path: root/Controler-afb/
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authorFulup Ar Foll <>2017-08-18 01:09:56 +0200
committerFulup Ar Foll <>2017-08-18 01:09:56 +0200
commita7d41a6fa1e29d800ce8ac9e95e8f943814463e8 (patch)
tree30ca09383f1ce30df559601328e1714f67afc8fc /Controler-afb/
parent5e919fde0a4c66b0203c46b8f06f303fcceaedde (diff)
Integration with Alsa HookPlugin is now working.
Diffstat (limited to 'Controler-afb/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 254 deletions
diff --git a/Controler-afb/ b/Controler-afb/
deleted file mode 100644
index a81d4f7..0000000
--- a/Controler-afb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-Controler AAAA(AGL Advance Audio Controler) and more.
- * Object: Generic Controler to handle Policy,Small Business Logic, Glue in between components, ...
- * Status: Release Candidate
- * Author: Fulup Ar Foll
- * Date : August-2017
-## Functionalities:
- - Create an application dedicate controller from a JSON config file
- - Each controls (eg: navigation, multimedia, ...) is a suite of actions. When all actions succeed control is granted, if one fail control acces is denied.
- - Actions can either be:
- + Invocation to an other binding API, either internal or external (eg: a policy service, Alsa UCM, ...)
- + C routines from a user provider plugin (eg: policy routine, proprietary code, ...)
- + Lua script function. Lua provides access to every AGL appfw functionalities and can be extended from C user provided plugins.
-## Installation
- - Controler is a native part of AGL Advance Audio Framework but may be used independently with any other service or application binder.
- - Dependencies: the only dependencies are audio-common for JSON-WRAP and Filescan-utils capabilities.
- - Controler relies on Lua-5.3, when not needed Lua might be removed at compilation time.
-## Config
-Configuration is loaded dynamically during startup time. The controller scans CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH for a file corresponding to pattern
-"onload-bindername-xxxxx.json". When controller runs within AAAA binder it searches for "onload-audio-xxxx.json". First file found in the path the loaded
-any other files corresponding to the same pather are ignored and only generate a warning.
-Each bloc in the configuration file are defined with
- * label: must be provided is used either for debugging or as input for the action (eg: signal name, control name, ...)
- * info: optional used for documentation purpose only
-### Config is organised in 4 sections:
- * metadata
- * onload defines the set of action to be executed at startup time
- * control defines the set of controls with corresponding actions
- * event define the set of actions to be executed when receiving a given signal
-### Metadata
-As today matadata is only used for documentation purpose.
- * label + version mandatory
- * info optional
-### OnLoad section
-Defines startup time configuration. Onload may provide multiple initialisation profiles, each with a different label.
- * label is mandatory. Label is used to select onload profile at initialisation through DispatchOneOnLoad("onload-label") API;
- * info is optional
- * plugin provides optional unique plugin name. Plugin should follow "onload-bindername-xxxxx.ctlso" patern
- and are search into CONTROL_PLUGIN_PATH. When defined controller will execute user provided function context=CTLP_ONLOAD(label,version,info).
- The context returned by this routine is provided back to any C routines call later by the controller. Note that Lua2C function
- are prefix in Lua script with plugin label (eg: MyPlug: in following config sample)
- * lua2c list of Lua commands shipped with provided plugin.
- * require list of binding that should be initialised before the controller starts. Note that some listed requirer binding might be absent,
- nevertheless any present binding from this list will be started before controller binding, missing ones generate a warning.
- * action the list of action to execute during loadtime. Any failure in action will prevent controller binding from starting.
-### Control section
-Defines a list of controls that are accessible through (api="control", verb="request", control="control-label").
- * label mandatory
- * info optional
- * permissions Cynara needed privileges to request this control (same as AppFw-V2)
- * action the list of actions
-### Event section
-Defines a list of actions to be executed on event reception. Even can do anything a controller can (change state,
-send back signal, ...) eg: if a controller subscribes to vehicule speed, then speed-event may ajust master-volume to speed.
- * label mandatory
- * info optional
- * action the list of actions
-### Actions Categories
-Controler support tree categories of actions. Each action return a status status where 0=success and 1=failure.
- * AppFw API, Provides a generic model to request other bindings. Requested binding can be local (eg: ALSA/UCM) or
- external (eg: vehicle signalling).
- * api provides requested binding API name
- * verb provides verb to requested binding
- * args optionally provides a jsonc object for targeted binding API. Note that 'args' are statically defined
- in JSON configuration file. Controler client may also provided its own arguments from the query list. Targeted
- binding receives both arguments defined in the config file and the argument provided by controller client.
- * C-API, when defined in the onload section, the plugin may provided C native API with CTLP-CAPI(apiname, label, args, query, context).
- Plugin may also create Lua command with CTLP-Lua2C(LuaFuncName, label, args, query, context). Where args+query are JSONC object
- and context the value return from CTLP_ONLOAD function. Any missing value is set to NULL.
