path: root/lib/config.dart
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/config.dart')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/lib/config.dart b/lib/config.dart
index 6da02ed..d3e3936 100644
--- a/lib/config.dart
+++ b/lib/config.dart
@@ -1,115 +1,108 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import 'dart:io';
-import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
+import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
-import 'vehicle-signals/viss_connection_widget.dart';
+class KuksaConfig {
+ final String hostname;
+ final int port;
+ final String authorization;
+ final bool use_tls;
+ final List<int> ca_certificate;
+ final String tls_server_name;
-class GetConfig extends ConsumerStatefulWidget {
- const GetConfig({Key? key, required this.client}) : super(key: key);
- final HttpClient client;
+ static String configFilePath = '/etc/xdg/AGL/homescreen.yaml';
+ static String defaultHostname = 'localhost';
+ static int defaultPort = 55555;
+ static String defaultCaCertPath = '/etc/kuksa-val/CA.pem';
- @override
- ConsumerState<GetConfig> createState() => _GetConfigState();
+ KuksaConfig({required this.hostname, required this.port, required this.authorization,
+ required this.use_tls, required this.ca_certificate, required this.tls_server_name});
-class _GetConfigState extends ConsumerState<GetConfig> {
- @override
- void initState() {
- super.initState();
- WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((timeStamp) {
- final configStateProvider = ref.read(ConfigStateprovider.notifier);
+// NOTE: This may need to be changed to a FutureProvider to avoid slowing
+// down the top-level widget initState...
- String configFilePath = '/etc/xdg/AGL/homescreen_config.yaml';
+final kuksaConfigProvider = Provider((ref) {
+ final configFile = File(KuksaConfig.configFilePath);
+ try {
+ print("Reading configuration ${KuksaConfig.configFilePath}");
+ String content = configFile.readAsStringSync();
+ final dynamic yamlMap = loadYaml(content);
- final configFile = File(configFilePath);
- configFile.readAsString().then((content) {
- final dynamic yamlMap = loadYaml(content);
- configStateProvider.update(
- read: true,
- hostname: yamlMap['hostname'],
- port: yamlMap['port'],
- kuksaAuthToken: yamlMap['kuskaAuthToken'],
- );
- }).catchError((content) {
- configStateProvider.update(read: true);
- });
- });
- }
+ String hostname = KuksaConfig.defaultHostname;
+ if (yamlMap.containsKey('hostname')) {
+ hostname = yamlMap['hostname'];
+ }
- @override
- Widget build(BuildContext context) {
- final config = ref.watch(ConfigStateprovider);
- if (!config.read) {
- return Container(
- child: const Text("Reading configuration file!",
- style: TextStyle(
- fontSize: 20,
- fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
- color: Colors.white)));
- } else if (config.hostname == "" ||
- config.port == 0 ||
- config.kuksaAuthToken == "") {
- return Container(
- child: const Text("Invalid configuration file!",
- style: TextStyle(
- fontSize: 20,
- fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
- color: Colors.white)));
+ int port = KuksaConfig.defaultPort;
+ if (yamlMap.containsKey('port')) {
+ port = yamlMap['port'];
- return VISServerConnectionWidget(client: widget.client);
- }
-class Config {
- Config({
- required this.read,
- required this.hostname,
- required this.port,
- required this.kuksaAuthToken,
- });
- final bool read;
- final String hostname;
- final int port;
- final String kuksaAuthToken;
+ String token = "";
+ if (yamlMap.containsKey('authorization')) {
+ String s = yamlMap['authorization'];
+ if (s.isNotEmpty) {
+ if (s.startsWith("/")) {
+ debugPrint("Reading authorization token $s");
+ try {
+ token = File(s).readAsStringSync();
+ } on Exception catch(_) {
+ print("ERROR: Could not read authorization token file $token");
+ token = "";
+ }
+ } else {
+ token = s;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //debugPrint("authorization = $token");
- Config copywith({
- bool? read,
- String? hostname,
- int? port,
- String? kuksaAuthToken,
- }) =>
- Config(
- read: read ?? this.read,
- hostname: hostname ?? this.hostname,
- port: port ?? this.port,
- kuksaAuthToken: kuksaAuthToken ?? this.kuksaAuthToken,
- );
+ bool use_tls = false;
+ if (yamlMap.containsKey('use-tls')) {
+ var value = yamlMap['use-tls'];
+ if (value is bool)
+ use_tls = value;
+ }
+ //debugPrint("Use TLS = $use_tls");
+ List<int> ca_cert = [];
+ String ca_path = KuksaConfig.defaultCaCertPath;
+ if (yamlMap.containsKey('ca-certificate')) {
+ ca_path = yamlMap['ca-certificate'];
+ }
+ try {
+ ca_cert = File(ca_path).readAsBytesSync();
+ } on Exception catch(_) {
+ print("ERROR: Could not read CA certificate file $ca_path");
+ ca_cert = [];
+ }
+ //debugPrint("CA cert = $ca_cert");
-final ConfigStateprovider = StateNotifierProvider<ConfigStateNotifier, Config>(
- (ref) => ConfigStateNotifier());
+ String tls_server_name = "";
+ if (yamlMap.containsKey('tls-server-name')) {
+ tls_server_name = yamlMap['tls_server_name'];
+ }
-class ConfigStateNotifier extends StateNotifier<Config> {
- ConfigStateNotifier() : super(_initialValue);
- static final Config _initialValue = Config(
- read: false,
- hostname: "",
- port: 0,
- kuksaAuthToken: "",
- );
- void update({
- bool? read,
- String? hostname,
- int? port,
- String? kuksaAuthToken,
- }) {
- state = state.copywith(
- read: read,
- hostname: hostname,
- port: port,
- kuksaAuthToken: kuksaAuthToken,
- );
+ return KuksaConfig(
+ hostname: hostname,
+ port: port,
+ authorization: token,
+ use_tls: use_tls,
+ ca_certificate: ca_cert,
+ tls_server_name: tls_server_name
+ );
+ } on Exception catch(_) {
+ return KuksaConfig(
+ hostname: KuksaConfig.defaultHostname,
+ port: KuksaConfig.defaultPort,
+ authorization: "",
+ use_tls: false,
+ ca_certificate: [],
+ tls_server_name: ""
+ );