path: root/doc/writing-afb-plugins.md
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authorJosé Bollo <jose.bollo@iot.bzh>2016-05-24 23:49:18 +0200
committerJosé Bollo <jose.bollo@iot.bzh>2016-05-25 00:13:33 +0200
commit302353aa3b90bf3b70d33f05e6c78754d2f1bc7a (patch)
tree081da81f522a3bd27b41862b6c83f538d891c510 /doc/writing-afb-plugins.md
parent01740abeafa96e11103b1366ae0129d4e87281aa (diff)
begins the documentation
Change-Id: I560725dfa5dd7ab1ae5e91b45f5ba613c3a2c1de Signed-off-by: José Bollo <jose.bollo@iot.bzh>
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/writing-afb-plugins.md')
1 files changed, 404 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/writing-afb-plugins.md b/doc/writing-afb-plugins.md
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index 00000000..f0e3a376
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+ version: 1
+ Date: 24 mai 2016
+ Author: José Bollo
+The binder afb-daemon serves files through
+the HTTP protocol and offers access to API's through
+HTTP or WebSocket protocol.
+The plugins are used to add API's to afb-daemon.
+This part describes how to write a plugin for afb-daemon.
+Excepting this summary, this part is intended to be read
+by developpers.
+Before going into details, through a tiny example,
+a short overview plugins basis is needed.
+### Nature of a plugin
+A plugin is a separate piece of code made of a shared library.
+The plugin is loaded and activated by afb-daemon when afb-daemon
+Technically, a plugin is not linked to any library of afb-daemon.
+### Live cycle of a plugin within afb-daemon
+The plugins are loaded and activated when afb-daemon starts.
+At start, the plugin initialise itself.
+If it fails to initialise then afb-daemon stops.
+Conversely, if it success to initialize, it must declare
+a name, that must be unique, and a list of API's verbs.
+When initialized, the functions implementing the API's verbs
+of the plugin are activated on call.
+At the end, nothing special is done by afb-daemon.
+Consequently, developpers of plugins should use 'atexit'
+or 'on_exit' during initialisation if they need to
+perform specific actions when stopping.
+### Content of a plugin
+For afb-daemon, a plugin contains 2 different
+things: names and functions.
+There is two kind of names:
+ - the name of the plugin,
+ - the names of the verbs.
+There is two kind of functions:
+ - the initialisation function
+ - functions implementing verbs
+Afb-daemon translates the name of the method that is
+invoked to a pair of API and verb names. For example,
+the method named **foo/bar** translated to the API
+name **foo** and the verb name **bar**.
+To serve it, afb-daemon search the plugin that record
+the name **foo** and if it also recorded the verb **bar**,
+it calls the implementation function declared for this verb.
+Afb-daemon make no distinction between lower case
+and upper case when searching for a method.
+Thus, The names **TicTacToe/Board** and **tictactoe/borad**
+are equals.
+#### The name of the plugin
+The name of the plugin is also known as the name
+of the API that defines the plugin.
+This name is also known as the prefix.
+The name of a plugin MUST be unique within afb-daemon.
+For example, when a client of afb-daemon
+calls a method named **foo/bar**. Afb-daemon
+extracts the prefix **foo** and the suffix **bar**.
+**foo** is the API name and must match a plugin name,
+the plugin that implements the verb **bar**.
+#### Names of verbs
+Each plugin exposes a set of verbs that can be called
+by client of afb-daemon.
+The name of a verb MUST be unique within a plugin.
+Plugins link verbs to functions that are called
+when clients emit requests for that verb.
+For example, when a client of afb-daemon
+calls a method named **foo/bar**.
+#### The initialisation function
+The initialisation function serves several purposes.
+1. It allows afb-daemon to check the version
+of the plugin using the name of the initialisation
+functions that it found. Currently, the initialisation
+function is named **pluginAfbV1Register**. It identifies
+the first version of plugins.
+2. It allows the plugin to initialise itself.
+3. It serves to the plugin to declare names, descriptions,
+requirements and implmentations of the verbs that it exposes.
+#### Functions implementing verbs
+When a method is called, afb-daemon constructs a request
+object and pass it to the implementation function for verb
+within the plugin of the API.
+An implementation function receives a request object that
+is used to get arguments of the request, to send
+answer, to store session data.
+A plugin MUST send an answer to the request.
+But it is not mandatory to send the answer
+before to return from the implementing function.
+This behaviour is important for implementing
+asynchronous actions.
+Implementation functions that always reply to the request
+before returning are named *synchronous implementations*.
+Those that don't always reply to the request before
+returning are named *asynchronous implementations*.
+Asynchronous implementations typically initiate an
+asynchronous action and record to send the reply
+on completion of this action.
+The Tic-Tac-Toe example
+This part explains how to write an afb-plugin.
+For the sake of being practical we will use many
+examples from the tic-tac-toe example.
+This plugin example is in *plugins/samples/tic-tac-toe.c*.
+This plugin is named ***tictactoe***.
+Choosing names
+The designer of a plugin must defines names for its plugin
+(or its API) and for the verbs of its API. He also
+must defines names for arguments given by name.
+While forging names, the designer should take into account
+the rules for making valid names and some rules that make
+the names easy to use across plaforms.
+The names and strings used ALL are UTF-8 encoded.
+### Names for API (plugin)
+The names of the API are checked.
+All characters are authorised except:
+- the control characters (\u0000 .. \u001f)
+- the characters of the set { ' ', '"', '#', '%', '&',
+ '\'', '/', '?', '`', '\x7f' }
+In other words the set of forbidden characters is
+{ \u0000..\u0020, \u0022, \u0023, \u0025..\u0027,
+ \u002f, \u003f, \u0060, \u007f }.
