path: root/gen/cpp
diff options
authorChristopher Peplin <chris.peplin@rhubarbtech.com>2013-10-01 16:56:35 -0400
committerChristopher Peplin <chris.peplin@rhubarbtech.com>2014-01-07 13:18:09 -0500
commit11ca9d9f43e7e741b3138a06a6c6ab34be436dd8 (patch)
tree3fd73cb940e34998666917b4cb1593d2e432eefd /gen/cpp
parentd356b057aa38ea088cedfe26f562b981171239fc (diff)
Add generated protobuf implementations.
Diffstat (limited to 'gen/cpp')
3 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e343eeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ openxc.protoopenxc"Å
+type (2.openxc.VehicleMessage.Type'
+ raw_message ( 2.openxc.RawMessage7
+string_message ( 2.openxc.TranslatedStringMessage;
+numerical_message ( 2 .openxc.TranslatedNumericMessage9
+boolean_message ( 2 .openxc.TranslatedBooleanMessage".
+bus (
+message_id ( 
+data ("6
+name ( 
+value ( "7
+name ( 
+value ("7
+name ( 
+value ( \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89e32a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.c
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */
+/* Generated by nanopb-0.2.4-dev at Tue Oct 1 16:51:23 2013. */
+#include "openxc.pb.h"
+const pb_field_t openxc_VehicleMessage_fields[6] = {
+ PB_FIELD2( 1, ENUM , OPTIONAL, STATIC, FIRST, openxc_VehicleMessage, type, type, 0),
+ PB_FIELD2( 2, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC, OTHER, openxc_VehicleMessage, raw_message, type, &openxc_RawMessage_fields),
+ PB_FIELD2( 3, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC, OTHER, openxc_VehicleMessage, string_message, raw_message, &openxc_TranslatedStringMessage_fields),
+ PB_FIELD2( 4, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC, OTHER, openxc_VehicleMessage, numerical_message, string_message, &openxc_TranslatedNumericMessage_fields),
+ PB_FIELD2( 5, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC, OTHER, openxc_VehicleMessage, boolean_message, numerical_message, &openxc_TranslatedBooleanMessage_fields),
+const pb_field_t openxc_RawMessage_fields[4] = {
+ PB_FIELD2( 1, INT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC, FIRST, openxc_RawMessage, bus, bus, 0),
+ PB_FIELD2( 2, UINT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC, OTHER, openxc_RawMessage, message_id, bus, 0),
+ PB_FIELD2( 3, SINT64 , OPTIONAL, STATIC, OTHER, openxc_RawMessage, data, message_id, 0),
+const pb_field_t openxc_TranslatedStringMessage_fields[3] = {
+ PB_FIELD2( 1, STRING , OPTIONAL, STATIC, FIRST, openxc_TranslatedStringMessage, name, name, 0),
+ PB_FIELD2( 2, STRING , OPTIONAL, STATIC, OTHER, openxc_TranslatedStringMessage, value, name, 0),
+const pb_field_t openxc_TranslatedNumericMessage_fields[3] = {
+ PB_FIELD2( 1, STRING , OPTIONAL, STATIC, FIRST, openxc_TranslatedNumericMessage, name, name, 0),
+ PB_FIELD2( 2, DOUBLE , OPTIONAL, STATIC, OTHER, openxc_TranslatedNumericMessage, value, name, 0),
+const pb_field_t openxc_TranslatedBooleanMessage_fields[3] = {
+ PB_FIELD2( 1, STRING , OPTIONAL, STATIC, FIRST, openxc_TranslatedBooleanMessage, name, name, 0),
+ PB_FIELD2( 2, BOOL , OPTIONAL, STATIC, OTHER, openxc_TranslatedBooleanMessage, value, name, 0),
+/* Check that field information fits in pb_field_t */
+#if !defined(PB_FIELD_16BIT) && !defined(PB_FIELD_32BIT)
+STATIC_ASSERT((pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, raw_message) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, string_message) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, numerical_message) < 256 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, boolean_message) < 256), YOU_MUST_DEFINE_PB_FIELD_16BIT_FOR_MESSAGES_openxc_VehicleMessage_openxc_RawMessage_openxc_TranslatedStringMessage_openxc_TranslatedNumericMessage_openxc_TranslatedBooleanMessage)
+#if !defined(PB_FIELD_32BIT)
+STATIC_ASSERT((pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, raw_message) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, string_message) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, numerical_message) < 65536 && pb_membersize(openxc_VehicleMessage, boolean_message) < 65536), YOU_MUST_DEFINE_PB_FIELD_32BIT_FOR_MESSAGES_openxc_VehicleMessage_openxc_RawMessage_openxc_TranslatedStringMessage_openxc_TranslatedNumericMessage_openxc_TranslatedBooleanMessage)
+/* On some platforms (such as AVR), double is really float.
