path: root/include/mapbox
diff options
authorzheng_wenlong <>2019-06-06 16:31:25 +0900
committerzheng_wenlong <>2019-06-06 16:31:25 +0900
commit9ee98a06160ee2b234e92db70eb18e128fc76e5d (patch)
treed144be711339162d8fb8662ac868cc3677318072 /include/mapbox
parent61a91b68c0c895714ea8d612fc752ad4b5cf56ef (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'include/mapbox')
19 files changed, 0 insertions, 2178 deletions
diff --git a/include/mapbox/cheap_ruler.hpp b/include/mapbox/cheap_ruler.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ae82706..0000000
--- a/include/mapbox/cheap_ruler.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <mapbox/geometry.hpp>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <limits>
-#include <tuple>
-#include <utility>
-namespace mapbox {
-namespace cheap_ruler {
-using box = geometry::box<double>;
-using line_string = geometry::line_string<double>;
-using linear_ring = geometry::linear_ring<double>;
-using multi_line_string = geometry::multi_line_string<double>;
-using point = geometry::point<double>;
-using polygon = geometry::polygon<double>;
-class CheapRuler {
- enum Unit {
- Kilometers,
- Miles,
- NauticalMiles,
- Meters,
- Metres = Meters,
- Yards,
- Feet,
- Inches
- };
- //
- // A collection of very fast approximations to common geodesic measurements. Useful
- // for performance-sensitive code that measures things on a city scale. Point coordinates
- // are in the [x = longitude, y = latitude] form.
- //
- explicit CheapRuler(double latitude, Unit unit = Kilometers) {
- double m = 0.;
- switch (unit) {
- case Kilometers:
- m = 1.;
- break;
- case Miles:
- m = 1000. / 1609.344;
- break;
- case NauticalMiles:
- m = 1000. / 1852.;
- break;
- case Meters:
- m = 1000.;
- break;
- case Yards:
- m = 1000. / 0.9144;
- break;
- case Feet:
- m = 1000. / 0.3048;
- break;
- case Inches:
- m = 1000. / 0.0254;
- break;
- }
- auto cos = std::cos(latitude * M_PI / 180.);
- auto cos2 = 2. * cos * cos - 1.;
- auto cos3 = 2. * cos * cos2 - cos;
- auto cos4 = 2. * cos * cos3 - cos2;
- auto cos5 = 2. * cos * cos4 - cos3;
- // multipliers for converting longitude and latitude
- // degrees into distance (
- kx = m * (111.41513 * cos - 0.09455 * cos3 + 0.00012 * cos5);
- ky = m * (111.13209 - 0.56605 * cos2 + 0.0012 * cos4);
- }
- static CheapRuler fromTile(uint32_t y, uint32_t z) {
- double n = M_PI * (1. - 2. * (y + 0.5) / std::pow(2., z));
- double latitude = std::atan(0.5 * (std::exp(n) - std::exp(-n))) * 180. / M_PI;
- return CheapRuler(latitude);
- }
- //
- // Given two points of the form [x = longitude, y = latitude], returns the distance.
- //
- double distance(point a, point b) {
- auto dx = (a.x - b.x) * kx;
- auto dy = (a.y - b.y) * ky;
- return std::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
- }
- //
- // Returns the bearing between two points in angles.
- //
- double bearing(point a, point b) {
- auto dx = (b.x - a.x) * kx;
- auto dy = (b.y - a.y) * ky;
- if (!dx && !dy) {
- return 0.;
- }
- auto bearing = std::atan2(-dy, dx) * 180. / M_PI + 90.;
- if (bearing > 180.) {
- bearing -= 360.;
- }
- return bearing;
- }
- //
- // Returns a new point given distance and bearing from the starting point.
- //
- point destination(point origin, double dist, double bearing) {
- auto a = (90. - bearing) * M_PI / 180.;
- return offset(origin, std::cos(a) * dist, std::sin(a) * dist);
- }
- //
- // Returns a new point given easting and northing offsets from the starting point.
- //
- point offset(point origin, double dx, double dy) {
- return point(origin.x + dx / kx, origin.y + dy / ky);
- }
- //
- // Given a line (an array of points), returns the total line distance.
- //
- double lineDistance(const line_string& points) {
- double total = 0.;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < points.size() - 1; ++i) {
- total += distance(points[i], points[i + 1]);
- }
- return total;
- }
- //
- // Given a polygon (an array of rings, where each ring is an array of points),
- // returns the area.
- //
- double area(polygon poly) {
- double sum = 0.;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < poly.size(); ++i) {
- auto& ring = poly[i];
- for (unsigned j = 0, len = ring.size(), k = len - 1; j < len; k = j++) {
- sum += (ring[j].x - ring[k].x) * (ring[j].y + ring[k].y) * (i ? -1. : 1.);
- }
- }
- return (std::abs(sum) / 2.) * kx * ky;
- }
- //
- // Returns the point at a specified distance along the line.
- //
- point along(const line_string& line, double dist) {
- double sum = 0.;
- if (dist <= 0.) {
- return line[0];
- }
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < line.size() - 1; ++i) {
- auto p0 = line[i];
- auto p1 = line[i + 1];
- auto d = distance(p0, p1);
- sum += d;
- if (sum > dist) {
- return interpolate(p0, p1, (dist - (sum - d)) / d);
- }
- }
- return line[line.size() - 1];
- }
- //
- // Returns a pair of the form <point, index> where point is closest point on the line from
- // the given point and index is the start index of the segment with the closest point.
- //
- std::pair<point, unsigned> pointOnLine(const line_string& line, point p) {
- auto result = _pointOnLine(line, p);
- return std::make_pair(std::get<0>(result), std::get<1>(result));
- }
- //
- // Returns a part of the given line between the start and the stop points (or their closest
- // points on the line).
- //
- line_string lineSlice(point start, point stop, const line_string& line) {
- constexpr auto getPoint = [](auto tuple) { return std::get<0>(tuple); };
- constexpr auto getIndex = [](auto tuple) { return std::get<1>(tuple); };
- constexpr auto getT = [](auto tuple) { return std::get<2>(tuple); };
- auto p1 = _pointOnLine(line, start);
- auto p2 = _pointOnLine(line, stop);
- if (getIndex(p1) > getIndex(p2) || (getIndex(p1) == getIndex(p2) && getT(p1) > getT(p2))) {
- auto tmp = p1;
- p1 = p2;
- p2 = tmp;
- }
- line_string slice = { getPoint(p1) };
- auto l = getIndex(p1) + 1;
- auto r = getIndex(p2);
- if (line[l] != slice[0] && l <= r) {
- slice.push_back(line[l]);
- }
- for (unsigned i = l + 1; i <= r; ++i) {
- slice.push_back(line[i]);
- }
- if (line[r] != getPoint(p2)) {
- slice.push_back(getPoint(p2));
- }
- return slice;
- };
- //
- // Returns a part of the given line between the start and the stop points
- // indicated by distance along the line.
- //
- line_string lineSliceAlong(double start, double stop, const line_string& line) {
- double sum = 0.;
- line_string slice;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < line.size() - 1; ++i) {
- auto p0 = line[i];
- auto p1 = line[i + 1];
- auto d = distance(p0, p1);
- sum += d;
- if (sum > start && slice.size() == 0) {
- slice.push_back(interpolate(p0, p1, (start - (sum - d)) / d));
- }
- if (sum >= stop) {
- slice.push_back(interpolate(p0, p1, (stop - (sum - d)) / d));
- return slice;
- }
- if (sum > start) {
- slice.push_back(p1);
- }
- }
- return slice;
- };
- //
- // Given a point, returns a bounding box object ([w, s, e, n])
- // created from the given point buffered by a given distance.
