path: root/CAN-binder/low-can-demo/app/Frontend/js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'CAN-binder/low-can-demo/app/Frontend/js')
2 files changed, 521 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CAN-binder/low-can-demo/app/Frontend/js/AFB.js b/CAN-binder/low-can-demo/app/Frontend/js/AFB.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa1198c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CAN-binder/low-can-demo/app/Frontend/js/AFB.js
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+AFB = function(base, initialtoken){
+var urlws = "ws://""/"+base;
+var urlhttp = "http://""/"+base;
+/**** ****/
+/**** AFB_context ****/
+/**** ****/
+var AFB_context = (function() {
+ var UUID;
+ var TOKEN = initialtoken;
+ var context = function(token, uuid) {
+ this.token = token;
+ this.uuid = uuid;
+ };
+ context.prototype = {
+ get token() {return TOKEN;},
+ set token(tok) {if(tok) TOKEN=tok;},
+ get uuid() {return UUID;},
+ set uuid(id) {if(id) UUID=id;}
+ };
+ return new context();
+/**** ****/
+/**** AFB_websocket ****/
+/**** ****/
+var AFB_websocket = (function() {
+ var CALL = 2;
+ var RETOK = 3;
+ var RETERR = 4;
+ var EVENT = 5;
+ var PROTO1 = "x-afb-ws-json1";
+ var result = function(onopen, onabort) {
+ var u = urlws;
+ if (AFB_context.token) {
+ u = u + '?x-afb-token=' + AFB_context.token;
+ if (AFB_context.uuid)
+ u = u + '&x-afb-uuid=' + AFB_context.uuid;
+ }
+ = new WebSocket(u, [ PROTO1 ]);
+ this.pendings = {};
+ this.awaitens = {};
+ this.counter = 0;
+ = onopen.bind(this);
+ = onerror.bind(this);
+ = onclose.bind(this);
+ = onmessage.bind(this);
+ this.onopen = onopen;
+ this.onabort = onabort;
+ };
+ function onerror(event) {
+ var f = this.onabort;
+ if (f) {
+ delete this.onopen;
+ delete this.onabort;
+ f && f(this);
+ }
+ this.onerror && this.onerror(this);
+ }
+ function onopen(event) {
+ var f = this.onopen;
+ delete this.onopen;
+ delete this.onabort;
+ f && f(this);
+ }
+ function onclose(event) {
+ for (var id in this.pendings) {
+ var ferr = this.pendings[id].onerror;
+ ferr && ferr(null, this);
+ }
+ this.pendings = {};
+ this.onclose && this.onclose();
+ }
+ function fire(awaitens, name, data) {
+ var a = awaitens[name];
+ if (a)
+ a.forEach(function(handler){handler(data);});
+ var i = name.indexOf("/");
+ if (i >= 0) {
+ a = awaitens[name.substring(0,i)];
+ if (a)
+ a.forEach(function(handler){handler(data);});
+ }
+ a = awaitens["*"];
+ if (a)
+ a.forEach(function(handler){handler(data);});
+ }
+ function reply(pendings, id, ans, offset) {
+ if (id in pendings) {
+ var p = pendings[id];
+ delete pendings[id];
+ var f = p[offset];
+ f && f(ans);
+ }
+ }
+ function onmessage(event) {
+ var obj = JSON.parse(;
+ var code = obj[0];
+ var id = obj[1];
+ var ans = obj[2];
+ AFB_context.token = obj[3];
+ switch (code) {
+ case RETOK:
+ reply(this.pendings, id, ans, 0);
+ break;
+ case RETERR:
+ reply(this.pendings, id, ans, 1);
+ break;
+ case EVENT:
+ default:
+ fire(this.awaitens, id, ans);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ function close() {
+ }
+ function call(method, request, onsuccess, onfailure) {
+ var id, arr;
+ do {
+ id = String(this.counter = 4095 & (this.counter + 1));
+ } while (id in this.pendings);
+ this.pendings[id] = [ onsuccess, onfailure ];
+ arr = [CALL, id, method, request ];
+ if (AFB_context.token) arr.push(AFB_context.token);
+ }
+ function onevent(name, handler) {
+ var id = name;
+ var list = this.awaitens[id] || (this.awaitens[id] = []);
