diff options
3 files changed, 122 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/app-controller-submodule b/app-controller-submodule
-Subproject 303022b794410a69daeb47e20a87fe7625b1870
+Subproject 4ddd78961076bbac5182666515cae980e3bebae
diff --git a/conf.d/controller/lua.d/aft.lua b/conf.d/controller/lua.d/aft.lua
index f5094c2..5b16bf3 100644
--- a/conf.d/controller/lua.d/aft.lua
+++ b/conf.d/controller/lua.d/aft.lua
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ lu.LuaUnit:setOutputType('TAP')
_AFT = {
exit = {0, code},
+ apiname = nil,
context = _ctx,
bindingRootDir = nil,
tests_list = {},
@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ _AFT = {
afterEach = nil,
beforeAll = nil,
afterAll = nil,
+ waiting = false,
lavaOutput = false,
@@ -150,12 +152,26 @@ function _AFT.bindingEventHandler(eventObj, uid)
if type(_AFT.monitored_events[eventName]) == 'table' then
+ local stopSync = true
if eventListeners then
_AFT.monitored_events[eventName].eventListeners = eventListeners
_AFT.registerData(_AFT.monitored_events[eventName], data)
+ for name,value in pairs(_AFT.monitored_events) do
+ if (_AFT.monitored_events[name].expected and
+ _AFT.monitored_events[name].receivedCount < _AFT.monitored_events[name].expected)
+ then
+ stopSync = false
+ end
+ end
+ if stopSync == true and _AFT.waiting == true then
+ AFB:servsync(_AFT.context, _AFT.apiname, "sync", { stop = 1 })
+ _AFT.waiting = false
+ end
@@ -176,55 +192,38 @@ function _AFT.lockWait(eventName, timeout)
return 0
- local count = 0
- if _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].receivedCount and timeout then
- count = _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].receivedCount
- end
+ _AFT.waiting = true
+ local err,responseJ = AFB:servsync(_AFT.context, _AFT.apiname, "sync", { start = timeout})
- while timeout > 0 do
- timeout = AFB:lockwait(_AFT.context, timeout)
- AFB:lockwait(_AFT.context, 0) --without it _evt_catcher_ cannot received event
- if _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].receivedCount == count + 1 then
- return 1
- end
+ if err then
+ return 0
- return 0
+ return 1
function _AFT.lockWaitGroup(eventGroup, timeout)
+ local count = 0
if type(eventGroup) ~= "table" then
print("Error: wrong argument given to wait a group of events. 1st argument should be a table")
return 0
- -- Copy and compute the expected as it may have already received events
- -- you should add the expected count to the actual received counter to be
- -- accurate.
- local eventGroupCpy = {}
for event,expectedCount in pairs(eventGroup) do
- eventGroupCpy[event] = expectedCount + _AFT.monitored_events[event].receivedCount
+ _AFT.monitored_events[event].expected = expectedCount + _AFT.monitored_events[event].receivedCount
- local total = 0
- local matched = nil
- while timeout > 0 do
- timeout = AFB:lockwait(_AFT.context, timeout)
- AFB:lockwait(_AFT.context, 0) --without it _evt_catcher_ cannot received event
+ _AFT.waiting = true
+ local err, responseJ = AFB:servsync(_AFT.context, _AFT.apiname, "sync", { start = timeout })
- for name,expectedCount in pairs(eventGroupCpy) do
- if _AFT.monitored_events[name].receivedCount >= expectedCount then
- total = total + _AFT.monitored_events[name].receivedCount
- matched = name
- end
- end
- if matched then
- eventGroupCpy[matched] = nil
