path: root/docs/getting-started/
diff options
authorScott Rifenbark <>2018-11-13 15:40:14 -0800
committerScott Rifenbark <>2018-11-13 15:40:14 -0800
commitd4493345395c1fcff2efbb7c2b98939469e6c73b (patch)
tree14f78bd7c9829d07140c494160adc85e383e9b5d /docs/getting-started/
parent68c8923ad5b03f57de3898b81cdc916ac0500e72 (diff)
Getting Started Image Workflow
Created new workflow to build out an AGL image. This commit goes through the Intel-specific build. Signed-off-by: Scott Rifenbark <>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/getting-started/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 201 deletions
diff --git a/docs/getting-started/ b/docs/getting-started/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c5d6f4..0000000
--- a/docs/getting-started/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-# Introduction: Building target AGL image with Yocto project
-The standard Yocto process is made of the following steps:
-* Setting up your operating system.
-* Setting up the build environment for R-Car BSP.
-* Downloading the proprietary drivers and installing them in the build environment (if needed).
-* Build the image.
-* Boot using SD-CARD.
- * Create an SD-CARD.
- * Configure to boot on SD-CARD.
- * Copy the image to the SD-CARD.
- * Boot the board on it.
-For convenience, the resulting development images are made available [Here][AGL snapshots master latest]
-If you want to bypass the build phase and quick boot the board, you can download the image tarball and the kernel then follow the installation procedure.
-## Setting up your operating system
-The very first step is to ensure that your system can run the build system of the Yocto Project.
-**Important**: it only runs on Linux
-* if your system is Windows© or iOS© you should use a virtualization solution (Virtualbox, VMWare ...) to run a Linux VM on your system.
-For AGL 6.0, Yocto Project 2.4, known as rocko, has been selected for the BSP and build system.
-Reference data for configuring your system can be found in the Yocto documentation [Here][yocto ref Manual]
-Here after an extract of this documentation for most common Linux distributions:
-* The build system should be able to run on any modern distributions that has the following versions for:
- * Python
- * Git 1.7.8 or greater
- * tar 1.24 or greater
- * GCC, …
-* Python 2.7.3 or greater excluding Python 3.x, which is not supported.
-### Ubuntu and Debian
-The essential and graphical support packages you need for a supported Ubuntu or Debian distribution are shown in the following command:
-sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib \
- build-essential chrpath socat libsdl1.2-dev xterm cpio curl
-* Also note that for this tutorial, the utility 'curl' has been added to the list of packages to install.
-### Fedora
-The essential and graphical packages you need for a supported Fedora distribution are shown in the following command:
-sudo yum install gawk make wget tar bzip2 gzip python unzip perl patch \
- diffutils diffstat git cpp gcc gcc-c++ glibc-devel texinfo chrpath \
- ccache perl-Data-Dumper perl-Text-ParseWords perl-Thread-Queue socat \
- SDL-devel xterm curl
-### OpenSUSE
-The essential and graphical packages you need for a supported OpenSUSE distribution are shown in the following command:
-sudo zypper install python gcc gcc-c++ git chrpath make wget python-xml \
- diffstat texinfo python-curses patch socat libSDL-devel xterm curl \
- python3 python3-curses glibc-locale
-### CentOS
-The essential and graphical packages you need for a supported CentOS distribution are shown in the following command:
-sudo yum install gawk make wget tar bzip2 gzip python unzip perl patch \
- diffutils diffstat git cpp gcc gcc-c++ glibc-devel texinfo chrpath \
- socat SDL-devel xterm curl
-## Download AGL Source Code
-The AGL source code and Yocto layers are maintained on the AGL Gerrit server.
-For information on how to create accounts for gerrit see [Getting Started with AGL][Getting Started with AGL].
-### Setting up the build environment
-In the following, your top level directory is noted as “AGL_TOP”.
-For example, we will set AGL_TOP to point to a directory “$HOME/workspace_agl”:
-export AGL_TOP=$HOME/workspace_agl
-mkdir -p $AGL_TOP
-### Prepare Repo Tool
-AGL Uses the 'repo' tool for managing repositories.
-You need to setup layers of AGL.
-You can use the commands below to prepare Repo:
-mkdir -p ~/bin
-export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
-curl > ~/bin/repo
-chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
-* More information about the tool 'repo' [Here][repo info]
-### Download source
-You can choose your source release
-### Download Latest Stable Release
-To download all layers for the for the latest stable release, eel 5.0.3:
-cd $AGL_TOP
-repo init -b eel -m eel_5.1.0.xml -u
-repo sync
-### Download Master Branch
-To download all code from master:
-cd $AGL_TOP
-repo init -u
-repo sync
-## Set up Build Environment Info
-AGL has created a set up script for defining the target build and desired optional features.
-To get a complete list of the options available run.
-cd $AGL_TOP
-source meta-agl/scripts/ -h
-Once you run with your desired parameters, you can build any target desired.
-## Features supported by aglsetup
-Here is the list of features for AGL 2.1 that can be specified in the command line:
-* in **meta-agl**
- * agl-all-features
- * agl-appfw-smack: enables Application Framework + SMACK + Cynara
- * agl-archiver
- * agl-ci
- * agl-ci-change-features
- * agl-ci-change-features-nogfx
- * agl-ci-snapshot-features
- * agl-ci-snapshot-features-nogfx
- * agl-devel: activate development options (empty root password, debugger, strace, valgrind …)
- * agl-gplv2
- * agl-isafw
- * agl-netboot: enable network boot support through TFTP and NBD (see meta-netboot layer)
- * agl-profile-graphical
- * agl-profile-graphical-html5
- * agl-profile-graphical-qt5
- * agl-profile-hud
- * agl-profile-telematics
- * agl-ptest
- * agl-sota: enable SOTA components and dependencies (meta-sota, meta-filesystems, meta-ruby, meta-rust are added)
-* in **meta-agl-demo**
- * agl-demo: enable layer meta-agl-demo and meta-qt5 - required to build * agl-demo-platform
- * agl-iotivity
- * agl-sdl
-* in **meta-agl-devel**
- * agl-audio-4a-framework
- * agl-audio-soundmanager-framework
- * agl-egvirt
- * agl-hmi-framework
- * agl-oem-extra-libs
- * agl-renesas-kernel
- * agl-telemetry
-* in **meta-agl-extra**
- * agl-localdev: add a local layer named “meta-localdev” in meta directory and a conf file if present
- * blsched
-For newer features or to get more details on a given feature, take a look at the configuration files stored for each feature and/or each machine in meta-agl/templates and meta-agl-extra/templates.
-[AGL snapshots master latest]:
-[yocto ref Manual]:
-[Getting Started with AGL]:
-[repo info]: