path: root/ctl-lib/ctl-plugin.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'ctl-lib/ctl-plugin.c')
1 files changed, 163 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/ctl-lib/ctl-plugin.c b/ctl-lib/ctl-plugin.c
index 2520d77..3e3e16e 100644
--- a/ctl-lib/ctl-plugin.c
+++ b/ctl-lib/ctl-plugin.c
@@ -84,77 +84,19 @@ STATIC int DispatchOneL2c(void* luaState, char *funcname, Lua2cFunctionT callbac
-STATIC int PluginLoadOne (AFB_ApiT apiHandle, CtlPluginT *ctlPlugin, json_object *pluginJ, void* handle) {
- json_object *lua2csJ = NULL, *pluginPathJ = NULL;
- const char*ldSearchPath = NULL, *basename = NULL;
- void *dlHandle;
+STATIC int PluginLoadCOne(AFB_ApiT apiHandle, const char *pluginpath, json_object *lua2csJ, void * handle, CtlPluginT *ctlPlugin)
+ void *dlHandle = dlopen(pluginpath, RTLD_NOW);
- // plugin initialises at 1st load further init actions should be place into onload section
- if (!pluginJ) return 0;
- int err = wrap_json_unpack(pluginJ, "{ss,s?s,s?s,s?s,s?o !}",
- "uid", &ctlPlugin->uid,
- "info", &ctlPlugin->info,
- "ldpath", &ldSearchPath,
- "basename", &basename,
- "lua2c", &lua2csJ);
- if (err) {
- AFB_ApiError(apiHandle, "CTL-PLUGIN-LOADONE Plugin missing uid|[info]|basename|[ldpath]|[lua2c] in:\n-- %s", json_object_get_string(pluginJ));
- goto OnErrorExit;
- }
- // default basename equal uid
- if (!basename) basename=ctlPlugin->uid;
- // if search path not in Json config file, then try default
- if (!ldSearchPath)
- {
- memset(path, 0, sizeof(path));
- const char *envpath = getenv("CONTROL_PLUGIN_PATH");
- envpath ?
- strncat(path, envpath, strlen(envpath)):
- const char *bPath = GetBindingDirPath();
- strncat(path, ":", strlen(":"));
- strncat(path, bPath, strlen(bPath));
- ldSearchPath = path;
- }
- // search for default policy config file
- pluginPathJ = ScanForConfig(ldSearchPath, CTL_SCAN_RECURSIVE, basename, CTL_PLUGIN_EXT);
- if (!pluginPathJ || json_object_array_length(pluginPathJ) == 0) {
- AFB_ApiError(apiHandle, "CTL-PLUGIN-LOADONE Missing plugin=%s*%s (config ldpath?) search=\n-- %s", basename, CTL_PLUGIN_EXT, ldSearchPath);
- goto OnErrorExit;
- }
- char *filename;
- char*fullpath;
- err = wrap_json_unpack(json_object_array_get_idx(pluginPathJ, 0), "{s:s, s:s !}", "fullpath", &fullpath, "filename", &filename);
- if (err) {
- AFB_ApiError(apiHandle, "CTL-PLUGIN-LOADONE HOOPs invalid plugin file path=\n-- %s", json_object_get_string(pluginPathJ));
- goto OnErrorExit;
- }
- if (json_object_array_length(pluginPathJ) > 1) {
- AFB_ApiWarning(apiHandle, "CTL-PLUGIN-LOADONE plugin multiple instances in searchpath will use %s/%s", fullpath, filename);
- }
- char pluginpath[CONTROL_MAXPATH_LEN];
- strncpy(pluginpath, fullpath, strlen (fullpath)+1);
- strncat(pluginpath, "/", strlen ("/"));
- strncat(pluginpath, filename, strlen (filename));
- dlHandle = dlopen(pluginpath, RTLD_NOW);
if (!dlHandle) {
AFB_ApiError(apiHandle, "CTL-PLUGIN-LOADONE Fail to load pluginpath=%s err= %s", pluginpath, dlerror());
- goto OnErrorExit;
+ return -1;
CtlPluginMagicT *ctlPluginMagic = (CtlPluginMagicT*) dlsym(dlHandle, "CtlPluginMagic");
if (!ctlPluginMagic || ctlPluginMagic->magic != CTL_PLUGIN_MAGIC) {