- //
- box bufferPoint(point p, double buffer) {
- auto v = buffer / ky;
- auto h = buffer / kx;
- return box(
- point(p.x - h, p.y - v),
- point(p.x + h, p.y + v)
- );
- }
- //
- // Given a bounding box, returns the box buffered by a given distance.
- //
- box bufferBBox(box bbox, double buffer) {
- auto v = buffer / ky;
- auto h = buffer / kx;
- return box(
- point(bbox.min.x - h, bbox.min.y - v),
- point(bbox.max.x + h, bbox.max.y + v)
- );
- }
- //
- // Returns true if the given point is inside in the given bounding box, otherwise false.
- //
- bool insideBBox(point p, box bbox) {
- return p.x >= bbox.min.x &&
- p.x <= bbox.max.x &&
- p.y >= bbox.min.y &&
- p.y <= bbox.max.y;
- }
- static point interpolate(point a, point b, double t) {
- double dx = b.x - a.x;
- double dy = b.y - a.y;
- return point(a.x + dx * t, a.y + dy * t);
- }
- std::tuple<point, unsigned, double> _pointOnLine(const line_string& line, point p) {
- double minDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
- double minX = 0., minY = 0., minI = 0., minT = 0.;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < line.size() - 1; ++i) {
- auto t = 0.;
- auto x = line[i].x;
- auto y = line[i].y;
- auto dx = (line[i + 1].x - x) * kx;
- auto dy = (line[i + 1].y - y) * ky;
- if (dx != 0. || dy != 0.) {
- t = ((p.x - x) * kx * dx + (p.y - y) * ky * dy) / (dx * dx + dy * dy);
- if (t > 1) {
- x = line[i + 1].x;
- y = line[i + 1].y;
- } else if (t > 0) {
- x += (dx / kx) * t;
- y += (dy / ky) * t;
- }
- }
- dx = (p.x - x) * kx;
- dy = (p.y - y) * ky;
- auto sqDist = dx * dx + dy * dy;
- if (sqDist < minDist) {
- minDist = sqDist;
- minX = x;
- minY = y;
- minI = i;
- minT = t;
- }
- }
- return std::make_tuple(point(minX, minY), minI, minT);
- }
- double ky;
- double kx;
-} // namespace cheap_ruler
-} // namespace mapbox
diff --git a/include/mapbox/geometry.hpp b/include/mapbox/geometry.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e232453..0000000
--- a/include/mapbox/geometry.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <mapbox/geometry/point.hpp>
-#include <mapbox/geometry/line_string.hpp>
-#include <mapbox/geometry/polygon.hpp>
-#include <mapbox/geometry/multi_point.hpp>
-#include <mapbox/geometry/multi_line_string.hpp>
-#include <mapbox/geometry/multi_polygon.hpp>
-#include <mapbox/geometry/geometry.hpp>
-#include <mapbox/geometry/feature.hpp>
-#include <mapbox/geometry/point_arithmetic.hpp>
-#include <mapbox/geometry/for_each_point.hpp>
-#include <mapbox/geometry/envelope.hpp>
diff --git a/include/mapbox/geometry/box.hpp b/include/mapbox/geometry/box.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bf81b70..0000000
--- a/include/mapbox/geometry/box.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <mapbox/geometry/point.hpp>
-namespace mapbox {
-namespace geometry {
-template <typename T>
-struct box
- using point_type = point<T>;
- constexpr box(point_type const& min_, point_type const& max_)
- : min(min_), max(max_)
- {}
- point_type min;
- point_type max;
-template <typename T>
-constexpr bool operator==(box<T> const& lhs, box<T> const& rhs)
- return lhs.min == rhs.min && lhs.max == rhs.max;
-template <typename T>
-constexpr bool operator!=(box<T> const& lhs, box<T> const& rhs)
- return lhs.min != rhs.min || lhs.max != rhs.max;
-} // namespace geometry
-} // namespace mapbox
diff --git a/include/mapbox/geometry/envelope.hpp b/include/mapbox/geometry/envelope.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8603583..0000000
--- a/include/mapbox/geometry/envelope.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <mapbox/geometry/box.hpp>
-#include <mapbox/geometry/for_each_point.hpp>
-#include <limits>
-namespace mapbox {
-namespace geometry {
-template <typename G, typename T = typename G::coordinate_type>
-box<T> envelope(G const& geometry)
- using limits = std::numeric_limits<T>;
- T min_t = limits::has_infinity ? -limits::infinity() : limits::min();
- T max_t = limits::has_infinity ? limits::infinity() : limits::max();
- point<T> min(max_t, max_t);
- point<T> max(min_t, min_t);
- for_each_point(geometry, [&] (point<T> const& point) {
- if (min.x > point.x) min.x = point.x;
- if (min.y > point.y) min.y = point.y;
- if (max.x < point.x) max.x = point.x;
- if (max.y < point.y) max.y = point.y;
- });
- return box<T>(min, max);
-} // namespace geometry
-} // namespace mapbox
diff --git a/include/mapbox/geometry/feature.hpp b/include/mapbox/geometry/feature.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bdd484..0000000
--- a/include/mapbox/geometry/feature.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <mapbox/geometry/geometry.hpp>
-#include <mapbox/variant.hpp>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <experimental/optional>
-namespace mapbox {
-namespace geometry {
-struct value;
-struct null_value_t
- constexpr null_value_t() {}
- constexpr null_value_t(std::nullptr_t) {}
-constexpr bool operator==(const null_value_t&, const null_value_t&) { return true; }
-constexpr bool operator!=(const null_value_t&, const null_value_t&) { return false; }
-constexpr null_value_t null_value = null_value_t();
-// Multiple numeric types (uint64_t, int64_t, double) are present in order to support
-// the widest possible range of JSON numbers, which do not have a maximum range.
-// Implementations that produce `value`s should use that order for type preference,
-// using uint64_t for positive integers, int64_t for negative integers, and double
-// for non-integers and integers outside the range of 64 bits.
-using value_base = mapbox::util::variant<null_value_t, bool, uint64_t, int64_t, double, std::string,
- mapbox::util::recursive_wrapper<std::vector<value>>,
- mapbox::util::recursive_wrapper<std::unordered_map<std::string, value>>>;
-struct value : value_base
- using value_base::value_base;
-using property_map = std::unordered_map<std::string, value>;
-// The same considerations and requirement for numeric types apply as for `value_base`.
-using identifier = mapbox::util::variant<uint64_t, int64_t, double, std::string>;
-template <class T>
-struct feature
- using coordinate_type = T;
- using geometry_type = mapbox::geometry::geometry<T>; // Fully qualified to avoid GCC -fpermissive error.
