path: root/plugins
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
4 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/agl_test_conf.py b/plugins/agl_test_conf.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83f19f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/agl_test_conf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#The dir of test_suits
+WORK_DIR = "/usr/AGL/agl-test/tests/"
+#The dir for saving log
+BASE_LOGS_DIR = "/var/run/agl-test/logs/"
+#The dir for tmp log
+TMP_LOGS_DIR = BASE_LOGS_DIR + "tmp-log/"
+#The dir for the file that will report
+REPORT_LOGS_DIR = BASE_LOGS_DIR + "log-to-report/"
+#The dir for tmp test report
+TMP_TEST_REPORT = TMP_LOGS_DIR + "test-report/"
+#Get the log file
+def get_log_file(THIS_TEST):
+ log_file = TMP_LOGS_DIR + THIS_TEST + "/log/" + THIS_TEST + ".log"
+ return log_file
diff --git a/plugins/agl_test_log.py b/plugins/agl_test_log.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7a0721
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/agl_test_log.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+import pytest
+import re
+Process the log and init test_cases_values_and_status.
+log : the path of default log
+default log formate :
+ -> case_name: TEST-PASS
+ -> case_name: TEST-FAIL
+ -> case_name: TEST-SKIP
+def log_process_default(log):
+ pattern = '^ -> (.+?): (.+?)$'
+ parse_result = log_parse(log, pattern)
+ test_cases_values_and_status = [["test_id","values","status"]]
+ if parse_result:
+ for item in parse_result:
+ item_result = [item[0], item[1], ""]
+ test_cases_values_and_status.append(item_result)
+ return test_cases_values_and_status
+Process the log create by gnome_desktop_testing
+and init test_cases_values_and_status.
+log : the path of gnome_desktop_testing log
+gnome_desktop_testing log formate:
+ PASS: glib/tls-database.test
+ FAIL: glib/markup-escape.test
+ SKIP: glib/testname.test
+def log_process_gnome_desktop_testing(log):
+ pattern = '^(FAIL|PASS|SKIP.+?): (.+test?)'
+ parse_result = log_parse(log, pattern)
+ test_cases_values_and_status = [["test_id","values","status"]]
+ if parse_result:
+ for item in parse_result:
+ item_result = [item[1], item[0], ""]
+ test_cases_values_and_status.append(item_result)
+ return test_cases_values_and_status
+# parse log file with pattern
+def log_parse(log, pattern):
+ regex = re.compile(pattern, re.MULTILINE)
+ test_log = open(log, 'r')
+ parse_result = []
+ line = test_log.readline()
+ while line:
+ matchs = regex.search(line)
+ if matchs:
+ groups = matchs.groups()
+ parse_result.append(groups)
+ line=test_log.readline()
+ test_log.close()
+ return parse_result
diff --git a/plugins/agl_test_report.py b/plugins/agl_test_report.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cee1853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/agl_test_report.py
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+import json
+import shutil
+from plugins.agl_test_conf import REPORT_LOGS_DIR
+from plugins.agl_test_conf import TMP_LOGS_DIR
+#Compress the tmp log to .zip, and store the zip file under TMP_LOGS_DIR/test-report
+def log_compress(THIS_TEST):
+ base_name = TMP_LOGS_DIR + "test-report/" + THIS_TEST + "/log"
+ root_dir = TMP_LOGS_DIR + THIS_TEST + "/log"
+ shutil.make_archive(base_name,'zip',root_dir)
+#Get all test cases status
+#The type of test_cases_values_and_status is list,it's looks like that:
+#[['test_id', 'values', 'status'], ['rpm01', 'TEST-PASS', 'passed'],....]