AFB_ApiError(apiHandle, "CTL-PLUGIN-LOADONE symbol'CtlPluginMagic' missing or != CTL_PLUGIN_MAGIC plugin=%s", pluginpath);
- goto OnErrorExit;
+ return -1;
} else {
AFB_ApiNotice(apiHandle, "CTL-PLUGIN-LOADONE %s successfully registered", ctlPluginMagic->uid);
@@ -175,7 +117,7 @@ STATIC int PluginLoadOne (AFB_ApiT apiHandle, CtlPluginT *ctlPlugin, json_object
// Lua2cWrapper is part of binder and not expose to dynamic link
if (lua2csJ && lua2cInPlug) {
- *lua2cInPlug = DispatchOneL2c;
+ *lua2cInPlug = (Lua2cWrapperT)DispatchOneL2c;
int Lua2cAddOne(luaL_Reg *l2cFunc, const char* l2cName, int index) {
@@ -219,7 +161,7 @@ STATIC int PluginLoadOne (AFB_ApiT apiHandle, CtlPluginT *ctlPlugin, json_object
if (errCount) {
AFB_ApiError(apiHandle, "CTL-PLUGIN-LOADONE %d symbols not found in plugin='%s'", errCount, pluginpath);
- goto OnErrorExit;
+ return -1;
int total = ctlLua2cFunc->l2cCount + count;
if(ctlLua2cFunc->l2cCount) {
@@ -240,21 +182,171 @@ STATIC int PluginLoadOne (AFB_ApiT apiHandle, CtlPluginT *ctlPlugin, json_object
ctlPlugin->context = (*ctlPluginOnload) (ctlPlugin, handle);
+ return 0;
+STATIC int LoadFoundPlugins(AFB_ApiT apiHandle, json_object *scanResult, json_object *lua2csJ, void *handle, CtlPluginT *ctlPlugin)
+ char pluginpath[CONTROL_MAXPATH_LEN];
+ char *filename;
+ char *fullpath;
+ char *ext;
+ int i;
+ size_t len;
+ json_object *object = NULL;
+ if (!json_object_is_type(scanResult, json_type_array))
+ return -1;
+ len = json_object_array_length(scanResult);
+ for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ object = json_object_array_get_idx(scanResult, i);
+ int err = wrap_json_unpack(object, "{s:s, s:s !}",
+ "fullpath", &fullpath,
+ "filename", &filename);
+ if (err) {
+ AFB_ApiError(apiHandle, "HOOPs invalid plugin file path=\n-- %s", json_object_get_string(scanResult));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Make sure you don't load two found libraries */
+ ext = strrchr(filename, '.');
+ strncpy(pluginpath, fullpath, strlen (fullpath)+1);
+ strncat(pluginpath, "/", strlen ("/"));
+ strncat(pluginpath, filename, strlen (filename));
+ if(!strcasecmp(ext, CONTROL_PLUGIN_EXT)) {
+ if(ext && !strcasecmp(ext, CONTROL_PLUGIN_EXT) && i > 0) {
+ AFB_ApiWarning(apiHandle, "Plugin multiple instances in searchpath will use %s/%s", fullpath, filename);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ PluginLoadCOne(apiHandle, pluginpath, lua2csJ, handle, ctlPlugin);
+ }
+ else if(!strcasecmp(ext, CONTROL_SCRIPT_EXT)) {
+ ctlPlugin->api = apiHandle;
+ ctlPlugin->context = handle;
+ luaLoadScript(pluginpath);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+STATIC char *GetDefaultSearchPath()
+ char *searchPath;
+ const char *bPath;
+ const char *envPath;
+ size_t bPath_len, envPath_len, CTL_PLGN_len;
+ bPath = GetBindingDirPath();
+ envPath = getenv("CONTROL_PLUGIN_PATH");
+ bPath_len = strlen(bPath);
+ envPath_len = envPath ? strlen(envPath) : 0;
+ CTL_PLGN_len = envPath_len ? 0 : strlen(CONTROL_PLUGIN_PATH);
+ /* Allocating with the size of binding root dir path + environment if found
+ * + 2 for the NULL terminating character and the additionnal separator
+ * between bPath and envPath concatenation.
