path: root/protos/lib/src/generated/todo.pbjson.dart
diff options
authorLisandro Pérez Meyer <lpmeyer@ics.com>2023-11-14 17:20:58 -0300
committerLisandro Pérez Meyer <lpmeyer@ics.com>2023-11-14 17:31:12 -0300
commit70ec8a79a121471a004e7e4c23157d10157e136f (patch)
treea4f9c0a4fac4e4274ec4324a289b6ef62e1c5653 /protos/lib/src/generated/todo.pbjson.dart
Initial cleanup push.
Based on agldemo2024 on commit 2a5dc04d801134338150c3f6afc67eaa65599763 Disable device preview. Disable Lottie animation. The original commit was b3c493c340fcb4bb0a937692838fc830bec3e9ea but I am just keeping this change, because the json did not really needed to change. I think. Signed-off-by: Lisandro Pérez Meyer <lpmeyer@ics.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'protos/lib/src/generated/todo.pbjson.dart')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/protos/lib/src/generated/todo.pbjson.dart b/protos/lib/src/generated/todo.pbjson.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d6afaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/protos/lib/src/generated/todo.pbjson.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// Generated code. Do not modify.
+// source: todo.proto
+// @dart = 2.12
+// ignore_for_file: annotate_overrides, camel_case_types, comment_references
+// ignore_for_file: constant_identifier_names, library_prefixes
+// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, prefer_final_fields
+// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_import, unnecessary_this, unused_import
+import 'dart:convert' as $convert;
+import 'dart:core' as $core;
+import 'dart:typed_data' as $typed_data;
+@$core.Deprecated('Use todoDescriptor instead')
+const Todo$json = {
+ '1': 'Todo',
+ '2': [
+ {'1': 'id', '3': 1, '4': 1, '5': 5, '10': 'id'},
+ {'1': 'title', '3': 2, '4': 1, '5': 9, '10': 'title'},
+ {'1': 'completed', '3': 3, '4': 1, '5': 8, '10': 'completed'},
+ ],
+/// Descriptor for `Todo`. Decode as a `google.protobuf.DescriptorProto`.
+final $typed_data.Uint8List todoDescriptor = $convert.base64Decode(
+ 'VkGAMgASgIUgljb21wbGV0ZWQ=');
+@$core.Deprecated('Use getTodoByIdRequestDescriptor instead')
+const GetTodoByIdRequest$json = {
+ '1': 'GetTodoByIdRequest',
+ '2': [
+ {'1': 'id', '3': 1, '4': 1, '5': 5, '10': 'id'},
+ ],
+/// Descriptor for `GetTodoByIdRequest`. Decode as a `google.protobuf.DescriptorProto`.
+final $typed_data.Uint8List getTodoByIdRequestDescriptor = $convert.base64Decode(