BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mastershell: Correct pass the app_idMarius Vlad6 weeks
salmoncompositor: Fix missing inclusion of RDP backend headerMarius Vlad8 weeks
nextcompositor: Update to new window-output-api APIMarius Vlad3 months
sandbox/mvlad/updates-pipewirelayout: Add a background for remote outputsMarius Vlad3 months
sandbox/mvlad/ Update version to PipeWire + backends loadingMarius Vlad4 months
ricefishcompositor: Add option to disable black curtainsMarius Vlad7 months
sandbox/mvlad/t1T1Marius Vlad7 months
sandbox/mvlad/next-fix-rdp-backendcompositor: Fix RDP loading codeMarius Vlad11 months
sandbox/mvlad/next-phase-fix-nextcompositor: Fix loading nested X11/Wayland backendsMarius Vlad12 months
sandbox/mvlad/fix-nextlayout, shell: Use implicit layer move to add views to layersMarius Vlad12 months
quillbackAdd gitreview file for Quirky Quillback branchJan-Simon Moeller13 months
pikedesktop: Fix Xwayland buildMarius Vlad16 months
octopusshell: Don't reset the activation area alwaysMarius Vlad21 months
sandbox/mvlad/xwayland-supportTestingMarius Vlad22 months
needlefishinput: Fix minor issue while reporting disable cursorMarius Vlad2 years
sandbox/mvlad/fix-shell-v1shell: Verify agl-shell version for bound_ok/bound_failMarius Vlad2 years
sandbox/mvlad/grpc-async-cbgrpc-proxy: Init gRPCMarius Vlad2 years
sandbox/mvlad/switch-to-grpcAdd more grpc - AsyncstuffMarius Vlad2 years
sandbox/mvlad/split-v3-updateagl-shell: Add split functionality into agl-shell protocolMarius Vlad3 years
sandbox/mvlad/split-v3agl-shell: Add split functionality into agl-shell protocolMarius Vlad3 years
sandbox/mvlad/agl-shell-v3-move-out-agl-shell-desktopagl-shell: Add an explicit set_app_splitMarius Vlad3 years
sandbox/mvlad/agl-shell-v2-bind-events-destructoragl-shell: Add bound_ok and bound_fail events and a default destructorMarius Vlad3 years
marlinshell: Fix a typo when adding surface to pending listMarius Vlad3 years
lampreylayout: Address all other callsites w/ dirty+surface damageMarius Vlad3 years
sandbox/mvlad/test1xMarius Vlad3 years
koicompositor: Do not allow vt-switching by defaultMarius Vlad4 years
sandbox/mvlad/libweston10WIP: Boostrapped agl-client-shell tests.Marius Vlad4 years
sandbox/mvlad/libweston9compositor,main: Update to libweston9Marius Vlad4 years
sandbox/mvlad/weston-ci-libweston8tests: Add agl-client-shell testMarius Vlad4 years
sandbox/mvlad/pre-cimain: Split of main() from wet_main()Marius Vlad4 years
sandbox/mvlad/weston-ciagl-shell-test: Improve testMarius Vlad4 years
sandbox/mvlad/add-waltham-support-wipshell: Destroy weston_transmitter_surface as wellMarius Vlad4 years
sandbox/mvlad/add-waltham-support'Push' or foward depending on the remote output the app_id to theMarius Vlad4 years
sandbox/mvlad/screenshooter-initmain: Use a configuration option for hidding out the cursorMarius Vlad4 years
jellyfishAdd gitreview file for jellyfish branchJan-Simon Möller4 years
sandbox/mvlad/add-missing-hookslayout: Add missing hooks for other surface rolesMarius Vlad5 years
sandbox/mvlad/remote-surfaceslayout: Do not attempt to activate the surface on the remote outputMarius Vlad5 years
sandbox/mvlad/appids-per-outputsrc/ Adding remote surface roleMarius Vlad5 years
sandbox/mvlad/ Do another agl-compositor version bumpMarius Vlad5 years
sandbox/mvlad/ Increase the build version of agl-compositorMarius Vlad5 years Increase version of the compositorMarius Vlad5 years
icefishUpdate .gitreview fileJan-Simon Möller5 years