- matched = nil
- end
- if table_size(eventGroupCpy) == 0 then return total end
+ if err then
+ return 0
+ end
+ for event in pairs(eventGroup) do
+ count = count + _AFT.monitored_events[event].receivedCount
- return 0
+ return count
@@ -232,51 +231,53 @@ end
function _AFT.assertEvtGrpNotReceived(eventGroup, timeout)
- local count = 0
- local expected = 0
+ local totalCount = 0
+ local totalExpected = 0
local eventName = ""
+ for event,expectedCount in pairs(eventGroup) do
+ eventName = eventName .. " " .. event
+ totalExpected = totalExpected + expectedCount
+ end
if timeout then
- count = _AFT.lockWaitGroup(eventGroup, timeout)
+ totalCount = _AFT.lockWaitGroup(eventGroup, timeout)
for event in pairs(eventGroup) do
- count = count + _AFT.monitored_events[event].receivedCount
+ totalCount = totalCount + _AFT.monitored_events[event].receivedCount
- for event,expectedCount in pairs(eventGroup) do
- eventName = eventName .. " " .. event
- expected = expected + expectedCount
- end
- _AFT.assertIsTrue(count <= expected, "One of the following events has been received: '".. eventName .."' but it shouldn't")
+ _AFT.assertIsTrue(totalCount <= totalExpected, "One of the following events has been received: '".. eventName .."' but it shouldn't")
for event in pairs(eventGroup) do
+ _AFT.monitored_events[event] = nil
function _AFT.assertEvtGrpReceived(eventGroup, timeout)
- local count = 0
- local expected = 0
+ local totalCount = 0
+ local totalExpected = 0
local eventName = ""
+ for event,expectedCount in pairs(eventGroup) do
+ eventName = eventName .. " " .. event
+ totalExpected = totalExpected + expectedCount
+ end
if timeout then
- count = _AFT.lockWaitGroup(eventGroup, timeout)
+ totalCount = _AFT.lockWaitGroup(eventGroup, timeout)
for event in pairs(eventGroup) do
- count = count + _AFT.monitored_events[event].receivedCount
+ totalCount = totalCount + _AFT.monitored_events[event].receivedCount
- for event,expectedCount in pairs(eventGroup) do
- eventName = eventName .. " " .. event
- expected = expected + expectedCount
- end
- _AFT.assertIsTrue(count >= expected, "None or one of the following events: '".. eventName .."' has not been received")
+ _AFT.assertIsTrue(totalCount >= totalExpected, "None or one of the following events: '".. eventName .."' has not been received")
for event in pairs(eventGroup) do
+ _AFT.monitored_events[event] = nil
@@ -289,6 +290,7 @@ function _AFT.assertEvtNotReceived(eventName, timeout)
_AFT.assertIsTrue(count == 0, "Event '".. eventName .."' received but it shouldn't")
+ _AFT.monitored_events[eventName] = nil
function _AFT.assertEvtReceived(eventName, timeout)
@@ -300,6 +302,7 @@ function _AFT.assertEvtReceived(eventName, timeout)
_AFT.assertIsTrue(count > 0, "No event '".. eventName .."' received")
+ _AFT.monitored_events[eventName] = nil
function _AFT.testEvtNotReceived(testName, eventName, timeout, setUp, tearDown)
@@ -658,13 +661,13 @@ end
function _launch_test(context, confArgs, queryArgs)
_AFT.context = context
_AFT.bindingRootDir = AFB:getrootdir(_AFT.context)
+ _AFT.apiname = AFB:getapiname(_AFT.context)
-- Enable the lava additionals output markers
if queryArgs and queryArgs.lavaOutput then _AFT.lavaOutput = queryArgs.lavaOutput end
-- Prepare the tests execution configuring the monitoring and loading
-- lua test files to execute in the Framework.
