path: root/packer/provision
diff options
authorJan-Simon Moeller <jsmoeller@linuxfoundation.org>2016-10-03 18:19:28 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <gerrit@automotivelinux.org>2016-10-03 18:19:28 +0000
commit3c57c9c7d72f8a5e96e98efee0182c697febf9f8 (patch)
treed230c691886a2fb7beaf26517da066078966b5a8 /packer/provision
parent0a1cfedeec1694a3187aad26c90995dbb7baf248 (diff)
parent53795ff651a4fcb847ac2d63648e2299c884560b (diff)
Merge "Add /opt/AGL/lava-agl, its dependencies and json file"
Diffstat (limited to 'packer/provision')
2 files changed, 175 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/packer/provision/agl_dependencies.sh b/packer/provision/agl_dependencies.sh
index 05ad05b2..ed5cc254 100644
--- a/packer/provision/agl_dependencies.sh
+++ b/packer/provision/agl_dependencies.sh
@@ -1,14 +1,23 @@
+# vim: sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 et :
set -x
+cat /etc/apt/sources.list
+# Make sure that we aren't using the vexxhost mirrors as they have issues
+echo "---> Removing Vexxhost Ubuntu mirrors"
+sed -i 's/ubuntu.mirror.vexxhost.com/us.archive.ubuntu.com/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
+cat /etc/apt/sources.list
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update && apt-get -y -u dist-upgrade
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update && \
apt-get -y install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib build-essential chrpath socat \
libsdl1.2-dev xterm make xsltproc docbook-utils fop dblatex xmlto autoconf automake \
libtool libglib2.0-dev libarchive-dev python-git git python python-minimal repo mc \
- tree rsync
+ tree rsync python-yaml python-requests curl
# we have a build blocker wrt useradd - I assume it is caused by /bin/sh being dash
# systemd: Performing useradd with
@@ -21,3 +30,162 @@ cat <<EOFHOSTS >> /etc/hosts download-new.automotivelinux.org
+# clone lava-boot to /opt/AGL/
+mkdir -p /opt/AGL/
+cd /opt/AGL/
+git clone http://git.linaro.org/people/riku.voipio/lava-boot.git
+cd lava-boot
+sed -i '16iimport ssl' lava-boot
+sed -i '17issl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context' lava-boot
+mkdir -p /opt/AGL/lava-agl/
+cat <<EOFBR >> /opt/AGL/lava-agl/boardready.py
+import xmlrpclib
+import ssl
+import sys
+import time
+# bug, ssl chain cannot be verified (letsencrypt)
+# to be fixed
+ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
+username = "$LAVAUSER"
+token = "$LAVATOKEN"
+myhostname = "$LAVAHOST"
+print "Starting ..."
+arg = None
+if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+ arg = sys.argv[1]
+if arg == None:
+ print("No argument, need lava jobnumber as argument.")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ sys.exit(1)
+server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("https://%s:%s@%s/RPC2" % (username, token, myhostname))
+# Poll loop
+while True:
+ try:
+ x = server.scheduler.job_status(arg)['job_status']
+ except:
+ print("Error, quitting.")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ break
+ if 'Cancelled' in x:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ break
+ if 'Submitted' in x:
+ print("Job submitted - pending")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ time.sleep(20)
+ continue
+ if 'Running' in x:
+ print("Job Running now.")
