path: root/lib/config.dart
diff options
authorScott Murray <scott.murray@konsulko.com>2023-09-14 14:01:24 -0400
committerScott Murray <scott.murray@konsulko.com>2023-09-14 14:37:02 -0400
commitcbbb9f40e283d12f6c52ad28609516f390316f7a (patch)
treed8d2cd8f4641299dd35a3138c0e28f11443928d6 /lib/config.dart
parent5ce59ba69f1451ec18c565b7b18301856553f574 (diff)
Rework to use KUKSA.val databroker gRPC API
Rework to move from the WebSocket API with the older KUKSA.val server to the gRPC "VAL" API of the databroker. Changes include: - All VISS WebSocket API code has been removed, and the signal providers replumbed to be driven by a new VssClient class with a homescreen-specific child class to hold all the gRPC API handling. - The generated code for the VAL API and its dependencies has been checked in under lib/generated, as there still does not seem to be a good way to generate it during the Flutter build. - The configuration file is now expected to be "homescreen.yaml" instead of "homescreen_config.yaml". The authorization token field name has been renamed to "authorization", and there are new "use-tls" and "ca-certificate" configuration fields. TLS is disabled by default for now, and the default CA certificate is /etc/kuksa.val/CA.pem. - Updated .gitignore to cover a couple of generated files that weren't included. Bug-AGL: SPEC-4762, SPEC-4903 Signed-off-by: Scott Murray <scott.murray@konsulko.com> Change-Id: I1b95ed27a72435364d54ec846f2be88e3d8bb092
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/config.dart')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/lib/config.dart b/lib/config.dart
index 6da02ed..d3e3936 100644
--- a/lib/config.dart
+++ b/lib/config.dart
@@ -1,115 +1,108 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
-import 'vehicle-signals/viss_connection_widget.dart';
+class KuksaConfig {
+ final String hostname;
+ final int port;
+ final String authorization;
+ final bool use_tls;
+ final List<int> ca_certificate;
+ final String tls_server_name;
-class GetConfig extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
- const GetConfig({Key? key, required this.client}) : super(key: key);
- final HttpClient client;
+ static String configFilePath = '/etc/xdg/AGL/homescreen.yaml';
+ static String defaultHostname = 'localhost';
+ static int defaultPort = 55555;
+ static String defaultCaCertPath = '/etc/kuksa-val/CA.pem';
- @override
- ConsumerState<GetConfig> createState() => _GetConfigState();
+ KuksaConfig({required this.hostname, required this.port, required this.authorization,
+ required this.use_tls, required this.ca_certificate, required this.tls_server_name});
-class _GetConfigState extends ConsumerState<GetConfig> {
- @override
- void initState() {
- super.initState();
- WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((timeStamp) {
- final configStateProvider = ref.read(ConfigStateprovider.notifier);
+// NOTE: This may need to be changed to a FutureProvider to avoid slowing
+// down the top-level widget initState...