+ list.push(handler);
+ }
+ result.prototype = {
+ close: close,
+ call: call,
+ onevent: onevent
+ };
+ return result;
+/**** ****/
+/**** ****/
+/**** ****/
+return {
+ context: AFB_context,
+ ws: AFB_websocket
diff --git a/CAN-binder/low-can-demo/app/Frontend/js/low-can-demo.js b/CAN-binder/low-can-demo/app/Frontend/js/low-can-demo.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e8b99e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CAN-binder/low-can-demo/app/Frontend/js/low-can-demo.js
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+// parse location to get security token
+var urlParams={};"&").forEach(function(item) {
+ var k = item.split("=")[0];
+ var v = decodeURIComponent(item.split("=")[1]);
+ if (k in urlParams) urlParams[k].push(v); else urlParams[k] = [v];
+var afb = new AFB("api"/*root*/, urlParams.token[0]);
+var ws;
+var vspeed = 0, espeed = 0, torque = 0;
+var R2D = 180.0 / Math.PI;
+var D2R = Math.PI / 180.0;
+var fuel;
+var con,cons,consa = [ ];
+var minspeed = 5;
+var temp = 18;
+var wdgTem, wdgVsp, wdgEsp, wdgTrq;
+var wdgFue, wdgGpred, wdgGpblack;
+var conscale = 40;
+var condt = 60000;
+/* gauges creation */
+var gauges={};
+function initGauges() {
+ gauges.speed = new steelseries.Radial('speedGauge', {
+ gaugeType: steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE4,
+ frameDesign: steelseries.FrameDesign.BLACK_METAL,
+ backgroundColor: steelseries.BackgroundColor.CARBON,
+ size: 250,
+ titleString: "Speed",
+ unitString: "Km/h",
+ lcdVisible: true,
+ niceScale: true,
+ maxValue: 200,
+ maxMeasuredValue: 0,
+ maxMeasuredValueVisible: true,
+ thresholdVisible: false,
+ ledVisible: false,
+ pointerType: steelseries.PointerType.TYPE11,
+ useOdometer: false,
+ odometerParams: {
+ digits: 6
+ }
+ });
+ gauges.rpm = new steelseries.Radial('rpmGauge', {
+ gaugeType: steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE4,
+ frameDesign: steelseries.FrameDesign.BLACK_METAL,
+ backgroundColor: steelseries.BackgroundColor.CARBON,
+ size: 200,
+ titleString: "RPM",
+ unitString: "x1000",
+ lcdVisible: false,
+ niceScale: true,
+ maxValue: 5,
+ maxMeasuredValue: 0,
+ maxMeasuredValueVisible: false,
+ section: [
+ steelseries.Section(4, 8, 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.7)')
+ ],
+ area: [
+ steelseries.Section(5, 8, 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)')
+ ],
+ thresholdVisible: false,
+ ledVisible: false,
+ pointerType: steelseries.PointerType.TYPE11
+ });
+ gauges.maf = new steelseries.Radial('MAFGauge', {
+ gaugeType: steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE4,
+ frameDesign: steelseries.FrameDesign.BLACK_METAL,
+ backgroundColor: steelseries.BackgroundColor.CARBON,
+ size: 200,
+ titleString: "Air flow Rate",
+ unitString: "grams/sec",
+ lcdVisible: true,
+ lcdColor: steelseries.LcdColor.STANDARD,
+ lcdDecimals: 1,
+ niceScale: true,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 655,
+ minMeasuredValue: 0,
+ maxMeasuredValue: conscale,
+ maxMeasuredValueVisible: true,
+ section: [
+ steelseries.Section(0, 255, 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5)'),
+ steelseries.Section(256, 326, 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5)'),
+ steelseries.Section(327, 600, 'rgba(255, 128, 0, 0.5)'),
+ steelseries.Section(601, 655, 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)')
+ ],
+ useValueGradient: true,
+ thresholdVisible: false,
+ ledVisible: false,
+ pointerType: steelseries.PointerType.TYPE11
