path: root/lib/presentation/screens/hvac/widgets/temperature_control.dart
diff options
authorLisandro Pérez Meyer <>2023-11-14 17:20:58 -0300
committerLisandro Pérez Meyer <>2023-11-14 17:31:12 -0300
commit70ec8a79a121471a004e7e4c23157d10157e136f (patch)
treea4f9c0a4fac4e4274ec4324a289b6ef62e1c5653 /lib/presentation/screens/hvac/widgets/temperature_control.dart
Initial cleanup push.
Based on agldemo2024 on commit 2a5dc04d801134338150c3f6afc67eaa65599763 Disable device preview. Disable Lottie animation. The original commit was b3c493c340fcb4bb0a937692838fc830bec3e9ea but I am just keeping this change, because the json did not really needed to change. I think. Signed-off-by: Lisandro Pérez Meyer <>
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/presentation/screens/hvac/widgets/temperature_control.dart')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/presentation/screens/hvac/widgets/temperature_control.dart b/lib/presentation/screens/hvac/widgets/temperature_control.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df83840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/presentation/screens/hvac/widgets/temperature_control.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+import 'package:flutter_ics_homescreen/export.dart';
+class TemperatureControl extends StatefulWidget {
+ const TemperatureControl({super.key, required this.temperature});
+ final int temperature;
+ @override
+ State<TemperatureControl> createState() => _TemperatureControlState();
+class _TemperatureControlState extends State<TemperatureControl> {
+ int temperature = 0;
+ bool isUpButtonHighlighted = false;
+ bool isDownButtonHighlighted = false;
+ @override
+ void initState() {
+ super.initState();
+ setState(() {
+ temperature = widget.temperature;
+ });
+ }
+ onPressed({required String type}) {
+ setState(() {
+ if (type == "add") {
+ temperature = temperature + 1;
+ } else if (type == "subtract") {
+ temperature = temperature - 1;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ @override
+ Widget build(BuildContext context) {
+ double iconSize = 32;
+ double height = MediaQuery.sizeOf(context).height * 0.0417;
+ double width = MediaQuery.sizeOf(context).width * 0.2112;
+ return Column(
+ children: [
+ Material(
+ color: Colors.transparent,
+ child: InkWell(
+ onHighlightChanged: (value) {
+ setState(() {
+ isUpButtonHighlighted = value;
+ });
+ },
+ onTap: () {
+ onPressed(type: "add");
+ },
+ child: SizedBox(
+ height: height,
+ width: width,
+ child: Image.asset(
+ "assets/${isUpButtonHighlighted ? 'UpPressed' : 'Up'}.png")),
+ ),
+ ),
+ // ClipRect(
+ // clipper: MyCustomClipper(type: "top"),
+ // child: ClipRRect(
+ // borderRadius: const BorderRadius.only(
+ // bottomLeft: Radius.circular(22),
+ // bottomRight: Radius.circular(22)),
+ // child: Container(
+ // height: height,
+ // width: width,
+ // decoration: BoxDecoration(
+ // boxShadow: [
+ // BoxShadow(
+ // offset: const Offset(1, 2),
+ // blurRadius: 3,
+ // color:,
+ // ],
+ // gradient: LinearGradient(colors: [
+ // AGLDemoColors.neonBlueColor,
+ // AGLDemoColors.neonBlueColor.withOpacity(0.20)
+ // ]),
+ // borderRadius: const BorderRadius.only(
+ // topLeft: Radius.circular(100),
+ // topRight: Radius.circular(100),
+ // bottomLeft: Radius.circular(10),
+ // bottomRight: Radius.circular(10))),
+ // child: Container(
+ // margin: const EdgeInsets.all(1),
+ // decoration: const BoxDecoration(
+ // color: AGLDemoColors.buttonFillEnabledColor,
+ // borderRadius: BorderRadius.only(
+ // topLeft: Radius.circular(100),
+ // topRight: Radius.circular(100),
+ // bottomLeft: Radius.circular(10),
+ // bottomRight: Radius.circular(10))),
+ // child: Material(
+ // color: Colors.transparent,
+ // child: InkWell(
+ // onTap: () {