- AFB:servsync(_AFT.context, "monitor", "set", { verbosity = "debug" })
if type(confArgs.trace) == "string" then
AFB:servsync(_AFT.context, "monitor", "trace", { add = {event = "push_after", pattern = confArgs.trace.."/*" }})
elseif type(confArgs.trace) == "table" then
diff --git a/src/aft.c b/src/aft.c
index 01bfaa2..9500368 100644
--- a/src/aft.c
+++ b/src/aft.c
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <systemd/sd-event.h>
#include "aft.h"
#include "mapis.h"
@@ -29,6 +31,9 @@
static CtlConfigT *CtrlLoadConfigJson(afb_api_t apiHandle, json_object *configJ);
static CtlConfigT *CtrlLoadConfigFile(afb_api_t apiHandle, const char *configPath);
static int CtrlCreateApi(afb_api_t apiHandle, CtlConfigT *ctrlConfig);
+static pthread_mutex_t memo_lock;
+static afb_req_t memo_sync = NULL;
+static struct sd_event_source *timersrc = NULL;
// Config Section definition
static CtlSectionT ctrlSections[] = {
@@ -79,15 +84,67 @@ static void ctrlapi_load(afb_req_t request) {
static void ctrlapi_exit(afb_req_t request) {
AFB_REQ_NOTICE(request, "Exiting...");
+ pthread_mutex_destroy(&memo_lock);
afb_req_success(request, NULL, NULL);
+static int timeoutCB(struct sd_event_source *s, uint64_t us, void *ud)
+ if (memo_sync)
+ afb_req_reply(memo_sync, NULL, "timeout", NULL);
+ memo_sync = NULL;
+ timersrc = NULL;
+ return 0;
+ * @brief A verb to call synchronously that will end when a timeout expires or
+ * when a call with a 'stop' order given in the arguments.
+ *
+ * @param request: the AFB request object
+ */
+static void ctrlapi_sync(afb_req_t request) {
+ struct json_object *obj, *val;
+ uint64_t to, usec;
+ AFB_REQ_NOTICE(request, "Syncing...");
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&memo_lock);
+ obj = afb_req_json(request);
+ if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "start", &val)) {
+ to = json_object_get_int(val);
+ if (memo_sync)
+ afb_req_reply(request, NULL, "Bad-State", "There is an already ongoing waiting request.");
+ else {
+ sd_event_now(afb_api_get_event_loop(afb_req_get_api(request)), CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &usec);
+ usec = to + usec;
+ sd_event_add_time(afb_api_get_event_loop(afb_req_get_api(request)), &timersrc, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, usec, 0, timeoutCB, NULL);
+ memo_sync = afb_req_addref(request);
+ }
+ } else if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "stop", &val)) {
+ if (!memo_sync)
+ afb_req_reply(request, NULL, "Bad-State", "There isn't any ongoing waiting request.");
+ else {
+ afb_req_reply(memo_sync, json_object_get(val), NULL, NULL);
+ afb_req_unref(memo_sync);
+ sd_event_source_unref(timersrc);
+ memo_sync = NULL;
+ timersrc = NULL;
+ afb_req_reply(request, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ } else
+ afb_req_reply(request, NULL, "Invalid", "No 'start' nor 'stop' order provided.");
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&memo_lock);
static afb_verb_t CtrlApiVerbs[] = {
{.verb = "ping", .callback = ctrlapi_ping, .info = "ping test for API"},
{.verb = "load", .callback = ctrlapi_load, .info = "load a API meant to launch test for a binding"},
{.verb = "exit", .callback = ctrlapi_exit, .info = "Exit test"},
+ {.verb = "sync", .callback = ctrlapi_sync, .info = "Manually make a sync for something using a synchronous subcall"},
{.verb = NULL} /* marker for end of the array */
@@ -112,6 +169,11 @@ static int CtrlInitOneApi(afb_api_t apiHandle) {
static int CtrlLoadOneApi(void *cbdata, afb_api_t apiHandle) {
CtlConfigT *ctrlConfig = (CtlConfigT *)cbdata;
+ if(pthread_mutex_init(&memo_lock, NULL)) {
+ AFB_API_ERROR(apiHandle, "Fail to initialize");
+ return -1;
+ }
// save closure as api's data context
afb_api_set_userdata(apiHandle, ctrlConfig);
@@ -178,7 +240,7 @@ static int CtrlCreateApi(afb_api_t apiHandle, CtlConfigT *ctrlConfig) {
wrap_json_object_add(ctrlConfig->configJ, resourcesJ);
wrap_json_object_add(ctrlConfig->configJ, eventsJ);
- if(! afb_api_new_api(apiHandle, ctrlConfig->api, ctrlConfig->info, 1, CtrlLoadOneApi, ctrlConfig))
+ if(! afb_api_new_api(apiHandle, ctrlConfig->api, ctrlConfig->info, 0, CtrlLoadOneApi, ctrlConfig))
return ERROR;
return 0;