- geometry_type geometry;
- property_map properties {};
- std::experimental::optional<identifier> id {};
-template <class T>
-constexpr bool operator==(feature<T> const& lhs, feature<T> const& rhs)
- return == && lhs.geometry == rhs.geometry && ==;
-template <class T>
-constexpr bool operator!=(feature<T> const& lhs, feature<T> const& rhs)
- return !(lhs == rhs);
-template <class T, template <typename...> class Cont = std::vector>
-struct feature_collection : Cont<feature<T>>
- using coordinate_type = T;
- using feature_type = feature<T>;
- using container_type = Cont<feature_type>;
- using container_type::container_type;
-} // namespace geometry
-} // namespace mapbox
diff --git a/include/mapbox/geometry/for_each_point.hpp b/include/mapbox/geometry/for_each_point.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 44d6e77..0000000
--- a/include/mapbox/geometry/for_each_point.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <mapbox/geometry/geometry.hpp>
-namespace mapbox {
-namespace geometry {
-template <typename Point, typename F>
-auto for_each_point(Point&& point, F&& f)
- -> decltype(point.x, point.y, void())
- f(std::forward<Point>(point));
-template <typename Container, typename F>
-auto for_each_point(Container&& container, F&& f)
- -> decltype(container.begin(), container.end(), void());
-template <typename...Types, typename F>
-void for_each_point(mapbox::util::variant<Types...> const& geom, F&& f)
- mapbox::util::variant<Types...>::visit(geom, [&] (auto const& g) {
- for_each_point(g, f);
- });
-template <typename...Types, typename F>
-void for_each_point(mapbox::util::variant<Types...> & geom, F&& f)
- mapbox::util::variant<Types...>::visit(geom, [&] (auto & g) {
- for_each_point(g, f);
- });
-template <typename Container, typename F>
-auto for_each_point(Container&& container, F&& f)
- -> decltype(container.begin(), container.end(), void())
- for (auto& e: container) {
- for_each_point(e, f);
- }
-} // namespace geometry
-} // namespace mapbox
diff --git a/include/mapbox/geometry/geometry.hpp b/include/mapbox/geometry/geometry.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a3970bf..0000000
--- a/include/mapbox/geometry/geometry.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <mapbox/geometry/point.hpp>
-#include <mapbox/geometry/line_string.hpp>
-#include <mapbox/geometry/polygon.hpp>
-#include <mapbox/geometry/multi_point.hpp>
-#include <mapbox/geometry/multi_line_string.hpp>
-#include <mapbox/geometry/multi_polygon.hpp>
-#include <mapbox/variant.hpp>
-// stl
-#include <vector>
-namespace mapbox {
-namespace geometry {
-template <typename T, template <typename...> class Cont = std::vector>
-struct geometry_collection;
-template <typename T>
-using geometry_base = mapbox::util::variant<point<T>,
- line_string<T>,
- polygon<T>,
- multi_point<T>,
- multi_line_string<T>,
- multi_polygon<T>,
- geometry_collection<T>>;
-template <typename T>
-struct geometry : geometry_base<T>
- using coordinate_type = T;
- using geometry_base<T>::geometry_base;
- /*
- * The default constructor would create a point geometry with default-constructed coordinates;
- * i.e. (0, 0). Since this is not particularly useful, and could hide bugs, it is disabled.
- */
- geometry() = delete;
-template <typename T, template <typename...> class Cont>
-struct geometry_collection : Cont<geometry<T>>
- using coordinate_type = T;
- using geometry_type = geometry<T>;
- using container_type = Cont<geometry_type>;
- using container_type::container_type;
-} // namespace geometry
-} // namespace mapbox
diff --git a/include/mapbox/geometry/line_string.hpp b/include/mapbox/geometry/line_string.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d811ce..0000000
--- a/include/mapbox/geometry/line_string.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-// mapbox
-#include <mapbox/geometry/point.hpp>
-// stl
-#include <vector>
-namespace mapbox {
-namespace geometry {
-template <typename T, template <typename...> class Cont = std::vector>
-struct line_string : Cont<point<T> >
- using coordinate_type = T;
- using point_type = point<T>;
- using container_type = Cont<point_type>;
- using container_type::container_type;
-} // namespace geometry
-} // namespace mapbox
diff --git a/include/mapbox/geometry/multi_line_string.hpp b/include/mapbox/geometry/multi_line_string.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 07a7a1d..0000000
--- a/include/mapbox/geometry/multi_line_string.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-// mapbox
-#include <mapbox/geometry/line_string.hpp>
-// stl
-#include <vector>
-namespace mapbox {
-namespace geometry {
-template <typename T, template <typename...> class Cont = std::vector>
-struct multi_line_string : Cont<line_string<T>>
- using coordinate_type = T;
- using line_string_type = line_string<T>;
- using container_type = Cont<line_string_type>;
- using container_type::container_type;
-} // namespace geometry
-} // namespace mapbox
diff --git a/include/mapbox/geometry/multi_point.hpp b/include/mapbox/geometry/multi_point.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a3c73cf..0000000
--- a/include/mapbox/geometry/multi_point.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-// mapbox
-#include <mapbox/geometry/point.hpp>
-// stl
-#include <vector>
-namespace mapbox {
-namespace geometry {
-template <typename T, template <typename...> class Cont = std::vector>
-struct multi_point : Cont<point<T>>
- using coordinate_type = T;
- using point_type = point<T>;
- using container_type = Cont<point_type>;
- using container_type::container_type;
-} // namespace geometry
-} // namespace mapbox
diff --git a/include/mapbox/geometry/multi_polygon.hpp b/include/mapbox/geometry/multi_polygon.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ad230a0..0000000
--- a/include/mapbox/geometry/multi_polygon.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-// mapbox
-#include <mapbox/geometry/polygon.hpp>
-// stl
-#include <vector>
-namespace mapbox {
-namespace geometry {
-template <typename T, template <typename...> class Cont = std::vector>
-struct multi_polygon : Cont<polygon<T>>
- using coordinate_type = T;
- using polygon_type = polygon<T>;
- using container_type = Cont<polygon_type>;
- using container_type::container_type;
-} // namespace geometry
-} // namespace mapbox
diff --git a/include/mapbox/geometry/point.hpp b/include/mapbox/geometry/point.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cba499..0000000
--- a/include/mapbox/geometry/point.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-namespace mapbox {
-namespace geometry {
-template <typename T>
-struct point
- using coordinate_type = T;
- constexpr point()
- : x(), y()
- {}
- constexpr point(T x_, T y_)
- : x(x_), y(y_)
- {}
- T x;
- T y;
-template <typename T>
-constexpr bool operator==(point<T> const& lhs, point<T> const& rhs)
- return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y == rhs.y;
-template <typename T>
-constexpr bool operator!=(point<T> const& lhs, point<T> const& rhs)
- return !(lhs == rhs);
-} // namespace geometry
-} // namespace mapbox
diff --git a/include/mapbox/geometry/point_arithmetic.hpp b/include/mapbox/geometry/point_arithmetic.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3940e5b..0000000
--- a/include/mapbox/geometry/point_arithmetic.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-namespace mapbox {
-namespace geometry {
-template <typename T>
-constexpr point<T> operator+(point<T> const& lhs, point<T> const& rhs)
- return point<T>(lhs.x + rhs.x, lhs.y + rhs.y);
-template <typename T>
-constexpr point<T> operator+(point<T> const& lhs, T const& rhs)
- return point<T>(lhs.x + rhs, lhs.y + rhs);
-template <typename T>
-constexpr point<T> operator-(point<T> const& lhs, point<T> const& rhs)
- return point<T>(lhs.x - rhs.x, lhs.y - rhs.y);
-template <typename T>
-constexpr point<T> operator-(point<T> const& lhs, T const& rhs)
- return point<T>(lhs.x - rhs, lhs.y - rhs);
-template <typename T>