+ // onPressed(type: "add");
+ // },
+ // child: Padding(
+ // padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 10),
+ // child: Icon(
+ // Icons.arrow_upward,
+ // color: Colors.white,
+ // size: iconSize,
+ // shadows: [
+ // BoxShadow(
+ // offset: const Offset(1, 2),
+ // blurRadius: 3,
+ // color:,
+ // ],
+ // ),
+ // ),
+ // ),
+ // ),
+ // ),
+ // ),
+ // ),
+ // ),
+ Padding(
+ padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 10),
+ child: Text(
+ "$temperature°C",
+ style: GoogleFonts.brunoAce(fontSize: 44, height: 1.25),
+ ),
+ ),
+ Material(
+ color: Colors.transparent,
+ child: InkWell(
+ onHighlightChanged: (value) {
+ setState(() {
+ isDownButtonHighlighted = value;
+ });
+ },
+ onTap: () {
+ onPressed(type: "subtract");
+ },
+ child: SizedBox(
+ height: height,
+ width: width,
+ child: Image.asset(
+ "assets/${isDownButtonHighlighted ? 'DownPressed' : 'Down'}.png")),
+ ),
+ ),
+ // ClipRect(
+ // clipper: MyCustomClipper(type: "bottom"),
+ // child: ClipRRect(
+ // borderRadius: const BorderRadius.only(
+ // topLeft: Radius.circular(20), topRight: Radius.circular(20)),
+ // child: Container(
+ // height: height,
+ // width: width,
+ // decoration: BoxDecoration(
+ // boxShadow: [
+ // BoxShadow(
+ // offset: const Offset(1, 2),
+ // blurRadius: 3,
+ // color:,
+ // ],
+ // gradient: LinearGradient(colors: [
+ // AGLDemoColors.neonBlueColor,
+ // AGLDemoColors.neonBlueColor.withOpacity(0.20)
+ // ]),
+ // border: Border.all(color: Colors.white12),
+ // borderRadius: const BorderRadius.only(
+ // bottomLeft: Radius.circular(100),
+ // bottomRight: Radius.circular(100),
+ // topLeft: Radius.circular(10),
+ // topRight: Radius.circular(10))),
+ // child: Container(
+ // margin: const EdgeInsets.all(1),
+ // decoration: const BoxDecoration(
+ // color: AGLDemoColors.buttonFillEnabledColor,
+ // borderRadius: BorderRadius.only(
+ // bottomLeft: Radius.circular(100),
+ // bottomRight: Radius.circular(100),
+ // topLeft: Radius.circular(10),
+ // topRight: Radius.circular(10))),
+ // child: Material(
+ // color: Colors.transparent,
+ // child: InkWell(
+ // onTap: () {
+ // onPressed(type: "subtract");
+ // },
+ // child: Padding(
+ // padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 10),
+ // child: Icon(
+ // Icons.arrow_downward,
+ // color: Colors.white,
+ // size: iconSize,
+ // shadows: [
+ // BoxShadow(
+ // offset: const Offset(1, 2),
+ // blurRadius: 3,
+ // color:,
+ // ],
+ // ),
+ // ),
+ // ),
+ // ),
+ // )),
+ // )),
+ ],
+ );
+ }
+class MyCustomClipper extends CustomClipper<Rect> {
+ final String type;
+ MyCustomClipper({super.reclip, required this.type});
+ @override
+ Rect getClip(Size size) {
+ // Clip 10 pixels from the top of the container
+ return Rect.fromPoints(
+ Offset(0, type == "top" ? 0 : 10),
+ Offset(size.width, type == "top" ? size.height - 10 : size.height),
+ );
+ }
+ @override
+ bool shouldReclip(CustomClipper<Rect> oldClipper) {
+ return false;
+ }
+class CustomShapePainter extends CustomPainter {
+ @override
+ void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
+ final paint = Paint()
+ ..color =
+ ..strokeWidth = 5.0;
+ final path = Path();
+ // Draw the top part of the oval
+ path.moveTo(0.0, size.height / 2.0);
+ path.quadraticBezierTo(
+ size.width / 3.0, size.height / 2.0, size.width / 2.0, size.height);
+ // Draw the straight line for the bottom part
+ path.lineTo(size.width / 2.0, size.height);
+ // Draw the left part of the oval
+ path.quadraticBezierTo(size.width / 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ // Close the path
+ path.close();
+ canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
+ }
+ @override
+ bool shouldRepaint(covariant CustomPainter oldDelegate) => false;