- * Lua-API, when compiled with Lua option, the controller support action defined directly in Lua script. During "onload" phase the
- controller search in CONTROL_Lua_PATH file with pattern "onload-bindername-xxxx.lua". Any file corresponding to this pattern
- is automatically loaded. Any function defined in those Lua script can be called through a controller action. Lua functions receive
- three parameters (label, args, query).
-Note: Lua added functions systematically prefix. AGL standard AppFw functions are prefixed with AGL: (eg: AGL:notice(), AGL_success(), ...).
-User Lua functions added though the plugin and CTLP_Lua2C are prefix with plugin label (eg: MyPlug:HelloWorld1).
-### Debugging Facilities
-Controler Lua script are check for syntax from CMAKE template with Luac. When needed to go further an developer API allow to
-execute directly Lua command within controller context from Rest/Ws (api=control, verb=lua_doscript). DoScript API takes two
-other optional arguments func=xxxx where xxxx is the function to execute within Lua script and args a JSON object to provide
-input parameter. When funcname is not given by default the controller try to execute middle filename doscript-xxxx-????.lua.
-When executed from controller Lua script may use any AppFw Apis as well as any L2C user defined commands in plugin.
-## Config Sample
-Here after a simple configuration sample.
- "$schema": "ToBeDone",
- "metadata": {
- "label": "sample-audio-control",
- "info": "Provide Default Audio Policy for Multimedia, Navigation and Emergency",
- "version": "1.0"
- },
- "onload": [{
- "label": "onload-default",
- "info": "onload initialisation config",
- "plugin": {
- "label" : "MyPlug",
- "sharelib": "ctl-audio-plugin-sample.ctlso",
- "lua2c": ["Lua2cHelloWorld1", "Lua2cHelloWorld2"]
- },
- "require": ["intel-hda", "jabra-usb", "scarlett-usb"],
- "actions": [
- {
- "label": "onload-sample-cb",
- "info": "Call control sharelib install entrypoint",
- "callback": "SamplePolicyInit",
- "args": {
- "arg1": "first_arg",
- "nextarg": "second arg value"
- }
- }, {
- "label": "onload-sample-api",
- "info": "Assert AlsaCore Presence",
- "api": "alsacore",
- "verb": "ping",
- "args": "test"
- }, {
- "label": "onload-hal-lua",
- "info": "Load avaliable HALs",
- "lua": "Audio_Init_Hal"
- }
- ]
- }],
- "controls":
- [
- {
- "label": "multimedia",
- "permissions": "urn:AGL:permission:audio:public:mutimedia",
- "actions": {
- "label": "multimedia-control-lua",
- "info": "Call Lua Script function Test_Lua_Engin",
- "lua": "Audio_Set_Multimedia"
- }
- }, {
- "label": "navigation",
- "permissions": "urn:AGL:permission:audio:public:navigation",
- "actions": {
- "label": "navigation-control-lua",
- "info": "Call Lua Script to set Navigation",
- "lua": "Audio_Set_Navigation"
- }
- }, {
- "label": "emergency",
- "permissions": "urn:AGL:permission:audio:public:emergency",
- "actions": {
- "label": "emergency-control-ucm",
- "lua": "Audio_Set_Emergency"
- }
- }, {
- "label": "multi-step-sample",
- "info" : "all actions must succeed for control to be accepted",
- "actions": [{
- "label": "multimedia-control-cb",
- "info": "Call Sharelib Sample Callback",
- "callback": "sampleControlNavigation",
- "args": {
- "arg1": "snoopy",
- "arg2": "toto"
- }
- }, {
- "label": "navigation-control-ucm",
- "api": "alsacore",
- "verb": "ping",
- "args": {
- "test": "navigation"
- }
- }, {
- "label": "navigation-control-lua",
- "info": "Call Lua Script to set Navigation",
- "lua": "Audio_Set_Navigation"
- }]
- }
- ],
- "events":
- [
- {
- "label": "Vehicle-Speed",
- "info": "Action when Vehicule speed change",
- "actions": [
- {
- "label": "speed-action-1",
- "callback": "Blink-when-over-130",
- "args": {
- "speed": 130
- "blink-speed": 1000
- }
- }, {
- "label": "Adjust-Volume",
- "lua": "Adjust_Volume_To_Speed",
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "label": "Reverse-Engage",
- "info": "When Reverse Gear is Engage",
- "actions": [
- {
- "label": "Display-Rear-Camera",
- "callback": "Display-Rear-Camera",
- }, {
- "label": "Prevent-Phone-Call",
- "api" : "phone",
- "verb" : "status",
- "args": {
- "call-accepted": false
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "label": "Neutral-Engage",
- "info": "When Reverse Neutral is Engage",
- "actions": [
- {
- "label": "Authorize-Video",
- "api" : "video",
- "verb" : "status",
- "args": {
- "tv-accepted": true
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- ]