path: root/lib/presentation/screens/dashboard/widgets/custom_circle.dart
diff options
authorLisandro Pérez Meyer <lpmeyer@ics.com>2023-11-14 17:20:58 -0300
committerLisandro Pérez Meyer <lpmeyer@ics.com>2023-11-14 17:31:12 -0300
commit70ec8a79a121471a004e7e4c23157d10157e136f (patch)
treea4f9c0a4fac4e4274ec4324a289b6ef62e1c5653 /lib/presentation/screens/dashboard/widgets/custom_circle.dart
Initial cleanup push.
Based on agldemo2024 on commit 2a5dc04d801134338150c3f6afc67eaa65599763 Disable device preview. Disable Lottie animation. The original commit was b3c493c340fcb4bb0a937692838fc830bec3e9ea but I am just keeping this change, because the json did not really needed to change. I think. Signed-off-by: Lisandro Pérez Meyer <lpmeyer@ics.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/presentation/screens/dashboard/widgets/custom_circle.dart')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/presentation/screens/dashboard/widgets/custom_circle.dart b/lib/presentation/screens/dashboard/widgets/custom_circle.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e26f0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/presentation/screens/dashboard/widgets/custom_circle.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+import 'dart:math' as math;
+import 'package:flutter_ics_homescreen/export.dart';
+class CirclePainter extends CustomPainter {
+ final double value;
+ final double maxValue;
+ final bool? isRPM;
+ final bool? isFuel;
+ CirclePainter({
+ required this.value,
+ required this.maxValue,
+ this.isRPM = false,
+ this.isFuel = false,
+ });
+ @override
+ void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
+ final paint = Paint()
+ ..color = AGLDemoColors.neonBlueColor
+ ..strokeWidth = 2
+ ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke;
+ final paintRed = Paint()
+ ..color = const Color(0xFFBF360C)
+ ..strokeWidth = 2
+ ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke;
+ final smallCirclePaint = Paint()
+ ..color = AGLDemoColors.resolutionBlueColor
+ ..strokeWidth = 10
+ // Use [PaintingStyle.fill] if you want the circle to be filled.
+ ..style = PaintingStyle.fill;
+ final center = Offset(size.width / 2, size.height / 2);
+ final double radius = (size.width / 2) - 10;
+ const totalDegree = 360;
+ // Total ticks to display
+ var totalTicks = isFuel! ? 4 : 8;
+ var values = [];
+ for (int i = 0; i < totalTicks; i++) {
+ values.add(i * (maxValue / totalTicks));
+ }
+ /// The angle between each tick
+ var unitAngle = totalDegree / totalTicks;
+ for (int i = 0; i < totalTicks; i++) {
+ final angle = -90.0.radians + (i * unitAngle).radians;
+ final xOffset = radius * math.cos(angle);
+ final yOffset = radius * math.sin(angle);
+ final offset = Offset(center.dx + xOffset, center.dy + yOffset);
+ if (value > values[i]) {
+ canvas.drawCircle(offset, 3, smallCirclePaint);
+ } else {
+ canvas.drawCircle(offset, 3, smallCirclePaint..color = Colors.white);
+ }
+ }
+ final rect = Rect.fromCenter(
+ center: center,
+ width: ((size.width / 2.4) * 2) + 2,
+ height: (size.width / 2.4) * 2 + 2,
+ );
+ canvas.drawArc(
+ rect,
+ _deg2Rads(-90),
+ _deg2Rads(360),
+ false,
+ paint,
+ );
+ if (isRPM == true) {
+ canvas.drawArc(
+ rect,
+ _deg2Rads(202),
+ _deg2Rads(68),
+ false,
+ paintRed,
+ );
+ }
+ if (isFuel == true) {
+ canvas.drawArc(
+ rect,
+ _deg2Rads(-90),
+ _deg2Rads(80),
+ false,
+ paintRed,
+ );
+ }
+ //canvas.drawArc(rect, pi / 4, pi * 3 / 4, false, paint);
+ }
+ double _deg2Rads(num deg) {
+ return (deg * math.pi) / 180.0;
+ }
+ @override
+ bool shouldRepaint(oldDelegate) => false;
+extension on num {
+ /// This is an extension we created so we can easily convert a value /// to a radian value
+ double get radians => (this * math.pi) / 180.0;