-constexpr point<T> operator*(point<T> const& lhs, point<T> const& rhs)
- return point<T>(lhs.x * rhs.x, lhs.y * rhs.y);
-template <typename T>
-constexpr point<T> operator*(point<T> const& lhs, T const& rhs)
- return point<T>(lhs.x * rhs, lhs.y * rhs);
-template <typename T>
-constexpr point<T> operator/(point<T> const& lhs, point<T> const& rhs)
- return point<T>(lhs.x / rhs.x, lhs.y / rhs.y);
-template <typename T>
-constexpr point<T> operator/(point<T> const& lhs, T const& rhs)
- return point<T>(lhs.x / rhs, lhs.y / rhs);
-template <typename T>
-constexpr point<T>& operator+=(point<T>& lhs, point<T> const& rhs)
- lhs.x += rhs.x;
- lhs.y += rhs.y;
- return lhs;
-template <typename T>
-constexpr point<T>& operator+=(point<T>& lhs, T const& rhs)
- lhs.x += rhs;
- lhs.y += rhs;
- return lhs;
-template <typename T>
-constexpr point<T>& operator-=(point<T>& lhs, point<T> const& rhs)
- lhs.x -= rhs.x;
- lhs.y -= rhs.y;
- return lhs;
-template <typename T>
-constexpr point<T>& operator-=(point<T>& lhs, T const& rhs)
- lhs.x -= rhs;
- lhs.y -= rhs;
- return lhs;
-template <typename T>
-constexpr point<T>& operator*=(point<T>& lhs, point<T> const& rhs)
- lhs.x *= rhs.x;
- lhs.y *= rhs.y;
- return lhs;
-template <typename T>
-constexpr point<T>& operator*=(point<T>& lhs, T const& rhs)
- lhs.x *= rhs;
- lhs.y *= rhs;
- return lhs;
-template <typename T>
-constexpr point<T>& operator/=(point<T>& lhs, point<T> const& rhs)
- lhs.x /= rhs.x;
- lhs.y /= rhs.y;
- return lhs;
-template <typename T>
-constexpr point<T>& operator/=(point<T>& lhs, T const& rhs)
- lhs.x /= rhs;
- lhs.y /= rhs;
- return lhs;
-} // namespace geometry
-} // namespace mapbox
diff --git a/include/mapbox/geometry/polygon.hpp b/include/mapbox/geometry/polygon.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 99a66aa..0000000
--- a/include/mapbox/geometry/polygon.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-// mapbox
-#include <mapbox/geometry/point.hpp>
-// stl
-#include <vector>
-namespace mapbox {
-namespace geometry {
-template <typename T, template <typename...> class Cont = std::vector>
-struct linear_ring : Cont<point<T>>
- using coordinate_type = T;
- using point_type = point<T>;
- using container_type = Cont<point_type>;
- using container_type::container_type;
-template <typename T, template <typename...> class Cont = std::vector>
-struct polygon : Cont<linear_ring<T>>
- using coordinate_type = T;
- using linear_ring_type = linear_ring<T>;
- using container_type = Cont<linear_ring_type>;
- using container_type::container_type;
-} // namespace geometry
-} // namespace mapbox
diff --git a/include/mapbox/optional.hpp b/include/mapbox/optional.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d84705c..0000000
--- a/include/mapbox/optional.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-#pragma message("This implementation of optional is deprecated. See")
-#include <type_traits>
-#include <utility>
-#include <mapbox/variant.hpp>
-namespace mapbox {
-namespace util {
-template <typename T>
-class optional
- static_assert(!std::is_reference<T>::value, "optional doesn't support references");
- struct none_type
- {
- };
- variant<none_type, T> variant_;
- optional() = default;
- optional(optional const& rhs)
- {
- if (this != &rhs)
- { // protect against invalid self-assignment
- variant_ = rhs.variant_;
- }
- }
- optional(T const& v) { variant_ = v; }
- explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return variant_.template is<T>(); }
- T const& get() const { return variant_.template get<T>(); }
- T& get() { return variant_.template get<T>(); }
- T const& operator*() const { return this->get(); }
- T operator*() { return this->get(); }
- optional& operator=(T const& v)
- {
- variant_ = v;
- return *this;
- }
- optional& operator=(optional const& rhs)
- {
- if (this != &rhs)
- {
- variant_ = rhs.variant_;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- template <typename... Args>
- void emplace(Args&&... args)
- {
- variant_ = T{std::forward<Args>(args)...};
- }
- void reset() { variant_ = none_type{}; }
-}; // class optional
-} // namespace util
-} // namespace mapbox
diff --git a/include/mapbox/recursive_wrapper.hpp b/include/mapbox/recursive_wrapper.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ffcbd7..0000000
--- a/include/mapbox/recursive_wrapper.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-// Based on variant/recursive_wrapper.hpp from boost.
-// Original license:
-// Copyright (c) 2002-2003
-// Eric Friedman, Itay Maman
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
-// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-#include <cassert>
-#include <utility>
-namespace mapbox {
-namespace util {
-template <typename T>
-class recursive_wrapper
- T* p_;
- void assign(T const& rhs)
- {
- this->get() = rhs;
- }
- using type = T;
- /**
- * Default constructor default initializes the internally stored value.
- * For POD types this means nothing is done and the storage is
- * uninitialized.
- *
- * @throws std::bad_alloc if there is insufficient memory for an object
- * of type T.
- * @throws any exception thrown by the default constructur of T.
- */
- recursive_wrapper()
- : p_(new T){}
- ~recursive_wrapper() noexcept { delete p_; }
- recursive_wrapper(recursive_wrapper const& operand)
- : p_(new T(operand.get())) {}
- recursive_wrapper(T const& operand)
- : p_(new T(operand)) {}
- recursive_wrapper(recursive_wrapper&& operand)
- : p_(new T(std::move(operand.get()))) {}
- recursive_wrapper(T&& operand)
- : p_(new T(std::move(operand))) {}
- inline recursive_wrapper& operator=(recursive_wrapper const& rhs)
- {
- assign(rhs.get());
- return *this;
- }
- inline recursive_wrapper& operator=(T const& rhs)
- {
- assign(rhs);
- return *this;
- }
- inline void swap(recursive_wrapper& operand) noexcept
- {
- T* temp = operand.p_;
- operand.p_ = p_;
- p_ = temp;
- }
- recursive_wrapper& operator=(recursive_wrapper&& rhs) noexcept
- {
- swap(rhs);
- return *this;
- }
- recursive_wrapper& operator=(T&& rhs)
- {
- get() = std::move(rhs);
- return *this;
- }
- T& get()
- {
- assert(p_);
- return *get_pointer();
- }
- T const& get() const
- {
- assert(p_);
- return *get_pointer();
- }
- T* get_pointer() { return p_; }
- const T* get_pointer() const { return p_; }
- operator T const&() const { return this->get(); }
- operator T&() { return this->get(); }
-}; // class recursive_wrapper
-template <typename T>
-inline void swap(recursive_wrapper<T>& lhs, recursive_wrapper<T>& rhs) noexcept
- lhs.swap(rhs);
-} // namespace util
-} // namespace mapbox
diff --git a/include/mapbox/variant.hpp b/include/mapbox/variant.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fb0f77e..0000000
--- a/include/mapbox/variant.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1013 +0,0 @@
-#include <cassert>
-#include <cstddef> // size_t
-#include <new> // operator new
-#include <stdexcept> // runtime_error
-#include <string>
-#include <tuple>
-#include <type_traits>
-#include <typeinfo>
-#include <utility>
-#include <functional>
-#include <mapbox/recursive_wrapper.hpp>
-#include <mapbox/variant_visitor.hpp>
-// clang-format off
-// [[deprecated]] is only available in C++14, use this for the time being
-#if __cplusplus <= 201103L
-# ifdef __GNUC__
-# define MAPBOX_VARIANT_DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated))
-# elif defined(_MSC_VER)
-# define MAPBOX_VARIANT_DEPRECATED __declspec(deprecated)
-# else
-# endif
-# define MAPBOX_VARIANT_DEPRECATED [[deprecated]]
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-# ifdef NDEBUG
-# define VARIANT_INLINE __forceinline
-# else
-# define VARIANT_INLINE //__declspec(noinline)
-# endif
-# ifdef NDEBUG
-# define VARIANT_INLINE //inline __attribute__((always_inline))
-# else
-# define VARIANT_INLINE __attribute__((noinline))
-# endif
-// clang-format on
-// Exceptions
-#if defined( __EXCEPTIONS) || defined( _MSC_VER)
-namespace mapbox {
-namespace util {
-// XXX This should derive from std::logic_error instead of std::runtime_error.