+ });
+ gauges.iatemp = new steelseries.Radial('IATempGauge', {
+ gaugeType: steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE4,
+ frameDesign: steelseries.FrameDesign.BLACK_METAL,
+ backgroundColor: steelseries.BackgroundColor.CARBON,
+ size: 200,
+ titleString: "Intake air temp",
+ unitString: "°C",
+ lcdVisible: true,
+ lcdColor: steelseries.LcdColor.STANDARD,
+ lcdDecimals: 1,
+ niceScale: true,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ minMeasuredValue: 0,
+ maxMeasuredValue: 100,
+ maxMeasuredValueVisible: true,
+ section: [
+ steelseries.Section(0, 30, 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5)'),
+ steelseries.Section(31, 50, 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5)'),
+ steelseries.Section(51, 70, 'rgba(255, 128, 0, 0.5)'),
+ steelseries.Section(71, 100, 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)')
+ ],
+ useValueGradient: true,
+ thresholdVisible: false,
+ ledVisible: false,
+ pointerType: steelseries.PointerType.TYPE11
+ });
+ gauges.torque = new steelseries.Radial('torqueGauge', {
+ gaugeType: steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE2,
+ frameDesign: steelseries.FrameDesign.BLACK_METAL,
+ backgroundColor: steelseries.BackgroundColor.CARBON,
+ size: 200,
+ titleString: "Load",
+ unitString: "%",
+ lcdVisible: false,
+ niceScale: true,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ maxMeasuredValue: 0,
+ maxMeasuredValueVisible: false,
+ section: [
+ steelseries.Section(0, 0, 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.7)'),
+ steelseries.Section(50, 1500, 'rgba(255, 128, 0, 0.7)')
+ ],
+ area: [
+ steelseries.Section(0, 0, 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.3)'),
+ steelseries.Section(50, 1500, 'rgba(255, 128, 0, 0.3)')
+ ],
+ threshold: 0,
+ thresholdVisible: true,
+ ledVisible: false,
+ pointerType: steelseries.PointerType.TYPE4
+ });
+ /* adjust cluster background size upon resize */
+ // TODO: could be doable through CSS, but a bit tricky
+ function adjustCluster() {
+ var qh=$("#quad1").outerHeight();
+ var sh=$("#speedGauge").outerHeight();
+ var pct=Math.ceil((1000*sh/qh))/10+1;
+ $('#cluster').css("height",pct+"%");
+ }
+ $(window).resize(adjustCluster);
+ adjustCluster();
+function clearGauges() {
+ for (var g in gauges) {
+ switch(g) {
+ case "clock":
+ gauges[g].setValue("-");
+ break;
+ case "speed":
+ gauges[g].setValue(0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ gauges[g].setValue(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+function gotVehicleSpeed(obj) {
+ vspeed = Math.round(;
+ wdgVsp.innerHTML = /* wdgVspeed.innerHTML = */ String(vspeed);
+ //gauges.speed.setValueAnimated(vspeed);
+ gauges.speed.setValue(vspeed);
+function gotTorque(obj) {
+ torque=Math.round(;
+ wdgTrq.innerHTML=String(torque);
+ gauges.torque.setValue(torque);
+function gotEngineSpeed(obj) {
+ espeed = Math.round(;
+ wdgEsp.innerHTML = /* wdgEspeed.innerHTML = */ String(espeed);
+ //gauges.rpm.setValueAnimated(espeed/1000);
+ gauges.rpm.setValue(espeed/1000);
+function gotFuelLevel(obj) {
+ fuel = Math.round(;
+ wdgFue.innerHTML = fuel;
+ gauges.maf.setValue(fuel);
+function gotTemp(obj) {
+ temp = Math.round(;
+ wdgTem.innerHTML = temp;
+ gauges.iatemp.setValue(temp);
+function gotStart(obj) {
+ document.body.className = "started";
+ vspeed = 0;
+ espeed = 0;
+ heading = 0;
+ cons = undefined;
+ consa = [ ];
+ wdgVsp.innerHTML = /*wdgVspeed.innerHTML = */
+ wdgEsp.innerHTML = /*wdgEspeed.innerHTML = */
