path: root/app/testqt.qml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/testqt.qml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 327 deletions
diff --git a/app/testqt.qml b/app/testqt.qml
deleted file mode 100755
index 52c5a47..0000000
--- a/app/testqt.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import QtQuick 2.6
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
-import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
-import QtWebSockets 1.0
-import QtLocation 5.9
-import QtPositioning 5.6
-ApplicationWindow {
- id: root
- visible: true
- width: 1080
- height: 1488
- title: qsTr("TestQt")
- Map{
- id: map
- property variant pathcounter : 0
- property variant segmentcounter : 0
- property int lastX : -1
- property int lastY : -1
- property int pressX : -1
- property int pressY : -1
- property int jitterThreshold : 30
- anchors.fill: parent
- plugin: Plugin {
- name: "mapbox"
- PluginParameter { name: "mapbox.access_token";
- value: "pk.eyJ1IjoiYWlzaW53ZWkiLCJhIjoiY2pqNWg2cG81MGJoazNxcWhldGZzaDEwYyJ9.imkG45PQUKpgJdhO2OeADQ" }
- }
- center: QtPositioning.coordinate(36.131998,-115.1516808)
- zoomLevel: 14
- property variant modepositionfollowing : false
- property variant currentpostion : QtPositioning.coordinate(36.131998,-115.1516808)
- MapQuickItem {
- id: poiTheQtComapny
- sourceItem: Rectangle { width: 14; height: 14; color: "#e41e25"; border.width: 2; border.color: "white"; smooth: true; radius: 7 }
- coordinate {
- latitude: 36.131998
- longitude: -115.1516808
- }
- opacity: 1.0
- anchorPoint: Qt.point(sourceItem.width/2, sourceItem.height/2)
- }
- MapQuickItem {
- sourceItem: Text{
- color:"#242424"
- font.bold: true
- styleColor: "#ECECEC"
- style: Text.Outline
- }
- coordinate: poiTheQtComapny.coordinate
- anchorPoint: Qt.point(-poiTheQtComapny.sourceItem.width * 0.5,poiTheQtComapny.sourceItem.height * 1.5)
- }
- MapQuickItem {
- id: marker
- anchorPoint.x: imageMarker.width/2
- anchorPoint.y: imageMarker.height/2
- sourceItem: Image {
- id: imageMarker
- width: 150
- height: 150
- source: "images/car_icon.svg"
- }
- coordinate: map.currentpostion
- }
- RouteModel {
- id: routeModel
- plugin : map.plugin
- query: RouteQuery {
- id: routeQuery
- }
- onStatusChanged: {
- if (status == RouteModel.Ready) {
- switch (count) {
- case 0:
- // technically not an error
- // map.routeError()
- break
- case 1:
- map.pathcounter = 0
- map.segmentcounter = 0
- // report position on route and 1st instruction
- console.log("1 route found")
- console.log("path: ", get(0).path.length, "segment: ", get(0).segments.length)
- for(var i = 0; i < get(0).path.length; i++){
- console.log("", get(0).path[i])
- }
- console.log("1st instruction: ", get(0).segments[map.segmentcounter].maneuver.instructionText)
- break
- }
- } else if (status == RouteModel.Error) {
- // map.routeError()
- }
- }
- }
- Component {
- id: routeDelegate
- MapRoute {
- id: route
- route: routeData
- line.color: "#4658da"
- line.width: 10
- smooth: true
- opacity: 0.8
- }
- }
- MapItemView {
- model: routeModel
- delegate: routeDelegate
- autoFitViewport: true
- }
- function calculateMarkerRoute()
- {
- var startCoordinate = QtPositioning.coordinate(36.131998,-115.1516808) // The Qt Company in Oslo
- console.log("calculateMarkerRoute")
- routeQuery.clearWaypoints();
- routeQuery.addWaypoint(startCoordinate)
- routeQuery.addWaypoint(mouseArea.lastCoordinate)
- routeQuery.travelModes = RouteQuery.CarTravel
- routeQuery.routeOptimizations = RouteQuery.FastestRoute
- for (var i=0; i<9; i++) {
- routeQuery.setFeatureWeight(i, 0)
- }
- routeModel.update();
- }
- MouseArea {
- id: mouseArea
- property variant lastCoordinate
- anchors.fill: parent
- acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton
- onPressed : {
- map.lastX = mouse.x
- map.lastY = mouse.y
- map.pressX = mouse.x
- map.pressY = mouse.y
- lastCoordinate = map.toCoordinate(Qt.point(mouse.x, mouse.y))
- }
- onPositionChanged: {
- if (mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton) {
- map.lastX = mouse.x
- map.lastY = mouse.y
- }
- }
- onPressAndHold:{
- if (Math.abs(map.pressX - mouse.x ) < map.jitterThreshold
- && Math.abs(map.pressY - mouse.y ) < map.jitterThreshold) {
- map.modepositionfollowing = false
- // arrow.positionTimer.stop();
- map.calculateMarkerRoute();
- }
- }
- }
- gesture.onFlickStarted: {
- map.modepositionfollowing = false
- }
- gesture.onPanStarted: {
- map.modepositionfollowing = false
- }
- function updatePositon()
- {
- console.log("updatePositon")
- if(routeModel.status == RouteModel.Ready){
- if(pathcounter < routeModel.get(0).path.length){
- console.log("path: ", pathcounter, "/", routeModel.get(0).path.length, "", routeModel.get(0).path[pathcounter])
- map.currentpostion = routeModel.get(0).path[pathcounter]
- marker.coordinate = map.currentpostion
- if(map.modepositionfollowing == true){
- map.center = map.currentpostion
- }
- // report a new instruction if current position matches with the head position of the segment
- if(segmentcounter < routeModel.get(0).segments.length){
- if(routeModel.get(0).path[pathcounter] == routeModel.get(0).segments[segmentcounter].path[0]){
- console.log("new segment: ", segmentcounter, "/", routeModel.get(0).segments.length)
- console.log("instruction: ", routeModel.get(0).segments[segmentcounter].maneuver.instructionText)
- segmentcounter++
- }
- }
- pathcounter++
- }else{
- pathcounter = 0
- segmentcounter = 0
- map.currentpostion = QtPositioning.coordinate(36.131998,-115.1516808)
- marker.coordinate = map.currentpostion
- if(map.modepositionfollowing == true){
- map.center = map.currentpostion
- }
- }
- }else{
- pathcounter = 0
- segmentcounter = 0
- }
- }
- }
- // use external nmea data to simulate current position
-// PositionSource {
-// id: src
-// updateInterval: 500
-// active: true
-// nmeaSource: "images/nmea.txt"
-// onPositionChanged: {
-// var coord = src.position.coordinate;
-// console.log("Coordinate: ", src.position.coordinate);
-// map.currentpostion = src.position.coordinate;
-// }
-// }
- Item {
- id: present_position
- x: 942
- y: 1328
- Button {
- id: btn_present_position
- width: 100
- height: 100
- function present_position_clicked() {
- map.modepositionfollowing = true
- map.center = map.currentpostion
- }
- onClicked: { present_position_clicked() }
- Image {
- id: image_present_position
- width: 92
- height: 92
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- source: "images/thum500_t002_0_ip_0175.jpg"
- }
- }
- }
- Item {
- id: arrow
- x: 940
- y: 20
- Timer {
- id: positionTimer
- interval: 250; running: false; repeat: true
- onTriggered: map.updatePositon()
- }
- Button {
- id: btn_arrow
- width: 100
- height: 100
- function arrow_clicked() {
- if(positionTimer.running == false){
- map.modepositionfollowing = true
- positionTimer.start();
- }else{
- map.modepositionfollowing = false
- positionTimer.stop();
- }
- }
- onClicked: { arrow_clicked() }
- Image {
- id: image_arrow
- width: 92
- height: 92
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- source: "images/SW_Patern_1.bmp"
- }
- }
- }
- BtnMapDirection {
- id: btn_map_direction
- x: 15
- y: 20
- }
- BtnShrink {
- id: btn_shrink
- x: 23
- y:1200
- }
- BtnEnlarge {
- id: btn_enlarge
- x: 23
- y: 1330
- }
- ImgDestinationDirection {
- id: img_destination_direction
- x: 120
- y: 20
- }
- ProgressNextCross {
- id: progress_next_cross
- x: 225
- y: 20
- }