-// See for details.
-class bad_variant_access : public std::runtime_error
- explicit bad_variant_access(const std::string& what_arg)
- : runtime_error(what_arg) {}
- explicit bad_variant_access(const char* what_arg)
- : runtime_error(what_arg) {}
-}; // class bad_variant_access
-template <typename R = void>
-struct MAPBOX_VARIANT_DEPRECATED static_visitor
- using result_type = R;
- static_visitor() {}
- ~static_visitor() {}
-namespace detail {
-static constexpr std::size_t invalid_value = std::size_t(-1);
-template <typename T, typename... Types>
-struct direct_type;
-template <typename T, typename First, typename... Types>
-struct direct_type<T, First, Types...>
- static constexpr std::size_t index = std::is_same<T, First>::value
- ? sizeof...(Types)
- : direct_type<T, Types...>::index;
-template <typename T>
-struct direct_type<T>
- static constexpr std::size_t index = invalid_value;
-#if __cpp_lib_logical_traits >= 201510L
-using std::disjunction;
-template <typename...>
-struct disjunction : std::false_type {};
-template <typename B1>
-struct disjunction<B1> : B1 {};
-template <typename B1, typename B2>
-struct disjunction<B1, B2> : std::conditional<B1::value, B1, B2>::type {};
-template <typename B1, typename... Bs>
-struct disjunction<B1, Bs...> : std::conditional<B1::value, B1, disjunction<Bs...>>::type {};
-template <typename T, typename... Types>
-struct convertible_type;
-template <typename T, typename First, typename... Types>
-struct convertible_type<T, First, Types...>
- static constexpr std::size_t index = std::is_convertible<T, First>::value
- ? disjunction<std::is_convertible<T, Types>...>::value ? invalid_value : sizeof...(Types)
- : convertible_type<T, Types...>::index;
-template <typename T>
-struct convertible_type<T>
- static constexpr std::size_t index = invalid_value;
-template <typename T, typename... Types>
-struct value_traits
- using value_type = typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>::type;
- static constexpr std::size_t direct_index = direct_type<value_type, Types...>::index;
- static constexpr bool is_direct = direct_index != invalid_value;
- static constexpr std::size_t index = is_direct ? direct_index : convertible_type<value_type, Types...>::index;
- static constexpr bool is_valid = index != invalid_value;
- static constexpr std::size_t tindex = is_valid ? sizeof...(Types)-index : 0;
- using target_type = typename std::tuple_element<tindex, std::tuple<void, Types...>>::type;
-template <typename T, typename R = void>
-struct enable_if_type
- using type = R;
-template <typename F, typename V, typename Enable = void>
-struct result_of_unary_visit
- using type = typename std::result_of<F(V&)>::type;
-template <typename F, typename V>
-struct result_of_unary_visit<F, V, typename enable_if_type<typename F::result_type>::type>
- using type = typename F::result_type;
-template <typename F, typename V, typename Enable = void>
-struct result_of_binary_visit
- using type = typename std::result_of<F(V&, V&)>::type;
-template <typename F, typename V>
-struct result_of_binary_visit<F, V, typename enable_if_type<typename F::result_type>::type>
- using type = typename F::result_type;
-template <std::size_t arg1, std::size_t... others>
-struct static_max;
-template <std::size_t arg>
-struct static_max<arg>
- static const std::size_t value = arg;
-template <std::size_t arg1, std::size_t arg2, std::size_t... others>
-struct static_max<arg1, arg2, others...>
- static const std::size_t value = arg1 >= arg2 ? static_max<arg1, others...>::value : static_max<arg2, others...>::value;
-template <typename... Types>
-struct variant_helper;
-template <typename T, typename... Types>
-struct variant_helper<T, Types...>
- VARIANT_INLINE static void destroy(const std::size_t type_index, void* data)
- {
- if (type_index == sizeof...(Types))
- {
- reinterpret_cast<T*>(data)->~T();
- }
- else
- {
- variant_helper<Types...>::destroy(type_index, data);
- }
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE static void move(const std::size_t old_type_index, void* old_value, void* new_value)
- {
- if (old_type_index == sizeof...(Types))
- {
- new (new_value) T(std::move(*reinterpret_cast<T*>(old_value)));
- }
- else
- {
- variant_helper<Types...>::move(old_type_index, old_value, new_value);
- }
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE static void copy(const std::size_t old_type_index, const void* old_value, void* new_value)
- {
- if (old_type_index == sizeof...(Types))
- {
- new (new_value) T(*reinterpret_cast<const T*>(old_value));
- }
- else
- {
- variant_helper<Types...>::copy(old_type_index, old_value, new_value);
- }
- }
-template <>
-struct variant_helper<>
- VARIANT_INLINE static void destroy(const std::size_t, void*) {}
- VARIANT_INLINE static void move(const std::size_t, void*, void*) {}
- VARIANT_INLINE static void copy(const std::size_t, const void*, void*) {}
-template <typename T>
-struct unwrapper
- static T const& apply_const(T const& obj) { return obj; }
- static T& apply(T& obj) { return obj; }
-template <typename T>
-struct unwrapper<recursive_wrapper<T>>
- static auto apply_const(recursive_wrapper<T> const& obj)
- -> typename recursive_wrapper<T>::type const&
- {
- return obj.get();
- }
- static auto apply(recursive_wrapper<T>& obj)
- -> typename recursive_wrapper<T>::type&
- {
- return obj.get();
- }
-template <typename T>
-struct unwrapper<std::reference_wrapper<T>>
- static auto apply_const(std::reference_wrapper<T> const& obj)
- -> typename std::reference_wrapper<T>::type const&
- {
- return obj.get();
- }
- static auto apply(std::reference_wrapper<T>& obj)
- -> typename std::reference_wrapper<T>::type&
- {
- return obj.get();
- }
-template <typename F, typename V, typename R, typename... Types>
-struct dispatcher;
-template <typename F, typename V, typename R, typename T, typename... Types>
-struct dispatcher<F, V, R, T, Types...>
- VARIANT_INLINE static R apply_const(V const& v, F&& f)
- {
- if (v.template is<T>())
- {
- return f(unwrapper<T>::apply_const(v.template get_unchecked<T>()));
- }
- else
- {
- return dispatcher<F, V, R, Types...>::apply_const(v, std::forward<F>(f));
- }
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE static R apply(V& v, F&& f)
- {
- if (v.template is<T>())
- {
- return f(unwrapper<T>::apply(v.template get_unchecked<T>()));
- }
- else
- {
- return dispatcher<F, V, R, Types...>::apply(v, std::forward<F>(f));
- }
- }
-template <typename F, typename V, typename R, typename T>
-struct dispatcher<F, V, R, T>
- VARIANT_INLINE static R apply_const(V const& v, F&& f)
- {
- return f(unwrapper<T>::apply_const(v.template get_unchecked<T>()));
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE static R apply(V& v, F&& f)
- {
- return f(unwrapper<T>::apply(v.template get_unchecked<T>()));
- }
-template <typename F, typename V, typename R, typename T, typename... Types>
-struct binary_dispatcher_rhs;
-template <typename F, typename V, typename R, typename T0, typename T1, typename... Types>
-struct binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, R, T0, T1, Types...>
- VARIANT_INLINE static R apply_const(V const& lhs, V const& rhs, F&& f)
- {
- if (rhs.template is<T1>()) // call binary functor
- {
- return f(unwrapper<T0>::apply_const(lhs.template get_unchecked<T0>()),
- unwrapper<T1>::apply_const(rhs.template get_unchecked<T1>()));
- }
- else
- {