+ * These are not directly supported by nanopb, but see example_avr_double.
+ * To get rid of this error, remove any double fields from your .proto.
+ */
+STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(double) == 8, DOUBLE_MUST_BE_8_BYTES)
diff --git a/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c50569
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gen/cpp/openxc.pb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+/* Automatically generated nanopb header */
+/* Generated by nanopb-0.2.4-dev at Tue Oct 1 16:51:23 2013. */
+#ifndef _PB_OPENXC_PB_H_
+#define _PB_OPENXC_PB_H_
+#include <pb.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* Enum definitions */
+typedef enum _openxc_VehicleMessage_Type {
+ openxc_VehicleMessage_Type_RAW = 1,
+ openxc_VehicleMessage_Type_STRING = 2,
+ openxc_VehicleMessage_Type_NUM = 3,
+ openxc_VehicleMessage_Type_BOOL = 4
+} openxc_VehicleMessage_Type;
+/* Struct definitions */
+typedef struct _openxc_RawMessage {
+ bool has_bus;
+ int32_t bus;
+ bool has_message_id;
+ uint32_t message_id;
+ bool has_data;
+ int64_t data;
+} openxc_RawMessage;
+typedef struct _openxc_TranslatedBooleanMessage {
+ bool has_name;
+ char name[100];
+ bool has_value;
+ bool value;
+} openxc_TranslatedBooleanMessage;
+typedef struct _openxc_TranslatedNumericMessage {
+ bool has_name;
+ char name[100];
+ bool has_value;
+ double value;
+} openxc_TranslatedNumericMessage;
+typedef struct _openxc_TranslatedStringMessage {
+ bool has_name;
+ char name[100];
+ bool has_value;
+ char value[100];
+} openxc_TranslatedStringMessage;
+typedef struct _openxc_VehicleMessage {
+ bool has_type;
+ openxc_VehicleMessage_Type type;
+ bool has_raw_message;
+ openxc_RawMessage raw_message;
+ bool has_string_message;
+ openxc_TranslatedStringMessage string_message;
+ bool has_numerical_message;
+ openxc_TranslatedNumericMessage numerical_message;
+ bool has_boolean_message;
+ openxc_TranslatedBooleanMessage boolean_message;
+} openxc_VehicleMessage;
+/* Default values for struct fields */
+/* Field tags (for use in manual encoding/decoding) */
+#define openxc_RawMessage_bus_tag 1
+#define openxc_RawMessage_message_id_tag 2
+#define openxc_RawMessage_data_tag 3
+#define openxc_TranslatedBooleanMessage_name_tag 1
+#define openxc_TranslatedBooleanMessage_value_tag 2
+#define openxc_TranslatedNumericMessage_name_tag 1
+#define openxc_TranslatedNumericMessage_value_tag 2
+#define openxc_TranslatedStringMessage_name_tag 1
+#define openxc_TranslatedStringMessage_value_tag 2
+#define openxc_VehicleMessage_type_tag 1
+#define openxc_VehicleMessage_raw_message_tag 2
+#define openxc_VehicleMessage_string_message_tag 3
+#define openxc_VehicleMessage_numerical_message_tag 4
+#define openxc_VehicleMessage_boolean_message_tag 5
+/* Struct field encoding specification for nanopb */
+extern const pb_field_t openxc_VehicleMessage_fields[6];
+extern const pb_field_t openxc_RawMessage_fields[4];
+extern const pb_field_t openxc_TranslatedStringMessage_fields[3];
+extern const pb_field_t openxc_TranslatedNumericMessage_fields[3];
+extern const pb_field_t openxc_TranslatedBooleanMessage_fields[3];
+/* Maximum encoded size of messages (where known) */
+#define openxc_VehicleMessage_size 457
+#define openxc_RawMessage_size 23
+#define openxc_TranslatedStringMessage_size 204
+#define openxc_TranslatedNumericMessage_size 111
+#define openxc_TranslatedBooleanMessage_size 104
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} /* extern "C" */