path: root/devices
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2018-12-20bluetooth audio: uses the new bluealsa pluginguppy_6.99.3guppy/ Bultel1-20/+18
Updated all the HALs to use the new bluealsa plugin, that dynamically creates and deletes audio streams upon bluetooth connections from mobile phones. The plugin parameters consists in 2 sections. The "sco" section is the place for voice calls. It is where to specify which microphone to use (this one must be declared in the captures devices), and to what zone to do the playback (that zone must be defined, too) The "a2dp" is for music playback. The only needed paramter is a playback zone. It can be different fromt the one used by SCO. Additionnally, both SCO and A2DP have a "delayms" parameter which is the size in milliseconds of the copy buffer for the audio stream. The values set in this commit are good enough for a demo, but can we optimized in the future. Change-Id: I1c5da69c0de01d5dfdf852fa58372410f22e2a56 Signed-off-by: Thierry Bultel <thierry.bultel@iot.bzh>
2018-12-07Initial push of configs and support filesflounder_6.0.3flounder/ Möller3-0/+765
This adds the json files needed to configure the 4a-hals. Signed-off-by: Jan-Simon Möller <jsmoeller@linuxfoundation.org>