+#The type of case_status is directory,it's looks like:
+#{'rpm03': 'passed', 'rpm02': 'passed', 'rpm01': 'passed'}
+def get_case_status(test_cases_values_and_status):
+ num = len(test_cases_values_and_status)
+ case_status = {}
+ for i in range(num):
+ if (i==0):
+ continue
+ case_status[test_cases_values_and_status[i][0]] = test_cases_values_and_status[i][2]
+ return case_status
+#Case_status is a dictionary type of data,Record the test name/id and final results of all test cases
+#Get the summary of the test case status, the result is like that:
+#Summary = [["collected",3],["passed",3],["failed",0],["skipped",0]]
+def get_summary(case_status):
+ collected_num = passed_num = failed_num = skipped_num = 0
+ collected_num = len(case_status)
+ for status in case_status.values():
+ if (status == "passed"):
+ passed_num = passed_num + 1
+ elif (status == "failed"):
+ failed_num = failed_num + 1
+ else:
+ skipped_num = skipped_num + 1
+ summary = [["collected",collected_num],["passed",passed_num],["failed",failed_num],["skipped",skipped_num]]
+ return summary
+#Write the test result to a json file under the dir TMP_LOGS_DIR
+def write_date_to_json(test_set_status,THIS_TEST,summary,case_status):
+ #The data that will be written into the json file
+ data = {
+ 'test_status': test_set_status,
+ 'test_name': THIS_TEST,
+ 'collected': summary[0][1],
+ 'passed': summary[1][1],
+ 'failed': summary[2][1],
+ 'skipped': summary[3][1],
+ 'case_status': case_status
+ }
+ #Write the "data" to the json file
+ report_json = TMP_LOGS_DIR + THIS_TEST + "/" + "report.json"
+ with open(report_json,'w') as f:
+ json.dump(data,f,indent=4,sort_keys=False)
+ f.close()
+def get_report_html(THIS_TEST,test_set_status,summary,case_status):
+ html = "<html>"
+ #<head> </head>
+ html = html + "<head>"
+ html = html + "<title>"
+ html = html + THIS_TEST + "test report"
+ html = html + "</title>"
+ html = html + "</head>"
+ #<body> </body>
+ html = html + "<body>"
+ html = html + "<h1>" + THIS_TEST + " test report" + "</h1>"
+ html = html + "<p>" + "Status :" + test_set_status + "</p>"
+ html = html + "<p>" + "Total: " + str(summary[0][1])
+ html = html + " Pass: " + str(summary[1][1])
+ html = html + " Fail: " + str(summary[2][1])
+ html = html + " Skip: " + str(summary[3][1]) + "</p>"
+ html = html + "<p>Details : </p>"
+ #<table> </table>
+ html = html + "<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"2\" >"
+ html = html + "<tr bgcolor = \"2400B0\">"
+ html = html + "<th><font color = \"white\">test case</font></th>"
+ html = html + "<th><font color = \"white\">status</font></th>"
+ html = html + "</tr>"
+ #Add content to the table
+ bgcolor = 0
+ for test_case in case_status:
+ if bgcolor == 0:
+ html = html + "<tr bgcolor = \"CCCBE4\">"
+ bgcolor = 1
+ else:
+ html = html + "<tr bgcolor = \"E8E7F2\">"
+ bgcolor = 0
+ html = html + "<th>" + test_case + "</th>"
+ html = html + "<th>" + case_status[test_case] + "</th>"
+ html = html + "</tr>"
+ html = html + "</table>"
+ html = html + "<p></p>"
+ html = html + "<font>Detail log :</font>"
+ #TODO update the link address for log.zip
+ html = html + "<a href=\"" + THIS_TEST + "/log.zip" + "\">log.zip</a>"
+ html = html + "</body>"
+ html = html + "</html>"
+ return html
+def write_to_html_file(THIS_TEST,html):
+ html_path = TMP_LOGS_DIR + "test-report/" + THIS_TEST + "/report.html"
+ html_file = open(html_path,"w")
+ html_file.write(html)
+ html_file.close()
diff --git a/plugins/agl_test_utils.py b/plugins/agl_test_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1204a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/agl_test_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import subprocess
+from plugins.agl_test_conf import REPORT_LOGS_DIR
+from plugins.agl_test_conf import TMP_LOGS_DIR
+from plugins.agl_test_conf import TMP_TEST_REPORT
+#Check if there is the command that we needed
+def find_cmd(cmd):
+ output = subprocess.run(['which',cmd],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ if output.returncode==0:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ print("error: {} is not found".format(cmd))
+ return 1
+#Make dir for THIS_TEST to save the log
+def create_dir(THIS_TEST):
+ subprocess.run(['mkdir','-p',TMP_THIS_TEST_LOG])
+ subprocess.run(['mkdir','-p',TMP_TEST_REPORT_THIS])
+# print errors
+def printe(msg):
+ print("**** ERROR: " + msg)
+# print debug info
+def printd(msg):
+ # TODO
+ print("==== DEBUG: " + msg)