path: root/Common/AudioFormat.h
diff options
authorfulup <fulup.arfoll@iot.bzh>2017-04-02 12:13:43 +0200
committerfulup <fulup.arfoll@iot.bzh>2017-04-02 12:13:43 +0200
commit228e67731c2772538dcedf6617e74130934428ed (patch)
treed1ec777b19da9b3ed70f59b947e40de9d3f8668d /Common/AudioFormat.h
parent9d9c6e4845fa552053644701f46c728d609af010 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'Common/AudioFormat.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 134 deletions
diff --git a/Common/AudioFormat.h b/Common/AudioFormat.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ac0a2b0..0000000
--- a/Common/AudioFormat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef FORMATS_H
-#define FORMATS_H 1
-#include <endian.h>
-#include <byteswap.h>
-/* Definitions for .VOC files */
-#define VOC_MAGIC_STRING "Creative Voice File\x1A"
-#define VOC_ACTUAL_VERSION 0x010A
-#define VOC_MODE_MONO 0
-#define VOC_MODE_STEREO 1
-#define VOC_DATALEN(bp) ((u_long)(bp->datalen) | \
- ((u_long)(bp->datalen_m) << 8) | \
- ((u_long)(bp->datalen_h) << 16) )
-typedef struct voc_header {
- u_char magic[20]; /* must be MAGIC_STRING */
- u_short headerlen; /* Headerlength, should be 0x1A */
- u_short version; /* VOC-file version */
- u_short coded_ver; /* 0x1233-version */
-} VocHeader;
-typedef struct voc_blocktype {
- u_char type;
- u_char datalen; /* low-byte */
- u_char datalen_m; /* medium-byte */
- u_char datalen_h; /* high-byte */
-} VocBlockType;
-typedef struct voc_voice_data {
- u_char tc;
- u_char pack;
-} VocVoiceData;
-typedef struct voc_ext_block {
- u_short tc;
- u_char pack;
- u_char mode;
-} VocExtBlock;
-/* Definitions for Microsoft WAVE format */
-#define COMPOSE_ID(a,b,c,d) ((a) | ((b)<<8) | ((c)<<16) | ((d)<<24))
-#define LE_SHORT(v) (v)
-#define LE_INT(v) (v)
-#define BE_SHORT(v) bswap_16(v)
-#define BE_INT(v) bswap_32(v)
-#define COMPOSE_ID(a,b,c,d) ((d) | ((c)<<8) | ((b)<<16) | ((a)<<24))
-#define LE_SHORT(v) bswap_16(v)
-#define LE_INT(v) bswap_32(v)
-#define BE_SHORT(v) (v)
-#define BE_INT(v) (v)
-#error "Wrong endian"
-/* Note: the following macros evaluate the parameter v twice */
-#define TO_CPU_SHORT(v, be) \
- ((be) ? BE_SHORT(v) : LE_SHORT(v))
-#define TO_CPU_INT(v, be) \
- ((be) ? BE_INT(v) : LE_INT(v))
-#define WAV_RIFF COMPOSE_ID('R','I','F','F')
-#define WAV_RIFX COMPOSE_ID('R','I','F','X')
-#define WAV_WAVE COMPOSE_ID('W','A','V','E')
-#define WAV_FMT COMPOSE_ID('f','m','t',' ')
-#define WAV_DATA COMPOSE_ID('d','a','t','a')
-/* WAVE fmt block constants from Microsoft mmreg.h header */
-#define WAV_FMT_PCM 0x0001
-#define WAV_FMT_IEEE_FLOAT 0x0003
-#define WAV_FMT_DOLBY_AC3_SPDIF 0x0092
-#define WAV_FMT_EXTENSIBLE 0xfffe
-/* Used with WAV_FMT_EXTENSIBLE format */
-#define WAV_GUID_TAG "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10\x00\x80\x00\x00\xAA\x00\x38\x9B\x71"
-/* it's in chunks like .voc and AMIGA iff, but my source say there
- are in only in this combination, so I combined them in one header;
- it works on all WAVE-file I have
- */
-typedef struct {
- u_int magic; /* 'RIFF' */
- u_int length; /* filelen */
- u_int type; /* 'WAVE' */
-} WaveHeader;
-typedef struct {
- u_short format; /* see WAV_FMT_* */
- u_short channels;
- u_int sample_fq; /* frequence of sample */
- u_int byte_p_sec;
- u_short byte_p_spl; /* samplesize; 1 or 2 bytes */
- u_short bit_p_spl; /* 8, 12 or 16 bit */
-} WaveFmtBody;
-typedef struct {
- WaveFmtBody format;
- u_short ext_size;
- u_short bit_p_spl;
- u_int channel_mask;
- u_short guid_format; /* WAV_FMT_* */
- u_char guid_tag[14]; /* WAV_GUID_TAG */
-} WaveFmtExtensibleBody;
-typedef struct {
- u_int type; /* 'data' */
- u_int length; /* samplecount */
-} WaveChunkHeader;
-/* Definitions for Sparc .au header */
-#define AU_MAGIC COMPOSE_ID('.','s','n','d')
-#define AU_FMT_ULAW 1
-#define AU_FMT_LIN8 2
-#define AU_FMT_LIN16 3
-typedef struct au_header {
- u_int magic; /* '.snd' */
- u_int hdr_size; /* size of header (min 24) */
- u_int data_size; /* size of data */
- u_int encoding; /* see to AU_FMT_XXXX */
- u_int sample_rate; /* sample rate */
- u_int channels; /* number of channels (voices) */
-} AuHeader;
-#endif /* FORMATS */