path: root/assets/app-generic.svg
diff options
authorScott Murray <>2023-12-21 17:22:52 -0500
committerScott Murray <>2023-12-21 22:48:36 +0000
commita445ffb0d847b8d1e44213b95bfbe60ecdf19952 (patch)
tree8854ab9d843a983f6b43c3cd6eb7df34765a167c /assets/app-generic.svg
parent4ae68f5be11d110f2df10d54377d970921e30a21 (diff)
Add application launcher support
Changes: - Add required agl-shell and applauncher gRPC API source and generated files. - Remove unused deprecated databroker gRPC API files as cleanup. - Add app launcher helper object and associated RiverPod provider. The implementation is based on code from the old Flutter homescreen. There will likely be follow up work to use the recent changes to the agl-shell gRPC API to handle display setting for applications needing remote displays. - Wire up application enumeration and starting in the app page. A placeholder generic application icon has been added that will be used for the external applications for now, as the SVG icons being used with the old homescreens are not really suitable. - Wire up activating the homescreen again if the bottom panel is touched after an external application has been started. Bug-AGL: SPEC-5026 Change-Id: I01de4760cfd098d3b5f2e6843ad9103a8ea87935 Signed-off-by: Scott Murray <>
Diffstat (limited to 'assets/app-generic.svg')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/assets/app-generic.svg b/assets/app-generic.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9ad98f
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+++ b/assets/app-generic.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
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