path: root/lib/data/data_providers/mpd_client.dart
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/data/data_providers/mpd_client.dart')
1 files changed, 378 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/data/data_providers/mpd_client.dart b/lib/data/data_providers/mpd_client.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98d8918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/data/data_providers/mpd_client.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+import 'package:dart_mpd/dart_mpd.dart' as api;
+import 'package:flutter_ics_homescreen/export.dart';
+import 'playlist_notifier.dart';
+class ArtStateEntry {
+ bool reading = false;
+ bool read = false;
+ ArtStateEntry({required this.reading, required});
+class MpdClient {
+ final MpdConfig config;
+ final Ref ref;
+ late api.MpdClient eventClient;
+ late api.MpdClient client;
+ Map<int, ArtStateEntry> artState = {};
+ MpdClient({required this.config, required this.ref}) {
+ debugPrint("Connecting to MPD at ${config.hostname}:${config.port}");
+ client = api.MpdClient(
+ connectionDetails: api.MpdConnectionDetails(
+ host: config.hostname,
+ port: config.port,
+ timeout: const Duration(minutes: 2)),
+ onConnect: () => handleConnect(),
+ onDone: () => handleDone(),
+ onError: (e, st) => handleError(e, st));
+ // Second client instance to keep running in idle state to receive
+ // events
+ eventClient = api.MpdClient(
+ connectionDetails: api.MpdConnectionDetails(
+ host: config.hostname,
+ port: config.port,
+ timeout: const Duration(minutes: 2)),
+ onConnect: () => handleConnect(),
+ onDone: () => handleDone(),
+ onError: (e, st) => handleError(e, st));
+ }
+ void run() async {
+ var idleEvents = <api.MpdSubsystem>{
+ api.MpdSubsystem.database,
+ api.MpdSubsystem.playlist,
+ api.MpdSubsystem.player
+ };
+ bool done = false;
+ while (!done) {
+ //debugPrint("Calling MPD idle!");
+ var events = await eventClient.idle(idleEvents);
+ for (var event in events) {
+ switch (event) {
+ case api.MpdSubsystem.database:
+ //debugPrint("Got MPD database event");
+ await handleDatabaseEvent();
+ break;
+ case api.MpdSubsystem.playlist:
+ //debugPrint("Got MPD queue event");
+ await handleQueueEvent();
+ break;
+ case api.MpdSubsystem.player:
+ //debugPrint("Got MPD player event");
+ await handlePlayerEvent();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void handleConnect() {
+ debugPrint("Connected to MPD!");
+ }
+ void handleResponse(api.MpdResponse response) {
+ debugPrint('Got MPD response $response');
+ }
+ void handleDone() {
+ debugPrint('Got MPD done!');
+ }
+ void handleError(Object e, StackTrace st) {
+ debugPrint('ERROR:\n$st');
+ }
+ // Idle state event handlers
+ Future handleDatabaseEvent() async {
+ eventClient.clear();
+ eventClient.add("/");
+ }
+ Future handleQueueEvent() async {
+ artState.clear();
+ var songs = await eventClient.playlistinfo();
+ for (var song in songs) {
+ //debugPrint("Got song ${song.title} - ${song.artist} at pos ${song.pos}");
+ int position = 0;
+ if (song.pos != null) {
+ position = song.pos!;
+ } else {
+ //debugPrint("WARNING: song has no position in queue, ignoring");
+ continue;
+ }
+ String title = "";
+ if (song.title != null) {
+ title = song.title!.join(" ");
+ } else {
+ // Just use filename
+ title = song.file;
+ }
+ String album = "";
+ if (song.album != null) {
+ album = song.album!.join(" ");
+ }
+ String artist = "";
+ if (song.artist != null) {
+ artist = song.artist!.join(" ");
+ }
+ Duration duration =;
+ if (song.duration != null) {
+ duration = song.duration!;
+ }
+ //debugPrint(
+ // "Got playlist entry \"$title\" - \"$album\" - \"$artist\" at $position");
+ if (position == 0) {
+ title: title,
+ album: album,
+ artist: artist,
+ file: song.file,
+ duration: duration,
+ position: position));
+ if (song.file.isNotEmpty) {
+ readSongArt(position, song.file);
+ }
+ }
+ title: title,
+ album: album,
+ artist: artist,
+ file: song.file,
+ duration: duration,
+ position: position));
+ }
+ }
+ Future handlePlayerEvent() async {
+ String songFile = "";
+ int songPosition = -1;
+ var song = await eventClient.currentsong();
+ if (song != null) {
+ //debugPrint(
+ // "Player event: song ${song.title} - ${song.artist} at pos ${song.pos}");
+ if (song.pos != null) {
+ songPosition = song.pos!;
+ }
+ if (songPosition < 0) {
+ debugPrint("WARNING: song has no position in queue, ignoring");
+ return;
+ }
+ String title = "";
+ if (song.title != null) {
+ title = song.title!.first;
+ } else {
+ // Just use filename
+ title = song.file;
+ }
+ String album = "";
+ if (song.album != null) {
+ album = song.album!.first;
