path: root/pubspec.lock
diff options
authorMalik Talha <talhamalik727x@gmail.com>2023-10-23 02:00:01 +0500
committerMalik Talha <talhamalik727x@gmail.com>2023-10-26 21:36:57 +0500
commit8417e9daeecbdb3847de401b0fcc6304d246a787 (patch)
treea9dafba232ee7e458358861d1356636c079a12da /pubspec.lock
parent8d38450e46ff3854ade4005c4132edfb1aabb9b4 (diff)
Add flutter voice assistant app
A flutter based gRPC client Voice Assistant made specifically to communicate with the Voice Agent service. SPEC-4906 Signed-off-by: Malik Talha <talhamalik727x@gmail.com> Change-Id: Ic4a382c1cdb78f1a79f985e3d37ce2fb06c53203
Diffstat (limited to 'pubspec.lock')
1 files changed, 309 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pubspec.lock b/pubspec.lock
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d38fbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pubspec.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+# Generated by pub
+# See https://dart.dev/tools/pub/glossary#lockfile
+ archive:
+ dependency: transitive
+ description:
+ name: archive
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+ url: "https://pub.dev"
+ source: hosted
+ version: "3.4.2"
+ args:
+ dependency: transitive
+ description:
+ name: args
+ sha256: eef6c46b622e0494a36c5a12d10d77fb4e855501a91c1b9ef9339326e58f0596
+ url: "https://pub.dev"
+ source: hosted
+ version: "2.4.2"
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+ dependency: transitive
+ description:
+ name: async
+ sha256: "947bfcf187f74dbc5e146c9eb9c0f10c9f8b30743e341481c1e2ed3ecc18c20c"
+ url: "https://pub.dev"
+ source: hosted
+ version: "2.11.0"
+ boolean_selector:
+ dependency: transitive
+ description:
+ name: boolean_selector
+ sha256: "6cfb5af12253eaf2b368f07bacc5a80d1301a071c73360d746b7f2e32d762c66"
+ url: "https://pub.dev"
+ source: hosted
+ version: "2.1.1"
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+ dependency: transitive
+ description:
+ name: characters
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+ url: "https://pub.dev"
+ source: hosted
+ version: "1.3.0"
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+ dependency: transitive
+ description:
+ name: clock
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+ source: hosted
+ version: "1.1.1"
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+ dependency: transitive
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+ name: collection
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+ source: hosted
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+ dependency: transitive
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+ name: convert
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+ source: hosted
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+ dependency: transitive
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+ name: crypto
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+ url: "https://pub.dev"
+ source: hosted
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+ dependency: transitive
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+ name: fake_async
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+ url: "https://pub.dev"
+ source: hosted
+ version: "1.3.1"
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+ dependency: transitive
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+ name: fixnum
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+ source: hosted
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+ dependency: "direct main"
+ description: flutter
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+ dependency: "direct dev"
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+ name: flutter_lints
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+ source: hosted
+ version: "1.0.4"
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+ dependency: "direct dev"
+ description: flutter
+ source: sdk
+ version: "0.0.0"
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+ dependency: transitive
+ description:
+ name: googleapis_auth
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+ source: hosted
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+ dependency: "direct main"
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+ name: grpc
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+ dependency: transitive
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+ name: http_parser
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+ dependency: transitive
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+ name: matcher
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+ url: "https://pub.dev"
+ source: hosted
+ version: "0.12.16"
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+ dependency: transitive
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+ name: material_color_utilities
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+ source: hosted
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+ source: hosted
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+ source: hosted
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+ dependency: transitive
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+ name: pointycastle
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+ source: hosted
+ version: "3.7.3"
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+ dependency: "direct main"
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+ name: protobuf
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+ source: hosted
+ version: "2.1.0"
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+ dependency: "direct main"
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+ name: provider
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+ url: "https://pub.dev"
+ source: hosted
+ version: "6.0.5"
+ sky_engine:
+ dependency: transitive
+ description: flutter
+ source: sdk
+ version: "0.0.99"
+ source_span:
+ dependency: transitive
+ description:
+ name: source_span
+ sha256: "53e943d4206a5e30df338fd4c6e7a077e02254531b138a15aec3bd143c1a8b3c"
+ url: "https://pub.dev"
+ source: hosted
+ version: "1.10.0"
+ stack_trace:
+ dependency: transitive
+ description:
+ name: stack_trace
+ sha256: c3c7d8edb15bee7f0f74debd4b9c5f3c2ea86766fe4178eb2a18eb30a0bdaed5
+ url: "https://pub.dev"
+ source: hosted
+ version: "1.11.0"
+ stream_channel:
+ dependency: transitive
+ description:
+ name: stream_channel
+ sha256: "83615bee9045c1d322bbbd1ba209b7a749c2cbcdcb3fdd1df8eb488b3279c1c8"
+ url: "https://pub.dev"
+ source: hosted
+ version: "2.1.1"
+ string_scanner:
+ dependency: transitive
+ description:
+ name: string_scanner
+ sha256: "556692adab6cfa87322a115640c11f13cb77b3f076ddcc5d6ae3c20242bedcde"
+ url: "https://pub.dev"
+ source: hosted
+ version: "1.2.0"
+ term_glyph:
+ dependency: transitive
+ description:
+ name: term_glyph
+ sha256: a29248a84fbb7c79282b40b8c72a1209db169a2e0542bce341da992fe1bc7e84
+ url: "https://pub.dev"
+ source: hosted
+ version: "1.2.1"
+ test_api:
+ dependency: transitive
+ description:
+ name: test_api
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+ url: "https://pub.dev"
+ source: hosted
+ version: "0.6.0"
+ typed_data:
+ dependency: transitive
+ description:
+ name: typed_data
+ sha256: facc8d6582f16042dd49f2463ff1bd6e2c9ef9f3d5da3d9b087e244a7b564b3c
+ url: "https://pub.dev"
+ source: hosted
+ version: "1.3.2"
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+ dependency: transitive
+ description:
+ name: vector_math
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+ source: hosted
+ version: "2.1.4"
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+ dependency: transitive
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+ name: web
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+ source: hosted
+ version: "0.1.4-beta"
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