: 7 testAssertAlmostEquals.testFunction
+~~~~~ Begin Test ~~~~~
+~~~~~ End Test ~~~~~
+PASS: 8 testAssertNotAlmostEquals.testFunction
+~~~~~ Begin Test ~~~~~
+~~~~~ End Test ~~~~~
+PASS: 9 testAssertEvalToTrue.testFunction
+~~~~~ Begin Test ~~~~~
+~~~~~ End Test ~~~~~
+PASS: 10 testAssertEvalToFalse.testFunction
+~~~~~ Begin Test ~~~~~
+~~~~~ End Test ~~~~~
+PASS: 60 testAssertVerbStatusError.testFunction
+~~~~~ Begin Test ~~~~~
+~~~~~ End Test ~~~~~
+PASS: 61 testAssertVerbResponseEqualsError.testFunction
+~~~~~ Begin Test ~~~~~
+~~~~~ End Test ~~~~~
+PASS: 62 testAssertVerbCbError.testFunction
+# Ran 62 tests in 0.003 seconds, 62 successes, 0 failures
+~~~~~~~~~~ END ALL TESTS ~~~~~~~~~~
+PASS: aftest-test@5.99 killed and removed
+The command being : ```afm-test /usr/AGL/apps/testwgt/aftest-test.wgt```
+You can see here that everything ran as on your pc terminal.
+**Begin Test** and **End Test** are the
+beforeEach and afterEach functions and
+**END ALL TESTS** is the after all functions.
+ **PASS :** shows the function that is or was running. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/WriteYourTests/0_ProjectTree.md b/docs/WriteYourTests/0_ProjectTree.md
index e23c834..850487c 100644
--- a/docs/WriteYourTests/0_ProjectTree.md
+++ b/docs/WriteYourTests/0_ProjectTree.md
@@ -1,37 +1,108 @@
-# afb-test architecture
+# Test architecture
+## Files tree and organization
-+-- afb_helpers
-+-- app-controller-submodule
-+-- build
-+-- conf.d
-| +-- app-templates
-| +-- autobuild
-| +-- cmake
-| +-- controller
-| | +-- etc
-| | | +-- aft-mapis.json
-| | | +-- aft-test.json
-| | | +-- CMakeLists.txt
-| | +-- lua.d
-| | | +--aft.lua
-| | | +--aftTest.lua
-| | | ...
-| | +-- CMakeLists.txt
-| +--wgt
-+-- src
-+-- .gitignore
-+-- .gitmodules
-+-- .gitreview
-+-- CMakeLists.txt
-+-- LICENSE-2.0.txt
-+-- README.md
+ +-- etc
+ | +-- aft-aftest-self.json
+ | +-- CMakeLists.txt
+ +-- fixture
+ | +-- a-script.sh
+ | +-- any-needed.data
+ | +-- CMakeLists.txt
+ | +-- data.json
+ +-- tests
+ | +-- CMakeLists.txt
+ | +-- test01.lua
+ | +-- test02.lua
+ | ...
-To write your tests we will only touch to the **controller** folder, specifically
-to the **lua.d** and to the **etc** folders.
+To integrate tests in your project, create a **test** subfolder at your project
+root directory and fulfill it with appropriate files like shown as above.
To make it quick you'll have to write your tests using lua language and store it
-in the lua.d folder and change aft-test.json or make a new .json file to be able
-to launch your tests, not that if you make a new json file, his name has to start
-with "aft-" followed by the binder's name. (e.g. aft-test for the afb-test) \ No newline at end of file
+in the **tests** (with an "s") folder (as shown above) and change *aft-aftest-self.json* or make a new .json
+file to be able to launch your tests. Note that if you make a new json file,
+its name has to start with "aft-" followed by the binder's name. (e.g.
+aft-low-can for the low-level-can-service)
+*aft-aftest-self.json* is a conguration file. You'll see in the next section
+how to write a proper configuration file.
+## Integration with CMake using App-templates
+To make the link between your test files, config files, data files
+and the test binding,
+you will have to integrate them with CMake using the App-templates.
+First you will have to create your CMake target using **PROJECT_TARGET_ADD**
+with your target name as parameter, it will include the target to
+your project.
+Then add your data files using **add_input_files** with your files in
+Use **SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES** to fit the targets properties for macros
+usage. Here you have to specify what type of your targets you want to include
+in the widget package using the property **LABELS**. It will most likely either
+Here is the LABELS list:
+- **TEST-CONFIG**: JSON configuration files that will be used by the afb-test
+ binding to know how to execute tests.
+- **TEST-DATA**: Resources used to test your binding. It is at least your test
+ plan and also could be fixtures and any files needed by your tests. These files
+ will appear in a separate test widget.