- String configFilePath = '/etc/xdg/AGL/homescreen_config.yaml';
+final kuksaConfigProvider = Provider((ref) {
+ final configFile = File(KuksaConfig.configFilePath);
+ try {
+ print("Reading configuration ${KuksaConfig.configFilePath}");
+ String content = configFile.readAsStringSync();
+ final dynamic yamlMap = loadYaml(content);
- final configFile = File(configFilePath);
- configFile.readAsString().then((content) {
- final dynamic yamlMap = loadYaml(content);
- configStateProvider.update(
- read: true,
- hostname: yamlMap['hostname'],
- port: yamlMap['port'],
- kuksaAuthToken: yamlMap['kuskaAuthToken'],
- );
- }).catchError((content) {
- configStateProvider.update(read: true);
- });
- });
- }
+ String hostname = KuksaConfig.defaultHostname;
+ if (yamlMap.containsKey('hostname')) {
+ hostname = yamlMap['hostname'];
+ }
- @override
- Widget build(BuildContext context) {
- final config = ref.watch(ConfigStateprovider);
- if (!config.read) {
- return Container(
- child: const Text("Reading configuration file!",
- style: TextStyle(
- fontSize: 20,
- fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
- color: Colors.white)));
- } else if (config.hostname == "" ||
- config.port == 0 ||
- config.kuksaAuthToken == "") {
- return Container(
- child: const Text("Invalid configuration file!",
- style: TextStyle(
- fontSize: 20,
- fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
- color: Colors.white)));
+ int port = KuksaConfig.defaultPort;
+ if (yamlMap.containsKey('port')) {
+ port = yamlMap['port'];
- return VISServerConnectionWidget(client: widget.client);
- }
-class Config {
- Config({
- required this.read,
- required this.hostname,
- required this.port,
- required this.kuksaAuthToken,
- });
- final bool read;
- final String hostname;
- final int port;
- final String kuksaAuthToken;
+ String token = "";
+ if (yamlMap.containsKey('authorization')) {
+ String s = yamlMap['authorization'];
+ if (s.isNotEmpty) {
+ if (s.startsWith("/")) {
+ debugPrint("Reading authorization token $s");
+ try {
+ token = File(s).readAsStringSync();
+ } on Exception catch(_) {
+ print("ERROR: Could not read authorization token file $token");
+ token = "";
+ }
+ } else {
+ token = s;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //debugPrint("authorization = $token");
- Config copywith({
- bool? read,
- String? hostname,
- int? port,
- String? kuksaAuthToken,
- }) =>
- Config(
- read: read ?? this.read,
- hostname: hostname ?? this.hostname,
- port: port ?? this.port,
- kuksaAuthToken: kuksaAuthToken ?? this.kuksaAuthToken,
- );
+ bool use_tls = false;
+ if (yamlMap.containsKey('use-tls')) {
+ var value = yamlMap['use-tls'];
+ if (value is bool)
+ use_tls = value;
+ }
+ //debugPrint("Use TLS = $use_tls");
+ List<int> ca_cert = [];
+ String ca_path = KuksaConfig.defaultCaCertPath;
+ if (yamlMap.containsKey('ca-certificate')) {
+ ca_path = yamlMap['ca-certificate'];
+ }
+ try {
+ ca_cert = File(ca_path).readAsBytesSync();
+ } on Exception catch(_) {
+ print("ERROR: Could not read CA certificate file $ca_path");
+ ca_cert = [];
+ }
+ //debugPrint("CA cert = $ca_cert");
-final ConfigStateprovider = StateNotifierProvider<ConfigStateNotifier, Config>(
- (ref) => ConfigStateNotifier());
+ String tls_server_name = "";
+ if (yamlMap.containsKey('tls-server-name')) {
+ tls_server_name = yamlMap['tls_server_name'];
+ }
-class ConfigStateNotifier extends StateNotifier<Config> {
- ConfigStateNotifier() : super(_initialValue);
- static final Config _initialValue = Config(
- read: false,
- hostname: "",
- port: 0,
- kuksaAuthToken: "",
- );
- void update({
- bool? read,
- String? hostname,
- int? port,
- String? kuksaAuthToken,
- }) {
- state = state.copywith(
- read: read,
- hostname: hostname,
- port: port,
- kuksaAuthToken: kuksaAuthToken,
- );
+ return KuksaConfig(
+ hostname: hostname,
+ port: port,
+ authorization: token,
+ use_tls: use_tls,
+ ca_certificate: ca_cert,
+ tls_server_name: tls_server_name
+ );
+ } on Exception catch(_) {
+ return KuksaConfig(
+ hostname: KuksaConfig.defaultHostname,
+ port: KuksaConfig.defaultPort,
+ authorization: "",
+ use_tls: false,
+ ca_certificate: [],
+ tls_server_name: ""
+ );