+ print("Remote boot takes around 5 minutes to complete (download+boot) - waiting ...")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ time.sleep(300)
+ y = server.scheduler.job_status(arg)['job_status']
+ if 'Running' in y:
+ break
+ else:
+ continue
+ break
+ break
+# end
+cat <<EOFLAVAYAML > /opt/AGL/lava-agl/.lava.yaml
+server: ${LAVAHOST}
+user: ${LAVAUSER}
+token: ${LAVATOKEN}
+https: true
+cat <<EOFPORTERUPLOADYAML > /opt/AGL/lava-agl/porter_nbd_upload.yaml
+ - command: deploy_linaro_kernel
+ parameters:
+ kernel: 'http://localhost/porter/upload/uImage+dtb'
+ nbdroot: 'http://localhost/porter/upload/agl-demo-platform-porter.ext4'
+ ramdisk: 'http://localhost/porter/upload/initramfs-netboot-image-porter.ext4.gz.u-boot'
+ login_prompt: 'porter login:'
+ username: 'root'
+ - command: boot_linaro_image
+ parameters:
+ test_image_prompt: 'root@porter:~#'
+ - command: lava_command_run
+ parameters:
+ commands:
+ - "while test ! -f /jta.done ; do echo \"Waiting for JTA to finish ... \" ; sleep 20 ; done"
+ timeout: 22100
+device_type: 'renesas-porter'
+logging_level: INFO
+job_name: '\${JOB_NAME}'
+timeout: 22600
+cat <<EOFPORTERSNAPYAML > /opt/AGL/lava-agl/porter_nbd_snapshot.yaml
+ - command: deploy_linaro_kernel
+ parameters:
+ kernel: 'https://download.automotivelinux.org/AGL/snapshots/master/latest/porter-nogfx/deploy/images/porter/uImage+dtb'
+ nbdroot: 'https://download.automotivelinux.org/AGL/snapshots/master/latest/porter-nogfx/deploy/images/porter/core-image-minimal-porter.ext4'
+ ramdisk: 'https://download.automotivelinux.org/AGL/snapshots/master/latest/porter-nogfx/deploy/images/porter/initramfs-netboot-image-porter.ext4.gz.u-boot'
+ login_prompt: 'porter login:'
+ username: 'root'
+ - command: boot_linaro_image
+ parameters:
+ test_image_prompt: 'root@porter:~#'
+ - command: lava_command_run
+ parameters:
+ commands:
+ - "while test ! -f /jta.done ; do echo \"Waiting for JTA to finish ... \" ; sleep 20 ; done"
+ timeout: 22100
+device_type: 'renesas-porter'
+logging_level: INFO
+job_name: '\${JOB_NAME}'
+timeout: 22600
+cat <<EOFUPLOAD > /opt/AGL/lava-agl/upload4lava.sh
+#set -x
+if test x"" != x"\$1"; then
+Y=\$(echo "\$1" | sed -e "s#\.\.##g" -e "s#/##g")
+curl -T "\$Y" https://porter.automotivelinux.org/porter/upload/jta/\$Y --insecure
+echo "Help: \$0 file"
+cat <<EOFDEPLOY > /opt/AGL/lava-agl/deploy.sh
+#set -x
+set -e
+if test x"" != x"\$1" ; then
+if test -f /opt/AGL/lava-agl/\${PORTERYAML}; then
+ /opt/AGL/lava-agl/boardready.py \$(/opt/AGL/lava-boot/lava-boot -j /opt/AGL/lava-agl/\${PORTERYAML} -a -q | sed -e "s#.*job/##g")
+ echo "\${PORTERYAML} not found."
+ exit 1
+chmod a+x /opt/AGL/lava-agl/*
diff --git a/packer/provision/agl_mirror.sh b/packer/provision/agl_mirror.sh
index 08a36844..a76245dc 100644
--- a/packer/provision/agl_mirror.sh
+++ b/packer/provision/agl_mirror.sh
@@ -13,7 +13,11 @@ cd
mkdir -p /opt/AGL/sstate-mirror
cd /opt/AGL/sstate-mirror
wget --mirror -np -nH --convert-links "https://download-new.automotivelinux.org/sstate-mirror/" -A siginfo -A tgz --cut-dirs=1
-ls *
+#mirror downloads into /opt/AGL/premirror
+#mkdir -p /opt/AGL/premirror
+#cd /opt/AGL/premirror
+#wget --mirror -r -l1 -np -nH --convert-links "https://download-new.automotivelinux.org/AGL/mirror/" -R 'done' -R 'O=A,O=D' --cut-dirs=2