+ */
+ if(envPath) {
+ searchPath = calloc(1, sizeof(char) *((bPath_len + envPath_len) + 2));
+ strncat(searchPath, envPath, envPath_len);
+ }
+ else {
+ searchPath = calloc(1, sizeof(char) * ((bPath_len + CTL_PLGN_len) + 2));
+ strncat(searchPath, CONTROL_PLUGIN_PATH, CTL_PLGN_len);
+ }
+ strncat(searchPath, ":", 1);
+ strncat(searchPath, bPath, bPath_len);
+ return searchPath;
+STATIC int FindPlugins(AFB_ApiT apiHandle, const char *searchPath, const char *file, json_object **pluginPathJ)
+ *pluginPathJ = ScanForConfig(searchPath, CTL_SCAN_RECURSIVE, file, NULL);
+ if (!*pluginPathJ || json_object_array_length(*pluginPathJ) == 0) {
+ AFB_ApiError(apiHandle, "CTL-PLUGIN-LOADONE Missing plugin=%s* (config ldpath?) search=\n-- %s", file, searchPath);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+STATIC int PluginLoad (AFB_ApiT apiHandle, CtlPluginT *ctlPlugin, json_object *pluginJ, void *handle)
+ int err = 0, i = 0;
+ char *searchPath;
+ const char *sPath = NULL, *file = NULL;
+ json_object *lua2csJ = NULL, *fileJ = NULL, *pluginPathJ = NULL;
+ // plugin initialises at 1st load further init actions should be place into onload section
+ if (!pluginJ) return 0;
+ err = wrap_json_unpack(pluginJ, "{ss,s?s,s?s,s?o,s?o !}",
+ "uid", &ctlPlugin->uid,
+ "info", &ctlPlugin->info,
+ "spath", &sPath,
+ "file", &fileJ,
+ "lua2c", &lua2csJ);
+ if (err) {
+ AFB_ApiError(apiHandle, "CTL-PLUGIN-LOADONE Plugin missing uid|[info]|file|[ldpath]|[lua2c] in:\n-- %s", json_object_get_string(pluginJ));
+ goto OnErrorExit;
+ }
+ // if search path not in Json config file, then try default
+ if(sPath)
+ searchPath = strdup(sPath);
+ else
+ searchPath = GetDefaultSearchPath();
+ // default file equal uid
+ if (!fileJ) {
+ file = ctlPlugin->uid;
+ if(FindPlugins(apiHandle, searchPath, file, &pluginPathJ))
+ goto OnErrorExit;
+ LoadFoundPlugins(apiHandle, pluginPathJ, lua2csJ, handle, ctlPlugin);
+ }
+ else if(json_object_is_type(fileJ, json_type_string)) {
+ file = json_object_get_string(fileJ);
+ if(FindPlugins(apiHandle, searchPath, file, &pluginPathJ))
+ goto OnErrorExit;
+ LoadFoundPlugins(apiHandle, pluginPathJ, lua2csJ, handle, ctlPlugin);
+ }
+ else if(json_object_is_type(fileJ, json_type_array)) {
+ for(i = 0; i < json_object_array_length(fileJ);++i) {
+ file = json_object_get_string(json_object_array_get_idx(fileJ, i));
+ if(FindPlugins(apiHandle, searchPath, file, &pluginPathJ))
+ goto OnErrorExit;
+ LoadFoundPlugins(apiHandle, pluginPathJ, lua2csJ, handle, ctlPlugin);
+ }
+ }
+ if(err)
+ goto OnErrorExit;
+ free(searchPath);
json_object_put(pluginPathJ); // No more needs for that json_object.
return 0;
+ free(searchPath);
json_object_put(pluginPathJ); // No more needs for that json_object.
return 1;
PUBLIC int PluginConfig(AFB_ApiT apiHandle, CtlSectionT *section, json_object *pluginsJ) {
- int err=0;
+ int err = 0;
+ int idx = 0;
+ size_t length = 0;
if (ctlPlugins)
- int idx = 0;
while(ctlPlugins[idx].uid != NULL)
// Jose hack to make verbosity visible from sharedlib and
@@ -267,15 +359,15 @@ PUBLIC int PluginConfig(AFB_ApiT apiHandle, CtlSectionT *section, json_object *p
if (json_object_get_type(pluginsJ) == json_type_array) {
- size_t length = json_object_array_length(pluginsJ);
+ length = json_object_array_length(pluginsJ);
ctlPlugins = calloc (length+1, sizeof(CtlPluginT));
- for (int idx=0; idx < length; idx++) {
+ for (idx=0; idx < length; idx++) {
json_object *pluginJ = json_object_array_get_idx(pluginsJ, idx);
- err += PluginLoadOne(apiHandle, &ctlPlugins[idx], pluginJ, section->handle);
+ err += PluginLoad(apiHandle, &ctlPlugins[idx], pluginJ, section->handle);
} else {
ctlPlugins = calloc (2, sizeof(CtlPluginT));
- err += PluginLoadOne(apiHandle, &ctlPlugins[0], pluginsJ, section->handle);
+ err += PluginLoad(apiHandle, &ctlPlugins[0], pluginsJ, section->handle);