path: root/plugins/lib/bluealsa/hal-bluealsa.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2019-05-13bluealsa plugin: do not do anything when the HAL is not readyThierry Bultel1-7/+21
2019-05-13bluealsa plugin: get the sampling rate from the transportThierry Bultel1-7/+28
2019-02-07Merge "bluealsa plugin: monitor the state of service via dbus" into guppyguppy_7.0.1guppy_7.0.0guppy_6.99.5guppy/7.0.1guppy/7.0.0guppy/ Moeller1-24/+210
2019-02-07bluealsa plugin: monitor the state of service via dbusThierry Bultel1-24/+210
2019-02-07hal-bluealsa: fixes the abort due to sync call in io eventThierry Bultel1-17/+4
2019-01-28Migrate to newer application framework callsJonathan Aillet1-2/+2
2019-01-28Move from controller functions to afb functionsJonathan Aillet1-35/+35
2018-12-20Adds support for bluetooth audio through bluez-alsaguppy_6.99.4guppy_6.99.3guppy/6.99.4guppy/ Bultel1-0/+723