diff options
authorwang_zhiqiang <wang_zhiqiang@dl.cn.nexty-ele.com>2018-11-14 11:17:48 +0800
committerwang_zhiqiang <wang_zhiqiang@dl.cn.nexty-ele.com>2018-11-27 09:39:51 +0800
commit4667d93a852d66a57a2d7d26957c3aab6845756e (patch)
parent42fe4411428f81427ce8993886e28504012219d2 (diff)
add new features in homescreen-service and homescreen
homescreen-service: add five verbs. 1.showWindow: instead of tap_shortcut and show onscreen. 2.hideWindow: used when want to hide onscreen. 3.replyShowWindow: used when post onscreen reply information to application. 4.showNotification: used by application who want to display notification on homescreen top area. 5.showInformation: used by application who want to display information on homescreen botton area. homescreen: display notification and information. Bug-AGL: SPEC-1931 Change-Id: Ia17a9793c5d284458009ea71eb9594a40286fa8c Signed-off-by: wang_zhiqiang <wang_zhiqiang@dl.cn.nexty-ele.com>
3 files changed, 130 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/homescreen/qml/main.qml b/homescreen/qml/main.qml
index 96a1950..7d40276 100644
--- a/homescreen/qml/main.qml
+++ b/homescreen/qml/main.qml
@@ -61,4 +61,96 @@ Window {
+ Timer {
+ id:informationTimer
+ interval: 3000
+ running: false
+ repeat: true
+ onTriggered: {
+ bottomInformation.visible = false
+ }
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: bottomInformation
+ width: parent.width
+ height: 215
+ anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+ visible: false
+ Text {
+ id: bottomText
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ font.pixelSize: 25
+ font.letterSpacing: 5
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ color: "white"
+ text: ""
+ z:1
+ }
+ }
+ Connections {
+ target: homescreenHandler
+ onShowInformation: {
+ bottomText.text = info
+ bottomInformation.visible = true
+ informationTimer.restart()
+ }
+ }
+ Timer {
+ id:notificationTimer
+ interval: 3000
+ running: false
+ repeat: true
+ onTriggered: notificationItem.visible = false
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: notificationItem
+ x: 0
+ y: 0
+ z: 1
+ width: 1280
+ height: 100
+ opacity: 0.8
+ visible: false
+ Rectangle {
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ color: "gray"
+ Image {
+ id: notificationIcon
+ width: 70
+ height: 70
+ anchors.left: parent.left
+ anchors.leftMargin: 20
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ source: ""
+ }
+ Text {
+ id: notificationtext
+ font.pixelSize: 25
+ anchors.left: notificationIcon.right
+ anchors.leftMargin: 5
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ color: "white"
+ text: qsTr("")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Connections {
+ target: homescreenHandler
+ onShowNotification: {
+ notificationIcon.source = icon_path
+ notificationtext.text = text
+ notificationItem.visible = true
+ notificationTimer.restart()
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/homescreen/src/homescreenhandler.cpp b/homescreen/src/homescreenhandler.cpp
index daf1b90..3aaef26 100644
--- a/homescreen/src/homescreenhandler.cpp
+++ b/homescreen/src/homescreenhandler.cpp
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
* limitations under the License.
+#include <QFileInfo>
#include "homescreenhandler.h"
#include <functional>
#include "hmi-debug.h"
@@ -49,12 +50,44 @@ void HomescreenHandler::init(int port, const char *token)
HMI_DEBUG("HomeScreen","set_event_handler Event_OnScreenMessage display_message = %s", display_message);
+ mp_hs->set_event_handler(LibHomeScreen::Event_ShowNotification,[this](json_object *object){
+ const char *application_id = json_object_get_string(
+ json_object_object_get(object, "application_id"));
+ json_object *p_obj = json_object_object_get(object, "parameter");
+ const char *icon = json_object_get_string(
+ json_object_object_get(p_obj, "icon"));
+ const char *text = json_object_get_string(
+ json_object_object_get(p_obj, "text"));
+ QFileInfo icon_file(icon);
+ QString icon_path;
+ if (icon_file.isFile() && icon_file.exists()) {
+ icon_path = QString(QLatin1String(icon));
+ } else {
+ icon_path = "./images/Utility_Logo_Grey-01.svg";
+ }
+ emit showNotification(QString(QLatin1String(application_id)), icon_path, QString(QLatin1String(text)));
+ });
+ mp_hs->set_event_handler(LibHomeScreen::Event_ShowInformation,[this](json_object *object){
+ json_object *p_obj = json_object_object_get(object, "parameter");
+ const char *info = json_object_get_string(
+ json_object_object_get(p_obj, "info"));
+ emit showInformation(QString(QLatin1String(info)));
+ });
void HomescreenHandler::tapShortcut(QString application_id)
HMI_DEBUG("HomeScreen","tapShortcut %s", application_id.toStdString().c_str());
- mp_hs->tapShortcut(application_id.toStdString().c_str());
+ struct json_object* j_json = json_object_new_object();
+ struct json_object* value;
+ value = json_object_new_string("normal");
+ json_object_object_add(j_json, "area", value);
+ mp_hs->showWindow(application_id.toStdString().c_str(), j_json);
void HomescreenHandler::onRep_static(struct json_object* reply_contents)
diff --git a/homescreen/src/homescreenhandler.h b/homescreen/src/homescreenhandler.h
index 1a9a2b5..5dfe041 100644
--- a/homescreen/src/homescreenhandler.h
+++ b/homescreen/src/homescreenhandler.h
@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ public:
static void* myThis;
static void onRep_static(struct json_object* reply_contents);
static void onEv_static(const string& event, struct json_object* event_contents);
+ void showNotification(QString application_id, QString icon_path, QString text);
+ void showInformation(QString info);
LibHomeScreen *mp_hs;