BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterImport Qt6 conversion patchJan-Simon Moeller2 weeks
ricefishAdd gitreview file for Royal Ricefish branchJan-Simon Moeller5 months
quillbackAdd gitreview file for Quirky Quillback branchJan-Simon Moeller10 months
pikeAdd gitreview file for Prickly Pike branchJan-Simon Moeller16 months
octopusAdd gitreview file for Optimistic Octopus branchJan-Simon Moeller22 months
needlefishUpdate radio wrapper nameScott Murray23 months
marlinFix layout issuesScott Murray2 years
lampreyAdd gitreview file for Lucky Lamprey branchJan-Simon Möller3 years
koiAdd gitreview file for Kooky Koi branchJan-Simon Möller4 years
jellyfishAdd gitreview file for jellyfish branchJan-Simon Möller4 years
sandbox/mvlad/agl-compositorRadio.qml: Use the windows width and heightMarius Vlad4 years
icefishUpdate .gitreview fileJan-Simon Möller5 years
halibutRemove icons from presets listScott Murray5 years
sandbox/wangzhiqiang/als2019change seqwang_zhiqiang6 years
guppyautobuild: introduce autobuild scriptsRaquel Medina6 years
flounderSwitch to libqtappfw and pause mediaplayer on playScott Murray6 years
sandbox/zheng_wenlong/use_appidUse appid between homescreen-service and appszheng_wenlong6 years
eelUI improvements for scanning behaviorScott Murray7 years
sandbox/knimitz/hmi-frameworkLink to qlibsoundmanagerKazumasa Mitsunari7 years
sandbox/kmitsunari/hmi-frameworkbinding: radio: remove binding from radio applicationMatt Ranostay7 years
dabAdd .gitreview for dabJan-Simon Möller7 years
chinookImport latest Chinook code from CES2017 repoScott Murray8 years