+Afb-daemon make no distinction between lower case
+and upper case when searching for an API by its name.
+### Names for verbs
+The names of the verbs are not checked.
+However, the validity rules for verb's names are the
+same as for API's names except that the dot (.) character
+is forbidden.
+Afb-daemon make no distinction between lower case
+and upper case when searching for an API by its name.
+### Names for arguments
+The names for arguments are not restricted and can be
+The arguments are searched with the case sensitive
+string comparison. Thus the names "index" and "Index"
+are not the same.
+### Forging names widely available
+The key names of javascript object can be almost
+anything using the arrayed notation:
+ object[key] = value
+That is not the case with the dot notation:
+ object.key = value
+Using the dot notation, the key must be a valid javascript
+For this reason, the chosen names should better be
+valid javascript identifier.
+It is also a good practice, even for arguments, to not
+rely on the case sensitivity and to avoid the use of
+names different only by the case.
+Options to set when compiling plugins
+Afb-daemon provides a configuration file for *pkg-config*.
+Typing the command
+ pkg-config --cflags afb-daemon
+will print the flags to use for compiling, like this:
+ $ pkg-config --cflags afb-daemon
+ -I/opt/local/include -I/usr/include/json-c
+For linking, you should use
+ $ pkg-config --libs afb-daemon
+ -ljson-c
+As you see, afb-daemon automatically includes dependency to json-c.
+This is done through the **Requires** keyword of pkg-config.
+If this behaviour is a problem, let us know.
+Header files to include
+The plugin *tictactoe* has the following lines for its includes:
+ #define _GNU_SOURCE
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <json-c/json.h>
+ #include <afb/afb-plugin.h>
+The header *afb/afb-plugin.h* includes all the features that a plugin
+needs except two foreign header that must be included by the plugin
+if it needs it:
+- *json-c/json.h*: this header must be include to handle json objects;
+- *systemd/sd-event.h*: this must be include to access the main loop;
+- *systemd/sd-bus.h*: this may be include to use dbus connections.
+The *tictactoe* plugin does not use systemd features so it is not included.
+When including *afb/afb-plugin.h*, the macro **_GNU_SOURCE** must be
+Writing a synchronous verb implementation
+The verb **tictactoe/board** is a synchronous implementation.
+Here is its listing:
+ /*
+ * get the board
+ */
+ static void board(struct afb_req req)
+ {
+ struct board *board;
+ struct json_object *description;
+ /* retrieves the context for the session */
+ board = board_of_req(req);
+ INFO(afbitf, "method 'board' called for boardid %d", board->id);
+ /* describe the board */
+ description = describe(board);
+ /* send the board's description */
+ afb_req_success(req, description, NULL);
+ }
+This examples show many aspects of writing a synchronous
+verb implementation.
+### The incoming request
+For any implementation, the request is received by a structure of type
+**struct afb_req**.
+***Important: note that this is a PLAIN structure, not a pointer to a structure.***
+This structure, here named *req*, is used
+*req* is used to get arguments of the request, to send
+answer, to store session data.
+This object and its interface is defined and documented
+in the file names *afb/afb-req-itf.h*
+The above example uses 2 times the request object *req*.
+The first time, it is used for retrieving the board attached to
+the session of the request.
+The second time, it is used to send the reply: an object that
+describes the current board.
+### Associating an object to the session for the plugin
+When the plugin *tic-tac-toe* receives a request, it musts regain
+the board that describes the game associated to the session.
+For a plugin, having data associated to a session is a common case.
+This data is called the context of the plugin for the session.
+For the plugin *tic-tac-toe*, the context is the board.
+The requests *afb_req* offer four functions for
+storing and retrieving the context associated to the session.
+These functions are:
+- **afb_req_context_get**:
+ retrieves the context data stored for the plugin.
+- **afb_req_context_set**:
+ store the context data of the plugin.
+- **afb_req_context**:
+ retrieves the context data of the plugin,
+ if needed, creates the context and store it.
+- **afb_req_context_clear**:
+ reset the stored data.
+The plugin *tictactoe* use a convenient function to retrieve
+its context: the board. This function is *board_of_req*:
+ /*
+ * retrieves the board of the request
+ */
+ static inline struct board *board_of_req(struct afb_req req)
+ {
+ return afb_req_context(req, (void*)get_new_board, (void*)release_board);
+ }
+This function is very simple because it merely wraps
+a call to the function **afb_req_context**, providing
+all needed arguments.
+The casts are required to avoid a warning when compiling.
+Here is the definition of the function **afb_req_context**
+ /*
+ * Gets the pointer stored by the plugin for the session of 'req'.
+ * If the stored pointer is NULL, indicating that no pointer was
+ * already stored, afb_req_context creates a new context by calling
+ * the function 'create_context' and stores it with the freeing function
+ * 'free_context'.
+ */
+ static inline void *afb_req_context(struct afb_req req, void *(*create_context)(), void (*free_context)(void*))
+ {
+ void *result = afb_req_context_get(req);
+ if (result == NULL) {
+ result = create_context();
+ afb_req_context_set(req, result, free_context);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+This powerful function ensures that the context exists and is
+stored for the session.
+The function **get_new_board** creates a new board and set its
+count of use to 1. The boards are counting their count of use
+to free there ressources when no more used.
+The function **release_board**
+### Sending the reply to a request
+Getting argument of invocation
+How to build a plugin
+Afb-daemon provides a The packaging of afb-daemon