path: root/app
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2016-12-22Revert to latest merged versionsrimaldia2-2/+2
2016-12-22Modify poll intervalsrimaldia2-2/+2
2016-12-22Revert GUI Wifi and Blouetooth to latest mergeredsrimaldia2-192/+231
2016-12-22Modify UI Design of Wifi and Bluetoothsrimaldia2-230/+190
2016-12-20Add Version InfoTasuku Suzuki8-4/+284
2016-12-20Add changing status icon in exampleTasuku Suzuki4-4/+49
2016-12-20Move back to initial list when the app is hiddenTasuku Suzuki1-0/+5
2016-12-15Modify UI for Bluetooth and Wifisrimaldia2-27/+21
2016-12-14merge the Settings in CES2017 and bindings from ALPSTasuku Suzuki47-0/+3319