+ wdgTem.innerHTML = wdgFue.innerHTML = "?";
+ for (var i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++) {
+ wdgConX[i].style.height = "0%";
+ wdgConX[i].innerHTML = "";
+ }
+function gotStop(obj) {
+ document.body.className = "connected";
+var msgcnt=0;
+var msgprv=0;
+var msgprvts=0;
+function gotAny(obj) {
+ if (obj.event != "low-can/STOP") {
+ document.body.className = "started";
+ }
+ msgcnt++;
+ wdgTem.innerHTML = temp;
+ gauges.iatemp.setValue(temp);
+// updateClock(;
+function updateMsgRate() {
+ var now=+new Date();
+ if (msgprvts) {
+ var dt=now-msgprvts;
+ msgrate=Math.round((msgcnt-msgprv)*10000/dt)/10;
+ wdgMsg.innerHTML=String(msgrate);
+ }
+ msgprv=msgcnt;
+ msgprvts=now;
+function gotStat(obj) {
+ wdgStat.innerHTML =;
+function onAbort() {
+ document.body.className = "not-connected";
+function onOpen() {
+"low-can/subscribe", {event:[
+ "diagnostic_messages.vehicle.speed",
+ "diagnostic_messages.mass.airflow",
+ "diagnostic_messages.engine.speed",
+ "diagnostic_messages.engine.load",
+ "diagnostic_messages.intake.air.temperature"]},
+ onSubscribed, onAbort);
+"stat/subscribe", true);
+ ws.onevent("stat/stat", gotStat);
+function onClose() {
+"low-can/unsubscribe", {event:[
+ "diagnostic_messages.engine.speed",
+ "diagnostic_messages.mass.airflow",
+ "diagnostic_messages.vehicle.speed",
+ "diagnostic_messages.engine.load",
+ "diagnostic_messages.intake.air.temperature"]},
+ onUnsubscribed, onAbort);
+"stat/unsubscribe", true);
+ ws.onevent("stat/stat", gotStat);
+function onSubscribed() {
+ document.body.className = "connected";
+ ws.onevent("low-can/diagnostic_messages.engine.speed", gotEngineSpeed);
+ ws.onevent("low-can/diagnostic_messages.mass.airflow", gotFuelLevel);
+ ws.onevent("low-can/diagnostic_messages.vehicle.speed", gotVehicleSpeed);
+ ws.onevent("low-can/diagnostic_messages.engine.load", gotTorque);
+ ws.onevent("low-can/diagnostic_messages.intake.air.temperature", gotTemp);
+ ws.onevent("low-can",gotAny);
+function onUnsubscribed() {
+ document.body.className = "disconnected";
+ ws.onevent("low-can/diagnostic_messages.engine.speed", gotEngineSpeed);
+ ws.onevent("low-can/diagnostic_messages.mass.airflow", gotFuelLevel);
+ ws.onevent("low-can/diagnostic_messages.vehicle.speed", gotVehicleSpeed);
+ ws.onevent("low-can/diagnostic_messages.engine.load", gotTorque);
+ ws.onevent("low-can/diagnostic_messages.intake.air.temperature", gotTemp);
+ ws.onevent("low-can",gotAny);
+function replyok(obj) {
+ document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "OK: "+JSON.stringify(obj);
+function replyerr(obj) {
+ document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "ERROR: "+JSON.stringify(obj);
+function send(message) {
+ var api = document.getElementById("api").value;
+ var verb = document.getElementById("verb").value;
+"/"+verb, {data:message}, replyok, replyerr);
+function doConnect() {
+ document.body.className = "connecting";
+ ws = new, onAbort);
+function doDisconnect() {
+ document.body.className = "connecting";
+ ws = new, onAbort);
+$(function() {
+ wdgVsp = document.getElementById("vsp");
+ wdgEsp = document.getElementById("esp");
+ wdgTrq = document.getElementById("trq");
+ wdgFue = document.getElementById("fue");
+ wdgTem = document.getElementById("tem");
+ wdgStat = document.getElementById("stat");
+ wdgMsg = document.getElementById("msg");
+ initGauges();
+ doConnect();
+ // init interval to compute message rate
+ setInterval(updateMsgRate,250);