+ }
+ String artist = "";
+ if (song.artist != null) {
+ artist = song.artist!.first;
+ }
+ Duration duration =;
+ if (song.duration != null) {
+ duration = song.duration!;
+ }
+ songFile = song.file;
+ //debugPrint(
+ // "Got song \"$title\" - \"$album\" - \"$artist\" at $songPosition, file \"$songFile\"");
+ title: title,
+ album: album,
+ artist: artist,
+ file: songFile,
+ duration: duration,
+ position: songPosition));
+ }
+ var status = await eventClient.status();
+ if (status.elapsed != null) {
+ //debugPrint("Using elapsed time ${status.elapsed} s");
+ ref
+ .read(mediaPlayerPositionProvider.notifier)
+ .set(Duration(milliseconds: (status.elapsed! * 1000.0).toInt()));
+ }
+ PlayState playState = PlayState.stopped;
+ if (status.state != null) {
+ switch (status.state!) {
+ case api.MpdState.stop:
+ //debugPrint("status.state = stop");
+ playState = PlayState.stopped;
+ break;
+ case
+ //debugPrint("status.state = play");
+ playState = PlayState.playing;
+ break;
+ case api.MpdState.pause:
+ //debugPrint("status.state = paused");
+ playState = PlayState.paused;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (playState != PlayState.playing) {
+ // No need to attempt to load art, exit
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!artState.containsKey(songPosition) ||
+ !(artState[songPosition]!.read || artState[songPosition]!.reading)) {
+ if (songFile.isNotEmpty) {
+ readSongArt(songPosition, songFile);
+ } else {
+ // Do not attempt any fallback for providing the art for now
+ debugPrint("No file for position $songPosition, no art");
+ artState[songPosition] = ArtStateEntry(reading: false, read: true);
+ ref
+ .read(playlistArtProvider.notifier)
+ .update(songPosition, Uint8List(0));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void readSongArt(int position, String file) async {
+ int offset = 0;
+ int size = 0;
+ List<int> bytes = [];
+ if (artState.containsKey(position)) {
+ if (artState[position]!.reading) {
+ return;
+ } else {
+ //debugPrint("Reading art for position $position");
+ artState[position]!.reading = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ artState[position] = ArtStateEntry(reading: true, read: false);
+ }
+ debugPrint("Reading art for \"$file\"");
+ // Work around dart_mpd not escaping spaced strings itself
+ String escapedFile = file.replaceAll(RegExp(r" "), "\\ ");
+ escapedFile = "\"$file\"";
+ bool first = true;
+ do {
+ //debugPrint("Reading, offset = $offset, size = $size");
+ var chunk = await client.readpicture(escapedFile, offset);
+ if (chunk != null) {
+ if (chunk.size != null) {
+ if (chunk.size == 0) {
+ if (first) {
+ // No art, exit
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ size = chunk.size!;
+ }
+ // else unexpected error
+ if (chunk.bytes.isNotEmpty) {
+ //debugPrint("Got ${chunk.bytes.length} bytes of album art");
+ bytes = bytes + chunk.bytes;
+ offset += chunk.bytes.length;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (offset < size);
+ //debugPrint("Done, offset = $offset, size = $size");
+ if (offset == size) {
+ debugPrint("Read $size bytes of album art for $file");
+ } else {
+ // else error, leave art empty
+ bytes.clear();
+ }
+ artState[position]!.read = true;
+ artState[position]!.reading = false;
+ ref
+ .read(playlistArtProvider.notifier)
+ .update(position, Uint8List.fromList(bytes));
+ }
+ // Player commands
+ void play() async {
+ var playState =
+ .select((mediaplayer) => mediaplayer.playState));
+ if (playState == PlayState.stopped) {
+ int position =
+ .select((mediaplayer) => mediaplayer.playlistPosition));
+ //debugPrint("Calling MPD play, position = $position");
+ if (position >= 0) {
+ }
+ } else if (playState == PlayState.paused) {
+ client.pause(false);
+ }
+ }
+ void pause() async {
+ if (
+ .select((mediaplayer) => mediaplayer.playState)) ==
+ PlayState.playing) {
+ client.pause(true);
+ }
+ }
+ void next() async {
+ if (
+ .select((mediaplayer) => mediaplayer.playState)) ==
+ PlayState.playing) {
+ }
+ }
+ void previous() async {
+ if (
+ .select((mediaplayer) => mediaplayer.playState)) ==
+ PlayState.playing) {
+ client.previous();
+ }
+ }
+ void seek(int milliseconds) async {
+ client.seekcur((milliseconds / 1000.0).toString());
+ }
+ void fastForward(int milliseconds) async {
+ if (milliseconds > 0) {
+ client.seekcur("+${(milliseconds / 1000.0).toString()}");
+ }
+ }
+ void rewind(int milliseconds) async {
+ if (milliseconds > 0) {
+ client.seekcur("-${(milliseconds / 1000.0).toString()}");
+ }
+ }
+ void pickTrack(int position) async {
+ if (position >= 0) {
+ }
+ }
+ void loopPlaylist(bool loop) async {}