- return binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, R, T0, Types...>::apply_const(lhs, rhs, std::forward<F>(f));
- }
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE static R apply(V& lhs, V& rhs, F&& f)
- {
- if (rhs.template is<T1>()) // call binary functor
- {
- return f(unwrapper<T0>::apply(lhs.template get_unchecked<T0>()),
- unwrapper<T1>::apply(rhs.template get_unchecked<T1>()));
- }
- else
- {
- return binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, R, T0, Types...>::apply(lhs, rhs, std::forward<F>(f));
- }
- }
-template <typename F, typename V, typename R, typename T0, typename T1>
-struct binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, R, T0, T1>
- VARIANT_INLINE static R apply_const(V const& lhs, V const& rhs, F&& f)
- {
- return f(unwrapper<T0>::apply_const(lhs.template get_unchecked<T0>()),
- unwrapper<T1>::apply_const(rhs.template get_unchecked<T1>()));
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE static R apply(V& lhs, V& rhs, F&& f)
- {
- return f(unwrapper<T0>::apply(lhs.template get_unchecked<T0>()),
- unwrapper<T1>::apply(rhs.template get_unchecked<T1>()));
- }
-template <typename F, typename V, typename R, typename T, typename... Types>
-struct binary_dispatcher_lhs;
-template <typename F, typename V, typename R, typename T0, typename T1, typename... Types>
-struct binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, R, T0, T1, Types...>
- VARIANT_INLINE static R apply_const(V const& lhs, V const& rhs, F&& f)
- {
- if (lhs.template is<T1>()) // call binary functor
- {
- return f(unwrapper<T1>::apply_const(lhs.template get_unchecked<T1>()),
- unwrapper<T0>::apply_const(rhs.template get_unchecked<T0>()));
- }
- else
- {
- return binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, R, T0, Types...>::apply_const(lhs, rhs, std::forward<F>(f));
- }
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE static R apply(V& lhs, V& rhs, F&& f)
- {
- if (lhs.template is<T1>()) // call binary functor
- {
- return f(unwrapper<T1>::apply(lhs.template get_unchecked<T1>()),
- unwrapper<T0>::apply(rhs.template get_unchecked<T0>()));
- }
- else
- {
- return binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, R, T0, Types...>::apply(lhs, rhs, std::forward<F>(f));
- }
- }
-template <typename F, typename V, typename R, typename T0, typename T1>
-struct binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, R, T0, T1>
- VARIANT_INLINE static R apply_const(V const& lhs, V const& rhs, F&& f)
- {
- return f(unwrapper<T1>::apply_const(lhs.template get_unchecked<T1>()),
- unwrapper<T0>::apply_const(rhs.template get_unchecked<T0>()));
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE static R apply(V& lhs, V& rhs, F&& f)
- {
- return f(unwrapper<T1>::apply(lhs.template get_unchecked<T1>()),
- unwrapper<T0>::apply(rhs.template get_unchecked<T0>()));
- }
-template <typename F, typename V, typename R, typename... Types>
-struct binary_dispatcher;
-template <typename F, typename V, typename R, typename T, typename... Types>
-struct binary_dispatcher<F, V, R, T, Types...>
- VARIANT_INLINE static R apply_const(V const& v0, V const& v1, F&& f)
- {
- if (v0.template is<T>())
- {
- if (v1.template is<T>())
- {
- return f(unwrapper<T>::apply_const(v0.template get_unchecked<T>()),
- unwrapper<T>::apply_const(v1.template get_unchecked<T>())); // call binary functor
- }
- else
- {
- return binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, R, T, Types...>::apply_const(v0, v1, std::forward<F>(f));
- }
- }
- else if (v1.template is<T>())
- {
- return binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, R, T, Types...>::apply_const(v0, v1, std::forward<F>(f));
- }
- return binary_dispatcher<F, V, R, Types...>::apply_const(v0, v1, std::forward<F>(f));
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE static R apply(V& v0, V& v1, F&& f)
- {
- if (v0.template is<T>())
- {
- if (v1.template is<T>())
- {
- return f(unwrapper<T>::apply(v0.template get_unchecked<T>()),
- unwrapper<T>::apply(v1.template get_unchecked<T>())); // call binary functor
- }
- else
- {
- return binary_dispatcher_rhs<F, V, R, T, Types...>::apply(v0, v1, std::forward<F>(f));
- }
- }
- else if (v1.template is<T>())
- {
- return binary_dispatcher_lhs<F, V, R, T, Types...>::apply(v0, v1, std::forward<F>(f));
- }
- return binary_dispatcher<F, V, R, Types...>::apply(v0, v1, std::forward<F>(f));
- }
-template <typename F, typename V, typename R, typename T>
-struct binary_dispatcher<F, V, R, T>
- VARIANT_INLINE static R apply_const(V const& v0, V const& v1, F&& f)
- {
- return f(unwrapper<T>::apply_const(v0.template get_unchecked<T>()),
- unwrapper<T>::apply_const(v1.template get_unchecked<T>())); // call binary functor
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE static R apply(V& v0, V& v1, F&& f)
- {
- return f(unwrapper<T>::apply(v0.template get_unchecked<T>()),
- unwrapper<T>::apply(v1.template get_unchecked<T>())); // call binary functor
- }
-// comparator functors
-struct equal_comp
- template <typename T>
- bool operator()(T const& lhs, T const& rhs) const
- {
- return lhs == rhs;
- }
-struct less_comp
- template <typename T>
- bool operator()(T const& lhs, T const& rhs) const
- {
- return lhs < rhs;
- }
-template <typename Variant, typename Comp>
-class comparer
- explicit comparer(Variant const& lhs) noexcept
- : lhs_(lhs) {}
- comparer& operator=(comparer const&) = delete;
- // visitor
- template <typename T>
- bool operator()(T const& rhs_content) const
- {
- T const& lhs_content = lhs_.template get_unchecked<T>();
- return Comp()(lhs_content, rhs_content);
- }
- Variant const& lhs_;
-// hashing visitor
-struct hasher
- template <typename T>
- std::size_t operator()(const T& hashable) const
- {
- return std::hash<T>{}(hashable);
- }
-} // namespace detail
-struct no_init
-template <typename... Types>
-class variant
- static_assert(sizeof...(Types) > 0, "Template parameter type list of variant can not be empty");
- static_assert(!detail::disjunction<std::is_reference<Types>...>::value, "Variant can not hold reference types. Maybe use std::reference_wrapper?");
- static const std::size_t data_size = detail::static_max<sizeof(Types)...>::value;
- static const std::size_t data_align = detail::static_max<alignof(Types)...>::value;
- struct adapted_variant_tag;
- using types = std::tuple<Types...>;
- using first_type = typename std::tuple_element<0, types>::type;
- using data_type = typename std::aligned_storage<data_size, data_align>::type;
- using helper_type = detail::variant_helper<Types...>;
- std::size_t type_index;
- data_type data;
- VARIANT_INLINE variant() noexcept(std::is_nothrow_default_constructible<first_type>::value)
- : type_index(sizeof...(Types)-1)
- {
- static_assert(std::is_default_constructible<first_type>::value, "First type in variant must be default constructible to allow default construction of variant");
- new (&data) first_type();
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE variant(no_init) noexcept
- : type_index(detail::invalid_value) {}
- //
- template <typename T, typename Traits = detail::value_traits<T, Types...>,
- typename Enable = typename std::enable_if<Traits::is_valid && !std::is_same<variant<Types...>, typename Traits::value_type>::value>::type >
- VARIANT_INLINE variant(T&& val) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible<typename Traits::target_type, T&&>::value)
