diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/styles/fonts')
-rwxr-xr-x | src/styles/fonts/icomoon.eot | bin | 1412 -> 1976 bytes | |||
-rwxr-xr-x | src/styles/fonts/icomoon.svg | 9 | ||||
-rwxr-xr-x | src/styles/fonts/icomoon.ttf | bin | 1248 -> 1812 bytes | |||
-rwxr-xr-x | src/styles/fonts/icomoon.woff | bin | 1324 -> 1888 bytes |
4 files changed, 7 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/styles/fonts/icomoon.eot b/src/styles/fonts/icomoon.eot Binary files differindex 1de3233..060e952 100755 --- a/src/styles/fonts/icomoon.eot +++ b/src/styles/fonts/icomoon.eot diff --git a/src/styles/fonts/icomoon.svg b/src/styles/fonts/icomoon.svg index c58b9e7..ee686b7 100755 --- a/src/styles/fonts/icomoon.svg +++ b/src/styles/fonts/icomoon.svg @@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ <font-face units-per-em="1024" ascent="960" descent="-64" /> <missing-glyph horiz-adv-x="1024" /> <glyph unicode=" " horiz-adv-x="512" d="" /> -<glyph unicode="" glyph-name="volume-increase" d="M1024 384h-192v-192h-128v192h-192v128h192v192h128v-192h192v-128zM416.006 0c-8.328 0-16.512 3.25-22.634 9.374l-246.626 246.626h-114.746c-17.672 0-32 14.326-32 32v320c0 17.672 14.328 32 32 32h114.746l246.626 246.628c9.154 9.154 22.916 11.89 34.874 6.936 11.958-4.952 19.754-16.622 19.754-29.564v-832c0-12.944-7.796-24.612-19.754-29.564-3.958-1.64-8.118-2.436-12.24-2.436z" /> -<glyph unicode="" glyph-name="volume-decrease" d="M512 512h512v-128h-512v128zM416.006 0c-8.328 0-16.512 3.25-22.634 9.374l-246.626 246.626h-114.746c-17.672 0-32 14.326-32 32v320c0 17.672 14.328 32 32 32h114.746l246.626 246.628c9.154 9.154 22.916 11.89 34.874 6.936 11.958-4.952 19.754-16.622 19.754-29.564v-832c0-12.944-7.796-24.612-19.754-29.564-3.958-1.64-8.118-2.436-12.24-2.436z" /> +<glyph unicode="" glyph-name="time" d="M534 640.667v-224l192-114-32-54-224 136v256h64zM512 84.667q140 0 241 101t101 241-101 241-241 101-241-101-101-241 101-241 241-101zM512 852.667q176 0 301-125t125-301-125-301-301-125-301 125-125 301 125 301 301 125z" /> +<glyph unicode="" glyph-name="bluetooth" d="M634 242.667l-80 82v-162zM554 690.667v-162l80 82zM756 610.667l-184-184 184-184-244-242h-42v324l-196-196-60 60 238 238-238 238 60 60 196-196v324h42z" /> +<glyph unicode="" glyph-name="wifi" d="M214 384.667q124 122 299 122t297-122l-84-86q-36 36-99 62t-115 26-115-26-99-62zM384 212.667q54 54 128 54t128-54l-128-128zM42 554.667q196 194 471 194t469-194l-86-86q-160 158-384 158t-384-158z" /> +<glyph unicode="" glyph-name="ethernet" d="M758 704.667l232-278-232-278-66 54 186 224-186 224zM470 384.667v84h84v-84h-84zM726 468.667v-84h-86v84h86zM298 384.667v84h86v-84h-86zM332 650.667l-186-224 186-224-66-54-232 278 232 278z" /> +<glyph unicode="" glyph-name="speed" d="M512 256.667q-34 0-60 25t-26 59q0 36 26 62l362 240-242-362q-24-24-60-24zM870 572.667q28-44 48-112t20-120q0-118-56-212-26-44-74-44h-592q-48 0-74 44-56 94-56 212 0 176 125 301t303 125q52 0 119-20t111-48l-80-52q-72 36-152 36-140 0-241-100t-101-242q0-92 46-170h592q46 78 46 170 0 82-36 154z" /> +<glyph unicode="" glyph-name="toggle_off" d="M298 298.667q52 0 90 38t38 90-38 90-90 38-90-38-38-90 38-90 90-38zM726 640.667q88 0 150-63t62-151-62-151-150-63h-428q-88 0-150 63t-62 151 62 151 150 63h428z" /> +<glyph unicode="" glyph-name="toggle_on" d="M726 298.667q52 0 90 38t38 90-38 90-90 38-90-38-38-90 38-90 90-38zM726 640.667q88 0 150-63t62-151-62-151-150-63h-428q-88 0-150 63t-62 151 62 151 150 63h428z" /> </font></defs></svg>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/styles/fonts/icomoon.ttf b/src/styles/fonts/icomoon.ttf Binary files differindex 520b0ff..1c80635 100755 --- a/src/styles/fonts/icomoon.ttf +++ b/src/styles/fonts/icomoon.ttf diff --git a/src/styles/fonts/icomoon.woff b/src/styles/fonts/icomoon.woff Binary files differindex d1c4591..035641c 100755 --- a/src/styles/fonts/icomoon.woff +++ b/src/styles/fonts/icomoon.woff |