path: root/content/tocs_flounder/devguides
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'content/tocs_flounder/devguides')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 243 deletions
diff --git a/content/tocs_flounder/devguides/toc_dev_en.yml b/content/tocs_flounder/devguides/toc_dev_en.yml
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--- a/content/tocs_flounder/devguides/toc_dev_en.yml
+++ /dev/null
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-# - TOC should reference .HTML and .md (Index OK but Error 404)
-# - do not forget to run 'docbuild --tocs' after any changes
-############################ SYNTAX ###################################
-# name: TOC (page) title
-# template: name of template to use for this page - use 'generated_index.html' if unknown
-# children: array of TOC entries
-# TOC Entry:
-# name: TOC entry (level 1)
-# children:
-# -
-# name: optional name for TOC entry (default: use URL FrontMatter info)
-# url: <subdir as defined with FETCH_DIR in conf/AppDefaults.js:
-# -
-# name: ...
-# url: ...
-# ...
-# -------------------------------
-# name: Developer Guides
-# template: generated_index.html
-# children:
-# -
-# name: Application Framework
-# children:
-# - url: reference/af-main/overview.html
-# - url: reference/af-main/afm-system-daemon.html
-# - url: reference/af-main/afm-user-daemon.html
-# -------------------------------
-name: Developer Guides
-template: generated_index.html
- name: Yocto layers
- children:
- - url: reference/AGL.html
- - url: reference/meta-agl.html
- - url: reference/meta-agl-demo.html
- - url: reference/meta-agl-devel.html
- name: Host Configuration
- children:
- -
- name: Abstract
- url: reference/host-configuration/docs/0_Abstract.html
- -
- name: Prerequisites
- url: reference/host-configuration/docs/1_Prerequisites.html
- -
- name: AGL Application Framework
- url: reference/host-configuration/docs/2_AGL_Application_Framework.html
- -
- name: Binding Build Example
- url: reference/host-configuration/docs/3_Binding_Build_Example.html
- -
- name: AGL XDS
- url: reference/host-configuration/docs/4_AGL_XDS.html
- -
- name: CanDevStudio
- url: reference/host-configuration/docs/5_Candevstudio.html
- name: App-Templates Submodule
- children:
- -
- name: CMake templates Guide
- url: reference/app-templates/docs/0-App-templates-usage.html
- name: "X(cross) Development System: User's Guide"
- children:
- -
- name: Getting Started
- url: reference/xds/part-1/0_Abstract.html
- -
- name: Installing xds-server
- children:
- -
- name: Installation
- url: reference/xds/part-1/1_install-xds-server.html
- -
- name: Based on Docker container
- url: reference/xds/part-1/1-1_install-xds-server-docker.html
- -
- name: Based on Virtual Machine appliance
- url: reference/xds/part-1/1-2_install-xds-server-vm.html
- -
- name: Native installation
- url: reference/xds/part-1/1-3_install-xds-server-native.html
- -
- name: Installing xds client tools
- url: reference/xds/part-1/2_install-client.html
- -
- name: Installing AGL SDKs
- url: reference/xds/part-1/3_install-sdks.html
- -
- name: Create your first AGL application
- children:
- -
- name: Prerequisites
- url: reference/xds/part-1/4_build-first-app.html
- -
- name: Setup
- url: reference/xds/part-1/4-1_build-first-app-setup.html
- -
- name: Build using command line tool
- url: reference/xds/part-1/4-2_build-first-app-cmd.html
- -
- name: Build using XDS Dashboard
- url: reference/xds/part-1/4-3_build-first-app-dashboard.html
- -
- name: Build using a source code editor / IDE
- url: reference/xds/part-1/4-4_build-first-app-ide.html
- -
- name: Debug your first AGL application
- children:
- -
- name: Prerequisites
- url: reference/xds/part-1/5_debug-first-app.html
- -
- name: Configuration
- url: reference/xds/part-1/5-1_debug-first-app-config.html
- -
- name: xds-gdb from command line
- url: reference/xds/part-1/5-2_debug-first-app-cmd.html
- -
- name: xds-gdb within an IDE
- url: reference/xds/part-1/5-3_debug-first-app-ide.html
- name: "X(cross) Development System: Internals"
- children:
- -
- name: Abstract
- url: reference/xds/part-2/0_Abstract.html
- -
- name: Prerequisites
- url: reference/xds/part-2/1_Prerequisites.html
- -
- name: XDS-server
- children:
- -
- name: Abstract
- url: reference/xds/part-2/1_xds-server/0_abstract.html
- -
- name: Build from scratch
- url: reference/xds/part-2/1_xds-server/1_build.html
- -
- name: Configuration
- url: reference/xds/part-2/1_xds-server/2_config.html
- -
- name: How to run
- url: reference/xds/part-2/1_xds-server/3_how-to-run.html
- -
- name: Debugging
- url: reference/xds/part-2/1_xds-server/4_debug.html
- -
- name: Test
- url: reference/xds/part-2/1_xds-server/5_test.html
- -
- name: XDS-agent
- children:
- -
- name: Abstract
- url: reference/xds/part-2/2_xds-agent/0_abstract.html
- -
- name: Build from scratch
- url: reference/xds/part-2/2_xds-agent/1_build.html
- -
- name: Configuration
- url: reference/xds/part-2/2_xds-agent/2_config.html
- -
- name: Start
- url: reference/xds/part-2/2_xds-agent/3_start.html
- -
- name: Debugging
- url: reference/xds/part-2/2_xds-agent/4_debug.html
- -
- name: XDS-cli
- children:
- -
- name: Abstract
- url: reference/xds/part-2/3_xds-cli/0_abstract.html
- -
- name: Build from scratch
- url: reference/xds/part-2/3_xds-cli/1_build.html
- -
- name: Configuration
- url: reference/xds/part-2/3_xds-cli/2_config.html
- -
- name: CLI Commands
- url: reference/xds/part-2/3_xds-cli/3_commands.html
- -
- name: Debugging
- url: reference/xds/part-2/3_xds-cli/4_debug.html
- -
- name: XDS-gdb
- children:
- -
- name: Abstract
- url: reference/xds/part-2/4_xds-gdb/0_abstract.html
- -
- name: Build from scratch
- url: reference/xds/part-2/4_xds-gdb/1_build.html
- -
- name: Configuration
- url: reference/xds/part-2/4_xds-gdb/2_config.html
- -
- name: Debugging
- url: reference/xds/part-2/4_xds-gdb/3_debug.html
- name: Guides
- children:
- -
- name: AppFW - Privileges Management
- url: reference/iotbzh2016/appfw/03-AGL-AppFW-Privileges-Management.pdf
- name: Controller Guide
- children:
- - url: reference/ctrler/controller.html
- - url: reference/ctrler/controllerConfig.html
- - url: reference/ctrler/Usage.html
- - url: reference/ctrler/configSample.html
- name: "Continuous Integration - Automated Testing (CIAT)"
- children:
- -
- name: Training
- children:
- -
- name: "How to write tests (overview slides)"
- url: reference/CIAT/training/How_to_write_your_own_tests_for_AGL.pdf
- -
- name: "How to write tests (detailed)"
- url: reference/CIAT/training/Hands_on_lab_documentation.pdf