- : type_index(Traits::index)
- {
- new (&data) typename Traits::target_type(std::forward<T>(val));
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE variant(variant<Types...> const& old)
- : type_index(old.type_index)
- {
- helper_type::copy(old.type_index, &, &data);
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE variant(variant<Types...>&& old) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<types>::value)
- : type_index(old.type_index)
- {
- helper_type::move(old.type_index, &, &data);
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE void copy_assign(variant<Types...> const& rhs)
- {
- helper_type::destroy(type_index, &data);
- type_index = detail::invalid_value;
- helper_type::copy(rhs.type_index, &, &data);
- type_index = rhs.type_index;
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE void move_assign(variant<Types...>&& rhs)
- {
- helper_type::destroy(type_index, &data);
- type_index = detail::invalid_value;
- helper_type::move(rhs.type_index, &, &data);
- type_index = rhs.type_index;
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE variant<Types...>& operator=(variant<Types...>&& other)
- {
- move_assign(std::move(other));
- return *this;
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE variant<Types...>& operator=(variant<Types...> const& other)
- {
- copy_assign(other);
- return *this;
- }
- // conversions
- // move-assign
- template <typename T>
- VARIANT_INLINE variant<Types...>& operator=(T&& rhs) noexcept
- {
- variant<Types...> temp(std::forward<T>(rhs));
- move_assign(std::move(temp));
- return *this;
- }
- // copy-assign
- template <typename T>
- VARIANT_INLINE variant<Types...>& operator=(T const& rhs)
- {
- variant<Types...> temp(rhs);
- copy_assign(temp);
- return *this;
- }
- template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
- (detail::direct_type<T, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)>::type* = nullptr>
- VARIANT_INLINE bool is() const
- {
- return type_index == detail::direct_type<T, Types...>::index;
- }
- template <typename T,typename std::enable_if<
- (detail::direct_type<recursive_wrapper<T>, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)>::type* = nullptr>
- VARIANT_INLINE bool is() const
- {
- return type_index == detail::direct_type<recursive_wrapper<T>, Types...>::index;
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE bool valid() const
- {
- return type_index != detail::invalid_value;
- }
- template <typename T, typename... Args>
- VARIANT_INLINE void set(Args&&... args)
- {
- helper_type::destroy(type_index, &data);
- type_index = detail::invalid_value;
- new (&data) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
- type_index = detail::direct_type<T, Types...>::index;
- }
- // get_unchecked<T>()
- template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
- (detail::direct_type<T, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)>::type* = nullptr>
- VARIANT_INLINE T& get_unchecked()
- {
- return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(&data);
- }
- // get<T>()
- template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
- (detail::direct_type<T, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)>::type* = nullptr>
- {
- if (type_index == detail::direct_type<T, Types...>::index)
- {
- return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(&data);
- }
- else
- {
- throw bad_variant_access("in get<T>()");
- }
- }
- template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
- (detail::direct_type<T, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)>::type* = nullptr>
- VARIANT_INLINE T const& get_unchecked() const
- {
- return *reinterpret_cast<T const*>(&data);
- }
- template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
- (detail::direct_type<T, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)>::type* = nullptr>
- VARIANT_INLINE T const& get() const
- {
- if (type_index == detail::direct_type<T, Types...>::index)
- {
- return *reinterpret_cast<T const*>(&data);
- }
- else
- {
- throw bad_variant_access("in get<T>()");
- }
- }
- // get_unchecked<T>() - T stored as recursive_wrapper<T>
- template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
- (detail::direct_type<recursive_wrapper<T>, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)>::type* = nullptr>
- VARIANT_INLINE T& get_unchecked()
- {
- return (*reinterpret_cast<recursive_wrapper<T>*>(&data)).get();
- }
- // get<T>() - T stored as recursive_wrapper<T>
- template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
- (detail::direct_type<recursive_wrapper<T>, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)>::type* = nullptr>
- {
- if (type_index == detail::direct_type<recursive_wrapper<T>, Types...>::index)
- {
- return (*reinterpret_cast<recursive_wrapper<T>*>(&data)).get();
- }
- else
- {
- throw bad_variant_access("in get<T>()");
- }
- }
- template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
- (detail::direct_type<recursive_wrapper<T>, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)>::type* = nullptr>
- VARIANT_INLINE T const& get_unchecked() const
- {
- return (*reinterpret_cast<recursive_wrapper<T> const*>(&data)).get();
- }
- template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
- (detail::direct_type<recursive_wrapper<T>, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)>::type* = nullptr>
- VARIANT_INLINE T const& get() const
- {
- if (type_index == detail::direct_type<recursive_wrapper<T>, Types...>::index)
- {
- return (*reinterpret_cast<recursive_wrapper<T> const*>(&data)).get();
- }
- else
- {
- throw bad_variant_access("in get<T>()");
- }
- }
- // get_unchecked<T>() - T stored as std::reference_wrapper<T>
- template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
- (detail::direct_type<std::reference_wrapper<T>, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)>::type* = nullptr>
- VARIANT_INLINE T& get_unchecked()
- {
- return (*reinterpret_cast<std::reference_wrapper<T>*>(&data)).get();
- }
- // get<T>() - T stored as std::reference_wrapper<T>
- template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
- (detail::direct_type<std::reference_wrapper<T>, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)>::type* = nullptr>
- {
- if (type_index == detail::direct_type<std::reference_wrapper<T>, Types...>::index)
- {
- return (*reinterpret_cast<std::reference_wrapper<T>*>(&data)).get();
- }
- else
- {
- throw bad_variant_access("in get<T>()");
- }
- }
- template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
- (detail::direct_type<std::reference_wrapper<T const>, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)>::type* = nullptr>
- VARIANT_INLINE T const& get_unchecked() const
- {
- return (*reinterpret_cast<std::reference_wrapper<T const> const*>(&data)).get();
- }
- template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
- (detail::direct_type<std::reference_wrapper<T const>, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)>::type* = nullptr>
- VARIANT_INLINE T const& get() const
- {
- if (type_index == detail::direct_type<std::reference_wrapper<T const>, Types...>::index)
- {
- return (*reinterpret_cast<std::reference_wrapper<T const> const*>(&data)).get();
- }
- else
- {
- throw bad_variant_access("in get<T>()");
- }
- }
- // This function is deprecated because it returns an internal index field.
- // Use which() instead.
- MAPBOX_VARIANT_DEPRECATED VARIANT_INLINE std::size_t get_type_index() const
- {
- return type_index;
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE int which() const noexcept
- {
- return static_cast<int>(sizeof...(Types)-type_index - 1);
- }
- template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
- (detail::direct_type<T, Types...>::index != detail::invalid_value)>::type* = nullptr>
- VARIANT_INLINE static constexpr int which() noexcept
- {
- return static_cast<int>(sizeof...(Types)-detail::direct_type<T, Types...>::index - 1);
- }
- // visitor
- // unary
- template <typename F, typename V, typename R = typename detail::result_of_unary_visit<F, first_type>::type>
- auto VARIANT_INLINE static visit(V const& v, F&& f)
- -> decltype(detail::dispatcher<F, V, R, Types...>::apply_const(v, std::forward<F>(f)))
- {
- return detail::dispatcher<F, V, R, Types...>::apply_const(v, std::forward<F>(f));
- }
- // non-const
- template <typename F, typename V, typename R = typename detail::result_of_unary_visit<F, first_type>::type>
- auto VARIANT_INLINE static visit(V& v, F&& f)
- -> decltype(detail::dispatcher<F, V, R, Types...>::apply(v, std::forward<F>(f)))
- {
- return detail::dispatcher<F, V, R, Types...>::apply(v, std::forward<F>(f));
- }
- // binary
- // const
- template <typename F, typename V, typename R = typename detail::result_of_binary_visit<F, first_type>::type>
- auto VARIANT_INLINE static binary_visit(V const& v0, V const& v1, F&& f)
- -> decltype(detail::binary_dispatcher<F, V, R, Types...>::apply_const(v0, v1, std::forward<F>(f)))
- {
- return detail::binary_dispatcher<F, V, R, Types...>::apply_const(v0, v1, std::forward<F>(f));
- }
- // non-const
- template <typename F, typename V, typename R = typename detail::result_of_binary_visit<F, first_type>::type>
- auto VARIANT_INLINE static binary_visit(V& v0, V& v1, F&& f)
- -> decltype(detail::binary_dispatcher<F, V, R, Types...>::apply(v0, v1, std::forward<F>(f)))
- {
- return detail::binary_dispatcher<F, V, R, Types...>::apply(v0, v1, std::forward<F>(f));
- }
- // match
- // unary
- template <typename... Fs>
- auto VARIANT_INLINE match(Fs&&... fs) const
- -> decltype(variant::visit(*this, ::mapbox::util::make_visitor(std::forward<Fs>(fs)...)))
- {
- return variant::visit(*this, ::mapbox::util::make_visitor(std::forward<Fs>(fs)...));
- }
- // non-const
- template <typename... Fs>
- auto VARIANT_INLINE match(Fs&&... fs)
- -> decltype(variant::visit(*this, ::mapbox::util::make_visitor(std::forward<Fs>(fs)...)))
- {
- return variant::visit(*this, ::mapbox::util::make_visitor(std::forward<Fs>(fs)...));
- }
- ~variant() noexcept // no-throw destructor
- {
- helper_type::destroy(type_index, &data);
- }
- // comparison operators
- // equality
- VARIANT_INLINE bool operator==(variant const& rhs) const
- {
- assert(valid() && rhs.valid());
- if (this->which() != rhs.which())
- {
- return false;
- }
- detail::comparer<variant, detail::equal_comp> visitor(*this);
- return visit(rhs, visitor);
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE bool operator!=(variant const& rhs) const
- {
- return !(*this == rhs);
- }
- // less than
- VARIANT_INLINE bool operator<(variant const& rhs) const
- {
- assert(valid() && rhs.valid());
- if (this->which() != rhs.which())
- {
- return this->which() < rhs.which();
- }
- detail::comparer<variant, detail::less_comp> visitor(*this);
- return visit(rhs, visitor);
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE bool operator>(variant const& rhs) const
- {
- return rhs < *this;
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE bool operator<=(variant const& rhs) const
- {
- return !(*this > rhs);
- }
- VARIANT_INLINE bool operator>=(variant const& rhs) const
- {
- return !(*this < rhs);
- }
-// unary visitor interface
-// const
-template <typename F, typename V>
-auto VARIANT_INLINE apply_visitor(F&& f, V const& v) -> decltype(V::visit(v, std::forward<F>(f)))
- return V::visit(v, std::forward<F>(f));
-// non-const
-template <typename F, typename V>
-auto VARIANT_INLINE apply_visitor(F&& f, V& v) -> decltype(V::visit(v, std::forward<F>(f)))
- return V::visit(v, std::forward<F>(f));
-// binary visitor interface
-// const
-template <typename F, typename V>
-auto VARIANT_INLINE apply_visitor(F&& f, V const& v0, V const& v1) -> decltype(V::binary_visit(v0, v1, std::forward<F>(f)))
- return V::binary_visit(v0, v1, std::forward<F>(f));
-// non-const
-template <typename F, typename V>
-auto VARIANT_INLINE apply_visitor(F&& f, V& v0, V& v1) -> decltype(V::binary_visit(v0, v1, std::forward<F>(f)))
- return V::binary_visit(v0, v1, std::forward<F>(f));
-// getter interface
-template <typename ResultType, typename T>
-auto get(T& var)->decltype(var.template get<ResultType>())
- return var.template get<ResultType>();
-template <typename ResultType, typename T>
-ResultType& get_unchecked(T& var)
- return var.template get_unchecked<ResultType>();
-template <typename ResultType, typename T>
-auto get(T const& var)->decltype(var.template get<ResultType>())
- return var.template get<ResultType>();
-template <typename ResultType, typename T>
-ResultType const& get_unchecked(T const& var)
- return var.template get_unchecked<ResultType>();
-} // namespace util
-} // namespace mapbox
-// hashable iff underlying types are hashable
-namespace std {
-template <typename... Types>
-struct hash< ::mapbox::util::variant<Types...>> {
- std::size_t operator()(const ::mapbox::util::variant<Types...>& v) const noexcept
- {
- return ::mapbox::util::apply_visitor(::mapbox::util::detail::hasher{}, v);
- }
diff --git a/include/mapbox/variant_io.hpp b/include/mapbox/variant_io.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1456cc5..0000000
--- a/include/mapbox/variant_io.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#include <iosfwd>
-#include <mapbox/variant.hpp>
-namespace mapbox {
-namespace util {
-namespace detail {
-// operator<< helper
-template <typename Out>
-class printer
- explicit printer(Out& out)
- : out_(out) {}
- printer& operator=(printer const&) = delete;
- // visitor
- template <typename T>
- void operator()(T const& operand) const
- {
- out_ << operand;
- }
- Out& out_;
-// operator<<
-template <typename CharT, typename Traits, typename... Types>
-VARIANT_INLINE std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>&
-operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& out, variant<Types...> const& rhs)
- detail::printer<std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>> visitor(out);
- apply_visitor(visitor, rhs);
- return out;
-} // namespace util
-} // namespace mapbox
diff --git a/include/mapbox/variant_visitor.hpp b/include/mapbox/variant_visitor.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 481eb65..0000000
--- a/include/mapbox/variant_visitor.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-namespace mapbox {
-namespace util {
-template <typename... Fns>
-struct visitor;
-template <typename Fn>
-struct visitor<Fn> : Fn
- using type = Fn;
- using Fn::operator();
- visitor(Fn fn) : Fn(fn) {}
-template <typename Fn, typename... Fns>
-struct visitor<Fn, Fns...> : Fn, visitor<Fns...>
- using type = visitor;
- using Fn::operator();
- using visitor<Fns...>::operator();
- visitor(Fn fn, Fns... fns) : Fn(fn), visitor<Fns...>(fns...) {}
-template <typename... Fns>
-visitor<Fns...> make_visitor(Fns... fns)
- return visitor<Fns...>(fns...);
-} // namespace util
-} // namespace mapbox