+- **TEST-PLUGIN**: Shared library meant to be used as a binding
+ plugin. Binding would load it as a plugin to extend its functionalities. It
+ should be named with a special extension that you choose with SUFFIX cmake
+ target property or it'd be **.ctlso** by default.
+- **TEST-HTDOCS**: Root directory of a web app. This target has to build its
+ directory and put its files in the ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${TARGET_NAME}
+- **TEST-EXECUTABLE**: Entry point of your application executed by the AGL
+ Application Framework
+- **TEST-LIBRARY**: An external 3rd party library bundled with the binding for its
+ own use in case the platform doesn't provide it.
+Here is a mapping between LABELS and directories where files will be placed in
+the widget:
+- **EXECUTABLE** : \<wgtrootdir\>/bin
+- **BINDING-CONFIG** : \<wgtrootdir\>/etc
+- **BINDING** | **BINDINGV2** | **BINDINGV3** | **LIBRARY** : \<wgtrootdir\>/lib
+- **PLUGIN** : \<wgtrootdir\>/lib/plugins
+- **HTDOCS** : \<wgtrootdir\>/htdocs
+- **BINDING-DATA** : \<wgtrootdir\>/var
+- **DATA** : \<wgtrootdir\>/var
+And about test dedicated **LABELS**:
+- **TEST-EXECUTABLE** : \<TESTwgtrootdir\>/bin
+- **TEST-CONFIG** : \<TESTwgtrootdir\>/etc
+- **TEST-PLUGIN** : \<TESTwgtrootdir\>/lib/plugins
+- **TEST-HTDOCS** : \<TESTwgtrootdir\>/htdocs
+- **TEST-DATA** : \<TESTwgtrootdir\>/var
+> **TIP** you should use the prefix _afb-_ with your **BINDING* targets which
+> stand for **Application Framework Binding**.
+You will find in depth explanations about it [here](http://docs.automotivelinux.org/docs/devguides/en/dev/reference/sdk-devkit/docs/part-2/2_4-Use-app-templates.html#targets-properties).
+Here is an example of a proper CMake file:
+ file(GLOB LUA_FILES "*.lua")
+ add_input_files("${LUA_FILES}")
+ )
+``` \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/WriteYourTests/1_BindingConfiguration.md b/docs/WriteYourTests/1_BindingConfiguration.md
index 9980357..90b7e8d 100644
--- a/docs/WriteYourTests/1_BindingConfiguration.md
+++ b/docs/WriteYourTests/1_BindingConfiguration.md
@@ -35,4 +35,78 @@ Here is an example:
+and another example which tests the low-can api:
+ "id": "http://iot.bzh/download/public/schema/json/ctl-schema.json#",
+ "$schema": "http://iot.bzh/download/public/schema/json/ctl-schema.json#",
+ "metadata": {
+ "uid": "Test",
+ "version": "1.0",
+ "api": "aft-aftest",
+ "info": "Binding made to test other bindings",
+ "require": [
+ "low-can"
+ ]
+ },
+ "testVerb": {
+ "uid": "launch_all_tests",
+ "info": "Launch all the tests",
+ "action": "lua://AFT#_launch_test",
+ "args": {
+ "trace": "low-can",
+ "files": [ "aftTest.lua", "mapis-tests.lua" ]
+ }
+ },
+ "mapis": [{
+ "uid": "low-can",
+ "info": "Faked low-can API",
+ "libs": "mapi_low-can.lua",
+ "verbs": [
+ {
+ "uid": "subscribe",
+ "info": "Subscribe to CAN signals events",
+ "action": "lua://low-can#_subscribe"
+ },
+ {
+ "uid": "unsubscribe",
+ "info": "Unsubscribe previously suscribed signals.",
+ "action": "lua://low-can#_unsubscribe"
+ },
+ {
+ "uid": "get",
+ "info": "get a current value of CAN message",
+ "action": "lua://low-can#_get"
+ },
+ {
+ "uid": "list",
+ "info": "get a supported CAN message list",
+ "action": "lua://low-can#_list"
+ },
+ {
+ "uid": "auth",
+ "info": "Authenticate session to be raise Level Of Assurance.",
+ "action": "lua://low-can#_auth"
+ },
+ {
+ "uid": "write",
+ "info": "Write a CAN messages to the CAN bus.",
+ "action": "lua://low-can#_write"
+ }
+ ],
+ "events": [{
+ "uid": "low-can/diagnostic_messages",
+ "action": "lua://AFT#_evt_catcher_"
+ },{
+ "uid": "low-can/messages_engine_speed",
+ "action": "lua://AFT#_evt_catcher_"
+ },{
+ "uid": "low-can/messages_vehicle_speed",
+ "action": "lua://AFT#_evt_catcher_"
+ }]
+ }]
``` \ No newline at end of file